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文章一:Design and Realization of Virtual Training System for New Type Howitzer
文章二:Information Management System for Engineering Equipment Quality Supervision Based on the Quality Files
文章三:Quality Information Management of Inventory Assets Based on Equipment Defect Archives
文章四:Realization of Equipment Simulation Training System Based on Virtual Reality Technology
作者都是:Pin Duan
文章一:design and Realization of Virtual Training System for New Type Howitzer
作者:pin duan 请高手帮忙啊,近期要用,非常感谢!可以在追加金币的。 第四篇,已经检索。
Accession number:& & & &
& & & & Title:& & & & Realization of equipment simulation training system based on virtual reality technology
& & & & Authors:& & & &&&Duan, Pin1 E Pang, Lei1; Guo, Qi1; Jin, Yong1; Jia, Zhi-Xin1
& & & & Author affiliation:& & & & 1 General Armament Department of PLA, Wuhan Military Representative Office, Wuhan, China
& & & & Corresponding author:& & & &&&Duan, P. ()
& & & & Source title:& & & & Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
& & & & Abbreviated source title:& & & & Lect. Notes Electr. Eng.
& & & & Volume:& & & & 236 LNEE
& & & & Monograph title:& & & & Emerging Technologies for Information Systems, Computing, and Management
& & & & Issue date:& & & & 2013
& & & & Publication year:& & & & 2013
& & & & Pages:& & & & 415-423
& & & & Language:& & & & English
& & & & ISSN:& & & &&&
& & & & E-ISSN:& & & &&&
& & & & ISBN-13:& & & &&&0
& & & & Document type:& & & & Conference article (CA)
& & & & Conference name:& & & & 2012 International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Information Systems, Computing, and Management, ICM 2012
& & & & Conference date:& & & & December 8, 2012 - December 9, 2012
& & & & Conference location:& & & & Hangzhou, China
& & & & Conference code:& & & &&&97551
& & & & Publisher:& & & & Springer Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, Heidelberg, D-69121, Germany
& & & & Abstract:& & & & According to the actual needs of equipment training, function and structure of simulation system present themselves by comparing past training systems. The ideas are elaborated which include solid modeling, 3D terrain rendering, fault databases generation and control rules setting. The system was realized based on 3D interactive devices and programming language. By using forces, the system meets the design requirements and the training needs. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
& & & & Number of references:& & & & 10
& & & & Main heading:& & & &&&Three dimensional computer graphics
& & & & Controlled terms:& & & &&&Diagnosis&&-&&Information systems&&-&&Virtual reality
& & & & Uncontrolled terms:& & & &&&3-d terrains&&-&&Equipment trainings&&-&&Fault database&&-&&Simulation systems&&-&&Simulation training&&-&&Simulation training systems&&-&&Training Systems&&-&&Virtual reality technology
& & & & Classification code:& & & &&&461.6 Medicine and Pharmacology -&&723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications -&&903.2 Information Dissemination
& & & & DOI:& & & & 10.--47
& & & & Database:& & & & Compendex
& & & & & & & & Compilation and indexing terms, © 2013 Elsevier Inc. 文章三检索
Accession number:& & & &
& & & & Title:& & & & Quality information management of inventory assets based on equipment defect archives
& & & & Authors:& & & &&&Duan, Pin1 E Pang, Lei1; Jin, Yong1; Guo, Qi1
& & & & Author affiliation:& & & & 1 Wuhan Military Representative Office of General Armament Department, Wuhan, 430073, China
& & & & Corresponding author:& & & &&&Duan, P. ()
& & & & Source title:& & & & Applied Mechanics and Materials
& & & & Abbreviated source title:& & & & Appl. Mech. Mater.
