
2011年金融英语备考辅导:商场对话过招(四): 2011年金融英语备考辅导:商场对话过招(四),今天Robert的办公室出现了一个生面孔――Kevin Hughes,此人代表美国一家运动产品公司,专程来台湾寻找加工。接洽的加工产品市运动型“磁质石膏护垫”,受伤的运动员包上这种产品上场比赛,即可保护受伤部位,且不妨碍活动。
2011年金融英语备考辅导:商场对话过招(四),今天Robert的办公室出现了一个生面孔――Kevin Hughes,此人代表美国一家运动产品公司,专程来台湾寻找加工。接洽的加工产品市运动型&磁质石膏护垫&,受伤的运动员包上这种产品上场比赛,即可保护受伤部位,且不妨碍活动。现在,我们就来看看两人的会议现况: R: We found your proposal quite interesting, Mr. Hughes. We'd like to weigh the pros and cons(衡量得失)with you. K: Mr. Robert Liu, we've looked all over Asi your company is one of the most suitable. R: If we can settle a number of basic questions, I'm confident in saying that we are the most suitable for your needs. K: I hope so. And what might be the basic questions you have? R: First, do you intend to take a position in(投资于&&)our company? K: No, we don't, Mr. Liu. This is just OEM. R: I see. Then, the most important thing is the size of your orders. We'll have to invest a great deal of money in the new production process. K: If you can guarantee continuing quality, we can sign a commitment for 75,000 pieces a year, for five years. R: At U.S. $1000 a piece, we'll make an average return of just 4%. That's too great a financial burden for us. K: I'll check the number later, but what do you propose? R: Here's how you can demonstrate commitment to this deal. Make it ten years, increase the unit price, and provide technology transfer.
版权所有 & . All Rights Reserved.英语口语问题(怎样写一对话是有运动和新闻两个主题并重的)_百度知道
就是你听到一个关于体育的新闻 然后就写体育就好了
呵 这样刚开始是不错,可是后戏感觉就会偏向体育了,新闻就只有刚开始那部分
对啊 就是 新闻啊 关于体育的新闻就是全部体育的内容啊
新闻都很短的 你这是要拍部电视剧啊
那个 你可能有些误会了 是以新闻为主题,而不是要我们写个新闻哦
出门在外也不愁掌握新美语会话核心(MP3+双语字幕+文本) 5-英语听力-print-大耳朵英语 - 免费在线英语学习 口语练习 四级听力资料 在线翻译 网络课堂 英语社区
23:30:01  【】
[00:03.16]1)Typical Expressions
[00:08.23]For how long?
[00:10.63]For which day?
[00:13.79]Have you been here long?
[00:16.82]What day is it?
[00:19.72]What day of the week is it?
[00:23.01]What day was it yesterday?
[00:26.54]What day will it be tomorrow?
[00:29.20]What time is it?
[00:31.61]What time,please?
[00:34.38]What time do you have?
[00:36.91]Have you got the time?
[00:40.20]What's the day today?
[00:42.34]What's today?
[00:43.91]What was the date yesterday?
[00:46.13]What will the date be tomorrow?
[00:48.82]When's your birthday?
[00:50.68]Do you have the time?
[00:52.90]Do you know what time it is?
[00:55.67]It's just nine o'clock.
[00:58.25]It's exactly five.
[01:00.11]It's five o'clock sharp.
[01:02.22]It's about eight.
[01:04.16]It's nearly five.
[01:06.19]It will be five thirty.
[01:08.88]It's ten minutes to eight.
[01:11.29]It's ten minutes past eight.
[01:13.51]It's quarter to three.
[01:15.44]It's almost noon.
[01:17.66]It's zero hour ten minutes.
[01:21.01]My watch is not going.
[01:23.41]My watch has stopped.
[01:25.92]There's something wrong with my watch.
[01:28.97]It's time for supper.
[01:31.30]It's lunch time.
[01:32.87]It's Wednesday.
[01:35.19]It's on Wednesday evening.
[01:38.17]It's Oct.1.
[01:40.86]It was Thursday.
[01:42.53]It was in 1949.
[01:45.22]Dialogue 1
[01:46.97]A:Excuse me.Could you tell me the time?
[01:50.39]B:It's seven thirty.
[01:52.51]A:Thank you very much.
[01:54.73]B:You're welcome.
[01:56.58]Dialogue 2
[01:58.44]A:Can you tell me when is the next train to Shenzhen?
[02:01.86]B:It'll be five minutes later.
[02:04.73]A:By the way,what's the time for the last train back?
[02:09.46]B:It's about nine fifteen.
[02:16.25]1)Typical Expressions
[02:18.84]My mother went to America last year.
[02:22.37]Why did you stay at home for a whole day?
