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Powered by Discuz!史上最难的复古游戏安卓手机版(Trap Adventure)
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《史上最难的复古游戏(Trap Adventure)》是一款极为虐心的像素类休闲游戏,游戏玩法同超级玛丽很类似,但是玩起来确实非常的虐心,因为你不知道哪里就会有一个陷阱等着你,稍不注意就会中了隐藏的陷阱,喜欢的玩家一定不要错过。
网侠小编测评: 这款虐心的像素类复古游戏背景画面采用了类似于超级玛丽的背景,但是其虐心程度极高,玩家一定要有足够的耐心才能玩下去。
史上最难的复古游戏安卓版特点: 1、游戏画面采用像素类仿超级玛丽背景,复古经典。 2、游戏玩法简单,但是随时随地都会有隐藏的陷阱等着玩家。 3、虐心程度极高,有耐心的玩家一定要来试一试。
史上最难的复古游戏安卓手机版(Trap Adventure)
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  由厂商Pixel Trap Studio开发的全新跑酷游戏新作《Mighty Adventure》即将上线iOS!大家一起来蹦蹦跳吧!
  《Mighty Adventure》是一款能无限制跑下去的跑酷游戏,游戏中有三个特殊技能的角色,玩家们要通过在不同角色之间的转换来越过出现在游戏中的不同障碍。踩踏、连跳和狂奔三种技能,看你怎么在障碍重重的路上一路前行啦!
  卡通风浓郁的游戏场景也非常地引人瞩目!在游戏《Mighty Adventure》里面,各种各样形态各异的动物角色也让玩家们在游戏过程中心情愉悦!
  《Mighty Adventure》中的游戏关卡也是相当的有趣,开发商在设计游戏关卡时使用了多种阻碍前进的敌人,各位玩家可要小心了!
加入极游网玩家交流群,官方QQ群群号:  Hallie: Ah, oh man.  Annie: Oh, here's your...  Hallie: Cuppy.  Annie: Any of your pictures ruined?  Hallie: Only the beautiful Leo DiCaprio.  Annie: Who?  Hallie: You've never heard of Leonardo DiCaprio? How far away is London anyway?  Annie: Well, from here it's 3,OOO miles. But sometimes it seems much further. How far away is your home?  Hallie: Oh, California is way at the other end of the country. Actually, here's a picture of my house.  Annie: Wow! lt's beautiful.  Hallie: Yeah. We built it when l was little. We've got this incredible porch that looks over the entire vineyard. And then--- Who-  Annie: Who's that?  Hallie: Oh, that's my dad. He didn't know l was taking the picture then, or else he would have turned around. He's kinda like my best friend. We do everything together What's the matter?  Annie: Oh, it's chilly in here, that's all.  Hallie: Want one?  Annie: Oh, sure, l love Oreos. At home l eat them with--l eat them with peanut butter.  Hallie: You do? That is so weird. So do l.  Annie: You're kidding. Most people find that totally disgusting.  Hallie: l know. l don't get it.  Annie: Me either.  Hallie: What's your dad like? l mean, is he the kind of father you can talk to or is he one of those workaholic types who says, l'll talk to ya later, honey, but, you know, never really does? l hate that.  Annie: l don't have a father, actually. l mean, l had one once, l suppose. But my parents divorced years ago. My mother never even mentions him. lt's like he evaporated into thin air or something.  Hallie: lt's scary the way nobody stays together anymore.  Annie: Tell me about it.  Hallie: How old are you?  Annie: l'll be 12 on October 11.  Hallie: So will l.  Annie: Your birthday's on October 11?  Hallie: Yeah.  Annie: How weird is that?  Hallie: Extremely. Oh, hey. lt stopped raining. You wanna go get a Popsicle or something? What's the matter?  Annie: Hallie, what's your mother like?  Hallie: l never met her. She and my dad split up when l was a baby, maybe even before. l'm not sure. He doesn't like to talk about her. But l know she was really, really beautiful.  