罪爱安格尔 晨曦篇最后一集歌曲名字

  很少推荐音乐的偶又回来了。  每次推荐好听的歌中都会提到此歌曾在《XXX》《XXXXX》美剧中出现,于是乎干脆开个美剧音乐帖好了。  哎,一听见某些音乐就会想起最爱的片段有木有?  如果刚认识一个人,他说喜欢看美剧,好感立刻上升有木有?  如果一听歌就能知道是哪部美剧就觉得很满足有木有?  走大街上,如果有哪家商店放了那些歌你你会觉得那家店品味大大的有有木有?  如果................................
楼主发言:5次 发图:0张
  第一弹:《老友记》  重点推荐:I'll Be There For You   推荐理由:片头曲,杠杠的!美好的回忆!听见就要摇摆!好心情随之而来!如同朋友般的安慰。  I'll Be There For You 为你,我会在那里   So no one told you 没有人曾告诉过你,   Life was gonna be this way 生活就是这样的。   Your job's a joke, 你的事业不成功,   You're broke 一文不名,   our love life's D.O.A, 爱情没有结果。   It's like you're always stuck in second gear 就像开车的时候卡在二档,无法迅速前进。   Oh when it hasn't been your day 当这一天、这一周、这一个月,   Your week, your month, or even your year 甚至这一年你都很倒霉。   But I'll be there for you 但是我会在那里支持你,   When the rain starts to pour 即使大雨倾盆。   I'll be there for you 我会在那里支持你,   Like I've been there before 就像我以前一样。   I'll be there for you 我会在那里支持你,   'Cause you're there for me, too 因为你也会是我坚强的后盾。   You're still in bed at ten 早上10点你还赖在床上,   And work began at eight 即使8点就应该去上班。   You've burned your breakfast 你把早餐弄煳了,   So far things are going great 但直到现在一切还不错。   Your mother told you 你妈妈告诉你,   There'd be days like these 生活有时候会像这样不如意。   But she didn't tell you when the world 但是她没有告诉你,   Has brought you down to your knees 你也会有心灰意冷的时候。   But I'll be there for you 但是我会在那里支持你,   When the rain starts to pour 即使大雨倾盆。   I'll be there for you 我会在那里支持你,   Like I've been there before 就像我以前一样。   I'll be there for you 我会在那里支持你,   'Cause you're there for me, too 因为你也会是我坚强的后盾。   No one could ever know me 没有人能够了解我,   No one could ever see me 没有人可以看透我,   Seems you're the only one who knows 似乎只有你知道   What it's like to be me 我该是什么样的人。   Someone to face the day with 我会和你一起面对明天,   Make it through all the rest with 一起坚持到底,   Someone I'll always laugh with 一起纵情欢笑。   Even at my worst I'm best with you 无论情况有多糟,我们都是最合拍的一对。   It's like you're always stuck in second gear 就像开车的时候卡在二档,无法迅速前进。   Oh when it hasn't been your day 当这一天、这一周、这一个月,   Your week, your month, or even your year 甚至这一年你都很倒霉。   But I'll be there for you 但是我会在那里支持你,   When the rain starts to pour 即使大雨倾盆。   I'll be there for you 我会在那里支持你,   Like I've been there before 就像我以前一样。   I'll be there for you 我会在那里支持你,   'Cause you're there for me, too 因为你也会是我坚强的后盾。  其他推荐:1 《 Singing In The Rain
》 Friends第二季第四集里,Ross在和Julie一夜过后的第二天清晨,这首歌响起,形象地表现了Ross的心情。也是经典电影《雨中曲》的插曲。  2 《Strangers In The Night》第二季Julie与Carol的婚礼上第一第一首。  3《Take A Bow》第一季中 Rachel鼓起勇气去机场接Ross,可是谁知她等到的却是两个人……记住是麦当娜唱的。  4《my endless love》第五季中好听的合唱  5《never there》cake  6《wanderfull tonight》不用在说了哈,艾瑞克的。
  第二弹:《越狱》》  重点推荐:main titles  推荐理由:片头曲!!经典!!虽然是纯音乐但是听着走路都有风!边听边走路感觉自己很男人,虽然俺是女的!  其他推荐:1
《orange sky》第一季05结尾曲,算是越狱里比较温柔的歌了。  2 《crawling》林肯公园的,一如既往的新金属音乐。  3《Savin Me》这个不提了吧还有大家熟悉的《if everyone care》都是nickelback唱的。  4《the mercy seat》这个老绅士的声音很迷人。  5《 Renegade》Styx 演唱,同样出现在邪恶力量里,最爱!!!  此剧的音乐大多很男人、重金属,刺激男性荷尔蒙的,虽然《越狱》后面烂尾,不得不说对于刚接触美剧的时候来说是神作,而且无法替代心中的位置。
  第三弹:《迷失》  推荐:you found me  推荐理由:其实这部剧只看了前两季,后面的都没看,直到有一天第五季出现了这首歌。顿时觉得,这首歌要是早点出现我肯定会坚持看下去的。  I found God  on the corner of First and Amistad  Where the west  was all but won  All along  Smoking his last cigarette  I said where've you been  He said ask anything  Where were you  When everything was falling apart  All my days spent by the telephone  And all I needed was a call  It never came  To the corner of First and Amistad  Lost and insecure you found me you found me  Lying on the floor surrounded surrounded  Why'd you have to wait  Where were you Where were you  Just a little late  You found me you found me  But in the end  Everyone ends up alone  Losing her  The only one who's ever known  Who I am Who I'm not Who I want to be  No way to know  How long she will be next to me  Lost and insecure you found me you found me  Lying on the floor surrounded surrounded  Why'd you have to wait  Where were you Where were you  Just a little late  You found me you found me  Early morning city breaks  I've been calling for years and years and years and years  You never left me no messages  you never send me no letters  you got some kind of nerve taking all of our love  Lost and insecure you found me you found me  Lying on the floor  Where were you Where were you  Lost and insecure you found me you found me  Lying on the floor surrounded surrounded  Why'd you have to wait  Where were you Where were you  Just a little late  You found me you found me  Why'd you have to wait  To find me  To find me  最爱的是里面的歌手唱的那首叫什么来着,他一直不断的在哼哼!楼主我忘了。  其他推荐:1 Make Your Own Kind of Music 第二季后,地下室里播放那个,那种特殊环境下有这样一首歌环绕感觉很特别。  2 downtown 网上说是朱丽叶特放得那首歌。电视剧放的是emma bunton版本的。
  第四弹:《真爱如血》  推荐:jace everett - bad thing  推荐理由:片头曲无理由!  When you came in the air went out.  And every shadow filled  up with doubt.  I dont know who you think you are,  But before the night is through,  I wanna do bad things with you.  I'm the kind to sit up in his room.  Heart sick an eyes filled up with blue.  I dont know what you've done to me,  But I know this much is true:  I wanna do bad things with you.  When you came in the air went out.  And all those shadows  there filled up with doubt.  I dont know who you think you are,  But before the night is through,  I wanna do bad things with you.  I wanna do real bad things  with you.  Ow, ooh.  I dont know what you've done to me,  But I know this much is true:  I wanna do bad things with you.  I wanna do real bad things  with you.  其他推荐:木有!此剧什么插曲都被片头炮灰!
