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有谁知道little monster的含义,哈哈
Mother Monster Lady GaGa的粉丝
出门在外也不愁vivoy18l里有一款铃声叫little flickering,有谁知道它的出处或者下载地址,我_百度知道
vivoy18l里有一款铃声叫little flickering,有谁知道它的出处或者下载地址,我
vivoy18l里有一款铃声叫little flickering,有谁知道它的出处或者下载地址,供触垛吠艹杜讹森番缉我想下下来,求大神解答::&_&::
出门在外也不愁Nsfw!!! Adult 18+ Mim Put
28 Replies
Member since: Mar. 18, 2013
Blank Slate
Hey guys, I'm helping out in development (sorta) with a game that I'd like to share with you guys. Its called Mario is Missing: Peach's Untold Tale. Some of you may have heard of it, some of you probably not. But I'd like to spread the word and have people take a look at the hard work and dedication this man Ivan has put into this game.
The game is
which most of you guys already know about. It's a great game. It's a parody of Mario in which you control Princess Peach and pretty much fuck the enemies. Of course it has a story sorta built in but nothing too fancy at the moment as the game is designed by just one guy (others help out occasionally). We already have 74 friends/enemies designed and there are still more on the way. The game is definitely playable for about a good hour or so (as of now). The developer has worked very hard and shows no signs of giving up. All I want is for more people to see the game and enjoy it so his hard work does not go to waste! We are hoping to be able to make a website soon, for he has many other games that are planned. IT IS FREEWARE which means it is completely free, so enjoy it without worry. There is no download necessary so no worries about viruses. To make a note of my main purpose I AM ONLY HERE TO GET FEEDBACK I only want you guys to experience something new and enjoyable at no cost as well as get feedback from the animators and artists and what not.
Also if anyone would like to help out (design enemies, props, etc or come up with new ideas, or anything at all) please feel free to make an account and do so. Any help is beneficial to us and it makes us happy to be able to please everyone.
Link to game:
Donations are highly appreciated as it, (quoting the developer)
1- Makes me prioritize this game more than any other task for a reason, making me more present in the forum (/forum).
2- Will support the development of the game, as I'll be able to use more hours in the day, the night and even in some dawns to code it, yielding more features.
3- Will make the game have more quality and less bugs.
4- You will have priority in regard to possible features, bug reports and requests you discuss about.
5- It's a way to show me you appreciate the game."
You can visit his blog to donate:
Thank you and please enjoy our game!
If you have any questions regarding the game or anything else, feel free to ask here or on LoK. I will happily answer to the best of my abilities. If you'd like to contact Ivan, you can pm him on Lok, pm me on here, or just tell me and I'll rely it back to him and get back to you.
Thank you once again! And tell me what you think about the game!!! Be sure to check often for updates! Feedback helps us alot!
Member since: Jun. 7, 2008
Response to
Feedback you say? Hmmmm very rare hentai games ask for feedback. I like your entheusiasm kid, i'll give you a scale from 1-10 based on how much I stroked my weiner, 1 being not at all.
But if you wanted constructive feedback I feel you should have posted this in the art forum...
I'm just a dreamer.
Member since: Mar. 18, 2013
Blank Slate
Response to
At 3/19/13 02:35 PM, sweet21 wrote:
Feedback you say? Hmmmm very rare hentai games ask for feedback. I like your entheusiasm kid, i'll give you a scale from 1-10 based on how much I stroked my weiner, 1 being not at all.
But if you wanted constructive feedback I feel you should have posted this in the art forum...
I asked on the how-to's on where I should post it but I got no answer so I decided to post into the general. Since it is a game and not yet finished, the art section seemed a bit iffy. But yes thank you very much. I feel that this game has been worked on very hard and deserve some support as to what it can do to improve and what is good already, as the dev wants to please all players while still going down his route
Member since: Jun. 7, 2008
Response to
I cant provide immediate feedback, I need privacy, so sorry if you've been expecting me.
I should have some criticism by the end of the day.