Annie: How do you know that?  Hallie: Well, because my dad had this old picture of her hidden in his sock drawer, and he caught me looking at it, like, all the time, so he gave it to me to keep. Look, l'm-l'm really thirsty. Sure you don't want to go to the mess hall and get a lemonade?  Annie: Will you stop thinking about your stomach at a time like this?  Hallie: At a time like what?  Annie: Don't you realize what's happening? l mean, think about it. l only have a mother and you only have a father. You've never seen your mom, and l've never seen my dad. You have one old picture of your mom, and l have one old picture of my dad. But at least yours is probably a whole picture. Mine is a pathetic little thing, all crinkled and ripped right down the middle and-- What are you rummaging in your trunk for?  Hallie: This. lt's a picture of my mom, and it's ripped too.  Annie: Right down the middle?  Hallie: Right down the middle.  Annie: This is so freaky. Okay. On the count of three, we'll show them to each other, okay?  Hallie: Okay. One Two Three.  Annie: That's my dad.  Hallie: That's my mom.  Annie: That's the lunch bell.  Hallie: l'm not so hungry anymore. So if--if your mom is my mom, and my dad is your dad, and we're both born on October 11, then you and l are like--like sisters.  Annie: Sisters? Hallie, we're like twins.  Hallie: l just don't know what to say.  Annie: What's that you're holding?  Hallie: My locket. l got it when l was born. lt has an H on it.  Annie: l got mine when l was born, too, except mine has an A on it.  Hallie: Ooh, now l've got goose bumps. My God, so l'm not an only child. l'm a twin. l'm a twin--there's two of me. l mean, two of us. This is like--  Annie: Mind boggling  Hallie: Totally.  Annie: Completely.  Hallie: Oh, my God.  Annie: Oh, my God.
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  海丽: 呵呵。  安妮:哦,这是你的...  海丽:小兔兔。  安妮:你的照片是?  海丽:迪卡普里奥。  安妮:谁?  海丽:你从来没有听说过莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥吗?  安妮:你的家有多远?  海丽:其实,这里是我家的照片。  安妮:哇!它很美。  海丽:是的。我小时候家里修建的这栋房子,从美丽的门廊那里可以看到整片葡萄园。  安妮:那是谁?  海丽:哦,那是我爸爸。他不知道我在拍照,否则他会转身的。他有点像我最好的朋友。  安妮:噢,有点冷。  海丽:想要一个吗?  安妮:噢,当然,我爱奥利奥。  海丽:这太离谱了。  安妮:你在开玩笑吧?  海丽:他是什么样的父亲?  安妮:我没有父亲,其实。我的母亲从不提起他,就好像他已经人间蒸发。
  海莉:好极了。雨停了。你想和我去吃冰棍吗?发生什么事了吗?  安妮:海丽,你的妈妈是什么样的?  海丽:我没有见过她。她和我爸分手了,当我还是一个婴儿的时候。我不知道。他不喜欢谈论她。但我知道她真的,真的很漂亮。  安妮:你是怎么知道的?  海丽:因为我爸爸有过这样的老照片,隐藏在他的袜子抽屉里,所以他把它给我保留了。你看,我 - 我口渴了。当然,你不想和我去食堂喝一杯柠檬水吗?  安妮:你别再想着你的胃了,在这样的时刻,好吗?  海丽:这样的时刻是什么?  安妮:难道你不知道发生了什么事吗?我的意思是,想想吧。我只有一个母亲,你只有一个父亲。你从来没见过你的妈妈,我从来没有见过我的爸爸。你有你妈的老照片,我有一张我爸的老照片。我的照片被拦腰撕开了 - 你在后备箱里找什么?  安妮:好吧。数到三,我们把它们展示给对方,好吗?  海丽:好吧。一二三。  安妮:这是我的爸爸。  海丽:这是我的妈妈。  安妮:这是午餐的钟声。  海丽:我太饿了。所以,如果 - 如果你的妈妈是我的妈妈,我的爸爸是你的爸爸,我们都出生在10月11日,那么你和我-是姐妹。  安妮:姐妹?海丽,我们是双胞胎。  海丽:我只是不知道该说些什么。  海丽:哦,现在我的鸡皮疙瘩都起来了。我的上帝,所以我并不是唯一的孩子。我是双胞胎 - 有两个我。这简直是?? -   安妮:令人震惊。  海丽:对。  安妮:完全正确。  海丽:哦,我的上帝。  安妮:噢,我的上帝。