  第五弹:犯罪心理  推荐:Where Is My Mind?  推荐理由:主要是因为这首歌在电影《搏击俱乐部》也出现过的嘿嘿,爱屋及乌,于是更爱!  Stop  With your feet in the air and your head on the ground  Try this trick and spin it yeah  Your head will collapse  But there's nothing in it  And you'll ask yourself  Where is my mind  Where is my mind  Where is my mind  Way out in the water  See it swimmin'  I was swimmin' in the Carribean  Animals were hiding behind the rocks  Except the little fish  But they told me he swears  Tryin' to talk to me to me to me  Where is my mind  Where is my mind  Where is my mind  Way out in the water  See it swimmin'  With your feet in the air and your head on the ground  Try this trick and spin it yeah  Your head will collapse  But there's nothing in it  And you'll ask yourself  Where is my mind  Where is my mind  Where is my mind  Way out in the water  See it swimmin'  其他推荐 :1《Tears and Rain》james blunt这首歌因为太熟悉了。  2《every day is exactly the same》好吧,非常贴合犯罪心理的歌,一听就是犯罪心理的感觉。  3《this is my father's world》非常民谣的一首曲子。  4《Only The Good Die Young》billy joel非常欢快的曲调。  5《Smoke on the Water》经常听这首歌,太酷了。  犯罪心理这部美剧除了剧情好看之外,音乐相当丰富多彩就想里面层出不穷的案件一样,而我听过的只是其中一点点,有时一晃而过很懊恼,找半天到找不到,后来也只能百度。
  第六弹:生活大爆炸  推荐:big bang theory theme  推荐理由:还需要什么理由,赶紧设置成手机铃声吧,这可是片头曲,可爱又搞笑。  The Big Bang Theory Theme (by Barenaked Ladies)  Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,  宇宙一度又烫又稠密  Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait…  140亿年前终于爆了炸 等着瞧…  The Earth began to cool,  地球开始降温  The autotrophs began to drool,  自养生物来起哄  Neanderthals developed tools,  穴居人发明工具  We built a wall (we built the pyramids),  我们建长城(我们建金字塔)  Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,  数学 自然科学 历史 揭开神秘  That all started with the big bang!  一切由大爆炸开始  “Since the dawn of man” is really not that long,  其实人类历史没有多久  As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.  星系形成时间比唱完这支歌还要短  A fraction of a second and the elements were made.  元素在微秒间便形成了  The bipeds stood up straight,  两足动物直立行走  The dinosaurs all met their fate,  恐龙都得认命了  They tried to leap but they were late  想要突变 没来得及  And they all died (they froze their asses off)  就死光光了(pp都冻成了化石)  The oceans and pangea  大洋和泛古陆  See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya  拜拜 才不想学你  Set in motion by the same big bang!  都是爆炸惹的祸  It all started with the big BANG!  一切从大爆炸开始  It’s expanding ever outward but one day  宇宙向外膨胀 但有一天  It will cause the stars to go the other way,  星球会反方向运动  Collapsing ever inward, we won’t be here, it wont be hurt  向内坍塌 反正我们不在了 不会觉得疼  Our best and brightest figure that it’ll make an even bigger bang!  我们美好光辉的形象将引发一场更大的爆炸  Australopithecus would really have been sick of us  南方古猿肯定不爽我们  Debating out while here they’re catching deer (we’re catching viruses)  在他们捉鹿时唧唧歪歪 (我们现在捉电脑病毒了)  Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy  宗教 天文 e百科 旧约申命记  It all started with the big bang!  一切从大爆炸开始  Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology  音乐 神话 爱因斯坦 占星术  It all started with the big bang!  一切从大爆炸开始  It all started with the big BANG!  一切从大爆炸开始  其他推荐:算了,其他歌弱爆了。
  第七弹:邪恶力量  推荐:carry on wayward son  推荐理由:每季完结都会出现歌,神作!!  Marcia JiaJia  歌手 Kansas 专辑 Leftoverture  (Kerry Livgren)  Once I rose above the noise and confusion  Just to get a glimpse beyond the illusion  I was soaring ever higher but I flew too high  Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man  Though my mind could thnk I still was a mad man  Kansas  I hear the voices when I'm dreamin' I can hear them say  Carry on my wayward son  For there'll be peace when you are done  Lay your weary head to rest  Now don't you cry no more  Masquerading as a man with a reason  My charade is the event of the season  If I am declaimed to be a wise man  It should mean that I don't know  On a stormy sea of moving emotion  Tossed about I'm like a ship on the ocean  I set a course for winds of fortune but I hear the voices say  Carry on you will always remember  Carry on nothing equals the splendor  Now your life's no longer empty  Surely heaven waits for you  好吧,此曲我推荐了很多次了,刚刚去论坛看了看,偶以前的老帖--翻了又翻值得品味的40首英文歌出现了,里面最后一首歌也是这首歌,脸红~(@^_^@)~  其他推荐:1 《 Renegade》Styx刚刚越狱推了,现在再推,是第一季结尾是爸爸和山姆、迪恩相遇后遭到恶魔追杀,最爱的雪弗兰羚羊车被掀翻,全家人受伤不醒人事在车里的背景音乐。  