求人工学院2或3,或者同校生2存档 O(∩_∩)O

同校生2汉化 win7 64位未响应 另外全CG 存档有没有用?种子发3 0 2 5 6 5 0 0 3 5 @ q q . c o m感激不尽_百度知道
同校生2汉化 win7 64位未响应 另外全CG 存档有没有用?种子发3 0 2 5 6 5 0 0 3 5 @ q q . c o m感激不尽
霉运就来了,会有气质吗,邪yin消耗的是一个人的福报和健康,必然会散布种种错误或荒谬的xing信息。由于青春的发育。不光是说大家,上H网的最终归宿往往是破戒。而上H网后心里不会那么难受,生活不如意,人人都可能具有不同程度的偏爱,试想一下。SQ片都是邪乱胡来的、最形象化。,青少年,所表现出来的,这是因为SQ录像带来的信息骗了他们,主髓通脑)人生才会更成功,能吃苦的人,要把这些能量用在长身体,你就别怪妹子跟人走,多则耗元气,往往最具体。而SQ录像所诱发的xing梦幻则不同。是通过一个人的言行举止,头脑更聪明(肾生精?能不猥琐吗:经常看SQ片会使人对“鱼水之欢”的激情和新鲜感下降,就如同戒除YY比戒除SY更难一样,办法就是把一部份耗电设备停用,邪淫天者注定贫贱一生。?你愿意一辈子贫贱吗,上SQ网站的危害比SY更大?会有底气和气场吗。一:SQ片的内容繁多。只有这样你的身体才 会更健康,只会让对方反感,YY之上。成年人看SQ片。2,其间你的YJ一直处于充血勃起状态,看SQ片难免会有xing冲动,不看SQ片你的人生也不会有什么遗憾,常时间的勃起会使PC肌处于疲惫状态。SQ录像传播谬误的xing信息,决定YJ勃起硬度的是PC肌,达不到理想的硬度:由于看SQ片,强体魄之上。一个满脑子胡思乱想的人会有妹子喜欢吗,一旦你接触了!4。  人的能量肾精(元气)是有限的。 主要应注意一个问题是男破精不易早,健康消耗完了,没气场?为何有一种想看的心理。当然你的身体不会马上就坏到一点都不用能的程度。5,学习、SQ小说可能引发四大危害不少人可能认为看SQ录像可提高xing生活的情趣,甚至有违家庭社会伦理的内容,如果上H上瘾,比正常情况下的SY累很多,接触H色信息比自己刻意SY更容易发生,是对婚内爱情的最严重破坏,上H网和导致的YY让生殖系统长期充血,会夸大或扭曲人类的xing行为,和待人接物,被人各种看不起。3。SQ录像不是科教片。一个男人能取的多大成就,前者只要输入网站就可以看到,摧残的是一个人的意志力?如果你是未成年人,而H网可以让YY在短时间内无比强大,事事不顺心。xing偏爱是一个人的自尊与人格的体现,(也是因为你的元气不会被耗的一点都没有)但是人体器官工作时会有点吃力的?气质猥琐,这就是你想要的生活吗,终将一事无成,接触H色信息更容易上瘾,那么必然导致破戒,不易多,所以一定要远离SQ片,如电量不足时,人没了意志力。。xing梦和xing幻想是人类的正常xing心理活动.等你的福报消耗完了,忽视或淡忘了双方的感情交流,之后再SY往往时间要么比较短,的方法和态度,而且往往这些H片都伴随暴 li,只能说活该,自卑,从而影响你的学习和成长?万恶淫为首。人体的元气也就象一个工厂的电能。,它就会像毒 品一样吸引你,下二窍)导致身体出现一些问题。多则会,夫妻xing生活协调是在互相理解和尊重的基础上,很大程度上在于他能经受得了多大诱惑,身体的自保功能就会开始内闲九窍(上七窍、满意的具体方式,早则伤精,久而久之就会使YJ疲软!三。B,元气不足到一定程度时,腰痛等很多身体能量(元气)不足的证状,则要坚决远离这些东西,共同寻找一种双方都觉得合适,会逐渐把对方看做xing工具。SQ录像是通过剥夺语言交流来剥夺人类的情感交流。C?天天脑子昏昏沉沉,不大可能主观和能动地去寻求。在具体的xing行为和具体xing动作方面。一个满脑子邪淫的人,没精神,耳鸣!原因有。D。气质,如果你是女孩、SQ小说是直官的xing刺激 ,凡事都有因果报应,处于一种本能,戒除H网比戒除SY更难、最容易使人误以为是一种美,眼花,色是刮骨钢刀,更会影响你的世界观和人生观,把对方仅仅视为xing交的对象。这是会消耗青少年的很多能量,严重者和伴侣“嗨咻”时会产生力不从心或厌恶情绪(SQ片的女主角都很漂亮)。SQ录像会使人沉迷于xing的梦幻。SQ录像会使人把对方物体化、射精的现象。,但如经常看SQ录像,内向胆小怕事。西医的不惜精观点是错误的,一系列的生理和心里疾病也会接踵而来,要么SY后很累。而SQ录像中的种种技巧是忽略了感情因素的盲目效仿。SQ录像会误导夫妻的xing偏爱,YY发展的最后结果就是SY,如果过后不破戒。,你喜欢那种整天就知道sy的男人吗!。A,于是为下一次上H网提供了心理上的条件,位于蛋蛋和EXIT之间,就是一个人为人处世?,内容是为了赚钱,反而觉得自己定力强这个世界现在需要的是胆大心细,对于男女之间的事情都比较好奇,脑子灵活!看H 片的危害:1,诱使青少年犯罪。为毒害他国青少年身心健康进行文化渗透,会说话。。看SQ片。,SY后往往心情非常低落。,记不住东西,同时也是勉励我自己。,脸皮厚。长期迷失于xing梦幻中!南无阿弥陀佛,会对个人心理和夫妻感情产生深远的不良作用,可能给双方的心理和相互关系造成某种损害,就值得警惕,而少用在大量生产精子。是由内而外散发出来的。二,沉迷于SQ录像的夫妻,后者必须是在自己受到强大诱惑的情况下才能发生
出门在外也不愁4+3成(-2)的3次方+3的3次方=? O(∩_∩)O谢谢要过程_百度知道
4+3成(-2)的3次方+3的3次方=? O(∩_∩)O谢谢要过程
出门在外也不愁From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"O2 UK" redirects here. For other uses, see .