  Hallie: Hello. Grandfather? l'm home.  Grandfather: ls that my little girl? That tall, gangly thing?  Hallie: Yes, it's me.  Grandfather: Oh, welcome home. Did you have a good time, sweet pea?  Hallie: Uh-huh, great.  Grandfather: What are you doing?  Hallie: Just smelling.  Grandfather: Smelling?  Hallie: l'm making a memory.  Grandfather: Oh.  Hallie: Years from now, when l'm all grown up, l'll always remember my grandfather, and how he always smelt of, peppermint and pipe tobacco.  Grandfather: Good to have you back.  Mom: Annie? Annie?  Hallie: Mother.  Mom: You're back.  Hallie: l can't believe it's you.  Mom: And l can't believe it's you. And with short hair. Who cut it for you?  Hallie: A girl l met at camp. Do you hate it?  Mom: No, l absolutely love it. You got your ears pierced? Well, are there any other surprises? Belly button rings, tattoos? Ah, darling, what is it?  Hallie: l'm sorry. lt's just--l've missed you so much.  Mom: Oh, l know. lt seems like it's been forever.  Hallie: You have no idea.  Mom: So, come on. Tell me, did you like everyone? Was it fun? Ah, Martin  Martin: l found a stowaway in your suitcase.  Hallie: Oh, my God. Cuppy!  Mom: Cuppy?  Hallie:- He-- He belongs to my friend, the one l was, umm, telling you about. l can't imagine how he got into my suitcase.  Martin: Well, since he's not our Cuppy, shall we dispose of the little creature?  Hallie: No! l mean, no. l'll-- l'll mail him to her. She loves this thing a lot--a lot, a lot. And she's, like, slept with this thing her entire life. And she could never be, like, say, in a foreign country without him. No, no l'll take care of it. That will be all, Martin. Thank you.  Mom: Hello. Oh, hi. How's the photo shoot going? Hmm. Well, can't you manage without me? l mean, Annie just got home from camp. Hmm. Yeah.
  爷爷:是我的小女孩吗?那个高个子,身材瘦长的?  海丽:是的。  爷爷:哦,欢迎你回家。  海丽:嗯。  祖父:你在做什么?  海丽:多年以后,当我长大,我会永远记住我的外祖父。  爷爷:你能回来太好了。  妈妈:安妮?安妮?  海丽:妈妈。  妈妈:你回来了。  海丽:我不能相信是你。  妈妈:短头发。谁剪的?  海丽:你讨厌吗?  妈妈:不。你有耳洞了?那么,还有任何其他的意外吗?肚脐环,纹身?  海丽:我很抱歉。  妈妈:那么,来吧。啊,马丁。  马丁:我在你的行李箱发现了一个偷渡者。  海丽:哦,我的上帝。小兔兔!  妈妈:小兔兔?  海丽:他是我朋友的,嗯,告诉你。我不能想象他是怎么进入我手提箱的。  马丁:嗯,因为他不是我们的小兔兔。  海丽:不!我的意思是,不。我 - 我会邮寄给她的。她喜欢这个东西 - 很喜欢。  妈妈:你好。哦,你好。拍的照片是怎么回事?我的意思是,安妮刚刚回家。嗯。是啊。
  Chessy: Hello, gorgeous! Oh, look at you! Oh, you grew. Oh, we missed you so much. Hey, don't you dare let your old man talk you out of going back to camp. Okay?You're a growing girl. You need adventure.  Annie: Okay.  Chessy: Oh, you hungry? I made corn bread and chili. Why are you so quiet? What's wrong?  Annie: Nothing, it's just--l'm so happy to be home.  Dad: Hey, did I hear somethin' about corn bread and chili?  Chessy: Yeah, it's on the stove. So, something's changed about you, Hal. Umm, I can't put my finger on it, but something about you is definitely changed.  Annie: Really? Well, it's just the same old me. Honest. Hi, Sammy.  Chessy: What is wrong with you, you goofball? lt's Hallie.  Annie: Oh, I-I probably just smell like camp, that's all.  Chessy: What's the matter with you? lt's like you didn't even recognize her.  