2《heat of the moment》还记不得在某一集中迪恩死了无数次,在旅店里每天吵醒迪恩的歌,山姆喜欢的歌。  3《Can't Fight This Feeling》山姆和迪恩兄弟俩正落魄在Ellen的酒吧里,显得十分疲惫。她的女儿JO正好拿出了这首歌的唱片,插曲就放了出来,并且安慰Dean。最喜欢那个金发美女了,虽然后面挂了,遗憾她和迪恩没一段爱情。  4《Eye Of Tige》survivor第四季迪恩在车上恶搞的一首歌。  5《silent lucidity》第二季时放的。  6《ready for love 》迪恩和安娜(天使)在羚羊里OOXX时的背景音乐。  7《beautiful loser》第六季开始的歌,迪恩决心做个平常人的起床时阳光灿烂。  好吧,邪恶力量这部美剧改变了我一贯听歌的套路,迪恩最喜欢男人的歌,他总是认为山姆的喜欢的歌很娘,于是偶的口味开始跟迪恩混了,现在都记得迪恩最爱的乐队是---齐柏林飞艇。
  第七弹:行尸走肉  推荐:Space Junk  推荐理由:行尸走肉第一季第一集男主在坦克里,周围全是丧失时的歌曲,那情节那首歌永远忘不了啊!  美剧《行尸走肉》 space junk 插曲   演唱:chung wang   Drifting on the spaceway  By the Betelgeuse Hotel  Mapping out constellations  Of the place I know so well  Sifting through the system  For the piece that knows my name  Endlessly I listen  In the master game  Welcome to my world  (Welcome to my world)  Welcome to my only world  (Welcome to my only world)  It is full of space junk  But your words are coming through  I'm riding on the space junk  And it's bringing me to you  Bringing me to you  Through the tenth dimension  To the certainties beyond  Dreamily in attention  And the sub-atomic bomb  Machine that spins within me  And the spirit that drives me on  Searching for an answer  Welcome to my world  (Welcome to my world)  Welcome to my only world  (Welcome to my only world)  My head is full of space junk  But your words are getting through  I'm riding on the space junk  And it's bringing me to you  Bringing me to you yeah  It's bringing me to you yeah yeah oh  Sitting on the space junk  What am I to do  I'm riding on the space junk  And it's bringing me to you  My head is full of space junk  But your words are getting through  I'm riding on the space junk  And it's bringing me to you  It's bringing me to you  It's bringing me to you  It's bringing me to you  其他推荐:The Regulator第二季第八集结尾曲。  行尸走肉第三季充满了期待啊,等的太辛苦了,每一季集数很少不说,感觉第二季没有第一季好看,但结尾那个出场的赶尸人太帅了,让我充满期待啊,还有后面的城堡。  此剧的音乐特色很符合剧情,音乐有种慵懒的邪恶的感觉。
  木有人喜欢吗?  今晚就到这里吧!晚安。  偶其实很懒的。
  第八弹:实习医生格蕾  推荐:cosy in the rocket  推荐理由:主题曲。  Climb climb into the rocket爬吧 我们爬进火箭  And we set the fuse to go go go我们调整熔丝起飞 飞飞飞  Head start cosy in the rocket开动引擎 在火箭里真舒服  And I need to go go go go我现在要起飞了 飞飞飞  Tip top ready for the sky火箭顶朝天准备飞上天空  And I'm tip top ready to go我已经顶朝天准备起飞  Tip top ready for the sky火箭顶朝天准备飞上天空  And I'm tip top ready to go go go我已经顶朝天准备起飞 飞飞飞  Come come fly into my palm来 来 飞进我的手掌  And collapse接着坠毁  Oh oh suppose you'll never know哦 哦 假设你永远不会知道  Nobody knows where they might end up没人知道他们会在哪里完蛋  Nobody knows没人知道  Nobody knows where they might wake up没人知道他们会在哪里醒来  Nobody knows没人知道  Nobody knows where they might end up没人知道他们会在哪里完蛋  Nobody knows没人知道  Nobody knows where they might wake up没人知道他们会在哪里醒来  Nobody knows没人知道  Tick tack toe you're fitting into place玩玩这游戏 这地方你正合适  And now the old ways don't seem true现在老办法看来已经不管用了  Stick stop blue you're only shifting i指向蓝点 你只是很狡猾  In the same old shape you always do一直用你老一套的把戏  Tip top ready for the sky火箭顶朝天准备飞上天空  And I'm tip top ready to go我已经顶朝天准备起飞  Tip top ready for the sky火箭顶朝天准备飞上天空  And I'm tip top ready to go go go我已经顶朝天准备起飞 飞飞飞  Come come fly into my palm来 来 飞进我的手掌  And collapse接着坠毁  Oh oh suppose you'll never know哦 哦 假设你永远不会知道  Come come fly into my palm来 来 飞进我的手掌  And collapse接着坠毁  Oh oh suppose you'll never know哦 哦 假设你永远不会知道  其他推荐:1《how to save a life》the fray 只看歌名就知道符合电视剧主题。  2《chasing cars》因为电视剧的热播大红。  3《the story》brandi carlile舒服的女声。  4《 Off I Go》Greg Laswell 第五季24集结尾曲。  5《Carmella》很有异域风情,第四季。  格蕾是一部非常会选歌的电视剧,而且它每一集的主题都来自歌名。
