
I. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)
A noed American pycholoi once remared ha childhood i a
period in one’ life. Indeed i i, for drin
one nderoe
by-ep ranformaion no only in
capaciy, b
and verbal ill. Each ep
an increae in
child’ concepal and
childhood, from infancy o abo five, he child
incldin in he oile, bahin and drein
hi ae, he alo learn o be very obervan,
creaive. Hi abiliy o remember hin alo
remember deail ha an adl may have difficly in
, he learn elemenary ill in problem-olvin.
clae, he child i
paper and ome colored pencil, he draw a variey
rrondin a well a from hi
circle. I i no
ee a child draw a moner o repreen an abive faher,
o repreen a lovin and carin moher.
A he radae o he laer ae of
ocialiaion by
wih hi peer—hi
alo learn o
wih new life iaion, incldin dae and
ime wor. iven a
prepare hi own ch
ainmen, repor and e and eaminaion o o wih heir friend
relaaion enerainmen.
1. A. adolecence
B. adlhood
C. childhood
D. infancy
2. A. pirial
C. pracical
3. A. inal
5. A. opimiic
B. imainaive
B. develop
C. decline
7. A. radally
B. Fornaely
C. nepecedly D. ndobedly
B. chemiry
9. A. picre
C. reflecion
10. A. chool
11. A. beay
12. A. infancy
B. adlhood
13. A. compein
C. ineracin
D. learnin
14. A. eperimen
C. wihdraw
D. concern
15. A. ambiio
B. oriinal
【答案】【知识点】 B1
3.D,inal v “表示”,每一步都表示孩子在概念和习能力的难度上增长;
6.A,develop 此处 表示能力的发展;
pencil,可知应当是美术课堂,故选B,ar cla 美术课;
10.A,通过下句可知画的是他的家人,故选A,family circle 家庭圈子;
12.B,A. infancy
婴儿期B. eenae 青少年C. adlhood 成年;成人期
aed 老年 根据上文,度过儿童时期,应当是青少年了,故选B;
14.B,eperimen wih 试用;尝试。尝试新的生活情况,想约会和兼职等;
A a worin mom wih hree yon on, eepin he hoe clean i a
we clean he hoe every
cleanin or bedroom and bahroom are bac o heir
When aed, my boy will help neaen heir room,
he able and pic p heir chool jn. B I need o
i aain and aain.
If I don’ remind hem, I will ep over all he hin
hoe loo lie a arbae can. hi i qie
id year when I never ___21
eem ha I canno e hee day bac aain a my own hoe.
When la wee I fond a proram called “hare
newpaper, I aw a rea chance o enae my on in
no encorae hee behavior drin he mmer, while
heir life i
he oal for my boy i o clean
own dorm room
hey are free. he reward for clean habi
(old), o I need o ar my plan a oon a poible.
1. 根据逻辑关系进行填充
2. 根据语法知识进行填充
3. 根据固定结构进行填充
4. 根据词形变化进行填充
16.hoh/ Alhoh, 与主句是让步关系;
18.of,remind b of h 固定搭配,提醒某人某事;
19. ha , 定语从句,先行词前有all修饰,只能用ha,不能用which;
20.a , qie a chane ,
21.lef,根据时间状语pre-id year应当用一般过去时态;
23. relain,生活是令人放松的,注意v.in和v.ed的区别;
24. heir,one’ own +名词,某人自己的;孩子们是复数,故用heir;
第一节: 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
When a child i old he i “ncool”, i can be
ay he doen’ care, and even ac in way
prpoe. B hee are imple way o handle adne by preendin i’
Helpin a child feel beer in chool had o be carefl.
“Why are yo worried abo wha oher children hin abo yo?
maer!” Children now ha i doe maer. Inead, an acive
be. Yo cold ay, “I’m oin o do a cople of hin
yo feel beer in chool.”
If a boy i havin roble main friend, he eacher
he eacher can arrane hin o ha he ha chance o e
o conribe o cla projec. hi i how he oher
o vale hi ood qaliie and o lie him. A
child’ poplariy in he rop by howin ha he
even help o p him in a ea ne o a very poplar child, or le him
a parner wih ha child in aciviie, ec.
here are hin ha paren can do a
yor child brin oher home o play. Encorae him o
meal and hen erve he dihe hey conider “per” .When yo plan
picnic, movie, and oher how, invie anoher child wih whom yor
wan o be friend.
Wha yo can do i o ive him a chance o join a
hin him o. hen, if he ha ood qaliie,
real friendhip of hi own.