Annie: Wow! It's even better than the pictures.  Chessy: Okay, kiddo. What do ya wanna do first, huh? You wanna eat and then unpack? Or, uh, we could unpack and then eat. Or we could eat while we unpack.  Annie: Do you mean I can eat in my room?  Chessy: Yeah, l'd say it's a definite possibility.  Dad: Hey, Hal, when you're done, come on down. There's someone I want you to meet.  Annie: Okay, Dad.  Dad: Okay, Hal.  Blake: Look at you. Always eating. Did you tell her?  Dad: No.  Blake: Nicky.  Dad: I will. I will.  Annie: Tell me what?  Chessy: Hal, it is none of my business how your father makes a fool out of himself Okay? He's a big boy. He can do what he wants.
  Annie: Okay Okay. So, who is she?  Chessy: Her name's Meredith Blake. She's a publicist from San Francisco. Your father hired her at the beginning of the summer to do some publicity for the vineyard. If you ask me, she's doin' a better job of sellin' herself than the grapes.  Annie: What do you mean?  Chessy: Oy. Look, you and I both know your father's not some kind of suave, debonaire bachelor-of-the-month type. So, I gotta ask myself, What does a hot, young thing like that see in a guy who walks around with his shirttail hangin' out and his cereal bowl full of chili? Then, I realized there's about a million reasons why that girl's gigglin'. And all of them are sitting at the Napa Valley Community Bank.  Annie: You mean, you don't think she even really likes him?  Chessy: Eh, what do l know? But I'll tell you one thing. This one's got your father eating out of the palm of her hand. They do everything together. They ride together. They swim together. They go out to eat dinner every night. But, you know what? Meet her. See for yourself. Don't let me influence you.  Dad: There's my girl Honey, I want you to meet a friend of mine. Hal, this is Meredith Blake.  Blake: Hi.  Annie: Hi, Meredith Blake.  Blake: Wow I can't believe I'm finally meeting the famous Hallie. I have looked forward to this all summer.  Annie: Really? Well, here l am.  Blake: Oh, Nicky, she's adorable! You know, the way your father talked about you. I expected to meet a little girl, but you are so grown up.  Annie: l'll be 12 soon. How old are you?  Blake: Twenty-six.  Annie: Only 15 years older than me. How old are you, again, Dad?  Dad: Wow! Suddenly, you're so interested in math. Look, l'm gonna go inside. I'm gonna get some more chili, maybe a bottle of champagne to celebrate.  Annie: What are we celebrating?  Blake: Your homecoming, of course.  Dad: Be right back.
  谢西:哦,你饿了吗?我做了玉米饼和辣椒。你为什么这么安静?  安妮:没什么,只是- 我很高兴能回家。  爸爸:嘿,我听到一些有关玉米饼和辣椒的事了?  谢西:是的,在炉子上。  安妮:真的吗?嗨,萨米。  谢西:你有什么事吗?就像你不认识她一样。  安妮:哇!甚至比照片更好看。
  谢西:你想吃饭吗?  安妮:你的意思是我可以在我的房间里吃吗?  谢西:是的。  爸爸:还有个人我想让你见见。  安妮:好的,爸爸。  爸爸:好的。  布雷克:你告诉她了吗?  爸爸:没有。  布雷克:尼基。  爸爸:我会的。我会的。  安妮:告诉我什么?  谢西:他是一个大男孩。他可以做他想做的事。
  安妮:她是谁?  谢西:她叫梅雷迪思#布雷克。她是一个从旧金山来的公关小姐。你父亲雇用了她,做一些宣传。如果你问我,她推销自己可比卖葡萄的本事大多了。  安妮:你的意思是说,你不觉得她真的喜欢他吗?
