
>>>书面表达. 假设你是Li Ming, 本周末班里举行英语角活动, 用英语..
&&&& 假设你是Li Ming, 本周末班里举行英语角活动, 用英语讨论游泳安全问题. 请你用英语写一篇简短发言稿.&&&& 要点如下:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1. 游泳有益健康;但有些地方不安全;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2. 不要独自到江河游泳;应有家人或朋友陪伴;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3. 游泳前做好准备工作, 不要仓促下水;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 4. 游泳时相互关照;时间不要太长.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&5. 写一至两点个人建议.&&&&&& 注意:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1. 词数60 - 80, 发言稿的开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2. 参考词汇: keep fit 有益健康&&&&&&look after 关照&&&&&& in a hurry 仓促Fellow students,__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thanks.
Fellow students,&&&& As we know, swimming is a nice sport and a good way to keep us fit. But remember some places are not so safe for us to swim in. Don't go to rivers or lakes alone. It's better to go with our parents or friends. Before swimming, get ready for it and don't get into the water in a hurry. While swimming, try to look after each other. We'd better not stay in water too long. And don't swim too far. Enjoy it when you go for a swim.Thanks.(答案不唯一)
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“书面表达. 假设你是Li Ming, 本周末班里举行英语角活动, 用英语..”主要考查你对&&提纲作文&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
提纲作文:即是对作文要求中有提纲限定或叫做提纲提示,要求作文内容中包括提纲内容的一种作文形式。提纲作文注意:1. 仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确有哪些要点。 2. 提纲是文章的总体框架,要在提纲的范围内进行分析、构思和想象。要依据提示情景或词语,&& 按照一定逻辑关系来写。 3. 根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;语言表达要符合英语习惯。
与“书面表达. 假设你是Li Ming, 本周末班里举行英语角活动, 用英语..”考查相似的试题有:
第一次作文编辑推荐欢迎来到线话英语! 或
> 关于游泳的英语作文
  Swimming sounds simple, but the process of learning to swim is a long way to. The summer of that year, her mother gave I a problem for the &task &------ learn how to swim. Received the &task&, the An Hai bit scared, but I firmly believe that &I believe he is the best,& famous words. Because I have determined, so it must be able to this long-standing &mission& to conquer.
  That day, I came to swimming pools, into the locker room. After everything buttoned, wearing small swimming trunks, walked small Fang Bu, ready to accept the challenge of swimming. Coach let me, &recruit& jumping into the water to go, how the first test to my water. I pinch your nose, is preparing to jump, suddenly, the coach told me to stop, told me not to pinch your nose, otherwise it will choke the water. I listened to the &order&, after all, people coaching is a &general& on-off &battle&, my &boot& you also &training& at home. So, I let go of your nose hand, jumped out of the water, only to hear &bang& bang, I like a &blockbuster& splash immediately. Coaches see, to me this &recruit&, said: &Your water is also good to practice trained to swim up. After a few days, the coach began to teach me swimming. I travel tour ah, ah study science, but Why am I so difficult to learn a swim, while a foot is not in place, while it is wrong head. &Tiechu needle can be ground into& I Why not? through hard work, and I a little bit in advance, pose increasingly The more correct, more and more standard look.
  Suffocating the most basic step is to learn to swim, lay a good foundation, and then began to study &breaststroke.& To be honest, is not difficult to learn, in fact, the saying goes: &99% of the hard and the hard work and wisdom of 1% can get a good result.& Breaststroke this position is definitely inspired by the frog to change way into today's swim. I work hard to learn, &breaststroke&, after a period of practice, I can swim again. Last year's summer vacation, I take another &freestyle& forward, this posture is more difficult than in the breaststroke. Although difficult to be bigger, but faster speed than the breaststroke, so I am still a serious effort to learn freestyle, and now have basically learned.
