mentoring leaders 有有向图的理论 电子版版吗

SMYAL ProgramsFor many young people, SMYAL provides the only safe space in their world. LGBTQ youth are at greater risk than their heterosexual peers for many negative health outcomes, including HIV infection, violence, substance abuse, physical abuse, homelessness, and suicide.Our youth programs, which occur both in our Youth Center and in area schools, are designed to build participants' capacity, specific to knowledge and skills that build greater self-efficacy, improve their physical and emotional health and to increase their sense of self-worth and place in their community. SMYAL's core expertise is identifying and developing strengths in LGBTQ youth, helping youth through the "coming out" process and fostering positive self-esteem.Youth Center Activities:Our staff members and volunteers give youth the support they need to make informed decisions about their health, sexual activity, drug and alcohol use/abuse, anger management, violence prevention, and other community issues through weekly support groups. Providing safe social activities for LGBTQ youth to be themselves is an integral part to our work. Every Friday, we open our Youth Center for regular social activities such as dances, movie nights, and game nights. We also work with community partners to hold large-scale events throughout the region.Leadership Development:. The GSA Network brings together Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) from schools throughout the District to connect with each other and to other local resources. Each month, local student leaders can come to share strategies and ideas for students looking to start a GSA at their own school or discover best ways attract more members, talk to school administrators, or plan and run student events.
The Women's Leadership Institute (WLI) is a leadership development program for young lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and allied (LBTQA) women ages 13-21 which focuses on women's issues and community service. Established in 2010, SMYAL's Women's Leadership Institute is the only curriculum-based youth development model employed in the DC metro area specifically geared towards LBTQ young women.& Community Education:Peer
Educators are a select group of youth who receive training in order to
educate other LGBTQA youth about HIV/AIDS prevention and safer sex
methods. Peer Educators serve their community as sources of information,
role models, and trusted friends by providing workshops for schools,
community-based-organizations, and the SMYAL community. In addition to hosting programs for youth 6 days per week, SMYAL also goes out into the community to help educate teachers, youthworkers, police officers, and more about how to provide culturally competent services and safe spaces for LGBTQ youth. Follow the link above to learn more about our workshops for adults and youth or to request a training!


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