26. A child who ha been informed of bein “ ncool” may
A. care nohin abo i
B. do omehin ncool on prpoe
C. develop a ene of aner
D. preend o e hr very mch
27. A eacher can help an npoplar child by
A. eein he child a he eacher’ favorie
B. ain he child o do omehin for parner
C. forcin oher children o mae friend wih he child
D. offerin he child chance o how hi ood qaliie
28. How can paren help heir child fi in beer?
A. By cooin delicio food for him.
B. By bein ind o hi
C. By forcin him o invie friend home.
D. By ain him o have
picnic in he par.
29. Which of he followin i RE?
A. Children don’ care oher’ commen on hem.
B. I’ only eacher’ wor o mae children poplar.
C. Paren hold ae heir children o for picnic and how more
D. Inviin children’ friend o family aciviie i ood for hem o
mae friend.
30. Which i he be ile of he e?
A. How an npoplar Child can be Helped
B. Why ome Children are npoplar
C. Wha ood Qaliie npoplar Children Have
D. Who Care abo npoplar Children
【答案】【知识点】C7 社会生活类
27.【答案】D.根据第三段第二句he eacher can arrane hin o ha
28.【答案】B.根据第四段第二句Be friendly when yor child brin oher home
o play.当孩子带其他同回家玩的时候,父母一定要有好。
I never hoh I wold have a life-chanin eperience a Wal-Mar.
Alhoh my hoh were only
andin in wan movin a qicly a I waned, and I lanced
here ood a man in hi evenie, wearin lae and a
I hoh, well, he an old y!
For he ne few mine I
before cannin he iem.
oin?” B he did omehin differen—he acally liened o people.
I hoh i wa odd. I have rown accomed o people ain
I wa doin imply o of roboic converaional habi. Afer a
don ive any hoh o he qeion and j
cold ay, “I j fond o I have i monh o live,” and
reply, “Have a rea day!”
B ha wan he end.
He ave hem he chane, waled arond he coner,
rih hand in an ac of friendhip. He looed a he comer in he
“I re wan o han yo for hoppin here oday,” he old hem. “Yo
a rea day. Bye-bye.”
he loo on he face of he
mile and ome heepih rin. All had been oched by hi imple ere--
-and in a place hey never epeced. hey
wal o, milin.
Of core, he did he ame o me and I o o now hi name, Mary.
Who wa ha y? I wa a if am Walon had come bac from
and invaded hi old y’ body.
I had never waled away from ha hop feelin lie ha.
31.he checo line he wrier wa andin in moved lower han epeced
becae_______ .
A.he cahier coldn’ wor a fa a oher
B.here were ome bi prchae
C.he cahier did more han cannin he iem
D.he wrier wa no paien enoh
32.Accordin o he wrier, when common people a yo “How’ i oin?”
A.hey don’ really care wha yo may anwer
B.hey are j pracicin heir converaion abiliy
C.hey are inqirin abo yor privae informaion
D.hey don’ epec o hear any neaive anwer
33.Wha wa mo comer’ reacion o Mary’ behavior?
A.hey hoh i pricele.
B.hey were in ome way moved.
C.hey hoh i awfl and odd.
D.hey fel omewha offended.
34.Wha can we infer abo am Walon?
A.He mih be Mary’ faher or randfaher.
B.He mih be friendly and devoed o Wal-Mar.
C.He mih have died while worin in he mare.
D.He mih have come bac from he dead once before.
35.Wha doe he wrier inend o epre hroh he e?
A.Or everyday life i alway fll of rprie.
B.Mo comer enjoy bein reaed hi way.
C.Bein differen i a ood way of doin bine.
D.A lile poiive acion can mae a bi difference.
【答案】【知识点】C7 社会生活类
31. 【答案】C 细节题。根据文章5,6行For he ne few mine I
He reeed every comer before cannin he iem. re,
he al, “How’ i oin?” B
liened o people.可知他不仅仅是扫描货物还和顾客进行了交流。故C正确。
32. 【答案】A 推理题。根据文章第6行re, hi word were
33. 【答案】B 细节题。根据文章倒数2,3行All had been oched
ere—and in a place hey never epeced. hey wold aher
and wal o, milin.可知顾客在不同程度上都被感动了。故B正确。
How far wold yo be willin o o o aify yor need
enoh o find o yor poibiliy of dyin from a errible dieae?
day ha’ more han an academic qeion, a racy mih
Cover ory.
here are now more han a hoand eneic e, for
baldne o brea cancer, and he li i
really wan o now wha mih evenally
Prie-winnin cieni Jame Waon, one of he fir people o
enire eneic maep, i aid o have aed no o be old if he were a
hiher ri for Alheimer’(老年痴呆症).
“If I ell yo ha yo have an increaed ri of ein
dieae, ha cold weih on yor mind and mae yo anio,
yo ee he re of yor life a yo wai for ha dieae o
cold really me yo p.” aid Dr. Rober reen, a Harvard eneici.