I'm just a dreamer.
Member since: Mar. 18, 2013
Blank Slate
Response to
At 3/19/13 06:02 PM, sweet21 wrote:
I cant provide immediate feedback, I need privacy, so sorry if you've been expecting me.
I should have some criticism by the end of the day.
Hey no problem. Take your time and enjoy the game :D
Member since: Jul. 13, 2010
Response to
Wait, are you saying you were involved with all those legend of crystal games?
Member since: Mar. 18, 2013
Blank Slate
Response to
At 3/19/13 08:34 PM, Xenomit wrote:
Wait, are you saying you were involved with all those legend of crystal games?
Hahah no. Only this one. I helped make a few enemies, background graphics, some script and ideas.
Member since: Jul. 13, 2010
Response to
At 3/19/13 09:27 PM, AsianP3rsuasion wrote:
At 3/19/13 08:34 PM, Xenomit wrote:
Wait, are you saying you were involved with all those legend of crystal games?Hahah no. Only this one. I helped make a few enemies, background graphics, some script and ideas.
*highfives you*
Member since: Jun. 18, 2012
Response to
Seems pretty cool can't wait
The Blood Of Lost Souls Stains My Blade
Member since: Mar. 18, 2013
Blank Slate
Response to
At 3/19/13 09:32 PM, BloodCoveredWolf wrote:
Seems pretty cool can't wait
Hey thanks man!
And also dont be afraid to ask me questions or anything. I'll be sure to answer them ASAP!
Member since: Aug. 5, 2004
Movie Buff
Response to
This sounds pathetic and perverted.
Member since: Feb. 4, 2013
Response to
it's just a hentai game...nothing else, lol
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Member since: Jun. 7, 2008
Response to
Oh. Goombas and turtles....aw.
The goombas look kinda creepy.
And your suppose to say IN progress not ON progress.
Frame rate dips to hell whenever I jump and because Peach is a fucking giant I hit something I didn't see and fall into an abyss. Or have to start all over. I know you're trying to stay true to the source material by including platforming but this game clearly wasn't built for platforming.
And keep in mind what you are making is a HENTAI game, difficult platforming is completely out the window.
If you have to make me precision jump just to get to the next scene you're just cock blocking at that point.
The average human male can keep his boner alive for like 30 seconds before it starts going flacid. Any interest I had died when I had to platform up a slope all over again.
Sound effects are annoying as all hell, R.I.P. headphone user, seriously. You have 3 sounds going on at once for one sex scene.
Meaning I flicked my wiener and got a tickle but nothing else.
I'm just a dreamer.
Member since: Mar. 18, 2013
Blank Slate
Response to
At 3/20/13 01:12 AM, sweet21 wrote:
Oh. Goombas and turtles....aw.
The goombas look kinda creepy.
And your suppose to say IN progress not ON progress.
Frame rate dips to hell whenever I jump and because Peach is a fucking giant I hit something I didn't see and fall into an abyss. Or have to start all over. I know you're trying to stay true to the source material by including platforming but this game clearly wasn't built for platforming.
And keep in mind what you are making is a HENTAI game, difficult platforming is completely out the window.
If you have to make me precision jump just to get to the next scene you're just cock blocking at that point.
The average human male can keep his boner alive for like 30 seconds before it starts going flacid. Any interest I had died when I had to platform up a slope all over again.
Sound effects are annoying as all hell, R.I.P. headphone user, seriously. You have 3 sounds going on at once for one sex scene.
Meaning I flicked my wiener and got a tickle but nothing else.
Gotcha, thanks for your opinion ^_^ So far your the first to say anything about the jumping for awhile as we have revised that option many times. But I will make notice of it again. Secondly, if it starts to lag a bit, I recommend you play on Google Chrome and on medium to low quality if you have to come to it. And lastly, the gallery has a built in "cheat" button in which case if it was impossible to actually get anywhere, you can just go to that. I also must mention the actual cheat button itself. It will allow you to advance to another level but no points or bonuses will be gain. Again I must apologize for how it looks at the moment. We may plan to split it up into different flashes and even convert it later on to AS3. There are much more in the game that I guess you havent been able to see due to the inability to pass some obstacles. If possible would you mind telling me what/where they were? If not that is fine and again I apologize for your dissappointment. I will take your feedback into consdieration.