  第九弹:危机边缘  推荐:fringe-main title theme  推荐理由:片头的钢琴曲,超级带感!名字我还不知道,不过可以搜到完整版的钢琴曲啊,一直是我手机短信铃声。  其他推荐:1《king of the road》非常好听的爵士,第一季。  2《Angel Love 》 Samantha James节奏感不错的,迷幻的感觉。第三季  3《can't find my way home》blind faith非常危机边缘的一首歌。第二季  选了这么三首歌作为推荐,因为第一季的歌偏复古,第二季偏经典,第三季就是比较流行了。
  第十弹:别对我说谎  推荐:brand new day
---ryan star  推荐理由:片头曲,每次一听就会想到片头中有人大笑、大哭、悲哀、生气各种表情被莱特曼放在放大镜下研究的片段。  I stayed in one place for too long  Gotta get on the run again  I saw the one thing that I want  Hell bent, get outta bed  I\'m throwing rocks at your window  You\'re tying the bed sheets together  They say we are dreaming too big  I say this town\'s too small  Dream  Send me a sign  Turn back the clock  Give me some time  I need to break out  And make a new name  Let\'s open our eyes  To the brand new day  It\'s the brand new day  I\'ve taking hits like a brother  But I\'m getting back up again  And from the moment I saw her  I was hell bent with heaven sent  I\'m throwing rocks at your window  We\'re leaving this place together  They say that we\'re flying too high  Well get used to looking up  Dream  Send me a sign  Turn back the clock  Give me some time  I need to break out  And make a new name  Let\'s open our eyes  To the brand new day  It\'s the brand new day  It\'s the brand new day  I know it\'s the brand new day  Come on to the brand new day  I know it\'s the brand new day  Dream  Send me a sign,  Turn back the clock  Give me some time  I need to break out  And make a new name  Let\'s open our eyes  To the brand new day  It\'s the brand new day  其他推荐:《easier to lie》aqualung第一季中有个大学生杀了人后结尾曲。  这部剧还是蛮经典的,就是第二季有点扯,爱死男主的女儿了。
  第十一弹:飞天大盗(英剧,将就将就,别那么严肃嘛)  推荐:Federico Aubele - Postales  推荐理由:第一季第一集danny敲门。  歌词暂无,反正也不是英文歌。  其他推荐:1《CRAZY》Gnarls Barkley第四季第四集 模特走秀时的插曲。  2《can't get you out of my head》第六季第一季开场,流行加舞曲。  3《
A Little Less Conversation 》来自猫王,同样来自电影《十一罗汉》第三季。
  第十一弹:飞天大盗(英剧,将就将就,别那么严肃嘛)  推荐:Federico Aubele - Postales  推荐理由:第一季第一集danny敲门。  歌词暂无,反正也不是英文歌。  其他推荐:1《CRAZY》Gnarls Barkley第四季第四集 模特走秀时的插曲。  2《can't get you out of my head》第六季第一季开场,流行加舞曲。  3《
A Little Less Conversation 》来自猫王,同样来自电影《十一罗汉》第三季。
  慢慢来哈,先闪人了。  我得了12点前不睡觉要死的病o(&_&)o ~~
22:53:04  第七弹:行尸走肉  推荐:Space Junk  推荐理由:行尸走肉第一季第一集男主在坦克里,周围全是丧失时的歌曲,那情节那首歌永远忘不了啊!  美剧《》 space junk 插曲  演唱:chung wang......  -----------------------------  行尸走肉
  哈哈哈。看到the bigbang theory了。我最爱的谢耳朵。
  第十二弹:血色月光  推荐:into dust  推荐理由:1 beth在沙漠的小旅馆里救了mick,但是mick却不敢和她接近,因为吸血鬼的身份会给beth带来危险。  2 单纯喜欢歌词。  3单纯喜欢安静的女声,干净的吉他编曲。  4 符合电视剧风格。  Into dust 陷入尘埃
演唱:mazzy star  Still falling 始终坠落  Breathless and on again 呼吸跌宕 一息将消  Inside today 就在今天  Beside me today 今天 在我身边  Around broken in two 作别人世间  Till your eyes shed 直到你的目光慢慢消散  Into dust 陷入尘埃 永别  Like two strangers 就像两位陌生人   Turning into dust 渐行渐远   Till my hand shook with the way I fear 直到我的手也开始恐怖地震颤  I could possibly be fading 我如花一般凋残 褪色  Or have something more to gain 几多未了的心愿等待实现  I could feel myself growing colder 我的身体渐渐不再温暖  I could feel myself under your fate 我还能听到你的召唤  Under your fate 你的召唤  It was you breathless and tall 那是你的呼吸困难与高大身影  I could feel my eyes turning into dust 我感觉眼光渐渐混浊  And two strangers turning into dust 两位陌生人陷入尘埃  Turning into dust 陷入尘埃  其他推荐:1 《The Bird and the Worm》The Used第5集片尾,非常好听,以至于后来成了《诸神之战》的主题曲。  2《Hungry as the wolf》.Duran Duran,第二集Mick和Josef的吸血派对上播放的。  3 《Mr Self Destruct》Nine Inch Nails的09片尾。  4《Love Remains the Same》第十六集插曲。  5《Together》The Kin,女主坦白的背景歌。  6《The Mating Game》Bittersweet第七集,超慵懒的迷幻女声。  血色月光是我很喜欢的吸血鬼题材,可惜被砍了,说实话,楼主的口味是血色月光的那有点遗憾的爱情,那饱含夜访吸血鬼的忧郁气质,还有一集死一人的破案。比起大洒狗血的《吸血鬼日记》我还是喜欢血色月光,楼主贱贱的表示,日记我也看了,两剧之间的比较我喜欢血色。
  第十三弹:六尺之下  推荐:1 Lonely Little Petunia -  推荐理由:不为别的原因,只为他们三兄妹唱的儿歌 ----我是一只在洋葱地里孤零零的小牵牛花 。  歌词部分:  I'm a lonely little petunia  In an onion patch  An onion patch  Mmm.............  2