“Every ache and pain,” mih eed, cold be
beinnin of he end.” “ha’ rih. If yo ever worried yo were
for Alheimer’ dieae, hen every ime yo can’
parin lo, yo hin he dieae ha ared.”
Dr. reen ha been hinin abo hi ie for year. He led a
of people who waned o now if hey were
Alheimer’. I wa hoh ha people who o bad new wold, for lac
a beer medical erm, frea o. B reen and hi eam
wa “no inifican difference” beween how people
poibly he wor new of heir live. In fac, mo people hin hey
handle i. People who
informaion, ood or bad, aid reen.
36. he fir pararaph i mean o__________.
A. a ome qeion
B. inrodce he opic
C. aify reader’ crioiy
D. decribe an academic fac
37.Which of he followin i re of Jame Waon?
A. He i ronly in favor of he preen eneic e.
B. He i more liely o ffer from Alheimer’ dieae.
C. He believe eneic mappin can help cre any dieae.
D. He doen’ wan o now hi chance of ein a dieae.
38. Accordin o Pararaph 3 and 4, if a peron i a a hiher eneic
ri, i i__________.
A. adviable no o le him now
B. impoible o hide hi dieae
C. beer o inform him immediaely
D. neceary o remove hi aniey
39. he nderlined par “frea o” in Pararaph 5 i cloe in meanin
A. brea down
C. leave off
40. he dy led by Dr. reen indicae ha people__________.
A. prefer o hear ood new
B. end o find o he rh
C. can accep ome bad new
D. have he rih o be informed
【答案】【知识点】C7 社会生活类
36. 【答案】B.写作意图题:从第一段可知作者提出了两个问题,引出话题:人们愿不
37. 【答案】D.细节题:从第二段的句子:Nobel Prie-winnin cieni Jame
Waon, one of he fir people o map heir enire eneic maep, i aid
o have aed no o be old if he were a a hiher ri for
Alheimer’(老年痴呆症). 可知Jame Waon不想得知得病的机会选D
38. 【答案】A.细节题:从第三段的句子:“If I ell yo ha yo have an
increaed ri of ein a errible dieae, ha cold weih on yor mind
and mae yo anio, hroh which yo ee he re of yor life a yo
wai for ha dieae o hi yo. I cold really me yo
39. 【答案】A猜词题:从前面的句子:I wa hoh ha people who o bad
new wold, for lac of a beer medical erm,
40. 【答案】C推理题:从最后一段的句子:In fac, mo people hin hey can
handle i. People who a for he informaion ally can handle he
informaion, ood or bad, aid reen.可知 Dr.
ae frih or performance aniey i he aniey, or
occr in an individal
adience. I i mo commonly
projec and cla peeche. I ha
remblin hand and le, weay hand, dry moh ec.
In fac, mo of he fear occr before yo ep on ae.
p here, i ally oe away. h, i
learn o conrol. ry o hin
heihen yor enery, add color o
effec yo will acally loo healhier and more phyically aracive.
Many of he op performer in he world e ae frih o yo
ood company. ae frih may come and o or decreae, b i ally
no diappear permanenly. Yo m concenrae on ein he
and preen wha yo have prepared calmly.
Remember “Nobody”
rvey, many people wold raher die han ive a peech.
o yo, and yo are an nlcy y who i wih ae frih he whole
ry o ome of he raeie(策略) a follow o help e
conrol. Realie ha yo may never
learn o conrol i, and e i o yor advanae.
raeie are a follow when he proram bein:
1) If le are remblin, lean on able or hif le or move.
2) Don’ hold noe. he adience can ee hem hae. e
card inead.
3) e eye conac. Loo a he friendlie face in he adience.
Remember nervone doen’ how one-enh a mch a i feel.
each preenaion, mae a hor li of he iem yo hin
feel beer. Don’ be afraid o eperimen wih differen combinaion.
never now which one will wor be nil
conrol ae frih o i doen’ conrol yo. Once yo are ed
frih, yo will find yo on he road o a rea peech-maer.
41. omeone may be mo liely o ffer from ae frih
A. aendin an Enlih cla
B. andin in a claroom
C. wachin a performance
D. alin in fron of people
42. By hinin of ae frih in a poiive way, one cold ______.
A. learn o conrol ae frih
B. e rid of ae frih
C. calm down before eppin on ae
D. become more phyically aracive
43. Which of he followin i re?
A. op performer ally ffer from ae frih.
B. ae frih may ay wih a peron for a life ime.
C. Nobody wold raher die han ive a peech.
D. No one can overcome or conrol ae frih.
44. he ahor advie people wih ae frih o ______.
A. how one-enh of heir nervone
B. eperimen wih differen ind of ae frih
C. refer o he raeie whenever hey feel he need
D. e one of he raeie each ime
45. he paae mainly al abo ______.