Member since: Jun. 7, 2008
Response to
At 3/20/13 06:41 AM, AsianP3rsuasion wrote:
There are much more in the game that I guess you havent been able to see due to the inability to pass some obstacles. If possible would you mind telling me what/where they were? If not that is fine and again I apologize for your dissappointment. I will take your feedback into consdieration.
Its not that I wasn't able to pass through any obstacle, its that if I fell I had to back track and there was far too much padding the game didnt need. The game feels unfocused, its trying to be something it doesn't need to be, is basically what im getting at. Im not embarking on an epic quest, im playing hentai.
Also I notice you mentioned your plans to convert the game, spread it across multiple chapters etc etc.
I gotta tell you now you'll be making a mistake.
Quality & Quantity
You suffer from over ambition, its not a hentai thing, many artists get it. You need to lay out a plan for the game, its mechanics and the design choices. In this case the enemies and the scenes.
Too many enemies will be claustrophobic, just focus on what you have and improve upon it.
I feel like i've put too much focus into a naughty thread, so here's something to help me feel better about making serious conversation about hentai.
I'm just a dreamer.
Member since: Mar. 18, 2013
Blank Slate
Response to
At 3/20/13 10:48 AM, sweet21 wrote:
At 3/20/13 06:41 AM, AsianP3rsuasion wrote:
There are much more in the game that I guess you havent been able to see due to the inability to pass some obstacles. If possible would you mind telling me what/where they were? If not that is fine and again I apologize for your dissappointment. I will take your feedback into consdieration.Its not that I wasn't able to pass through any obstacle, its that if I fell I had to back track and there was far too much padding the game didnt need. The game feels unfocused, its trying to be something it doesn't need to be, is basically what im getting at. Im not embarking on an epic quest, im playing hentai.
Also I notice you mentioned your plans to convert the game, spread it across multiple chapters etc etc.
I gotta tell you now you'll be making a mistake.
Quality & Quantity
You suffer from over ambition, its not a hentai thing, many artists get it. You need to lay out a plan for the game, its mechanics and the design choices. In this case the enemies and the scenes.
Too many enemies will be claustrophobic, just focus on what you have and improve upon it.
I feel like i've put too much focus into a naughty thread, so here's something to help me feel better about making serious conversation about hentai. Meh.
I understand what you're saying now. But I'm afraid you have mistaken the true purpose of making this game. Yes it is hentai, but the dev (in my perspective) feels that its time to make a hentai game that someone can play for a short just for the pleasure of it, or just play to play. Because of your feedback, I think I've come up with a new great idea. If you have played the Mario games, you must realize that it is all together an epic quest to save the princess. Well this is the parody and so he is trying his best to stay to the route.
As for converting it and splitting it up, it is for the quality for the game rather than quantity. We already have everything planned out. It will be like the normal Mario game with 8 worlds as well as a few extra levels. The idea of this game is to make something no one has ever done before. By converting it to AS3 we are able to add more features for the players as well as make playing it easier. By splitting it up into different flashes, the size of it will decrease which in turn will allow players with not-so up to date technology can play without lag. All is planned and is going well as of now. He isnt rushing, he is taking his time and, like you said, improving what we already have while adding more little by little. We have redesigned the peach models about 5 times already as well as re-did all the graphics from the original game (made by playshapes but abandoned)
I must apologize though. I did not realize that I would get so many people that are hesitant to speak of hentai on Newgrounds. Thank you anyways, and I do understand how you feel, because when people masturbate they want to jump right into the action and just get through it. But I also feel that its time hentai games that are well made and had the effort put in them get recognized. If you think this is hard, I'd advise you to play Sakyubasu no Tatakai, as well there are more raging players on that game than there ever will be on any hentai game.
