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2015 Royal Dutch Gazelle荷蘭皇家自行車
擁有超過120年歷史的Royal Dutch Gazelle荷蘭皇家自行車,自1892年於荷蘭成立以來,專精於製造最高品質、綠色環保的「城市自行車(Urban bike)」。100%荷蘭設計、製造、組裝,從每個細節和零件,都能看出百年來的堅持與傳承。其訂購後補名單常需等候至少三至六個月以上,國際媒體CNN更將Gazelle譽為「自行車界的勞斯萊斯(Rolls-Royce)」。Gazelle於荷蘭百週年慶時獲得荷蘭皇室勳章並授予「皇室(Koninklijk/ Royal)」二字、連年獲得國際設計大獎、讀者文摘評選出歐洲自行車界唯一最佳信任品牌之榮耀。自行車線條仍帶有復古優雅,結合舒適的人體工學騎姿、便捷與個人品味,一直是Gazelle對於好車的堅持。專為男性穿著西裝、女生套裝和長裙設計之擋泥板,不再煩惱沾到油汙的困擾;隱藏式內變速系統與完整包覆鍊條蓋設計,大大減少維修、故障機率;原廠更搭配科技防盜鎖、專屬晶片鑰匙與防盜條碼,保障最高品質的尊榮享受。Royal Gazelle雖為荷蘭百年品牌卻不斷持續創新,與其它大部份競速品牌大不同,全球策略很早已跨足時尚精品與設計圈,並與各大精品品牌合作,如LV、Hermes、Gucci,近期也與Club Monaco全球行銷合作店內販售自行車。擅長結合時尚元素的Gazelle,迅速成功擄獲眾多全球名人雅士爭相擁有屬於自己的一輛城市自行車,包括LVMH集團總裁Renaud Dutreil、Victoria Secret維多利亞的秘密名模Behati Prinsloo、英國名模Agyness Deyn、好萊塢金球獎得主Keri Russell&等。Toer Populair T3荷蘭皇家經典系列&百年紀念款Gazelle Toer Populair T3是傳統荷蘭自行車的經典代表。不用彎腰駝背的人體工學歐洲經典舒適騎姿,來自百年來的堅持與經驗:高品質手工車架、極至舒適的英國Brooks手工真皮座椅、為求環保的經典動能發電車燈、能乘載重物的後置物架、全罩式鍊條蓋和前後檔泥板,使穿著西裝上班的雅痞男士或長裙淑女們,完全不必擔心沾到油汙和落鏈的困擾。種種的實用功能都讓Toer Populair在全球大獲好評!如果您在找一部高品質、適合休閒騎乘城市自行車,Gazelle Toer Populair絕對能滿足您不同的需求。品牌:Royal Dutch Gazelle品名:Toer Populair T3荷蘭皇家經典系列&百年紀念款顏色:經典黑售價:NT$80,000Gazelle Cabby多功能自行車 (the SUV bike)榮獲荷蘭設計大獎 Dutch Design Award的Cabby,專為長程旅途或短程運送而設計。無論成人使用,載小孩、載寵物、運送貨物都適合的多功能自行車。前置車箱搭配舒適的賽車座椅同等級雙肩安全帶,能同時容納兩位小朋友,還有多餘空間可放置購物袋等物品。這項獲得專利可分離也可摺疊的前置車箱,將節省許多置物空間。還可加購專為CABBY設計的遮雨(陽)棚,或者標準遮罩。CABBY堅固的鐵製車架強化整體強度與硬度,整台車載重量高達200公斤,包含自行車重量38公斤、前置車箱載重量75公斤;符合綠色環保,內建「花鼓發電器」,無需裝載任何電池,往前騎前燈就會直接亮;隠藏式內變速系統與完整包覆鏈蓋設計,不再為落鏈而困擾,大大減少維修、故障機率。品牌:Royal Dutch Gazelle品名:Cabby多功能自行車顏色:時尚灰售價:NT$130,000【延伸資訊】
第1章 摘要整理
第2章 简称清单
第3章 调查范围
第4章 市场调查手法
第5章 简介
第6章 市场形势
第7章 各产品的市场区隔
第8章 各电池技术的市场区隔
第9章 地理区隔
第10章 主要国家
第11章 购买标准
第12章 市场成长因素
第13章 成长因素与其影响
第14章 市场课题
第15章 成长因素与课题的影响
第16章 市场趋势
第17章 趋势与其影响
第18章 业者情势
第19章 主要供应商分析
Hero Electric
Jiangsu Xinri E-Vehicle
Zhejiang Luyuan Electric Vehicle
第20章 相关报告
About Global Electric Two-wheelers Market
E2W is a term used for electric motorcycles, scooters, and bicycles. They are powered by batteries instead of liquid fuel. E2Ws consist of a DC motor, controller, battery, and charger instead of an ICE, as used in liquid fuel-powered two-wheelers. E2Ws are considered more environment friendly as well as a fuel saving alternative in comparison with liquid fuel-powered two-wheelers, and are a sound choice for short-range travel requirements.