A. how o deal wih ae frih
C. when ae frih occr
【答案】【知识点】C8 普知识类
41. 【答案】D
42. 【答案】A
43. 【答案】B
44. 【答案】C
45. 【答案】A
【题文】第二节 信息匹配 (共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10 分)
|Aroy niveriy
|Or poradae deree level edcaion
|provide he nowlede and ool o creae
|ccefl and meaninfl career.
|aplan niveriy
|Or niveriy offer comprehenive rainin |
|in healh care o prepare yo for a career in|
|he healh cience, correcion, or privae |
|Evere Collee
|hroh or online deree proram, yo can
|ain he neceary ill o join he healh |
|care indry. I i deined o prepare yo |
|for a career in he healh cience.
|anford-Brown Collee
|BC i dedicaed o providin innovaive
|proram ha enable den he opporniy|
|o ain profeional ill by pracicin in |
|or healh care cener before hey wor.
|Ramen Collee
|he Healhcare Manaemen Bachelor of cience|
|deree a or Collee will ive den he |
|edcaion and pracical eperience hey need |
|o wor a adminiraor.
|Brown Macie niveriy
|he Healh & nrin proram are deined o|
|provide den wih he edcaion needed o|
|ener healh and nrin career.
46. My family immiraed when I wa ill dyin my healhcare
in a local medical collee. o I had o ive p my bachelor deree
moved wih hem. Now I hope o find a collee ha
edcaion on he Inerne and realie my dream of bein a docor.
47. When I looed afer my moher in he hopial en year
moved by wha he nre did.
every paien e hroh he
deermined o ae p nrin career, and now, he ime i comin.
48. When dyin in he niveriy, my profeor ofen old me
wa impoible for me
nowlede in eboo. I mae me realie I hold loo for a
49. Afer radain from a medical collee and e
five year ao, I became a docor in a bi local
However, I find modern medical reearch developin fairly rapidly, o I
hope o ar my poradae deree dy in a
he people here beer.
50. Bein a reired docor, my faher alway hope ha
hi career. I now a docor can help lo of people, b
favorie job i manain, no maer in a company, an iniion or
oraniaion. o maybe learnin how o manae a
III. 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 基础写作(满分15分)
|研究机构 |he Reearcher 杂志对2000人进行调查
|和对象: |
|研究发现 |18-24岁的年轻人中有四分之一平均每天步行不到5分钟|
|1. 很多人把步行少归咎于技的发展;
|2. 有些年轻人觉得没有人一起散步也是步行少的一个 |
|专家建议 |1.每天多步行,不要总是开车或搭公车;
Dear edior,
I have been ein alon well wih my faher. However, a I’m in enior
hree now, he qeion wheher I hold live a chool or
for he nih ha come o or family
differen opinion over he maer and we are arin over i hee day.
My faher ini ha I hold live a
year, I have been pendin abo 80 mine every day o and
Livin a chool can help ave a lo of ime. In hi way, I can
ime for my die.
On he oher hand, wha I believe i ha I hold pend
home. Fir of all, if I come home for he nih, I will have more
o arrane my die. Meanwhile, I will have more ime o commnicae
my paren, which will mae
nderand each oher beer.
I don’ wan o mae compromie(妥协) and neiher doe my faher,
i eem. Cold yo ell me wha I hold do? I wold
cold ive me ome advice.
incere reader,
1. 以约30个词概括以上短文的内容。
2. 以约120个词表达你对住校这件事情的看法,内容包括:
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和校名称。
Dear eddy,
46-50. CFDAE
|对2000人进行调|do/condc/ c rvey b|
| a i hown in he
| he rvey how ha
|18-24岁的年轻 |yon people aed beween 18 and 24
| 25 one forh |
|把步行少归咎于|he developmen o people |
|blame echnoloy developmen for eepin hem from|
|add 20 have era 20-|
|wal for 20 mine or more
|降低很多疾病发|redce help preven
|many dieae
A maaine called he Reearcher condced a rvey amon
on heir walin ime. A i hown in he rvey, a qarer of yon
aed beween 18 and 24 wal no more han 5 mine on averae
people blame echnoloy developmen for
ome yon people owe he inadeqae walin ime o he lac
o wal wih. Baed on
everyday inead of ain he car or b all he ime.
be beer for people o have
believed o help redce he ri of many dieae, incldin
A qarer of(one in for of/25 percen of/ one forh of) yon adl
aed beween 18 and
accordin o he Reearcher ha rveyed 2,000 people. Mo of
people blamed echnoloy developmen for eepin hem from walin.
reaon iven by yon adl for
anyone o wal wih. he eper e havin
ain he car or b all he ime. Addin j
day can redce he ri of many dieae, which inclde hear
概要应包括:1 My faher and I hold differen opinion on
or come bac home for nih.
2 My faher ini ha I live a chool o ave more ime
commnicae more wih my paren.


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