巴塞罗那体育队b队西乙联赛第三 是由第四升级么?

热身-朱峥嵘破门上港1-0西乙队 携3连胜迎巴萨B队_国内足球-中超_新浪竞技风暴_新浪网
热身-朱峥嵘破门上港1-0西乙队 携3连胜迎巴萨B队
  新浪体育讯 北京时间1月16日消息,正在西班牙拉练的上海上港队迎来一场热身赛,对手是目前排在西乙联赛第九位的塞巴蒂尔。最终,凭借朱峥嵘的进球,上海上港以1-0战胜对手,取得海外拉练的第三场胜利。
&&|&&&&|&&西乙上演小国家德比 巴萨B队3-1逆转胜皇马B队_百度文库
西乙上演小国家德比 巴萨B队3-1逆转胜皇马B队
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在线时间413 小时性别女最后登录注册时间阅读权限50UID573458
超级替补, 积分 4204, 距离下一级还需 5796 积分
升级&&17.2%当前用户组为 超级替补当前积分为 4204, 升到下一级还需要 5796 点。签到天数: 128 天[LV.7]常住居民III帖子UID573458积分4204精华0江城币1024907 ¥狂热币1 元狂热度2171 ℃助攻0 球迷联盟巴萨联盟
本帖最后由 雨夜蝴蝶 于
17:05 编辑
日 巴萨B队在主场迷你球场2:0战胜萨瓦德尔,上下半场分别由15号Kiko Femenia和12号拉菲尼亚各打入一球,赢得了赛季首胜,隔壁的皇马B队输球,现在和巴萨B队同积三分,净胜球比巴萨B队少一个,排在巴萨B队之后。。。
16:58 上传
16:58 上传
Oier Olazabal
Ivan Balliu
David Lomban
Carles Planas
Alejandro Grimaldo
Ilie Sanchez
Sergi Roberto ((Luis Alberto, 88″)
Rafinha Alcantara
Kiko Femenia (Gerard Deulofeu, 75″)
Cristian Lobato
Sergio Araujo (Jean Marie Dongou, 63″)
Jordi Masip
Patricio Gabarron
Agostinho Cá
Gustavo Ledes
Luis Alberto
Gerard Deulofeu
Jean Marie Dongou
With the recent poor defensive performances against Almeria and Real Madrid Castilla fresh in the memory, Eusebio Sacristan took the opportunity of giving his Bar?a B team a behind closed doors run out against FC Santboia last Wednesday morning.
The match at the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper was designed to restore some much needed confidence before the Sabadell game and it was also a chance for some squad players to stake a claim for a starting place.
A business like performance from the Blaugrana saw them triumph 5-1. Dongou weighed in with a brace and Joan Angel Roman, Miguel Maza and an OG were the other scorers for Barca B.
On Thursday, Bar?a B players Tello, Planas, Roberto & Deulofeu (first call up) were delighted to be informed of a call up for the Spanish U21 side for their games against Switzerland and Croatia-would the good news and the performance against Santboia set the team up nicely for the visit of Sabadell to the Miniestadi? Barca President Sandro Rosell was one of a fantastic crowd of 4,535, who were no doubt tempted by the offer of a combined ticket to this match followed by the senior side’s game v Valencia, FCB’s marketing dept playing a blinder with that one.
Dongou had found himself relegated to the bench. Given his abject performance v Real Madrid Castilla it was perhaps understandable, but still something of a surprise, Araujo being preferred up front. Joining the Cameroonian on the bench was Deulofeu which seemed a gamble by Eusebio to say the least, especially given that the winger had started the season as well as anyone.
There was no real play of note in the first quarter of an hour, save for a couple of moves by either side which came to nothing. Barca took the lead after some great work by Rafinha. In a congested midfield, quick feet by the youngster allowed him the time to feed Kiko whose low, hard shot across the keeper found its way just inside the far post.
Much of the game was being played in the middle of the park, with Barca’s Sergi Roberto once again showing his class. Sabadell were offering nothing as an attacking force, a couple of half chances as good as it got for the away side.
On 35, Kiko almost scored his second, his shot hitting the keepers side as he fell and bouncing just wide of the post. Not long after this a clear elbow from Araujo went unpunished, the Argentine once again showing his fiery temper for no apparent reason. A great run by the ex Boca Juniors man a minute before the break deserved better but Barca were good value for their 1-0 half time lead.
Player of the match Rafinha put the hosts further in front on 48, his low shot too strong for the Sabadell keeper. A great break by Barca on 59 should’ve seen them go even further ahead but Balliu’s driven cross was just missed by the industrious Roberto. Araujo went close on 63 and Kiko crashed a shot against the crossbar on 65, Sabadell’s impotency clear for all to see, Barca dominating.
Dongou eventually made his bow on 68 minutes. Within 2 minutes of coming on, the Cameroon youngster, a graduate of the Samuel Eto’o academy, had seen a goal disallowed for offside and then had another chalked off, again offside, on 73 minutes. Deulofeu replaced Kiko on 76, just after a fantastic mazy run by Rafinha which saw him beat 4 before being fouled just outside the area, the resulting free kick coming to nothing.
Sabadell were disappointing. Oier was worked once or twice but they will have to play much better to enjoy the backing of their vocal travelling army of fans, who would’ve left disappointed by what they witnessed.
Sergi Roberto set up a double chance late on but both Dongou and Deulofeu fluffed their lines when it would’ve been easier to score. In the end a comfortable 2-0 win for Eusebio’s side who can finally celebrate getting their first win of the season.
messi barcelona
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messi barcelona
在线时间413 小时性别女最后登录注册时间阅读权限50UID573458
超级替补, 积分 4204, 距离下一级还需 5796 积分
升级&&17.2%当前用户组为 超级替补当前积分为 4204, 升到下一级还需要 5796 点。签到天数: 128 天[LV.7]常住居民III帖子UID573458积分4204精华0江城币1024907 ¥狂热币1 元狂热度2171 ℃助攻0 球迷联盟巴萨联盟
sdmlzx2 发表于
本赛季B队压力较大,多名后防队员升入1队,面对和1队一样的问题,后防要稳住,中场和前场方面还是很有优势的 ...
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