  谢西:他们搭在一起。他们一起游泳。他们出去吃晚饭。但是,你知道吗?亲眼看看吧。不要让我影响到你。  爸爸:这是我的好朋友,我希望你能见见我的一个朋友。这是梅雷迪斯#布雷克。  布雷克:你好。  安妮:嗨,梅勒迪斯#布雷克。  布雷克:哇,我简直不敢相信我终于见到了著名的海丽。  安妮:真的吗?  布雷克:哦,尼基,她很可爱!你知道,你的父亲总是谈起你。  安妮:我12岁。你今年多大了?  布雷克:27岁。  安妮:只比我大15岁。你多大了,爸爸?  爸爸:哇!突然你对数学非常感兴趣了。你看,我要去里面。我会拿一瓶香槟来庆祝。  安妮:我们庆祝的是什么?
  Chessy: You got something you want to share with the class, there, Hal?  Annie: Chessy, you--you gave me a fright.  Chessy: I gave you a fright?  Annie: You scared me. I didn't know you were like-- like in here.  Chessy: Are you sure there isn't anything you want to talk to me about? Like, why Sammy never comes near you anymore. Or why your appetite's changed. Or why, all of a sudden, you're neat as a pin, and using expressions like, You gave me a fright.  Annie: Chessy, I changed a lot over the summer, that's all.  Chessy: Okay. Boy, if I didn't know any better, I'd say it's almost like you were-Forget it. It's impossible.  Annie: Almost as if I were who, Chessy?  Chessy: Nobody. Nobody. Forget I mentioned it.  Annie: Almost as if I were Annie?  Chessy: You know about Annie?  Annie: I am Annie. Oh.  Dad: Hal. Hal, why did you take off on me like that? I told you I wanted to talk to you about something. Chessy, why are you looking at her like that?  Chessy: Like what? I'm not looking at her any special way. I'm looking at her like I've looked at her for 11 years. Since the day she came home from the hospital--Six pounds, 11 ounces, 21 inches long-- This is how I look at her. Can I hug her? Oh, she's so beautiful, and so big. I'm gonna make you something special to eat. What would you like? Anything? You know what? It doesn't matter. I'm just gonna go whip up everything we've got. Okay?  Dad. Okay. Hal, come here. Now, we have to talk.  Annie: Okay. Shoot.  Dad: Okay. Honey?- I wanna know what you think about making Meredith part of the family.  Annie: Part of our family?  Dad: Yeah.  Annie: I think it's an awesome idea. Inspired.  Dad: Yeah? You do?  Annie: Brilliant. Really.  Dad: Really? You do?  Annie: Totally. I mean, like it's a dream come true. I've always wanted a big sister.  Dad: Um. Honey, I think you're kinda missin' the point.  Annie: No, I'm not. You're going to adopt Meredith. That is so sweet, Dad.  Dad: No, I'm not going to adopt her. I'm- going to marry her.  Annie: Marry her! That's insane! How can you marry a woman young enough to be my big sister?  Dad: Hal. Hal. Hal, calm down. Hal. Are you speaking French?  Annie:I-I learned it at camp. Okay. I'm -I'm sorry. Let-Let's discuss this calmly--calmly and rationally.  Dad: Yeah, and in English, if you don't mind. All right?  Annie: Okay.  Dad: Sweetheart, what has gotten into you?  Annie: Nothing. Nothing. Just-- Just--Dad, you can't get married. It'll totally ruin completely everything.  Dad: Hal. Hal. Hallie.