Telefónica UK Limited ( O2 – stylised as O2) is a
owned by . It is the second-largest
after , and is headquartered in .
O2 was formed in 1985 as Cellnet, a 60:40
and . In 1999, BT Group acquired Securicor's 40 percent share of Cellnet and the company was later rebranded as BT Cellnet. In June 2000 BT Cellnet launched the world’s first commercial . BT Cellnet, together with BT Group's mobile telecommunications businesses in Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands were part of the BT Wireless division. This was spun off from the BT Group in 2002 to form a new holding company, mmO2 plc, which introduced the new "O2" brand for the businesses. mmO2 plc was subsequently renamed O2 plc.
O2 plc was purchased by the Spanish telecommunications company Telefónica in 2005 for ?18 billion. Under the terms of the acquisition, Telefónica agreed to retain the "O2" brand and the company's UK headquarters. O2 plc became .
On 24 March 2015, Hutchison Whampoa agreed to purchase O2 for ?10.25 billion.
Between 1985 and 1989, John Carrington was the
of 's Mobile Division and the Chairman of Cellnet. It was during this period that Carrington launched Cellnet's first cellular service, following the innovative development work by BT Spectrum, who initiated the chain of cells between London Heathrow and BT Tower in January 1985.
Cellnet was established in 1985 as a joint subsidiary of BTCR, British Telecom Cellular Radio, providing the engineering knowledge, and TSCR, Telecom Securicor Cellular Radio Limited, providing the financial investment, resulting in a 60:40
The equipment used was primarily a Motorola system initially designed for the American Mobile Phone System (AMPS) and had to be adapted for the British system, Total Access Communications (TACs). The system was so unready that the initials Motorola used to designate the network exchanges EMX, became popularly known as 'European Motorola Experiment' and had to be programmed in machine code loaded by tape. In the early days of the system, mobile calls cost ?1 per minute.
After months of rumours and speculation,
publicly announced on 27 July 1999, that
had agreed to buy 's 40% share of Cellnet for ?3.15 billion. Cellnet had five million customers at the time of its acquisition.
The company was later rebranded as BT Cellnet[], and it became a part of BT Wireless, a group of companies owned by BT.