[02:25.89]Why don't you go out and get some fresh air?
[02:29.24]We used to go to Guangzhou by way of Wuhan.
[02:32.95]David is going to New York via San Francisco.
[02:36.47]The truck turned off the main road.
[02:39.35]The goalkeeper fell on the ground.
[02:42.77]The teacher wrote some new words on the blackboard.
[02:46.11]Taiwan is an island off the Mailand.
[02:49.74]There stands a big tree on the top of the hill.
[02:53.92]There are three boats in the river under the bridge.
[02:57.55]There is an apple tree in front of my house.
[03:01.55]Behind the building there is a big lake.
[03:04.97]I was sitting between my parents at the movie.
[03:08.32]There're lots of children playing in the park near school.
[03:12.13]Yesterday evening we had a walk along the river.
[03:15.55]You can find the post-office on the other side of the street.
[03:19.84]They can go to the town through this forest.
[03:23.83]An old woman is sitting next to my mother.
[03:27.18]Did you see the small shop facing the post-office?
[03:30.81]When you arrive at the cross,the hotel is on your right.
[03:35.46]The car beside mine is my sister's.
[03:38.80]Dialogue 1
[03:40.84]A:Could you possibly tell me where the Friendship Hotel is?
[03:44.73]B:It's in the third block.There's big park in front of it.
[03:49.75]A:How can I get there?
[03:51.68]B:Go straight along this avenue,when you're at the cross,turn right.The Hotel is at 100 meters from there.You can't miss it.
[04:01.63]A:Thank you very much.
[04:03.85]B:You're welcome.
[04:08.08]A:Where are the kids?
[04:09.55]B:Peter is playing football on the ground.
[04:12.89]A:Where's Mary?
[04:14.64]B:She is still in her school.She said she would come back late.
[04:19.19]A:Where are you?
[04:20.75]B:I'm downtown.I'm walking with some of my friends along the river.There are lots of people playing here.
[04:31.62]1)Typical Expressions
[04:34.34]What is the definition of market economy?
[04:38.52]How do you define the term"Market economy"?
[04:42.80]What do you mean by"Black Death"?
[04:45.68]A thermometer is defined as an apparatus which measures the temperature of the body.
[04:52.10]You can define thermometer as "an apparatus which messures the temperature of the body".
[04:59.18]You might say PC is the computer the individual uses.
[05:04.67]You might define a robot as a machine that can move and do some of the work of men.
[05:11.35]The definition of language is varied according to different angles.
[05:16.66]How to define the term"Applied Linguistics"?
[05:21.20]You can define egotism as "thinking only of yourself".
[05:26.79]How can you define geography?
[05:29.20]What do you mean by"ecology"?
[05:32.72]Can you tell me the definition of "terrorism"?
[05:36.35]Dialogue 1
[05:38.68]A:What do you mean by linguistics?
[05:42.10]B:Linguistics is a scientific study of language?
[05:46.57]A:Then what is language?
[05:48.32]B:Language can be defined from different angels.So its definition is varied.
[05:56.78]A:How to define"egotism"?
[05:59.29]B:You can define it like this:thinking only of yourself.
[06:04.30]A:Well,yes.I suppose so.
[06:12.11]1)Typical Expressions
[06:15.09]For example
[06:17.13]For instance
[06:18.70]For example Xiao Wang,he's the most hard-working student in our class.
[06:24.84]For example,Lu Xun
[06:28.21]Let's take Lu Xun for example.
[06:31.18]Take it for an example.
[06:33.69]Just take football for example.
[06:36.20]Let's take Australia and New Zealand for example.
[06:39.73]Can you give us some examples?
[06:41.95]Could you show me some examples?
[06:44.45]Give me some examples.
[06:47.14]Will you give us an example to prove it?
[06:50.12]I have read some English novels,such as GONE WITH THE WIND,WUTHERING HEIGHTS,and TALE OF TWO CITIES.
[06:58.69]John set a good example for us all.
[07:02.32]Dialogue 1
[07:04.36]A:So many changes have taken place after the opening towards the outside.
[07:10.03]B:Will you give us some examples?
[07:12.54]A:Let's take Shenzhen for example.
[07:15.51]B:Do you know any other instances?
[07:18.67]A:Yes,of course we have a lot of places where people have made a great deal of achievements.
[07:24.45]Dialogue 2
[07:26.56]A:You can define language from different angles,such as functions,structure and sociology.
[07:34.11]B:Yes,I agree.
[07:36.23]A;How do you define it?
[07:37.80]B:I would like to define it as"a set of symbols used for human beings to communicate".
[07:45.63]A:More or less,you're right.
[07:52.11]1)Typical Expressions
[07:54.83]There are two types of apples in this shop.
