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Jay -Failed Substance Test - Part Four - Please Forgive Me
Jay - Failed Substance Test - Part Four Please Forgive Me This movie continues from the very hard Bath Brush Beating that Jay received in. Jay is not a happy man. He is deeply ashamed of his actions and has not been able to face going home to his family. He feels as though he has let everyone down. Jay has underestimated the bond between family and all his Mum & Dad want is for their son to return home. Jay finally arrives and what happens next is a very emotionally charged reunion and a very traditional spanking. """More from Producer Dave.... It is appealing to me to build on not just the stories but also the characters. I always felt that there was a lot more to Jay than this cheeky, fun lad we usually see. So used this Failed Substance test series to reveal a different side to Jay. I hope it works for you all and I look forward to reading all your comments. Oh and we all know that my editor Art is always great but I just wanted to give him a special mention. It's all very well having good dialogue and models that can really act, however the way that the footage is edited is what really tells the story and I just feel that Art did such an amazing job with this one. """ &
Price: $12.99 USD Length: 18 minutes
Size: 523 MB Format: MP4
Category: SPANKING M/M
Added: 2/20/15 11:59pm
Dean - 36 Lashes - Chinese Birch
Dean - Chinese Birch - 36 Lashes Dean&is facing some strong punishment! Dean&is resigned to his fate! Dean&assumes the position! Dean&is facing 36 lashes from the Chinese Birch! 12 over his jeans 12 over his underwear 12 over his bare bottom The different camera angles capture every moment of Dean's discomfort as the Chinese Birch hits its mark! (this movie contains scenes of full frontal nudity) &
Price: $11.99 USD Length: 12 minutes
Size: 286 MB Format: MP4
Category: SPANKING M/M
Added: 2/14/15 1:15pm
Brother In Charge - Part Eight - Andy
Brother In Charge - Part Eight Andy Things are not going well for the Lee family. Younger brother Dan has ended up being locked away in a young offenders prison and big brother Andy who was meant to be in charge feels terribly guilty. Andy is summoned to visit his Uncle who wants to get to the bottom of what is happening to his family. After a long journey, Andy arrives and takes a long, hot shower to freshen up. It's then time for a serious chat with his Uncle. Andy is dreadfully sorry and admits that he misses his fathers influence. If Dad was still around the lads would have been punished and kept in line stopping things going so far. Andy ends up begging his Uncle to take control. So Andy's Uncle decides that Andy does need to be taught a lesson. The muscular straight lad soon finds himself naked over his Uncle's knee getting his beefy bottom spanked hard! It's not just a spanking though as Uncle also lashes him with a leather strap! Andy is left with a very red, sore bottom! (please be warned that this spanking movie features, long lingering shots of a hot straight guy taking a steaming shower that some viewers may find highly erotic!) &
Price: $17.99 USD Length: 26 minutes
Size: 711 MB Format: MP4
Category: SPANKING M/M
Added: 2/9/15 2:58pm
Glen - How's My Driving?
Glen - How's My Driving? Glen is a very skilled plumber... but a terrible driver! He has had many accidents, driving his&van in the last few months and his boss is fed-up with the complaints! Glen has recently had a driving altercation with the wrong person. It just happens to be the local community spanker, Mr X! Oh Dear! This strapping, handsome young man is called for punishment.& Mr X is not pleased! Glen might be a rugged chap but he is not good wroth pain and is seriously dreading his punishment. Mr X does not care! Glen is punished hard. With a tough over the knee hand spanking followed by some hard lashes from his own belt. Glen's bottom is left rather sore and purple! &
Price: $19.99 USD Length: 26 minutes
Size: 669 MB Format: MP4
Category: SPANKING M/M
Added: 1/30/15 11:49am
Brother In Charge - Part Seven - Oliver & Fred
Brother In Charge - Part Seven Oliver & Fred Oliver has roped his little brother Fred into dealing gear! Fred has done really well and has sold the lot! Oliver comes round to collect the money so that they can pay back the supplier.& Oh Dear! Fred can't find the money! Oliver is furious and also worried for Fred as he knows that their lives will be threatened by the Mr Big! So Oliver takes out his frustration and anger by spanking his younger brother hard! & &
Price: $11.99 USD Length: 13 minutes
Size: 369 MB Format: MP4
Category: SPANKING M/M
Added: 1/29/15 11:57am
Tim - Shamed Accountant