  谢西:你有想要与大家分享的东西吗?  安妮:你-你让我吓了一跳。  谢西:我吗?  安妮:你吓死我了。我不知道你-在这里。  谢西:你确定没有任何想要跟我谈的吗?为什么你的胃口的改变了。为什么,突然,你变整洁了。  安妮:我在暑假的时候改变了很多。  谢西:好吧。  安妮:就好像我是谁,谢西?  谢西:没有。忘记我提到的这件事吧。  安妮:就像安妮一样?  谢西:你知道安妮?  安妮:我是安妮。哦。
  爸爸:你为什么要对我这样?我告诉你,我想和你谈谈。  谢西:从她从医院回家的那一天起- 6磅11盎司,21英寸长。我可以抱抱她吗?哦,她是如此漂亮。你想要什么?  爸爸。好吧。现在,我们来谈谈。  安妮:好吧。  爸爸:好的。  安妮:我们家庭的一部分?  爸爸:是啊。  安妮:我认为这是一个可怕的想法。  爸爸:是吗?  安妮:是的。  爸爸:真的吗?  安妮:我的意思是,就像是梦想成真一样。我一直想要一个大姐姐。  爸爸:嗯。亲爱的,我觉得你有点误会了。  安妮:您打算收养梅雷迪思。  爸爸:不,我不打算收养她。我要和她结婚。  安妮:娶她!这太疯狂了!你怎么能娶一个年轻到能当我大姐姐的女人呢?  爸爸:冷静下来。你会说流利的法语?  安妮:在训练营中学会的。好吧。我,我很抱歉。让我们冷静地讨论这个-。  爸爸:用英语,如果你不介意的话。好吗?  安妮:好的。  爸爸:亲爱的,怎么啦?  安妮:爸爸,你不能结婚。它会完全毁了一切的。  爸爸:海丽。
  Blake's mom: Now, tell me dear. How many are we expecting from your side of the family? Just a guestimate.  Dad: OK. Can I get back to you on that? I'm, I'm not sure at the moment. Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry.  Chessy: Oh, boss, are you okay?  Dad: Yeah. I'm fine.  Man: Uh, sir?  Hallie: Oh, dad, watch out!  Chessy: Oh, careful!  Dad: Hello, Liz.  Mom: Hello, Nick. Well, gosh. There you are. What do you know ?  Dad: Uh is there something going on here that I should know about because I'm stunned to see you. But, uh, you don't seem as stunned to see me. I mean, I haven't seen or heard from you in what-- ten, eleven years? All of a sudden on the very day that--  Annie: Dad. I can explain why she's here.  Dad: Hallie. You know who this is?  Annie: Actually, yes. And actually, I'm not Hallie.  hallie: Actually, I am.  Dad: Both of them? Annie? Hallie?  Annie: I guess you and Mom kind of think alike 'cause you both sent us to the same camp and we met there. And the whole thing just sort of spilled out.  Mom: They switched places on us, Nick.  Dad: You mean I've had Annie with me all this time?  Annie: Well, I wanted to know what you were like, and Hallie wanted to know Mom. And are you angry?  Dad: Oh, honey. Of course not. I just can't believe it's you. Last time I saw you, you had diaper rash. Oh, squirt, you're all wet.  Annie: It's all right.  Dad: Look at you.  Annie: Well, I'm grown up now and quite without a father.  Hallie: And I'm headed into my crazy, mixed-up teenage years and I'll be the only girl I know without a mother to fight with.  Dad: Hallie, you've been in London all this time? Come here, squirt.  Hallie: Mom 's amazing, Dad. I don't know how you ever let her go.  Mom: Girls, why-- why don't you let your father and I talk alone for a couple of minutes, okay?  Annie: Sure. Fine.  Hallie: Take your time.  Dad: I don't believe this. Seeing them together. And seeing you. Ow!  Mom: Let me help you with that. Oh, excuse me. Do you have a first aid kit?  Woman: Yeah, of course.  Mom: Why don't you lie down?  Woman: Here you go.  Mom: Thanks.  Dad: So, how are you, Lizzy? Or does everyone call you Elizabeth now?  Mom: Oh, no, no. Lizzy's-Lizzy's fine. My dad still calls me Lizzy. Yeah. I've been, uh, been terrific.  Dad: Yeah. You know, you haven't changed a bit.  Blake: Finally. There you are. Oh! Uh- oh, good. You've met. Honey, Elizabeth designs wedding gowns and she's going to make my-- Wait, um, I-- I don't understand. How did you two meet? And Nicky, why are you all wet?  Dad: You're making my fiancee's wedding gown.  Mom: Well, I-I didn't know she was your fiancee.  Dad: Well, how did we meet? How did you two meet?  Blake: Am I missing something here?  Dad: You know what? This is one small world.