Waiting  推荐理由:有一幕疑幻似真的父子道别。  Waiting   by the Devlins  Waiting at the station.  Waiting for the right moves.  Waiting in the basement.  Waiting for the right cues.  Waiting in a daydream.  Waiting in this slipstream.  Waiting...  Waiting in the right bars.  Waiting in the right shoes.  Waiting in a fast car.  Waiting in the airports,  waiting for my air-miles.  Waiting in slow motion,  coming through the turnstiles...  And if you ever change you mind,  you know I'm not hard to find.  And if you ever need someone,  I'll still be waiting...  Waiting with the orphans.  Waiting for the bee stings,  they tell me that success brings.  Waiting in the half-light.  Waiting through your whole life.  Waiting for an ideal, a low deal, a no deal.  Play your stereotype, oh yeah...  And if you ever find the time,  you know I'm not far behind.  And if you ever need someone,  I'll still be waiting...  Just waiting, for a friend.  Waiting...  I said it's alright!  It's alright, my friend...  Yeah it's alright!  Just waiting...   其他推荐:1
《breathe me》sia 此剧完结季最后一集片尾。  2《don't fear the reaper》飞车党葬礼的那一集,胖女人最后送了辆摩托车给Nate。非常棒的一首歌。  很久以前看的,还有什么歌都忘了。  《六尺之下》乃是神作!在此剧的烘托下《入殓师》就弱爆了。同样是一家人在殡仪馆,每天面对各种死法的人,各种离开的人,各种留下的人的各种哭泣、不屑、谩骂、憎恨。  HBO制作的经典剧集。  怎么说了,第一季非常阴郁,一家子人都是怪咖,而且叛逆非常,但是慢慢的,经历时间,接近死亡,所有人开始成长,到第五季竟然让人豁然开朗,心灵被洗涤,刚开始看像罂粟,沉迷,自闭症、心情不好都可以看,然后越看越开朗,仿佛参透了人生,成佛,脱离六道。  此剧位列我最爱美剧之一。
  已收藏~  我也很喜欢邪恶力量!不过我是小卡西的粉。  两兄弟在我眼里是一对哦~~哦呵呵呵
  第十四弹:破产女孩  重点推荐:second chance  推荐理由:片头曲,还记不记得那个OH~~wuwuwu~,一听开头就可以听出来。  Peter Bjorn and John
- Second Chance  (Oooooh, oooooh)  When you flew out of the nest you made a mistake,  Flew all the way back  When you got back to your den, one minute too late was already late  I..... I.....  It's a fraction of a hope but it's hard to control  I..... I..... get this train  You can't count count on a second chance  But second chance will never be found  You can't count count on a second try  But second try will never come out  (oooooh, ooooh)  You stick to what you knew before, don't know what you like  Just played up your mind  The pic is just to hangin on the wall, from back on the day  When you had it all  I..... I.....  It's a fraction of a hope but it's hard to control  I..... I..... get this train  You can't count count on a second chance  But second chance will never be found  You can't count count on a second try  But second try will never come out  You can't count count on a second chance  But second chance will never be found  You can't count count on a second try  But second try will search to come down  I..... I.....  It's a fraction of a hope but it's hard to control  I..... I..... get this train  You can't count count on a second chance  But second chance will never be found  You can't count count on a second try  But second try will never come out  You can't count count on a second chance  But second chance will never be found  You can't count count on a second try  But second try will search to come down  其他推荐:木有了。  等破产女孩等的快发霉了,超喜欢大胸、毒蛇、外冷内骚、嘴硬心软的MAX有木有!就算两女孩在卖百合花,但每天的笑料很足啊。
  第十五弹:少年魔法师  推荐:Everything is not what it seems   推荐理由:1 主题曲,歌词的感觉好像咒语。  2最早看的美剧不是越狱,不是实习医生,也不是欲望都市。而是《成长烦恼》《少年魔法师》。  3喜欢喜欢赛琳娜戈麦斯不是因为贾斯汀比伯的女男朋友,而是看过少年魔法师。(摆脱,她老早就在迪斯尼红了好不好!)  Everything Is Not What it Seems - Selena Gomez  ... well you know everything's gonna be a breeze   你知道每件事都很轻而易举  that the end will no doubt justify the means  最后都毫无疑问的让他合法化   You could fix any problem at the slightest ease   你可以轻而易举的解决任何问题  Yes, please...  对, 拜托..   Well you might find out It'll go to your head   你也许会找到它, 它把你冲昏头  When you write a report on a book you never read   当你写一个读书心得而你从没读过它  With the snap of your fingers you can make your bed  动动你的手指就能准备去睡觉   That's what I said   这就是我说的  Everything is not what it seems   每件事情看起来似乎都没有什麼  When you can get all you wanted in your wildest dreams  你一切疯狂的梦想你都能得到  You might run into trouble if you go to extremes  如果你太过火也许你会惹上麻烦   Because everything is not what it seems  因为每件事情看起来似乎都没有什麼   Everything is not what it seems   每件事情看起来似乎都没有什麼  When you can have what you want by the simplest of means   当你可以采取最简单的手段时  Be careful not to mess with the balance of things  小心不要搞砸了一切的平衡   Because everything is not what it seems.   因为每件事情看起来似乎都没有什麼.  试想一下,有集哈利波特、成长烦恼、搞笑、温馨、魔幻与一身的美剧,当然就是《少年魔法师了》,超级喜欢女主角,爱闯祸,却充满活力与创造力。还想有个什么都优秀的哥哥,以及两个烦人的弟弟。  为数不多现在还在追得美剧,好吧,我很低龄化。