Tim - Shamed Accountant Tim is an accountant working for local builder, old Mr Smith. Tim is not just any employee, he happens to me Mr Smith's nephew. Mr Smith thought he could trust family. Sadly he was wrong! Nephew Tim was caught fiddling the books... Old Mr Smith decided that his nephew needed to be taught a lesson & ordered Tim to visit Mr X (the local, community spanker!). At 30 years old, Tim is a bit older than the usual lads that get sent to Mr X, but that makes no difference. Mr X has a job to do and Tim is going to get spanked! We get to see Tim starting off in his smart, sharp suit and gradually get undressed until he is spanked on his bare bottom! Being a 30 year old straight man, going over another mans knee to get spanked is a very humbling experience indeed! &
Price: $16.99 USD Length: 20 minutes
Size: 535 MB Format: MP4
Category: SPANKING M/M
Added: 1/25/15 11:00am
Karl - Real Punishment - Interview & Spanking
Karl - Real Punishment (This movie is 36 minutes long. The first 22 minutes is made up of the interview with followed by around 14 minutes of punishment) So this movie sees the long awaited return of Karl.It starts off with a very frank and revealing interview with Karl explaining what has been going on in his very varied life! However, it's not all been well behaved and it is decided that Karl should face some real punishment! It has been a long time since Karl was properly spanked and boy does he feel it! Dave does not hold back and you see Karl getting severely scolded, made to think about his recent actions and soundly spanked! Of course, Dave did not just use his hand, the belt came out as well! """"More from producer Dave. Considering the revelations from Karl in his interview, I thought it would actually be rather hard to spank the lad. I mean, I am not for kicking someone when they are feeling down... However, as the interview continued and then the spanking itself, it did actually feel as though it was deserved and that Karl was actually learning something. Anyway, it is all there for you to see, it will be interesting to read what you think" &
Price: $14.99 USD Length: 36 minutes
Size: 986 MB Format: MP4
Category: SPANKING M/M
Added: 1/18/15 8:25am
Jay - Failed Substance Test - Part Three - Bath Brush
Jay - Failed Substance Test - Part Three Bath Brush Beating (Warning this movie features a very long, real and extremely hard punishment and runs for over 27 mins) Jay has really gone and done it this time. After being warned about using banned 'performance enjancers' Jay still continued to do so. During the important Martial Arts Competition, Jay got tested and caught! The repercussions of cheating like this were huge!& Jay was sent to Mr X to face the ultimate punishment.& The dreaded Bath Brush! Jay arrives and is very different. No longer the cocky, cheeky lad but instead we see a very fearful & extremely sorry young man. Mr X though has a job to do and he does not hold back. The punishment is long and hard, alternating between strong hand spanks & hard swats from the wooden bath brush. Jay's bottom gets redder and redder as the relentless punishment continues! At the end though, we do see some compassion rom Mr X as he rubs soon soothing cream into the Jay's stinging bottom! & ""More from Producer Dave, in this movie I wanted you to see a different side to Jay. Jay is great at playing the cocky, cheeky young man, but I knew he could also play it serious too when required. I really hope enjoy the change in Jay's performance"" &
Price: $19.99 USD Length: 27 minutes
Size: 756 MB Format: MP4
Category: SPANKING M/M
Added: 1/16/15 12:17pm
Brothers Spanked - Oliver & Fred - Part Two
Brothers Spanked& &Oliver & Fred Part Two This movie follows on directly from . Mr X has decided that the brothers have not fully learned their lesson, so decides that they will each get 12 swats from the dreaded Carpet Beater! The lads are made to bend over a chair and accept the swats! Mr X does not hold back as the Carpet Beater hits the spot! &
Price: $10.99 USD Length: 12 minutes
Size: 334 MB Format: MP4
Category: SPANKING M/M
Added: 12/28/14 3:21am
Dom - Mouth Soaping
Dom - Mouth Soaping Dom has just received a phone call from his furious mate Harry. Harry explains that Dom's Dad had spanked him that afternoon! Dom can't belive how is Dad has been behaving, in fact Dom describes in great detail exactly what he thinks of his father! Little does Dom know that his father has come home early and can hear every word! Dad has had enough of his son's disrespectful language so drags him over the sink to wash his foul mouth out with soap! If that is not bad enough, Dad than grabs a wooden spatula and proceeds to spank Dom first of all whilst he is bent over the sink and then again over his knee. Dom is left with a very sore, bruised bottom and a clean mouth! &
Price: $12.99 USD Length: 12 minutes
Size: 331 MB Format: MP4
Category: SPANKING M/M
Added: 12/21/14 10:04am
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