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A Postcolonial Interpretation of Wide Sargasso Sea
【作者】 魏晓巍; 织梦好,好织梦
【导师】 黄际英; 织梦内容管理系统
【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学, 英语语言文学, 2006, 硕士
【摘要】 《藻海无边》是《简爱》的前篇(prequel),续写了罗切斯特的妻子伯莎梅森被贴上&疯子&的标签关进阁楼之前的经历。《藻海无边》的作者琼里斯是一个白种克里奥尔人。她从自身的经历出发,描写了作为白种克里奥尔人,尤其是一个白种克里奥尔女人的尴尬境地与身份危机。作为白人殖民者的后裔,《藻海无边》中的安托奈特(《简爱》中的伯莎梅森),不被当地的黑人文化所接受;作为一个白人与黑人的混血儿,出生在西印度群岛,又不被其遥远的祖籍欧洲所接受。在夹缝中生长的克里奥尔人注定要被两种文化认定为他者。当安托奈特受到黑人文化的排斥,她企图通过与白种人的婚姻找到身份的归宿。当罗切斯特通过婚姻得到了她的财产,就又象殖民者一样背弃了她。罗切斯特将她囚禁在阁楼,并且企图将安托奈特悲惨的故事改写成他本人上当受骗的历史。安托奈特的愤怒使她烧毁了象征男性专制与殖民财富的桑菲尔德堡,并在熊熊的大火中找到了自己的归属。本文从后殖民视角分析了《藻海无边》对欧洲中心论的颠覆。本文分三部分。第一部分简要介绍作者作品,回顾国内外评论家对此书的研究成果,并且提出本文论点,即以后殖民理论对《藻海无边》进行解读。第二部分,即文章的主体,共分两章:第一章简要的介绍的后殖民主义理论的发展。第二章从文本涉及的后殖民问题出发,阐述琼里斯对欧洲中心论的揭露与颠覆.本文所谓的后殖民问题主要是指,殖民者撤走以后留给前殖民地人民的问题。本文论述主要从种族矛盾、性别压迫和宗教问题这三个方面展开,探讨作者是如何揭露与颠覆欧洲中心论的,并且在颠覆的过程中,如何从一个被殖民者的角度纠正殖民者强加给殖民地人民不真实的历史与成见,并书写自己历史。文章的最后一部分是文章的结论部分。 更多还原
【Abstract】 Wide Sargasso Sea is the prequel of Jane Eyre, which tells the story of Rochester&s madwife Bertha Mason. It tells how Antoinette&Bertha Mason&s original name in Wide SargassoSea&is cajoled into marriage, deprived of her property and diagnosed as a mad woman. Theauthor of Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys is a white Creole. On the basis of her experience as awhite Creole, she tells the awkward situation of in-betweeness of white Creoles in the society,especially as a white Creole woman. Antoinette, the heroine of the story, as a descendent offormer white ruling class, is rejected by the blacks. On the other hand, as she is born in thecolonized country and is of mixed blood, she is also rejected by her remote home countries.Such Creoles are destined to suffer from in-betweeness, being regarded as Other by both sides.When Antoinette is rejected by the blacks, she attempts to seek her belonging in her marriagewith Rochester. However, when Rochester gets her money, he dumps her the way thecolonizers dump the colonized. At the end of Wide Sargasso Sea, Antoinette burns downThornfield which is a symbol of the tyranny of white male authority and colonizer&s wealth.In the fire, Antoinette gets her revenge and her identity.This thesis presents the subversion of Eurocentrism in Wide Sargasso Sea from thePostcolonial perspective. It can be divided into three parts. The first part gives a simpleintroduction of Wide Sargasso Sea and its critical responses to this piece of work. The secondpart is the main body of the thesis, which contains two chapters. Chapter one brieflyintroduces the development of Postcolonialism and generalizes its definition and study object.Chapter two deals with the Postcolonial issues concerned in the Wide Sargasso Sea and it canbe divided into three aspects: racial conflicts, gender oppression and religious confrontation,all of which are the problem left to the formerly colonized people by the colonizers. Fromthese three aspects, we can see that the author not only subverts the Eurocentric authority, butalso corrects the distorted images of the Europeans imposed on the formerly colonized andrewrites its history. The final part is the conclusion. 更多还原 copyright dedecms
【关键词】 颠覆; 欧洲中心论; 克里奥尔人; 身份;
【Key words】 Subversion; Eurocentrism; Creoles; Identity;
参考文献: 织梦内容管理系统
收录数据库:《中文科技期刊数据库》 来源:《内蒙古农业大学学报:社会科学版》 2011年 第4期 作者:王静 机构:包头师范学院外国语学院 内蒙古包头014030& 织梦好,好织梦
收录数据库:《中文科技期刊数据库》 来源:《教师》 2011年 第20期 作者:陈丽芳 机构:华南师范大学外国语言文学学院 广东广州510631& 织梦内容管理系统
收录数据库:《中文科技期刊数据库》 来源:《文教资料》 2011年 第20期 作者:陶李 机构:云南师范大学外语学院 云南昆明650092&
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琼·里斯(Jean Rhys,)是出生在加勒比海岛国多米尼加的英籍女作家,虽已逝去多年,如今仍具先锋意