Again I appreciate ur feedback very much and I will see you around
Member since: Jan. 17, 2004
Response to
This seems like an ambitions game, it's like a combined platform, hentai and dress-up in one. In the levels, it's easy to toggle between hentai and regular mode, either jumping on the goombas as is traditional or having Peach give them blowjobs, etc. The overall pace of the game feels a bit slow, and the overall layout a bit large. Feels like you'd get a bigger picture if everything was scaled down a bit, and a more intense experience if you could speed up the walk. Otherwise the controls are easy to get accustomed to, though the alternations or much more than they would in a regular SMB game. A few bugs/notes:
- In the levels, it appears Peach starts to flicker occasionally, while she's just walking.
- The hit areas of objects don't always seem as exact as they could be. Peach easily jumps through corners of blocks, for example. With a scaled-down version there would be more space for ex. jumps, and no need for hit areas that don't wholly apply.
- Text in speech bubbles would be easier to read in a bit darker color, maybe different font.
- As you start the game, it would be good with a quick tutorial to get you accustomed to the controls.
- Boobs aren't jiggly enough.
Overall though it looks like a lot of fun. Hope it'll get posted to NG when it's finished!
Member since: Mar. 18, 2013
Blank Slate
Response to
At 3/21/13 09:31 AM, Cyberdevil wrote:
This seems like an ambitions game, it's like a combined platform, hentai and dress-up in one. In the levels, it's easy to toggle between hentai and regular mode, either jumping on the goombas as is traditional or having Peach give them blowjobs, etc. The overall pace of the game feels a bit slow, and the overall layout a bit large. Feels like you'd get a bigger picture if everything was scaled down a bit, and a more intense experience if you could speed up the walk. Otherwise the controls are easy to get accustomed to, though the alternations or much more than they would in a regular SMB game. A few bugs/notes:
- In the levels, it appears Peach starts to flicker occasionally, while she's just walking.
- The hit areas of objects don't always seem as exact as they could be. Peach easily jumps through corners of blocks, for example. With a scaled-down version there would be more space for ex. jumps, and no need for hit areas that don't wholly apply.
- Text in speech bubbles would be easier to read in a bit darker color, maybe different font.
- As you start the game, it would be good with a quick tutorial to get you accustomed to the controls.
- Boobs aren't jiggly enough.
Overall though it looks like a lot of fun. Hope it'll get posted to NG when it's finished!
Thanks for the feedback! Now lets see where to start. The toggle between the hentai mode and what not is for a bonus. There will be 3 endings according to how many enemies you've fucked. Of course with Virgin being the most challenging and most rewarding ending of all. But no worries on difficulty because scenes with anal will not count as she will still be a virgin :P Hmmm...slow I see what you mean. As of now, not much of a "story" has been implemented yet, and so when we do I'll assure you the pace will become faster. I understand the speed problems, but there are power ups in all levels that will give you the speed boost ur looking for. Not to mention the run button that you can hold down. On the flicker part, what did you do? Just walk? If so I will test it out and will notify the dev. As for the hit boxes, we held a poll for either exact hit boxes or not and we decided to keep it in the middle for ease of access. There are some spots and jumps that would be way too annoying to get through if we had exact. Scaling it down would mean to start all over. For the main fact that, we pretty much used PlayShapes's version and redesigned it. So our model is based off of that. If we were to scale it down it would mean that we would have to redo all the scenes and what not. I will take note of the speech bubbles. Tutorial as in controls? The controls should be right there as you get up from bed. Any further controls can be accessed in the pause screen. We also have the blue speaker boxes lying around that you can hit to gain info. Boob's will get more jiggly as you obtain red mushrooms. They will increase the size but in turn slow you down so be careful! Again thank you very much for the feedback! I will be sure it gets posted on here right when it's finished (which might not be for like another year or so hahah)
Member since: Jan. 17, 2004
Response to
At 3/21/13 02:27 PM, AsianP3rsuasion wrote:
Thanks for the feedback! + stuff.