TechNavio's analysts forecast the Global Electric Two-wheelers market to grow at a CAGR of 7.11 percent over the period .
Covered in this Report
This report covers the current market scenario and growth prospects of the Global Electric Two-wheelers market for the period . It presents a global overview as well as the market share and growth prospects by region. This report also presents the segmentation of the market in terms of products and battery technology. The report presents the major vendor landscape of this market and a corresponding detailed analysis of the key vendors.
In addition, the report discusses the major drivers that are influencing the growth of the market and also outlines the challenges faced by the vendors and the market at large, and the key trends that are emerging in the market.
TechNavio's report, the Global Electric Two-wheelers market , has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the Americas, the EMEA and APAC regions. The report also includes a discussion on the key vendors operating in this market.
Key Regions
Key Vendors
Hero Electric Vehicles
Jiangsu Xinri E-Vehicle
Zhejiang Luyuan Electric Vehicle
Other Prominent Vendors
Ampere Vehicles
Avon Cycles
Currie Technologies
Electrotherm India
e-Moto LLC
eZee Kinetics Technology
Honda Motor
iO Scooter Elektroroller
Royal Dutch Gazelle
SYM Sanyang Industry
Terra Motors
Yamaha Motor
Market Driver
Growing Demand in Emerging Market
For a full, detailed list, view our report
Market Challenge
Environmental Pollution due to Batteries
For a full, detailed list, view our report
Market Trend
Demand in Europe and Americas
For a full, detailed list, view our report
Key Questions Answered in this Report
What will the market size be in 2018 and what will the growth rate be
What are the key market trends
What is driving this market
What are the challenges to market growth
Who are the key vendors in this market space
What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors
Table of Contents
01. Executive Summary
02. List of Abbreviations
03. Scope of the Report
03.1. Market Overview
03.2. Product Offerings
04. Market Research Methodology
04.1. Market Research Process
04.2. Research Methodology
05. Introduction
06. Market Landscape
06.1. Market Size and Forecast
06.2. Five Forces Analysis
07. Market Segmentation by Product
07.1. Global Electric Two-wheelers Market Segmentation by Product
07.2. Global Electric Bicycles Market 2013 and 2018
07.3. Global Electric Scooters Market 2013 and 2018
07.4. Global Electric Motorcycles Market 2013 and 2018
08. Market Segmentation by Battery Technology
08.1. Global Electric Two-wheelers Market Segmentation by Battery Technology
09. Geographical Segmentation
09.1. Global Electric Two-wheelers Market by Region
09.2. Electric Two-wheelers Market in APAC Region
09.2.1. Market Size and Forecast
09.3. Electric Two-wheelers Market in EMEA Region
09.3.1. Market Size and Forecast
09.4. Electric Two-wheelers Market in Americas
09.4.1. Market Size and Forecast
10. Key Leading Countries
10.1. China
10.2. Germany
10.3. Netherlands
10.4. India
11. Buying Criteria
12. Market Growth Drivers
13. Drivers and their Impact
14. Market Challenges
15. Impact of Drivers and Challenges
16. Market Trends
17. Trends and their Impact
18. Vendor Landscape
18.1. Competitive Scenario
18.1.1. Key News
18.2. Other Prominent Vendors
19. Key Vendor Analysis
19.1. Hero Electric
19.1.1. Key Facts
19.1.2. Business Overview
19.1.3. SWOT Analysis
19.2. Jiangsu Xinri E-Vehicle
19.2.1. Key Facts
19.2.2. Business Overview
19.2.3. SWOT Analysis
19.3. Zhejiang Luyuan Electric Vehicle
19.3.1. Key Facts
19.3.2. Business Overview
19.3.3. SWOT Analysis
20. Other Reports in this Series
List of Exhibits
Exhibit 1: Overview of the
Electric Two-wheelers Sector
Exhibit 2: Market Research Methodology
Exhibit 3: Global Electric Two-wheelers Market