义。她在1966年出版的最后一部长篇小说《藻海无边》(Wide Sargasso Sea)以夏洛蒂·勃朗特名作《简·爱》前篇形式呈现,是她的最佳作品。里斯在《藻海无边》中塑造了安托瓦内特(即《简·爱》中的贝莎·梅森)这一令人难忘的叛逆女性。她默默无言、貌似反派人物,是一个没有社会地位的混血女子,生活在19世纪英国殖民地,遭到种族主义和菲勒司中心主义的残酷迫害。正是对安托瓦内特心理活动的逼真摹写使里斯及其《藻海无边》成为英国文学史上的现代经典。在对《藻海无边》的研读过程中,本文作者注意到批评家们很少论及欧洲著名童话中的灰姑娘、简·爱与安托瓦内特三个著名文学人物之间的联系,而这种联系正是研究安托瓦内特形象的关键和重要内容。灰姑娘是一个脍炙人口的童话故事,讲述的是一个勤劳善良的女孩在备受继母虐待之后,遇到王子,从此过上幸福生活。这一原型或隐或显地广泛出现在文学作品中。小说《简爱》虽然在作品中体现了某些女性意识和反叛精神,实际上女主角的命运仍落入灰姑娘身世的俗套。里斯在《藻海无边》中向《简·爱》中表露的所谓女性自觉意识提出挑战,她似乎是在提醒读过《简·爱》的读者比较这两位生活在同一时代的女性,并循着贝莎本人的视角审视她的悲剧性命运、探究其中的原委。里斯将话语权赋予安托瓦内特,让她自述其悲惨一生,而《简·爱》中的同一女性则被剥夺了话语权、被迫保持缄默。在探讨醸成安托瓦内特悲剧的社会、心理、认识论或本体论成因过程中,里斯颠覆了传统资本主义或菲勒司中心主义话语。而以往的读者往往会认同这种话语,并将简·爱式的“自我奋斗”型女主人公误认为是19世纪女性主义的代表或先驱。本文作者试图运用神话原型批评和女性主义批评策略来剖析《藻海无边》及其颠覆性。通过比较、浅析浅析两部女性主义经典小说,即《简·爱》及其前篇《藻海无边》中的女主人公形象,本文作者将论述《藻海无边》对灰姑娘原型的解构。如果说《简·爱》是对灰姑娘原型的解构,那么《藻海无边》则是对其的进一步解构。里斯以灰姑娘和简·爱为参照系、塑造出具有强烈叛逆意识的安托瓦内特形象,这既是一种“时代错误,”也反映出她为妇女的精神解放而呐喊的超前、激进的女性主义意识。至于里斯能否算作一个女性主义者则并不重要。本文作者希望她对《藻海无边》的重构会提供一种新颖的解读视角。
【Abstract】 Jean Rhys(),was a 20thcentury Dominican and British novelist who might still be regarded avant-garde today.Her Wide Sargasso Sea(1966),a prequel of Charlotte Bront(?)’s Jane Eyre,marked the peak of her career as a novelist.In Wide Sargasso Sea Rhys creates the wordless and seemingly negative character,Antoinette(Bertha Mason),a rebelling woman living in the milieu of a 19th century colony.As a mixed blood,a woman of no consequences,she is ruthlessly trampled upon.In my opinion,it is her psychologically realistic portrait of Antoinette that earns Rhys a place in the literary canon.However,while I undertake my limited study on Wide Sargasso Sea,I notice that few critics have examined or even mentioned the interrelations among Cinderella, Jane Eyre and Antoinette,which is indeed crucial in the study on the characterization of Antoinette,the heroine in Wide Sargasso Sea.Cinderella is the titular heroine of the well-known fairy tale in Europe and elsewhere.She could be regarded as an archetypal character emerging in many literary works,including Jane Eyre,though superficial metamorphoses are allowed. Although the novel Jane Eyre is generally regarded as one of the greatest feminist works,the fate of the heroine is actually very.similar to that of Cinderella,falling into the repeated kitsch once more.Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea challenges Bront(?)’s so-called feminist consciousness embodied in Jane Eyre and invites those who have read Jane Eyre to compare the two women living in the same age,and to deplore Bertha’s tragedy and inquire into causes of it from her own point of view.Rhys lets Antoinette talk and vent her sorrows,while in Jane Eyre Bront(?)deprives the same woman the right to voice her opinion and forces her to remain silent.In exploring what is behind the tragedy,be it social or psychological, epistemological or ontological,Rhys subverts the capitalist and the phallocentric discourse taken for granted by the applied reader,who is used to the Jane Eyre type of "self-made" heroines and recognizes them as representatives and advocators of feminism in the 19thcentury.Analyses in my thesis are employed mainly form the perspectives of mythological and archetypal approach,and occasionally from that of feminist criticism.By comparing the hidden archetypal Cinderella in Jane Eyre and the anti-archetypal Wide Sargasso Sea respectively,I come to the conclusion that the novel Wide Sargasso Sea is basically subversion of the archetypal Cinderella story and that of Jane Eyre as well.The anachronism betrayed in Antoinette the self-reflexive heroine,as in contrast to the miserable girl Cinderella in the tear-jerker and the titular heroine in Jane Eyre, the self-assumed "independent woman," shows Jean Rhys,feminist or no feminist, was ahead of her time as an avant-gardist embracing radical thoughts concerning women’s emancipation in all aspects,but mainly in the ideological and spiritual sphere.I hope that my attempt in reconstruct Wide Sargasso Sea will provide a novel and reasonable approach to the understanding of the canonical work.
【关键词】 简·里斯;
【Key words】 Rhys;
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