Thanks for the in-depth reply, looks like there are a lot of features I missed out on during my quick run. As for the flickering, it started somewhere in the first level. I'm not sure if anything triggered the event, jumping on a goomba, dying/restarting, etc... but you could clearly see the edges of the different shapes that constitute the character model, as if it the alpha was scaled down a little bit. It lasted only a moment, but happened multiple times.
As for the tutorial, I saw the keyboard layout, but that's an overview only to the controls and not really the game itself. It would be good with captions or annotations when you first enter the world saying 'Press __ to jump', 'Press ___ to enter', 'Press ___ to give Goomba a blowjob', etcetc, to gradually introduce the player how everything works. Also notations on the map as to what different locations do, where to go, etc.
I will be sure it gets posted on here right when it's finished (which might not be for like another year or so hahah)
No rush. Great games take a long time to make. I just played Barbarians which according to author took a whole two years of steady development, and it turned out fantastic! Best of luck.
Member since: Mar. 18, 2013
Blank Slate
Response to
At 3/21/13 02:37 PM, Cyberdevil wrote:
At 3/21/13 02:27 PM, AsianP3rsuasion wrote:
Thanks for the feedback! + stuff.Thanks for the in-depth reply, looks like there are a lot of features I missed out on during my quick run. As for the flickering, it started somewhere in the first level. I'm not sure if anything triggered the event, jumping on a goomba, dying/restarting, etc... but you could clearly see the edges of the different shapes that constitute the character model, as if it the alpha was scaled down a little bit. It lasted only a moment, but happened multiple times.
As for the tutorial, I saw the keyboard layout, but that's an overview only to the controls and not really the game itself. It would be good with captions or annotations when you first enter the world saying 'Press __ to jump', 'Press ___ to enter', 'Press ___ to give Goomba a blowjob', etcetc, to gradually introduce the player how everything works. Also notations on the map as to what different locations do, where to go, etc.I will be sure it gets posted on here right when it's finished (which might not be for like another year or so hahah)No rush. Great games take a long time to make. I just played Barbarians which according to author took a whole two years of steady development, and it turned out fantastic! Best of luck.
Hmm I see what you mean...I will take a look at the flickering and report it ASAP. Thanks.
As for the tutorial, in my perspective, I would think it would be first nature to just walk. Honestly its about the exploration. The game is made for the players who aren't lazy and willing to earn their pleasure. Of course we are now discussing adding a mode for those who are a bit lazy. But I will see what he thinks about adding a tutorial to the beginning cutscenes. We have much more planned out for a beginning and I think a tutorial should be easy to add.
No worries haha, we are not rushing at all. It has been about two years and so far, only 2 worlds, a bunch of different power ups, and 74 enemies. With 8 worlds planned, you can be sure to see much more from this game than any other ever made. Thanks again! I appreciate it!
Member since: Apr. 5, 2012
Response to
At 3/19/13 02:22 PM, AsianP3rsuasion wrote:
Hey guys, I'm helping out in development (sorta) with a game that I'd like to share with you guys. Its called Mario is Missing: Peach's Untold Tale. Some of you may have heard of it, some of you probably not. But I'd like to spread the word and have people take a look at the hard work and dedication this man Ivan has put into this game.
Heard about this game, I though that it's done already because I was playing it. (I guess )
The game is
which most of you guys already know about. It's a great game. It's a parody of Mario in which you control Princess Peach and pretty much fuck the enemies. Of course it has a story sorta built in but nothing too fancy at the moment as the game is designed by just one guy (others help out occasionally).
<, these forums right? Heard of them, also enjoyed playing their games and those with K fox as main character.
Also if anyone would like to help out (design enemies, props, etc or come up with new ideas, or anything at all) please feel free to make an account and do so. Any help is beneficial to us and it makes us happy to be able to please everyone.
Link to game: /forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=2265
Thank you once again! And tell me what you think about the game!!! Be sure to check often for updates! Feedback helps us alot!