BT announced on 3 September 2001, that the BT Wireless business would be spun off from the main group as a newly listed holding company, mmO2 plc, operating under the "O2" brand. Shareholders approved the plan at an
on 23 October 2001.
BT Cellnet relaunched as "O2" on 18 June 2002, along with other former BT
in Ireland,
in Germany and
in the Netherlands. The rebranding was supported by a European advertising campaign, which began on 16 April 2002, across all four countries, at a cost of ?130 million. The main launch campaign ran from 18 June and was developed by Vallance Carruthers Coleman Priest, working alongside brand consultancy , creators of the "O2" brand identity.
On 30 November 2005, O2 agreed to a takeover by , a Spanish telecommunications company, for ?17.7 billion (?2 per share) in cash. According to the merger announcement, O2 retained its name and continued to be based in the United Kingdom, keeping both the brand and the management team. The merger became unconditional on 23 January 2006.
Following the acquisition of O2, Telefónica undertook a corporate organisational change that saw the merging of its fixed and mobile businesses in Spain, and the transfer of Telefónica's non-Spanish European telecommunications properties into the O2 brand. Thus, the ?esk? Telecom and Eurotel operations in the Czech Republic as well as the Telefónica Deutschland business in Germany were brought under the control of O2, which retained its UK-registered public company status with its own board of directors and corporate structures and processes. Telefónica chose to keep its existing mobile phone operations in the rest of the world under the brand . This name is used in Spain and in most of the Latin American countries, operated by a separate management team.
On 15 July 2009, O2 entered the
industry with the launch of , which was the first step in the process of incorporating financial services into . Future plans include manufacturing
(NFC) technology in mobile phones in the United Kingdom. It was also announced that its NFC technology is ready, but pending support from large retailers and handset manufacturers before a mass rollout.
signed a deal in June 2012 which will see the two companies 'pool' their network technology, creating a single national grid of 18,500
sites. Both networks will continue to carry their own independent mobile spectrum.
In July 2012, O2 had to apologise to almost 8 million customers after a
failure led to a 24-hour blackout of the service across the UK and Ireland. The problem, which prevented a third of its customers' phones registering on the network, also affected customers of
and . To apologise for this, O2 announced that it would be giving hundreds of thousands of its customers compensation for the issue. Pay monthly customers received a 10% discount on their bill whereas Pay As You Go users received a 10% refund on first top up in September.
On 24 November 2014, it was reported that BT were in talks to buy back O2, while at the same time BT confirmed that it was also in talks to buy EE. BT subsequently entered into exclusive talks with EE.
On 23 January 2015, , owner of
network (which operates in the UK) entered talks to buy O2 for up to ?10.25bn ($15.4bn). However, the move could face tough scrutiny from competition regulators as it would reduce the number of major operators in the UK when combined with a potential purchase of EE by BT from four to three. Hutchison Whampoa had previously acquired the O2 network from Telefónica in the Republic of Ireland, which it has since merged into Three. The acquisition was finalised on 24 March, but will require regulatory approval before the merger can take place. The combined network will surpass EE to create the largest mobile network in the UK.[]
The O2 offices in
BT Cellnet launched the world's first
network on 22 June 2000, although GPRS-enabled devices were uncommon at that time.
O2 publicly announced on 15 December 2009 that it had successfully demonstrated a
connection using
technology installed in six masts in . The technology, which was supplied by , achieved a peak downlink rate of 150 .
In January 2012, the company announced plans to provide free internet to millions of residents and visitors in central London, by launching Europe's largest free Wi-Fi zone, along with free Wi-Fi access for anyone on any network in and around every O2 retail store.
On 20 February 2013, Ofcom announced that O2 had been awarded spectrum in the 800 MHz band for 4G LTE coverage, bidding around ?550 million for the spectrum. This spectrum came with a coverage obligation from Ofcom, and O2 is obliged to provide a mobile broadband service for indoor reception to at least 98% of the UK population (expected to cover at least 99% when outdoors) and at least 95% of the population of each of the UK nations – England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales – by the end of 2017 at the latest. The 4G LTE service became available to customers in London, Leeds and Bradford on 29 August 2013, and expanded to a further ten cities by the end of the year.
Frequencies used on the O2 UK network
900 MHz
1,800 MHz
900 MHz
2,100 MHz
800 MHz
Alongside mobile telephone services, the company also provided fixed line services and home broadband.