& & & & Volume:& & & & 268
& & & & Issue:& & & & PART 1
& & & & Monograph title:& & & & Materials, Mechanical Engineering and Manufacture
& & & & Issue date:& & & & 2013
& & & & Publication year:& & & & 2013
& & & & Pages:& & & &
& & & & Language:& & & & English
& & & & ISSN:& & & &&&
& & & & E-ISSN:& & & &&&
& & & & ISBN-13:& & & &&&9
& & & & Document type:& & & & Conference article (CA)
& & & & Conference name:& & & & 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing, ICAMMM 2012
& & & & Conference date:& & & & November 17, 2012 - November 18, 2012
& & & & Conference location:& & & & Changsha, China
& & & & Conference code:& & & &&&95054
& & & & Publisher:& & & & Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany
& & & & Abstract:& & & & The equipment is a focus of the military enterprise asset management as the floating assets. There are contradictions between the equipment quality supervision and the modern weapons and equipment development. This paper proposes the solution to establish the information management for equipment quality. Then discusses the projection of information management, and elaborates the system framework and the function which the information management system needs to have. Lastly, taking computer technology as a platform and equipment defect archives as a database, establishes the information management system with auxiliary decision-making function. The text truly realizes the informationization management and the intelligent judgment and pointes out the more effective methods for quality management of inventory assets. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
& & & & Number of references:& & & & 10
& & & & Main heading:& & & &&&Auxiliary equipment
& & & & Controlled terms:& & & &&&Decision making&&-&&Defects&&-&&Information management&&-&&Manufacture&&-&&Quality management
& & & & Uncontrolled terms:& & & &&&Auxiliary decision-making&&-&&Computer technology&&-&&Decision-making function&&-&&Equipment defects&&-&&Equipment development&&-&&Equipment quality&&-&&Information management systems&&-&&Informationization&&-&&Intelligent judgment&&-&&Inventory assets&&-&&Military enterprise&&-&&Quality information managements&&-&&Quality supervision&&-&&System framework
& & & & Classification code:& & & &&&423 Non Mechanical Properties and Tests of Building Materials -&&537.1 Heat Treatment Processes -&&901 Engineering Profession -&&912.2 Management -&&951 Materials Science
& & & & DOI:& & & & 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.268-270.2011
& & & & Database:& & & & Compendex
& & & & & & & & Compilation and indexing terms, © 2013 Elsevier Inc. 文章二检索
Accession number:& & & &
& & & & Title:& & & & Information management system for engineering equipment quality supervision based on the quality files
& & & & Authors:& & & &&&Duan, Pin1 E Jin, Yong1; Guo, Qi1; Pang, Lei1; Jia, Zhi-Xin1
& & & & Author affiliation:& & & & 1 Wuhan Military Representative Office, General Armament Department, Wuhan, China
& & & & Corresponding author:& & & &&&Duan, P. ()
& & & & Source title:& & & & International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation: Core Areas of Industrial Engineering, IEMI 2012 - Proceedings
& & & & Abbreviated source title:& & & & Int. Asia Conf. Ind. Eng. Manage. Innov.: Core Areas Ind. Eng., IEMI - Proc.
& & & & Monograph title:& & & & International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation: Core Areas of Industrial Engineering, IEMI 2012 - Proceedings
& & & & Issue date:& & & & 2013
& & & & Publication year:& & & & 2013
& & & & Pages:& & & & 699-709
& & & & Language:& & & & English
& & & & ISBN-13:& & & &&&8
& & & & Document type:& & & & Conference article (CA)
& & & & Conference name:& & & & International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation: Core Areas of Industrial Engineering, IEMI 2012
& & & & Conference date:& & & & August 10, 2012 - August 11, 2012
& & & & Conference location:& & & & Beijing, China
& & & & Conference code:& & & &&&101684
& & & & Publisher:& & & & Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany
& & & & Abstract:& & & & There are contradictions between the mode of equipment quality supervision of the military enterprises with the pace of development of modern weapons and equipment, so the management of equipment quality information must be standardized, accurate, and efficient. Information management system is based on the accurate collection of the quality problem in the equipment whole life from research and development phase to after-sales service. Based on the computer technology as a platform, forms the quality files and realizes the long-term effective information management across the enterprise with more equipment, under the network shared environment, so that the equipment quality supervision specified in a more efficient working methods. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.
& & & & Number of references:& & & & 15
& & & & Main heading:& & & &&&Equipment
& & & & Controlled terms:& & & &&&Decision support systems&&-&&Industrial engineering&&-&&Industry&&-&&Information management&&-&&Quality control
& & & & Uncontrolled terms:& & & &&&After-sales services&&-&&Computer technology&&-&&Decision supports&&-&&Engineering equipments&&-&&Information management systems&&-&&Military enterprise&&-&&Quality supervision&&-&&Research and development
& & & & Classification code:& & & &&&723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications -&&901 Engineering Profession -&&911 Cost and Value E Industrial Economics -&&912 Industrial Engineering and Management -&&913 Production Planning and C Manufacturing -&&913.3 Quality Assurance and Control
& & & & DOI:& & & & 10.-642-
& & & & Database:& & & & Compendex
& & & & & & & & Compilation and indexing terms, © 2013 Elsevier Inc. 文章1,没有检索
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