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4 out of 5 based on 63 ratings for Advanced System Optimizer 3.5.
For Advanced System Optimizer 3.5.Publisher's description
Advanced System Optimizer is a System Utilities software developed by Systweak, Inc.. After our trial and test, the software is proved to be official, secure and free. Here is the official description for Advanced System Optimizer:Edit by Brothersoft: Advanced System Optimizer 3 has new multi-functional utilities essential for today’s improved machines - to protect, update and optimize your computer. The new set of tools is clubbed with very useful existing tools that are enhanced to give more accurate and speedy output. ASO includes the following Powerful Tools: - Smart PC CareOne-Click Solution - Game OptimizerPlay games in a disturbance free environment - Driver Updaterupdate out dated and required drivers
- System ProtectorProtection against malware, spyware, trojans - Disk Tools
at startup - backup your important files and documents - PC Fixerfix the common problems instantly - Disk OptimizerDefrag hard disk and for optimized performance - UndeleteRecover accidently deleted data - Secure Password Protect your personal files - Registry Cleaner
Errors - Registry OptimizerDefrag registry for better performance - Etc. you can free download Advanced System Optimizer 3.1 now. you can
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Advanced System Optimizer是一个易于使用的先进的系统优化调整套件,其中包括30多个工具,以改善和调整你的电脑的性能,让您的系统运行平稳,迅速,无差错。它提供了一个有吸引力和易于使用的界面,组织的所有任务类别,并提供尽可能的图形数据。这 些工具包括垃圾文件清理,内存优化,系统信息,系统文件备份,文件加密,安全卸载,重复文件查找,窗口透明度调整等。先进的系统优化还包括一个小型 SMTP服务器直接发送邮件,互联网访问记录cookie管理和安全删除等应用,总体而言,提供了多个广泛的系统工具以及一些额外的工具,这些一般优化软 件是不具备的。软件主要功能:智能电脑维护(新):一键式解决方案游戏优化(新):在无干扰的环境下玩游戏驱动更新(新):更新过时的和所需的驱动程序内存优化:释放未分配的内存以便更好的利用PC修复工具(新):即时修复常见的问题系统&安全顾问:微调系统设置重复文件删除器:删除重复的文件磁盘优化器(新):整理硬盘和性能优化磁盘工具(新):启动时检查磁盘系统清理器:清理垃圾数据并释放磁盘空间磁盘资源管理器:显示文件和文件夹的磁盘使用情况反删除(新):恢复意外删除的数据注册表清理器:清理注册表错误注册表优化器:整理注册表以获得更好的性能隐私权保护:清理隐藏的隐私暴露痕迹安全删除:永久删除私人数据安全加密器:密码保护您的私人文件系统保护(新):针对恶意软件,间谍软件,木马的防护
TuneUp Utilities 2015是由最新版本的系统优化处理工具,他可以帮助用户解决各种系统疑难问题,保证系统正常健康的运行,TuneUp Utilities 2015版本提供了系统维护、系统优化、垃圾清理、注册表优化、软件卸载、硬盘优化等多种功能。有了他就可以让你的系统更快、更安全。
Process Lasso Pro是一款调整进程优先级的系统优化工具,使用Process Lasso Pro可以有效地改善CPU的使用状况,减少计算机假死的情况,提高计算机的性能和运行速度,本站提供Process Lasso Pro中文破解
随着win8的放出,各种win8的优化软件也层出不穷了。这个win8优化大师是由软媒开发的,主要优化一些常用选项: win8优化大师主要功能 & win + x 快捷菜单管理功能:在屏幕最左下角按下右键或者win+x快捷键,可以自
您的电脑常常开机吗?开机非常迅速吗?有私人档案需要作保护吗?PCBooster 正是您所需要的软体!2 分钟内帮您完成系统自动加速;当然,也可以手动个别设定调整,包括桌面、开始功能表、网路、硬体、光碟机、记忆体、关机的优化。这是PGWARE
Process Lasso Pro是一款驱动级的系统优化调整工具,他可以有效地优化计算机的性能,调整计算机中各种应用程序的资源占用,可有效避免蓝屏、假死、进程停止响应、进程占用 CPU 时间过多等问题。Process Lasso Pro 64位版可以完美支持win7、win8等64位操作系统。
TuneUp Utilities 2013号称世界上最好的系统优化软件!比如国内的windowns优化大师,超级兔子,都不如TuneUp Utilities。 TuneUpUtilities 能优化系统性能、解决问题并帮助你定制系统,以满足
360Amigo System Speedup又称360系统加速大师,是一款体积小巧但是功能强大的系统优化工具,具有册表清理、垃圾文件清理,注册表整理,磁盘碎片整理,开机优化,启动程序管理,进程管理,服务管理等多种实用的功能,不过这款软件与奇虎360并没有什么关系。
Advanced System Optimizer(系统优化工具) v3.9. 中文版
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① 5030944Windows Advanced System Optimizer - WinASO RegDefrag (Freeware)
Windows Registry
never shrinks even when its data is removed. Over time, the bloated registry
with lots of registry holes will slow down system boot speed and affect
computer performance.
WinASO RegDefrag
can compact and defragment your registry to remove the registry holes and
optimize the registry structure. As a result, it will boost system speed and
performance as a whole.
WinASO RegDefrag
is a freeware and completely free to use.
Fast and advanced Registry Analyzing mechanism
With a single click, WinASO RegDefrag quickly analyzes your entire registry by locating registry holes and other waste space.
It presents a clear and vivid report of how much
percentage of fragments occupies your registry, as well as the current and
expected registry size before and after defragmentation.
Along with the
analysis report, WinASO RegDefrag automatically gives professional advice about
whether it is necessary to defrag registry based on the analysis.
Safe and professional Defragmentation process
WinASO RegDefrag
applies Microsoft&s latest reconstruction technology to ensure the maximum
safety of your Windows once the registry is rebuilt.
When defragmenting
the registry, WinASO RegDefrag can intelligently filter out the
system-sensitive settings in the registry which are not suitable for
Two optional
defragmentation methods are offered:
Quick Defragmentation - Only takes less than 1 minute. This method will defragment the major areas of the registry.
Full Defragmentation - Takes a few minutes. This method will defragment and rebuild the entire registry.
Support Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7
WinASO RegDefrag is now fully compatible with most
popular Windows operating systems.
Absolutely FREE!
You don't need to pay at all to download and use the full function of WinASO RegDefrag!
WinASO RegDefrag
Jun 03, 2014
Copyright &
X.M.Y. International LLC. All rights reserved.


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