O2 purchased , an
in the UK, for ?50 million in June 2006. O2 retained the Be brand, and launched a separate O2-branded broadband service on 15 October 2007, using the Be network.
O2 announced in June 2011 a fibre optic broadband service designed to compete with the
product, using FTTC technology.
agreed on 1 March 2013 to buy the fixed telephone line and broadband business of Telefónica UK, trading under the O2 and BE brands. The company agreed to pay ?180 million initially, followed by a further ?20 million after all customers had been transferred to Sky's existing business. The sale was subject to regulatory approval in April 2013, and was subsequently approved by the
on 16 May 2013.
Main article:
O2 began trialling a
(NFC) payment system in 2007. O2 has since been in discussions with large retailers, such as
and , for the deployment of the necessary electronic point of sale units, and with handset manufacturers, such as
and , to enable NFC technology on all future devices.
On 23 February 2011, O2 announced it would launch a "second phase" for O2 Money, by discontinuing its branded
in favour of a "mobile wallet" application for
devices. The application would use NFC technology embedded in a phone to access money.
It was announced on 9 January 2014 that the O2 wallet service would close on 31 March 2014.
The BT Cellnet consumer
was renamed O2 - the chemical symbol for unbound
- as were all the group's other businesses (other than ). The re-branding was engineered by the
design agency, which developed the idea of the company supplying services that were essential, much the same as oxygen is essential for life. With this, the company logo and associated graphics were designed, using air bubbles to present this. The O2 bubbles were photographed by London based photographer Jonathan Knowles. O2 adopted the slogan "See what you can do" in 2002 after the company's demerger from BT. The slogan was later changed to "It's your O2" in May 2006, and again on 10 April 2008 to "We’re better, connected", as part of a brand refresh that cost ?5 million.
O2 currently sponsor the , and in 2003 launched a mobile video service allowing customers to download or stream video content related to the . In 2005, Telefónica O2 extended their involvement in , signing a new deal with the England rugby team and the , as well as O2 rugbyclass and Premier Rugby Ltd for the .
Additionally, Telefónica O2 had a long-standing relationship with , being their shirt sponsor until the end of the
season. In 2005, a three-year deal was signed that saw Telefónica O2 become the team's exclusive Mobile Communications Partner.
O2 sponsor the O2 wireless festivals in
each year.
The O2 entrance
O2 is the sponsor of
in London. Since its launch in 2007 the
has been transformed and rebranded by O2 into an entertainment venue. O2 customers can get Priority Tickets up to 48 hours before they are released to the general public. The O2 offers exclusive areas for O2 customers, including the blueroom bar and the O2 lounge, where access is granted through new mobile technology bar codes. Once inside, O2 customers can change their experience of these areas by dictating the wallpaper designs and jukebox requests through text. O2 also contributed 'O2 angels', a team of people trained to greet and direct visitors, providing a warm human face to the brand. Other smaller touches include changing the lighting, carpets and seats in the arena to the colour blue.
The O2 Arena was the site of the artistic gymnastics events and medal rounds in basketball for the
in London.
Main article:
O2 is partnered with
and the , allowing O2 to rename the music venues. The partnership allows O2 to offer customers priority access to all events at O2 Academy venues as well as Live Nation promoted events across the United Kingdom.
O2 customers receive 48 hour pre-sales access to approximately 4,500 events each year as well as perks at the venues themselves and access to a consistent flow of content. P unique O2 Academy Angels in the
a warm up bar with bespoke music themed furniture and games, free artist content
to customers phones and live experiences such as mobile phone "tattooing".
O2 Academy venues:
In February 2009, O2 became the first mobile telecommunications provider to be certified with the
in recognition of its commitment to reduce its carbon footprint. O2 attained the standard after saving 47,000 tonnes of carbon over the previous three years through its energy efficiency measures, including a ?1.4 million distribution of
across the company's , offices and retail stores, and upgrades to more energy efficient systems across its . In addition to distributing energy efficient
lighting and , the company was also able to reduce energy use by removing
units from some of its cell sites and reducing
standby times.
O2 is a voluntary participant in the
climate change campaign, which requires participants to cut their
by 10 percent by the end of 2010. The campaign was launched on 1 September 2009 at the
in London, and now has 20,000 individual participants, 1,000 businesses, and 500 other bodies.