(units in million)
Exhibit 4: Global Electric Two-wheelers Market Segmentation by Product
Exhibit 5: Global Market Share of Electric Bicycles, Electric Scooters and Electric Motorcycles 2013 and 2018
Exhibit 6: Global Market of Electric Bicycles, Electric Scooters and Electric Motorcycles 2013 and 2018 (units in million)
Exhibit 7: Global Market of Electric Bicycles 2013 and 2018 (units in million)
Exhibit 8: Global Market of Electric Scooters 2013 and 2018 (units in million)
Exhibit 9: Global Market of Electric Motorcycles 2013 and 2018 (units in million)
Exhibit 10: Global Electric Two-wheelers Market Segmentation by Battery Technology
Exhibit 11: Global Market Share of Batteries Used in Electric Two-wheelers 2013 and 2018
Exhibit 12: Market of Batteries Used in Global Electric Two-wheelers Market
2013 and 2018 (units in million)
Exhibit 13: Global Electric Two-wheelers Market by Region 2013 and 2018
Exhibit 14: Electric Two-wheelers Market in APAC Region
(units in million)
Exhibit 15: Electric Two-wheelers Market in EMEA Region
(units in million)
Exhibit 16: Electric Two-wheelers Market in Americas
(units in million)
Exhibit 17: Key Leading Countries 2013
Exhibit 18: Key Vendors in the Global Electric Two-wheelers Market於 10:51:00發表
風尚數位科技股份有限公司版權所有 2013 FashionGuide All Rights ReservedRoyal Dutch Gazelle Introduces Two New Lifestyle City Bikes to Their Line of Products
Released on: January 21,
Aika Trading
Santa Monica, CA, January 21, 2015 -- // -- Aika Trading is proud to announce that they are now stocking two brand-new city bikes: the CityZen and the Van Stael. These two bicycles are characterized by a stylish, sporty design with high-quality components, and a remarkably light weight.
The CityZen is a real lifestyle city bike, as well as the sportiest and fastest bike in the Gazelle product line. It combines minimalist design with high-value components. The bicycle comes in two flavors: the C7 with a Shimano Nexus 7 and the S9 with a Shimano Deore rear derailleur. The CityZen C7, which weighs in at less than 15 kilos and is equipped with a Shimano Nexus gear hub and maintenance-free roller brakes, is ideal for comfortable city cycling. Weighing just 12.1 kilograms, the CityZen S9 is especially light-weight, making it very easy to maneuver. Prices for both bikes start at $1098, and the CityZen is available in both men&s and women&s models.
Gazelle Tour de France
The Van Stael is a stylish retro city bike inspired by the Netherlands& number 1 classic: the Gazelle Tour de France. Just like the CityZen S9, the Van Stael is very light (12.8 kilograms), making it very maneuverable. The robust steel frame sports modern styling and is fitted with quality components, such as a seat and handlebar grips by Brooks. The starting price for the Van Stael is $1048.
Starting from the beginning of next year, Gazelle&s product line will have a simpler, clearer, and more logical structure. One of the most important changes is the new way that the various models will be named. The e-bikes will be called Hybrid, and the location of the electric motor will also be included the name of the model: F (Front) or M (Mid). As of next year the city bikes will be known as Comfort and models with a derailleur will be redubbed as Trekking. Due to this change, the names Medeo and Fuente will no longer be used. Instead, these bicycles will take the &family names& Orange and Chamonix. The type of bicycle will be indicated with the letters C (Comfort), T (Trekking), S (Sportive trekking). The number of speeds will also included in the model name. For example, the Orange Plus Innergy will henceforth be called the Orange C7 Hybrid F, indicating that it is a seven-speed electric city bike with the motor in the front wheel.
Contact-Details: 2300 Lincoln Blvd. #1 Santa Monica, CA 90405 USA
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