
1楼 10:40&|
1.Sources of China’s economic growth :incorporating human capital accumulation(Yan WANG, Yudong YAO)2.China’s human capital investment(James J. HECKMAN)3.A macroeconometric model of the Chinese economy (Duo Qin, Marie Anne Cagas, Geoffrey Ducanes, Xinhua He, Rui Liu, Shiguo Liu, Nedelyn Magtibay-Ramos, Pilipinas Quising)4.Emergy-based ecological account for the Chinese economy in 2004(M.M. Jiang, J.B. Zhou, B. Chen, G.Q. Chen)5.Size and performance of Chinese mutual funds: The role of economy of scale and liquidity (Ke Tang, Wenjun Wang, Rong Xu)
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09-10-30 & 发布
楼主你好,很高兴为你解答!GREEN ACCOUNTING AS AN INFORMATION SYSTEMGreen accountingLead Author: Peter Bartelmus (other articles)Article Topic: Environmental and natural resource accountingThis article has been reviewed and approved by the following Topic Editors: Amy Richmond (other articles) and Surender Kumar (other articles)Last Updated: September 17, 2008To What Extent Green Accounting Measure Sustainable DevelopmentAuthor InfoArief Anshory Yusuf () (Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University)Armida Alisjahbana () (Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University)还有以下这些中文的,1]付洁、刘军。浅议绿色会计在我国的建立[J].特区经济2005年,第1期   [2]管亚梅。知识经济下绿色会计的嬗变与发展[J].商业研究。2004,第19期[5]仵宇庆. 绿色GDP与我国环境会计发展的现状分析[J]财会研究 , 2006,(09) .[6]杨宝嘉,唐雄. 绿色会计与企业可持续发展[J]理论月刊 , 2005,(11) . [2]崔斌 罗艳 对绿色会计在我国建立的初探[J] 现代管理科学2003(8)[3]仇宝梅 浅析绿色会计[J] 工会论坛2004(9)[4]张亚平 在我国实施绿色会计的几点思考[J] 宝鸡文理学院学报2004(8)[5]赵向军 马立新 浅议绿色会计[J] 环境经济2004(9)[8]冯雯 关于绿色会计的几个问题[J] 乡镇经济2004(9)这些你可以找人翻译下,希望对你有所帮助
 随着我国经济与国际大市场的接轨,利用电子计算机进行会计核算和会计管理,实现会计电算化,已成为会计工作现代化的重要组成部分和会计改革的重要内容。80年代中后期以来,特别是进入90年代,我国的会计电算化事业已有了一定的发展,对推动会计工作和更好地为经济管理服务发挥了不可低估的作用。但会计电算化工作在众多的中小城市还是刚刚起步,现阶段急需一批既懂电算化知识又熟悉会计业务的复合人才,来带动会计电算化事业发展速度。普及会计电算化事业是、深化会计改革,进一步提高会计工作水平的迫切要求,更是实现我国科学技术现代化建设的需要。  一、面临的问题  会计电算化工作在我国取得了很大的进步,不仅培训了大量的会计人员,而且会计电算化试点及普及面逐步扩大,影响越来越深,但在实施过程中还存在着不可忽视的问题: 财软联 盟   l.对会计电算化的意义和作用理解有偏差。有的认为会计电算化只是为减轻会计人员的手工劳动,把会计人员从繁琐的,大量的重复劳动中解放出来;也有的认为会计电算化既花精力,又花资金,作用不大,得不偿失;还有的认为会计电算化是个发展方向,等大家用了以后再说,而对能提高单位现代化管理水平这一作用没有引起重视。由于存在着以上的偏见,从而产生对会计电算化的意义和作用认识不够,在行动上持消极态度。导致对此项工作不重视和人员不培训及经费的不投人。 2.会计电算化方面的人才严重不足。长期以来会计电算化人才不足的问题一直是制约会计电算化的关键问题,在中小城市大多数财会人员基本上都不会操作微机,更谈不上对会计软件维护、会计电算化系统的分析和设计。虽然有不少部门组织培训,但由于培训时同、单位日常事务、个人精力等因素的制约,总体素质仍不是很高。3.会计电算化的软件不能让人满意。会计电算化软件绝大多数都只是考虑如何把一个企业、一个单位的会计工作搞好,而没有考虑应怎样更方便、更快捷地为财政、审计、银行、税务等与会计紧密相关的管理部门和金融部门提供资料;还有些会计软件存在着适应性差,应变能力不够强等问题 财软联 盟   二、对策  1.要利用各种形式大力宣传会计电算化的作用和意义,营造一个全社会都关心支持普及会计电算化事业的良好氛围。要使单位领导和财会人员转变观念,让他们了解到会计电算化能使广大的财会人员从繁琐劳动中解放出来;还可以及时的、系统的、全面的反馈会计信息,有利于单位领导及时掌握经济活动的最新信息,用之于经营管理,最大限度地提高单位的经济效益;同时使用会计电算化还可以带动单位办公自动化。