The game is really great and have much of potential, enjoyed playing very much, I hope to see more updates in the future!
&I fapped to this topic.&
- Razeroath.
Member since: Jul. 13, 2010
Response to
original I am.
Member since: Mar. 18, 2013
Blank Slate
Response to
At 3/21/13 03:09 PM, Dawcio510 wrote:
At 3/19/13 02:22 PM, AsianP3rsuasion wrote:
Hey guys, I'm helping out in development (sorta) with a game that I'd like to share with you guys. Its called Mario is Missing: Peach's Untold Tale. Some of you may have heard of it, some of you probably not. But I'd like to spread the word and have people take a look at the hard work and dedication this man Ivan has put into this game.Heard about this game, I though that it's done already because I was playing it. (I guess )
The game is
which most of you guys already know about. It's a great game. It's a parody of Mario in which you control Princess Peach and pretty much fuck the enemies. Of course it has a story sorta built in but nothing too fancy at the moment as the game is designed by just one guy (others help out occasionally).</, these forums right? Heard of them, also enjoyed playing their games and those with K fox as main character.
Also if anyone would like to help out (design enemies, props, etc or come up with new ideas, or anything at all) please feel free to make an account and do so. Any help is beneficial to us and it makes us happy to be able to please everyone.
Link to game: /forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=2265
Thank you once again! And tell me what you think about the game!!! Be sure to check often for updates! Feedback helps us alot!The game is really great and have much of potential, enjoyed playing very much, I hope to see more updates in the future!
Thanks! I hate those websites that just steal games and give the developer no credit &___&
Thats one reason why I enjoy newgrounds. It gives credit where credit is due.
. So I gave the dev the message about the flickering and well this is what he said "If they say when peach loses a life/goes inside a pipe/door (she became invulnerable for a bit), no way to let it better for now, I'm afraid. The only way to make Peach blink nicely is to make her object as a 'BLENDING=LAYER'. This takes up to 20% CPU resources in some cases!!
If some already argue against game CPU usage, imagine with LAYER on! So its really a small /cosmetic glitch we can live with. Some flash games also has this flickering problem." As you can see his english is a bit shaky so he may also have interpreted wrong.
Member since: Jan. 17, 2004
Response to
At 3/21/13 03:59 PM, AsianP3rsuasion wrote:
@Cyberdevil. So I gave the dev the message about the flickering and well this is what he said "If they say when peach loses a life/goes inside a pipe/door (she became invulnerable for a bit), no way to let it better for now, I'm afraid. The only way to make Peach blink nicely is to make her object as a 'BLENDING=LAYER'. This takes up to 20% CPU resources in some cases!!
If some already argue against game CPU usage, imagine with LAYER on! So its really a small /cosmetic glitch we can live with. Some flash games also has this flickering problem." As you can see his english is a bit shaky so he may also have interpreted wrong.
thanks for the info. Might have been when she loses a life, in which case it definitely sounds better with a little flickering than increased CPU usage. TBO the game already lags a little bit for me, though not so noticeably it would interfere with the gameplay experience. Thanks for the info!
Member since: Mar. 18, 2013
Blank Slate
Response to
At 3/21/13 04:12 PM, Cyberdevil wrote:
At 3/21/13 03:59 PM, AsianP3rsuasion wrote:
@Cyberdevil. So I gave the dev the message about the flickering and well this is what he said "If they say when peach loses a life/goes inside a pipe/door (she became invulnerable for a bit), no way to let it better for now, I'm afraid. The only way to make Peach blink nicely is to make her object as a 'BLENDING=LAYER'. This takes up to 20% CPU resources in some cases!!
If some already argue against game CPU usage, imagine with LAYER on! So its really a small /cosmetic glitch we can live with. Some flash games also has this flickering problem." As you can see his english is a bit shaky so he may also have interpreted wrong.thanks for the info. Might have been when she loses a life, in which case it definitely sounds better with a little flickering than increased CPU usage. TBO the game already lags a little bit for me, though not so noticeably it would interfere with the gameplay experience. Thanks for the info!