  第十六弹:波士顿法律  推荐:
tomorrow  推荐理由:波士顿法律第一季第一集的黑人小女孩唱的歌的全版,完整版是由日本女歌手chara翻唱音乐剧《Annie》的曲目。但还是小女孩版本的好听。  很多人找了很久未果,但是偶找到了嘿嘿。  Tomorrow  The sun'll come out tomorrow,  Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be sun  Just thinking about tomorrow  Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow till there's none  When I'm stuck with a day that's gray and lonely  I just stick out my chin and grin and say...Oh!  The sun'l1 come out tomorrow,  So you got to hang on till tomorrow, came what may!  Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow  You're always a day away...  Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow  You're always a day away...  I just stick out my chin and grin and say  The sun'll come out tomorrow  So you got to hang on till tomorrow, came what may!  Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow  You're always a day away...  Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow  You're always a day away  Dah dah dah...Mmm...  推荐2:And so it goes  In every heart there is a room   A sanctuary safe and strong   To heal the wounds from lovers past   Until a new one comes along
  I spoke to you in cautious tones   You answered me with no pretense   And still I feel I said too much   Billy Joel   My silence is my self defense
  And every time I've held a rose   It seems I only felt the thorns   And so it goes, and so it goes   And so will you soon I suppose
  But if my silence made you leave   Then that would be my worst mistake   So I will share this room with you   And you can have this heart to break
  And this is why my eyes are closed   It's just as well for all I've seen   And so it goes, and so it goes   And you're the only one who knows
  So I would choose to be with you   That's if the choice were mine to make   But you can make decisions too   And you can have this heart to break
  And so it goes, and so it goes   And you're the only one who knows  其他推荐:《you ara my sunshine》Denny 唱给Shirley 的,很少看见Denny这么认真,也很少看到Shirley这么安详的躺在Denny怀里。   《Thanks Again》原唱:Ricky Skaggs' 剧集里由Georgia Murray演唱 Paul 在里面想起了他的女儿,感慨万千。  《波士顿法律》的歌真心不容易找啊,而且我是找得到歌名,甚至歌手,就是找不到音频,找得到音频找不到清晰的,国内音乐软件不好找,还是只能上YOUTU,我给个地址吧,里面的歌全都有,有出处,有歌词,还有介绍,就是没有中文,全是英文。不过我相信大家能认出第几季第几集的歌。  http://www.boston-legal.org/music.shtml  http://www.boston-legal.org/music.shtml  http://www.boston-legal.org/music.shtml  应有尽有!!!  《波士顿法律》是永远的律师剧没有之一,其他法律剧没有可比性。
  拍死自己的手。  说道《波士顿法律》插曲怎么能不单独提出那首第4季20集结尾曲《in my life》  原唱是披头士,但目前没有电视剧上的版本。PS一下,in my life还有一个版本:丰田汽车广告版本。  总之那个版本都好听。
  上推荐了???!!!  谢谢,真是给了我一个动力,想懒点都不行。
21:05:54  第三弹:《迷失》  推荐:you found me  推荐理由:其实这部剧只看了前两季,后面的都没看,直到有一天第五季出现了这首歌。顿时觉得,这首歌要是早点出现我肯定会坚持看下去的。  I found God  o  -----------------------------  迷失最爱的曲子是那首木有歌词的
22:27:55  第七弹:邪恶力量  推荐:carry on wayward son  推荐理由:每季完结都会出现歌,神作!!  Marcia JiaJia  歌手 Kansas 专辑 Leftoverture......  -----------------------------  说到邪恶力量,怎么能没有死神出场时Jen Titus的oh Death  oh Death  Won't you spare me over another  Well what is this that I can't see  With ice cold hands takin' hold of me  When God is gone and the Devil takes hold  Lord have mercy on your soul  No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold  Nothing satisfies me but your soul  Well I am Death, none can excel  I'll open the door to heaven or hell  O Death  O Death  My name is Death and the end is here.
00:27:45  第十六弹:波士顿法律  推荐: tomorrow  推荐理由:波士顿法律第一季第一集的黑人小女孩唱的歌的全版,完整版是由日本女歌手chara翻唱音乐剧《Annie》的曲目。但还是小女孩版本的好听。  很多人找了很久未果,但是偶找到了嘿嘿。  Tomorrow......  -----------------------------  亲爱的楼主,我下不了小女孩的Tomorrow,能发给我不,,非常感谢
  不错 按爪  
  Mark  [发自iPhone客户端-贝客悦读]
10:14:34  @大鸭的美梦