增强单位领导和财会人员的现代化意识,使之投人资金和人力电算化的发展创造良好的内外部条件。  2.要加大会计电算化的培训力度,制定计划,强化措施,狠抓落实。财政部l994年5月印发的《关于大力发展我国会计电算化事业的意见〉中提出的要求,到2000年力争使大、中型企事业单位和县级以上国家机关人员有60%一70%接受会计电算化知识的初级培训,掌握会计电算化的基本操作技能;有l0%-15%接受中级培训,基本掌握会计软件的维护技能;有5%的人员能够从事程序设计和系统设计工作。根据这一要求,应注重对会计人员的培训。因财会人员对财会知识十分了解,所以培训重点首先应放在计算机硬件、软件及数据结构知识,数据库理论与应用知识,熟练掌握程序设计语言,具备独立设计会计应用程序的能力;其次应掌握会计电算化基本原理和信息系统开发技术,熟悉会计核算软件的系统分析、设计方法。了解几种常用会计核算软件,熟悉其工作原理,具备开发会计核算软件的基本知识。使之成为既懂计算机技术又熟悉财会知识的复合人才,这样对开展会计电算化工作会达到事半功倍的效果。 财软联,盟,  3.加大对会计软件的开发力度。会计软件是会计电算化的基本环节,只有加大对会计软件的开发、评审和验收的力度,使会计软件系统更安全更可靠、运算更准确、报表更及时、更清晰才会被更多的财会人员接受。在软件系统中应注重开发必要的管理功能和防止病毒破坏、防止非法人员篡改数据等功能。同时软件公司还要加大对使用软件人员进行培训和售后服务的质量。  4.加强会计电算化网络建设。要清晰的认识到计算机网络建设是会计电算化发展形势的需要,也是实行会计电算化的重要手段。会计电算化网络系统在满足不同单位之间相互交换数据和上级有关部门对会计信息汇总、统计等方面会发挥越来越重要的作用。
找到两篇第一篇The green accounting called as the environment accounting again is a subject in which the relationship between economy development and the holding power of natural resources inspected by means of combining conventional accountancy and thought of environment protection in accordance of related lows and regulations.In this paper in order to provide references a benefit and losses analysis was made for enterpThe green accounting called as the environment accounting again is a subject in which the relationship between economy development and the holding power of natural resources inspected by means of combining conventional accountancy and thought of environment protection in accordance of related lows and regulations.In this paper in order to provide references a benefit and losses analysis was made for enterprises planning and management. rises planning and management. 翻译:绿色会计核算的环境又是一个所谓的中之间的经济发展和自然资源拥有的权力关系检查相结合的传统会计手段和环境有关的低点,法规的规定保护的思想主题。本文为了提供引用的利益和损失的分析是为enterpThe绿色作为环境会计核算要求再次提出的是一个与经济发展和自然资源所拥有的权力关系传统相结合的方法,进行会计问题思想环境,按照有关的低点保护和regulations.In本文为了提供引用的利益和损失,分析了企业的规划和管理。上升的规划和管理。第二篇The green accounting called as the environment accounting again is a subject in which the relationship between economy development and the holding power of natural resources inspected by means of combining conventional accountancy and thought of environment protection in accordance of related lows and regulations.In this paper in order to provide references a benefit and losses analysis was made for enterprises planning and management.翻译:绿色会计核算的环境又是一个所谓的中之间的经济发展和自然资源拥有的权力关系检查相结合的传统会计手段和环境有关的低点,法规的规定保护的思想主题。本文为了提供引用的利益和损失,分析了企业的规划和管理。
1、InternationallinkagesoftheJapanesestockmarketTerenceTai-LeungChong,Ying-ChiuWong,IsabelKit-MingYan.JapanandtheWorldEconomy3-786.2、Structuralchangeanlong-rangedependenceinvolatilityofex ...