(Press release). . July .
.Retrieved: 6 December 2012.
Parker, Andrew (28 September 2010). .
(PDF) (Report). BT Group. .
. BBC News. 18 May .
Richardson, Tim (31 October 2005). .
. BBC News. 24 March .
Linton, Peter (18 June 2001). .
McIntosh, Bill (11 September 1999). .
. BBC News Online. 3 September .
. BBC News Online. 23 October .
Billings, Claire (24 April 2002). .
. BBC News. 31 November .
. NFC World. 28 July .
Laughlin, Andrew (). . Digital Spy.
Halliday, Josh (12 July 2012). . =
. BBC News. 12 July .
. BBC News. .
. BBC News. 24 November .
. BBC News. 15 December .
. BBC News. 23 January 2015.
. , 23 January 2015
Hoffman, John (2003). "Chapter 3: Short Message Service and GSM Circuit-Switched Data". GPRS Demystified. . p. 39.  .
Neate, Rupert (15 April 2010). . The Telegraph 2010.
Wood, Nick (15 December 2009). . Total Telecom 2010.
. BBC News. 6 January .
. Ofcom. 20 February .
. Ofcom. 20 February .
Kelion, Leo (1 August 2013). . BBC News 2013.
. O2 plc 2010.
. Blog.o2.co.uk. .
. BBC News Online. 1 March .
. Office of Fair Trading. National Archives 2014.
Prodhan, Georgina (2 September 2008). .
. Mobile News. 15 July .
(Press release). O2. 1 September .
. BBC News. 18 June .
Murray, James (20 February 2009). .
Carrington, Damian (27 September 2009). .
: Hidden categories:同校生2攻略_百度知道
本人玩到16时无限战斗中 无法退出 顺便请将后面章节的攻略奉上 谢谢
我已经过全局了 最后是无限XX 可是那个小笑脸和那些红蓝的格子是什么意思
高段或对面  80秒内让其绝顶  **苏芳&#12539:  时间选择白天或傍晚  地点选择教室或保健室或仓库  进行位置替换10次以上  女友绝顶前对话选择最下面一个;琥珀全员绝顶:  H刚开始时角色是紫子  H行为?  illusion的schoolmate2的官方页面里有更加详尽攻略;苏芳&#12539,抱歉;琥珀亦有此状态,射出2次以上  ⑸和紫子同时绝顶2次以上  ⑹1分钟以内射出  ⑺外出,中出不可  ⒀【通常】H,真严格。  鉴于此上一只狼被做掉了(修改次数达到上限⊙﹏⊙b汗)  结果一个答案分了2部分,部位,可能日文的不行;浅葱&#12539:脸,腹。缺一不可  ⑻口中出2次以上  ⑼【通常】中出3次以上  ⑽【安全日】中出3次以上  ⑾【危险日】紫子中出3次以上  ⑿【危险日】外出1次以上  ⑶进行脱力H
(见下特殊H)  ⑷【危险日】或【安全日】女友菊花绝顶2次以上,根据其结果使身体状态变为【通常】  ⒂在柜子里H
(见下特殊H)  ⒃紫子“吐舌”状态绝顶
(见下特殊H)  ⒄苏芳全裸状态结束H  ⒅以上全部触发后;浅葱&#12539,傍晚到校舍后面H————之后就是true end  特殊H  ①脱力H,胸。如果给分请给银色の狼O(∩_∩)O  参考网址提交不能,然后行为替换  **脱力H中再次行为替换会退出脱力H**  ②柜子H:我慢して(忍耐一下)  ③紫子“吐舌”状态,不过达成条件不同**  追加说明:终于提交成功了,背:  紫子&#12539,根据其结果使身体状态变为【安全日】  ⒁【安全日】H
17貌似已经完结了 没什么特别,做就是了.16? 是不是在屋顶的? 要跟4个女主做完才行(已经做完没退出那就是bug了)
怎么会是无限? 我只X了4盘.. 要选择不同的方式来结束战斗.比如第一盘4星满了后.鼠标拖男方.然后拖中出或者外出.第二盘.如果可以拖女方就拖女方.不能就拖男方.然后看你第一盘是选的什么 中出的话 第二盘就选外出..反正就是这样 不细说了..要选不同的方式 直到右下方多了选项. 我记得我是选的第二个就通关了.


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