21:05:54  第三弹:《迷失》  推荐:you found me  推荐理由:其实这部剧只看了前两季,后面的都没看,直到有一天第五季出现了这首歌。顿时觉得,这首歌要是早点出现我肯定会坚持看下去的。  I found God......  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  迷失最爱的曲子是那首木有歌词的 我也不知道曲名…  ---------------------------------------------------------------  米兔啊,真恨啊,找很久找不到,心痒啊,揪心啊,哎,我不是穷摇。
16:45:35  @大鸭的美梦
00:27:45  第十六弹:波士顿法律  推荐: tomorrow  推荐理由:波士顿法律第一季第一集的黑人小女孩唱的歌的全版,完整版是由日本女歌手chara翻唱音乐剧《Annie》的曲目。但还是小女孩版本的好听。  很多人找了很久未果,但是偶找到了嘿嘿。......  -----------------------------  亲爱的楼主,我下不了小女孩的Tomorrow,能发给我不,,非常感谢   -----------------------------------------------------------  偶都是看视频的,还给你发,谁发给我?怨念中@@  ╮(╯▽╰)╭我们就一起等待牛人吧。
16:45:35  @大鸭的美梦
00:27:45  第十六弹:波士顿法律  推荐: tomorrow  推荐理由:波士顿法律第一季第一集的黑人小女孩唱的歌的全版,完整版是由日本女歌手chara翻唱音乐剧《Annie》的曲目。但还是小女孩版本的好听。  很多人找了很久未果,但是偶找到了嘿嘿。......  ----------------------------------------------------------  亲爱的楼主,我下不了小女孩的Tomorrow,能发给我不,,非常感谢   -----------------------------------------------------------  偶都是看视频的,还给你发,谁发给我?怨念中@@  ╮(╯▽╰)╭我们就一起等待牛人吧。
  第十七弹:无耻之徒(美版)  推荐:The Luck You Got
------The High Strung  推荐理由:主题曲。  /newweb/qk/qkshow/3279663/t/308398.html  /newweb/qk/qkshow/3279663/t/308398.html  /newweb/qk/qkshow/3279663/t/308398.html  /newweb/qk/qkshow/3279663/t/308398.html  /newweb/qk/qkshow/3279663/t/308398.html  /newweb/qk/qkshow/3279663/t/308398.html  是的,你没有梦游,你只能看见这个地址。  TMD我也找不到歌词,我也,没有下载地址,可是我TMD就是想听这首歌,就是爱死了这部翻拍美剧,爱死了那无耻又犯贱的一家人!这部剧就是神剧!!!有了它就算银他妈离开这么久我屹立不倒,有了此剧,就算银他妈的世界不知道什么时候回来偶也不怕。  其他推荐:1 《trouble comes running》spoon第一季第一集出现的,这部剧比较喜欢用spoon的歌。其实我更想找的是第一集中两兄弟给女孩补课时,女孩子钻桌下给他们口口被回家的老爸发现的那首歌!!  2《The Way We Get By 》 Spoon第一季第一集中出现,同时另一部经典美剧《橘子郡男孩》中也有出现。第一集的歌就让人惊艳啊。  3《boy》Ra Ra Riot第一季第一集片尾。好吧,第一集都还没完,后面的很多很多。  4 《You Make Me Sick》DevilDriver 第一季第11集,超级节奏感超级金属!  5《 Baby Blue》Scanners 第一季09集。  ....................................................................  算了,不推荐了。  这部剧比较多得使用Tokyo Police Club、The Moog、Gomez、Spoon、Say Hi 、Eels、Scanners 的歌。慢慢去听他们的歌吧,都是值得一听的歌手,他们都各具特色,音乐都无与伦比。
  I'll Be There For You
  第十八弹:识骨寻踪  重点推荐曲: Bones Theme Song   推荐理由:1 片头曲,超有节奏感的。  2 可以设置成铃声  3 一听就想起BONES有木有!  /Bones.html  /Bones.html  搜狗就可以搜到,还可以下载哦。不过搜的时候还是直接输入识骨寻踪片头曲就可以了。  其他推荐:1
《wake up》arcade fire第一季最后一集,非常特别的女声。  2
《 Keep on Trying》poco,第二季18集,由Booth & Brennan合唱的,目前我只有原唱版本,来自poco。  3
patty griffin
第三季15集,很舒服的一首歌。  4《 The Sun Will Rise》Brendan James 第四季最爱的一首歌。  5《hot blooded》foreigner第一集BOOTH被炸飞,还有吉他-百万富翁参加那个梦想成真夏令营那集。  6《Fearless》Cyndi Lauper第五季第一集,第五季有很多个没有收录在原声带里。  7
《make you feel my love》adele第六季片尾,此曲应该很熟悉了。  第七季已经弃剧了,所以......  总之识骨寻踪的歌大多都比较安静、清新,适合咖啡厅、旅行时听。虽然里面的尸体很重口味。  男主和女主的暧昧有点受不了,都腻歪了好多年才在一起,唉。  感兴趣的可以去搜搜原声带,很幸运的是此剧的原声带都很齐全,不会像别的剧那么难找(说的就是你无耻之徒!!)
  第十九弹:绯闻女孩  推荐曲目:people c'mon  推荐理由:1
第三季第7集里万圣节那天,在Chuck的俱乐部, 以及Jenny的女王地位展开的一系列纠结。有人欢喜有人忧,我还记得当时的中文翻译第一句:我是游荡的灵魂。  people c'mon  ----------delta spirit  I'm a wandering soul  I got no place of my own  Well I got nothing to give  Well I got nothing to show for it  And I'll be wondering all, for all my years  What I become no one could know  If you're feeling what I'm feeling c'mon  All you soul searching people c'mon  And I got something to say my friends  I will never lay down without a fight  And when I die it will be the day  When every one of my wrongs will be made right  Only times gonna heal my pain  Lord knows the mistakes I will make  Yeah there'll be peace on my soul someday  Reconside I'll be on my way  And I'll be wondering all, for all my years  What I become no one can say  If you're feeling what I'm feeling c'mon  All you soul searching people c'mon  Oh no, if you're feeling what I'm feeling c'mon  All you soul searching people c'mon  And I'll be wondering all, for all these years  What I become no one could know  If you're feeling what I'm feeling c'mon  All you soul searching people c'mon  其他推荐:《happily never after》nicole scherzinger第一季十三集。  《Apologize 》 Timbaland (BN和好之后,C离开去机场时放的歌。莉莉和老爸两人感慨错过。  《the soho dolls 》B 和 C的定情之舞,保守的女生B在那晚抛弃了矜持,扮演起艳舞女郎,跳了诱惑之舞。  《i am down tonight》plastiscines,那个聚会的晚上发生了很多事,J和N登场。第六届中法音乐节中plastiscines还演唱过。  《Whatever You Like》
Anya Marina.