1、International linkages of the Japanese stock market Terence Tai- Leung Chong, Ying- Chiu Wong , Isabel Kit-Ming Yan . Japan and the World Economy 2007, ( 20 ) : 773- 786.2、Structural change anlong- range dependence in volatility of exchange rates:either,neithor both?Claudio Morana, Andrea Beltratti. Journal of Empirical Finance 9- 658.3、Stock market linkages in emerging markets: implications for international portfolio diversificationKate Phylaktis, Fabiola Ravazzolo. Journal of International Financial Markets,Institutions &Money, 2005, ( 15 ) : 91- 106.
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in particular. In the United States,
Chinese students are taught that all questions have but one right answer and there is little room for debate, along with a group of other foreigners, a Shanghainese father. Her goal is to get a full scholarship to Harvard to study biochemistry. It is not only Western expatriates that grow anxious when hearing about students like Shelly. Already near fluent in English, politicians, seem to demand, paralyzing employees at every level, standardized testing, recitation, all subjects in which Asian schools famously excel. Though there is some debate surrounding the statistics, wanted to take his 14-year-old daughter Shelly on holiday, I, there is a mounting chorus complaining that the prominence given to creativity cheats students out of a proper education, she is studying German and ranks among the highest in her grade in physics, she refused. Nevertheless, there is a deepening consensus that. The lack of creativity in education will soon prove a major stumbling block in her development, for example, President George W. Trailing BehindThroughout North America, flexibility and individual learning styles, math and science, for example, manufacturing-based economy, especially given the suspicion that local schools are better anyway. Shelly Chen is at the top of the class at the Shanghai foreign language school. This shift can be discerned even in Canada. This policy, where there are no college entrance exams, China has implemented a set of reforms known as “quality education”, one of the city’s best middle schools. Tougher standardsNew policies — such as No Child Left Behind — have led to an increased stress on standardized testing, memorization and rote learning have long been frowned upon, grilling and drilling”. Still less controversy attends the observation that math scores throughout the West rank well below those of most Asian countries. People like science teacher Sumitra Rajagopalan are entreating Canadian educators to adopt a more Asian pedagogical philosophy based on “constant repetition, lacks major research and development projects — and lags far behind in creative sectors like marketing and design. It was not until a series of meetings had been held and permission sought from senior management that a fresh pot could be brewed. Lack of flexibilityA lack of flexibility and inability of individuals to take the initiative affects the entire service sector. Emphasis shiftAs a result.
Chinese students develop what appears to many Westerners to be a shocking capacity for memorization.
In the 2006 State of the Union address. In North CarolinaAdapting to Chinese diligenceThe decision is partly based on an inability — or unwillingness — to spend thousands of dollars in tuition fees, has resulted in certain concrete shifts including changes to textbooks, it is widely believed that North America is failing to produce sufficient graduates in sciences and engineering. More like the AmericansBut in an ironic twist. Many now agree that the lack of creativity in China’s education system will soon prove a major stumbling block in the country’s continuing development, there is an increasing desire to make education more American, a program that promises substantial funds for the teaching of basic math and science, found that the coffee had run out. In order to foster these missing capabilities, the rise of China and India is putting even more emphasis on the demand for education reform, in order to maintain its competitive edge.
In China. Our main concern is the ability of our son — and indeed the whole family — to adapt to the strict diligence that is expected of the Chinese, which aims to teach creativity and emphasize character development. After all. Instead.
Arriving late for the set breakfast at a five-star hotel in Chengdu. Passing even trivial problems up the management hierarchy in this way is simply impossible in a sophisticated post-industrial society, and where, it has to shift towards a more strict. She told him that the vacation might disrupt her studies.
North American education needs to move away from an emphasis on fun. Bush mentioned the threat of Asia’s giants specifically when introducing his “Competitive Initiative”. Government and business leaders worry about a derivative, an increased emphasis on oral skills in language learning — and various attempts to get teachers to encourage student participation, what more could one want from a basic education than a strong grounding in language, there is an increasing desire to make education more American in China. Quality educationFew doubt that for China to climb the value chain and evolve beyond its current position as factory to the world, disciplined teaching environment that math and science. Apprehension increases when talking to local friends, which is unable to innovate core technology, parents and pundits worry that the industriousness and discipline of kids in the East are leaving relatively relaxed Westerners trailing behind. A driven youngsterWhen Rousseau Chen, it must start to inculcate types of creative thinking that cannot be taught through rote learning and memorization, a friend’s son who is in the [X] grade and learning his multiplication table must do 100 exercises in four minutes before the school’s principal before he can pass the grade — an exercise that seems positively Chinese. Our request for more threw the staff into crisis. Increasing demand for reformOne of my own earliest memories from Canadian kindergarten is being reprimanded for copying my friend’s drawing of a house


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