Hey no problem. If it lags, try using google chrome on about medium quality. That should make it lag less. Of course for me, I sometimes have to go down to low quality to play effectively. Though medium should work fine.
Member since: Jul. 24, 2007
Game Developer
Response to
Normally this would go in the Flash section, but you seem new to the site, so whatever.
I actually did a double take when I saw the graphics. You did an incredible job with them! Maybe too good of a job - I had to switch to Low quality to make the game run at a decent pace. The controls seem alright at first, but the main map is really tedious, for one. You should be able to use the arrow keys to select a destination rather than walking (very slowly) from one point to another. That really, really annoyed me.
But by far the biggest issue with the game, and the reason I ragequit, was the fact that it takes way too long to get to the action. And no, I'm not even talking about the sexual content. The dialogue was bland and lengthy, and when I finally got to the first level, all it said was for me to program the cannon. I pressed my up key EVERYWHERE and nothing happened.
If I offer to help you in a post, PM me to get it. I often forget to revisit threads.
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Member since: Mar. 18, 2013
Blank Slate
Response to
At 3/21/13 05:05 PM, Kwing wrote:
Normally this would go in the Flash section, but you seem new to the site, so whatever.
I actually did a double take when I saw the graphics. You did an incredible job with them! Maybe too good of a job - I had to switch to Low quality to make the game run at a decent pace. The controls seem alright at first, but the main map is really tedious, for one. You should be able to use the arrow keys to select a destination rather than walking (very slowly) from one point to another. That really, really annoyed me.
But by far the biggest issue with the game, and the reason I ragequit, was the fact that it takes way too long to get to the action. And no, I'm not even talking about the sexual content. The dialogue was bland and lengthy, and when I finally got to the first level, all it said was for me to program the cannon. I pressed my up key EVERYWHERE and nothing happened.
Haha I didnt see a flash section sorry ._.
But anyways is it really that sow? I guess it is huh. I'll see what I can do.
As for your problem, I dont know if you have read any of the past posts but the storyline hasnt been fully incorperated yet. I guess we should add directions. The first place you should've went was to world one and not the cannon. It is still being worked on at the moment. World 1 would be past the pink sign and from then on, you just keep going. The cannon is there for when u beat it, accessing levels can be easier. We are literally basing half of our stuff off of mario games and so far mainly Paper Mario Thousand Year Door. Anyways, I apologize for that. Please continue playing but ignore the cannon & _& hahaha.
Member since: Jan. 17, 2004
Response to
At 3/21/13 04:50 PM, AsianP3rsuasion wrote:
Hey no problem. If it lags, try using google chrome on about medium quality. That should make it lag less. Of course for me, I sometimes have to go down to low quality to play effectively. Though medium should work fine.
Chrome actually makes the game faster? I'd have thought it was the other way around, considering how much RAM the browser hogs. Thanks for the tip though!
Member since: Mar. 18, 2013
Blank Slate
Response to
At 3/21/13 06:17 PM, Cyberdevil wrote:
At 3/21/13 04:50 PM, AsianP3rsuasion wrote:
Hey no problem. If it lags, try using google chrome on about medium quality. That should make it lag less. Of course for me, I sometimes have to go down to low quality to play effectively. Though medium should work fine.Chrome actually makes the game faster? I'd have thought it was the other way around, considering how much RAM the browser hogs. Thanks for the tip though!
No problem, anytime!
I've sent a message to the dev regarding somethings.
First off, the speed of Peach has already been modified to go quite fast. Not to mention the fact that theres a button to run with. And so do you still think it needs to be faste?
Secondly,ve been a sign telling u to beat the airship level first before the cannon was there not? He has it there to tell you. Thats all haha. I hope you have fun!
Animu Pico's back and ready to mingle with NG's finest booty!
4.54 / 5.00
Something doesn't seem right when Pico is invited back to his old school.
4.08 / 5.00


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