  Blake: Um , how small?  Annie: Hi, Mer.  Blake: Hello.  Hallie: How ya doin'?  Blake: Oh! Oh! Oh!  Dad: Honey, did I ever mention to you that Hallie was a twin?  Blake: No. I'm afraid you forgot that little detail.  Hallie: Don't feel bad, Mer. He never mentioned it to me either. By the way, I'm the real Hallie. This is Annie. She was pretending to be me while I was pretending to be her. And this is our mother, Elizabeth James.  Blake: This is your mother?  Girls: Yes.  Blake: You were married to him ?  Dad: Yeah.  Mom: Guilty again.  Blake: Oh, well. This is a small world.  Dad: And getting smaller.  Blake: And what a coincidence that we're all here on the exact same weekend. My, my, my. How sweet.
  布雷克的妈妈:现在,告诉我,亲爱的。你那边的家人有多少人?  爸爸:对不起。请原谅。对不起,  谢西:哦,老大,你没事吧?  爸爸:我很好。  男人:先生?  海丽:哦,爸爸,小心!  谢西:哦,小心!  爸爸:你好,莉兹。  妈妈:你好,尼克。哦,天哪。你在这里。  爸爸:我的意思是,我没有看到你多少年了-十年?十一年?-   爸爸:海丽。你知道她是谁吗?  安妮:事实上,是的。
  爸爸:安妮?海丽?  安妮:因为你们把我们都送到了同一个夏令营,我们是在那里遇到的。  爸爸:你的意思是我已经跟安妮在一起这么长的时间了?  安妮:嗯,我想知道你是什么模样的,海丽想知道妈妈是什么模样的。你生气了吗?  爸爸:哦,亲爱的。当然不是了。我简直不能相信是你。上次我看见你的时候,你还有尿布疹的。哦,你都湿透了。  安妮:是的。  爸爸:看看你。  安妮:嗯,我长大了。
  妈妈:女孩们,为什么-你们为什么不让你们的父亲和我单独谈谈一两分钟呢?  安妮:当然可以。  爸爸:我不相信这一点。看到她们在一起。见到你。噢!  妈妈:让我来帮你。噢,对不起。你有急救箱吗?  女人:是的,当然。  妈妈:你为什么不躺下?  女人:给你。  妈妈:谢谢。  爸爸:那么,你怎么样,丽萃?还是每个人都叫你伊丽莎白呢?  妈妈:我爸还叫我丽萃。  爸爸:你知道,你一点没变。
  布雷克:亲爱的,伊丽莎白是设计婚纱的-等一下,嗯,我-我不明白。你们是怎么认识的?还有尼基,你怎么全身都是湿的?  爸爸:你为我的未婚妻设计婚纱?  妈妈:我不知道她是你的未婚妻。  爸爸:你们是怎么认识的?  布雷克:我错过了什么东西吗?  爸爸:你知道吗?这是一个小世界。
  布雷克:嗯,有多小?  安妮:你好。  布雷克:你好,  海丽:你好吗?  布雷克:哦!哦!哦!  爸爸:亲爱的,我提到过海丽是双胞胎吗?  布莱克:没有。  海丽:顺便说一下,我才是真正的海丽。这是安妮。她假装是我,而我假装是她。这是我们的母亲,伊丽莎白#詹姆斯。  布雷克:这是你们的母亲吗?