  Finally to my &new recruits& set off when the mother said, and I want to contest some Chen. I do the expedition prepared to embark on a &battlefield&, I play on the look of a terrain, that was the &water war&, I want to be careful. Station to the diving platform, only to hear &thump& sound, others use &Barracuda& look to jump, I Chen has come a &starfish& pattern style of diving, after launching a step slower than the mother, and I quickly with a &freestyle& go for more than my mother after I use the &breaststroke& and her fight, and finally to the end, Chen's mother, I became the &fall by the wayside.&
  I Chen Although fat points, but you do not underestimate me! In the water, but a &big floats,& Oh, ha ha ... ... I also love playing table tennis, and play well. I now exercise more, because I always sports scores, &pass& and &good& between the two. I believe through my efforts, &good& there must be I standings Chen's name.
| 私隐政策
游泳-我最喜欢的运动(Swimming-My Favorite Sports)
来源:  【】 
  Swimming is my favorite sport. I like swimming very much. It can make me strong. In summer, I swim in the sea. In winter, the weather is very cold. I go swimming at the swimming pool.  Every Sunday I go swimming with my parents. If you want to be strong, please come with me!1&&&
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中国科学院研究生院权威支持(北京) 电 话:010- 传 真:010- 您现在的位置:&&>>&&>>&&>>&&>>&我学会了游泳,国庆节2009阅兵英语作文正文
  []我了,节2009阅兵 (网 )   作者:叶可可 夏日的午后烈日高悬
  ,文,上 作文人,教你如何写一篇好作文   酷热难挡,国庆节2009阅兵英语作文;树叶耷拉着脑袋,蝉儿扯着嗓门喊,。叫上我,带我到去门前那条河的大坝去游泳。我高兴地带上游泳工具,大步大步地向大坝跑去。   看到大坝了,我迫不及待地往里冲,甩掉鞋子,从妈妈手中抢过汽车内胎做成的游泳圈,光着小脚丫,钻进汽车内胎,扶着游泳圈向水深处游去。因为轮胎太重了,这个见了帮我推一推,作文,那个见了帮我推一推。游了一会儿,我向妈妈说:“轮胎太笨重了,游起来笨手笨脚的,一点也不方便。换救生衣吧!”我穿上救生衣,重新回到水中。会游泳的小们又是扎猛子,又是竖蜻蜓,又是打水仗,翻江倒海,一个个像小泥鳅似的,在水里追来追去,又喊又叫,真有说不出的惬意,《》()。 ◆分享好文◆我好羡慕他们呀!我又责怪起救生衣来:“妈妈。救生衣的阻力太大了,游起来太慢,它只是浮在水面,又不会动,真是一快四方木”妈妈跳下水帮我脱掉救生衣,抱起我,使我不会沉,教我用手划圈,脚上下摆动……抱着抱着,趁我正游得欢的时候,一放手,我就这样不知不觉地学会了游。我这个小淘气骄傲极了,不听妈妈的再三忠告。当看到小伙伴们从坝面上往下跳水,像鱼跃龙门一样。他们讥嘲我,说:“你敢跳吗?那么高,害怕了吧,胆小鬼!”只听他们的嘴像倒了核桃车子,噼里啪啦地一阵数落,气得我直打哆嗦。我正想往下跳,突然,又传来一句:“喂,新来的,2009阅兵式作文,不敢跳,就哪儿凉快站哪儿去。”一位小胖子冲着我说。一听这话,我的眼泪扑簌簌地掉下来,像断了线的珠子一样,伤心极了。我鼓足勇气,摒住呼吸,闭上眼睛,心里数:“1-2-3,跳!”就不顾一切地向水中一个猛扎,吓得妈妈脸都青了。我了!我成功了!我欢呼着,又扎了一个猛子,像鱼儿一样欢快地游着……   这次,我学会了游泳,也明白了一个:失败是成功的绊脚石,也是成功之母。在岸上永远也学不会游泳,只有不断地在扎进水里,才能在水中主沉浮。    作文人网提供作文,作文,作文,学习,写作,作文,中考满分作文,高考满分作文,考场作文指导,英语作文等各项服务。   百度一下作文人    点击进入  〔我学会了游泳,国庆节2009阅兵英语作文〕随文赠言:【不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。――荀况】
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