谁有air display windows的破解版

> Air Display Free
应用大小:23.8 MB
开发商:Avatron So...
语言:英语, 法文, 德文, 意大利文, 日文, 西班牙文
运行环境:与 iPad 兼容。 需要 iOS 5.0 或更高版本
Air Display Free应用说明
THIS FREE VERSION OF AIR DISPLAY IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE FULL EDITION. BUT WITH ADS. (To remove the ads, you may simply purchase the full Air Display app.)
Ever wish you had an extra display for your Mac or Windows computer? There's an app for that! Air Display turns your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch into a wireless display, to extend or mirror your computer screen.
“Have you ever looked at your iPad and thought, ‘That would make a great second monitor for my computer!’?” —Wall Street Journal
“The app worked like a charm by providing more screen real estate.” —USA Today
“Air Display lets you take advantage of the iPad’s native touch screen, meaning you can use your finger to move your mouse around.” —TIME
“10 Apps That Make Magic on Your iPad… Never again miss a new Twitter post, Facebook post or stock market move.” —New York Times
Air Display not only gives you a wireless computer screen extender, but also works as a tablet input device. You can use your finger to draw directly on the screen's surface. Try it with a calculator, painting tool, or music control surface! Simple gestures allow you to operate the right mouse button and scroll wheel.
Air Display's performance is extremely responsive, employing a unique dynamic compression algorithm. On a typical Wi-Fi network, mouse cursor refreshes are indistinguishable from a wired mouse.
On Mac OS X, if your iOS device has a Retina display, you can choose to operate at normal or double resolution. On Lion, you can even enable “HiDPI mode.” HiDPI, a built-in Mac OS X feature that renders UI elements at double resolution, is absolutely stunning on a Retina display. (NOTE: the Retina MacBook Pro does not support HiDPI on external displays.)
Air Display works in both landscape and portrait configurations. Just rotate your screen, and it automatically reconfigures. When you rotate the screen, or disconnect and reconnect, your windows are automatically repositioned appropriately so you don't have to drag them back onto the Air Display screen.
You can connect to Air Display from both Mac and Windows. And because it's a universal app, it works on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch.
Air Display provides a virtual keyboard and mouse input on the iOS device. Air Display supports video-out to your TV or Monitor, either via Apple's AirPlay or with an appropriate adapter cable.
Some great uses for Air Display:
o General: Fill your Air Display screen with utility windows like Twitter, Facebook, email, or calendar.
o Graphic design: Make Photoshop and Illustrator usable on your laptop by putting your tool palettes on the iOS screen.
o Music: Use your iOS screen as a wireless control surface for Logic or Pro Tools.
o Programming: Use the extra display area for such auxiliary development tools as Console, Terminal, and the Debugger.
o Business: Move all of your iWork and Office palettes and inspector windows onto Air Display, and let your document fill the screen.
o Share: Use your iOS device's video adapter to share your screen on TVs, monitors and projectors in your boardroom or classroom.
To connect to a Mac, Air Display requires 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or later, on an Intel CPU. Both 32-Bit & 64-Bit systems are supported. (NOTE: On Lion & Mountain Lion, third-party video drivers, including Air Display’s, have some issues on these specific 15" and 17" MacBook Pro models: Late 2008 through Mid 2009, and Mid 2010. Please /lion for details and effective workarounds.)
To connect to a Windows PC, Air Display requires Windows XP (32-bit only), or Vista or 7 (32-bit or 64-bit). Windows 7 Starter edition is not supported. (NOTE: Aero and DirectX will be disabled while connected to Air Display and re-enabled upon disconnection.)
Your computer and iOS device must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
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air display是什么意思
中文翻译空中表演:&&&&n. 1.空气,大气。 2.天空,空中。 3.微风,和风 ...:&&&&vt. 1.显示;展示,表现出。 2.展览,展出,陈列( ...
例句与用法1.During an air display show , a free falling parachute team suddenly disappears into thin air before a watching crown电影‘偷尸贼的入侵’讲述在航空展? [会,当降落伞队在天空徐徐落下时,突然在观众前消失得无影无踪。 2.Currently , an total area of 10 , 000 square meters of the architecture is open to the public , including 6 , 000 square meters of chamber public a also open to the public is the sculpture plaza with an area of 15 , 000 square meters including 10 , 000 square meters of open air display space目前已建成开放的建筑总面积为10000平方米,其中室内公共艺术展示空间为6000平方米;雕塑广场面积为15000万平方米,含室外公共展示空间约10000平方米。
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