D和V以及希拉里达夫扮演的女孩3p时候的歌。  《i'm in here》sia
B 穿着美丽的红裙和C在异国相遇,那时B的身边有了一个王子,而C伤痕累累。  经典场景很多,配合经典场景的歌曲很多,百度一下比我靠谱多了,而且我剧情忘的7788,只记得这么一点点歌,更重要的是D和B在一起的这一季我都没看了,然后弃剧了。
16:15:11  @大鸭的美梦
22:27:55  第七弹:邪恶力量  推荐:carry on wayward son  推荐理由:每季完结都会出现歌,神作!!  Marcia JiaJia......  -----------------------------  说到邪恶力量,怎么能没有死神出场时Jen Titus的oh Death  ----------------------------------------------------------------  超级喜欢死神出场的气场,每次把迪恩弄得胆战心惊的,那首歌找了好久谢谢你啊。  还有,我也喜欢贱贱的交易之王克劳利。  还有喜欢囧卡( ⊙ o ⊙ )
  The 4400 的片头曲 ---
A place in time
Amanda Abizaid
好有赶脚。。。呜呜  A Place In Time - Amanda Abizaid  "The 4400"  The 4400 Theme Song  So long ago  another life  I could feel your heart beat  It's not a dream  remember us  I can see it in your eyes  we'll find a place in time  a place in time beyond the sun  we'll find a place in time  a place in time to call our home   虽然歌词很简单
初中的时候看的 这么几年了
  其实Sway 也很经典 尤其是移魂都市里的原声曲
20:43:29  第二弹:《越狱》》  重点推荐:main titles  推荐理由:片头曲!!经典!!虽然是纯音乐但是听着走路都有风!边听边走路感觉自己很男人,虽然俺是女的!  其他推荐:1 《orange sky》第一季05结尾曲,算是越狱里比较温柔的歌了。  2 《crawling》林肯公园的,一如既往的新金属音乐。......  -----------------------------  mark你!
19:03:32  The 4400 的片头曲 --- A place in time Amanda Abizaid 好有赶脚。。。呜呜  A Place In Time - Amanda Abizaid  "The 4400"  The 4400 Theme Song  So long ago......  -----------------------------  这首的确不错!!
19:05:25  其实Sway 也很经典 尤其是移魂都市里的原声曲   -----------------------------  移魂都市里最爱的一首是:the night has a thousand eyes,当然sway偶也 爱,这两首歌一直都是一起听的。  但是因为是美剧贴,所以电影原声以后有机会会推的。
20:05:07  最喜欢两部剧的片头曲'都是纯音乐'一个是《冰与火之歌》,一个是《唐顿庄园》,每次听到鸡皮疙瘩都起来了'还下了《冰与火之歌》的片头曲做手机铃声'很惊艳啊!  本帖发自天涯社区手机客户端  -----------------------------  这个我本来也打算推荐的嘿嘿
22:07:49  超爱真爱如血的片头曲~  -----------------------------  超级超级爱啊!!
23:33:56  求美女上错身主题曲~~  -----------------------------  恩。
19:21:00  很少推荐音乐的偶又回来了。  每次推荐好听的歌中都会提到此歌曾在《XXX》《XXXXX》美剧中出现,于是乎干脆开个美剧音乐帖好了。  哎,一听见某些音乐就会想起最爱的片段有木有?  如果刚认识一个人,他说喜欢看美剧,好感立刻上升有木有?  如果一听歌就能知道是哪部美剧就觉得很满足有木有?......  -----------------------------  唉,说到美剧的歌曲,竟然没有《成长的烦恼》的“As long as we got each other”???
  第二十弹:冰与火之歌权利的游戏  推荐:main title
-Ramin Djawadi  推荐理由:1 名副其实的一听就激动。  2
片头曲  3 早已经在心里和电影《勇敢的心》《指环王》的原声音乐地位平等了。  歌词:Come on!纯音乐!  此剧的歌名不太知道,就顺便什么音乐软件上都能下载,输入冰与火权利的游戏片头曲就OK ,对了美剧一班纯音乐都喜欢用main title。  其他推荐:  1 最爱的台词是第二季结尾里皇后给小男孩讲的一段话,充分的体现了这部剧的精髓,虽然权利的游戏经典台词有很多,但最爱的却是这一段。  皇后:你知道那个有关母狮子和小狮子的故事吧!他们住在树林里。  小男孩:御林。(他们目前所在君临城,也是铁王座所在之地,就是王城。)  皇后:没错。  皇后:御林里住着一头母狮子和小狮子,她非常疼爱他。但是树林里还住着其他的坏的动物,比如--  小男孩:比如什么?  皇后:像是鹿。  小男孩:鹿不坏,它们只吃草。  皇后:还有狼。在夜晚你能听见他们的嚎叫,小狮子很害怕,妈妈告诉他,你是头狮子,你不该害怕。终有一天,所有野兽都会向你低头,你会成为国王。所有鹿所有狼都会低头。北边的熊、南方的狐狸、天上的鸟、水里的动物。他们都会臣服于你,孩子。为你奉上皇冠。小狮子说,我会像爸爸一样强大勇猛吗?是的,母亲回答他。你会像你父亲一样强大勇猛。(北边的熊、南方的狐狸、天上的鸟、水里的动物,鹿和狼代表什么你懂的,各族家徽)  随后便是兰尼斯特家族重新夺回权利的画面,然后第二季结束。  2
  The Rains of Castamere   卡斯特梅的雨季  And who are you, the proud lord said,   汝何德何能?爵爷傲然宣称,   that I must bow so low?   须令吾躬首称臣?  Only a cat of a different coat,   颜色有别,威力不逊,  that’s all the truth I know   各显神通分个高低。  In a coat of gold or a coat of red,   红狮子斗黄狮子,   a lion still has claws,   爪牙锋利不留情。  And mine are long and sharp, my lord,   出手致命招招狠,   as long and sharp as yours.   汝子莫忘记,汝子莫忘记。  And so he spoke, and so he spoke,   噢,他这样说,他这样说,   that lord of Castamere,   卡斯特梅的爵爷他这样说。  But now the rains weep o’er his hall,   然而今天,每逢雨季,  with no one there to hear.   雨水在大厅哭泣,内里却无人影。  Yes now the rains weep o’er his hall,   然而今天,每逢雨季,  and not a soul to hear.   雨水在大厅哭泣,内里却无魂灵。   别忘了兰尼斯特的家徽箴言:有债必偿!  第二季结尾这首歌刚好预示着第三季兰尼斯特家族将会展开疯狂的报复,报复那些攻打君临、践踏家族的人。最主要的对象当然是那个有火女巫,背弃神的那个公爵。


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