  女孩:是的。  布莱克:你是他的前妻吗?  爸爸:是啊,  布莱克:哦,是的。这是一个小世界。  爸爸:越来越小。  布雷克:我,我,我。多么甜蜜。
  Dad: Hey.  Mom: So do you have any idea where they're taking us?  Dad: Not a clue.  Mom: Right. Where are we?  Dad: This is where we're eating?  Hallie: No. Actually, that's where we're eating.  Annie: It's ours for the night.  Dad: Wow ! So, how exactly are we paying for this?  Annie: Well, we pooled our allowances.  Dad: Yeah. Right, Annie.  Annie: Okay. Grandfather chipped in a bit.  Mom: Annie.  Annie: Okay. He chipped in a lot. Come on. You guys are gonna love it.  Dad: Pretty snazzy.  Hallie: Elizabeth and Nick, your dinner awaits you.  Mom: Girls.  Dad: The table is only set for two.  Annie: Oh, that's the other part of the surprise. We're not joining you.  Mom: You're not?  Chessy: No, but I am. Good evening. I'm Chessy, and I'll be your server this evening. No wisecracks, please.  Martin: And I'm Martin your sommelier. May I offer you both a taste of the bubbly in the hope that you get a bit snockered and not fire this lovely lady and myself for following the orders of these audacious 11-year-olds.  Chessy: Annie, mood music, please.  Annie: Just relax. Sail though time back to yesteryear.  Chessy: You do get all this, don't you?  Mom: Yes, I'm beginning to.  Dad: They're recreating the night we met-- the boat, the music--  Chessy: The help.  Mom: It's so sweet.  Dad: Martin, I think I'll take that drink.  Mom: Thank you, Martin.  Chessy: Oh! Yeah.  Dad: To tell you the truth, I haven't been on a boat since the Q.E. 2.  Mom: Neither have I.  Dad: Hmm ? Well, then, here's to, uh--  Mom: Our daughters.  Dad: Our daughters. Now I know how a goldfish feels. You know , sometime if we're ever really alone maybe we could talk about what happened between us. It all feels a bit hazy to me now. It ended so fast.  Mom: It started so fast.  Dad: Well, that part I remember perfectly.  Martin: It looks like things are heating up quite nicely. I'd say it's safe to serve the vichyssoise.  Chessy: You ladle, I'll serve. I'm sorry.
  妈妈:我们在哪里?  爸爸:这是我们吃的吗?  海丽:不。  安妮:这是我们的夜晚。  爸爸:哇!那么,究竟我们谁付钱呢?  安妮:嗯,我们集中了我们的领用钱。  爸爸:是啊。是的,安妮。  安妮:好吧。  妈妈:安妮!
  安妮:来吧。你们会喜欢的。  爸爸:漂亮。  海丽:伊丽莎白和尼克,你们的晚餐在等着你们。  妈妈:女孩们。  安妮:噢,那是另一部分的惊喜。  妈妈:你们不加入吗?
  谢西:晚上好。  马丁:我是马丁,你们的侍酒师。我可以为你们提供香槟酒。  谢西:安妮。  安妮:放松。  谢西:你会得到这一切的。  妈妈:是的。  爸爸:我们见了面-上了船-   妈妈:这是如此地甜美。  爸爸:马丁,我想我会喝的。
  妈妈:谢谢你,马丁。  爸爸:你知道,某个时候,如果我们真的孤独,也许我们可以谈谈我们之间发生了什么。这一切给我的感觉有点朦胧。  谢西:我会服务的。对不起。


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