[07:57.88]How many kinds of people are there?
[08:00.65]There are several classes of trees and flowers in this garden.
[08:05.02]There are two major varieties of English.
[08:08.91]We can classify the English words according to their usage.
[08:13.74]Do you know the classification of the English words according to the parts of speech?
[08:19.04]We divide the class into three groups.
[08:22.20]The whole classroom is divided into two parts:one is for girls,the other is for boys.
[08:29.83]The books in the library are categorized.
[08:33.07]I want to make a division of all these animals.
[08:37.36]We can make a cup of tea in five steps.
[08:41.72]The story falls into three parts.
[08:44.77]Dialogue 1
[08:47.36]A:Do you know how many different kinds of English words there are?
[08:51.72]B:English words can be classified according to different criteria.
[08:57.03]A:What are they?
[08:58.49]B:First,let's divide words into two major categories according to the functions:content words and functional words.
[09:08.18]A:Any other classifications?
[09:10.87]B:Yes.They also can be classified into Verbs,Nouns,and Adjectives etc.,according to the parts of speech.
[09:19.62]Dialogue 2
[09:21.55]A:How many kinds of trees are there in your garden?
[09:25.55]B:I don't know exactly.Maybe ten,or fifteen.Some of them are fruit trees,others are not.
[09:34.01]A:How many different types of fruit trees?
[09:37.07]B:Four.They are orange trees,apple trees,peach trees,and plan trees.
[09:44.23]Dialogue 3
[09:46.34]A:How did you deal with the big class?
[09:49.58]B:Usually I divided the big class into several smaller groups.Then,I taught the smaller groups individually.
[09:58.44]A:How did you divide?
[10:01.44]B:I divided them according to their age:I put the students of the same age together.
[10:07.87]A:Any other ideas?
[10:10.19]B:Sometimes,I made some changes:classified them according to their marks.That's to say,if they got the same marks in the test,they would study in the same group and learn the same things.
[10:28.51]1)Typical Expressions
[10:31.67]I believe him.
[10:33.52]He believe what you said.
[10:35.64]I can believe that.
[10:37.75]I think you're right.
[10:40.34]It's possible.
[10:42.01]I think what he said is true.
[10:44.52]It's impossible.
[10:46.19]I can't believe that.
[10:48.52]I don't believe a word of it.
[10:50.84]I can't believe you.
[10:52.96]I know better than that.
[10:55.73]It can't be true.
[10:58.05]Are you kidding me?
[11:00.17]Don't pull my leg.
[11:02.57]No kidding!
[11:04.14]He must be joking.
[11:06.36]You're joking.
[11:08.58]I don't think you're right.
[11:10.51]It's hard to believe.
[11:12.26]Oh,come on.
[11:14.01]Are you serious?
[11:16.60]Dialogue 1
[11:18.63]A:He will come back this evening.
[11:20.96]B:I can't believe you.He phoned me yesterday,and tole me he would come back next week.
[11:28.12]A:Do you believe him?
[11:30.05]B:Yes,I trust him.
[11:32.38]Dialogue 2
[11:34.60]A:I'm going to America next week.
[11:37.36]B:You're kidding!
[11:39.30]A:I'm serious.I've booked the ticket.
[11:42.93]B:It can't be true.I don't want to leave you.
[11:47.47]A:No,we won't leave each other.I just stay there for a couple of weeks.
[11:52.78]B:Why?It's not easy to go!
[11:59.18]1)Typical Expressions
[12:01.68]I'm not a teacher.
[12:03.15]I am no teacher.
[12:04.53]There aren't any people in the classroom.
[12:07.30]She's not my brother's girlfriend.
[12:10.64]We haven't had our supper.
[12:12.50]Peter didn't do his homework yesterday.
[12:11.50]Peter didn't do hid homework yesterday.
[12:14.27]His parents weren't in China in 1953.
[12:17.79]You mustn't lie to me.
[12:20.12]No smoking!
[12:22.52]No passage!
[12:25.03]No parking here!
[12:27.25]No admittance!
[12:29.65]No spitting!
[12:32.24]No bill!
[12:34.17]Not all that glitters is gold.
[12:37.23]All is not gold that glitters.
[12:40.10]All the answers are not right.
[12:43.53]I do not know all of them.
[12:45.85]I haven't got both of them.
[12:48.83]Nothing can stop me.
[12:51.41]None of my students have been to Beijing.
[12:54.76]Dialogue 1
[12:56.43]A:Do you know Xiao Zhang's parents?
[12:59.77]B:I don't know both of them.
[13:02.28]A:Do you know his father?
[13:04.03]B:No,I know his mother.
[13:06.15]Dialogue 2
[13:08.08]A:How many students are there in the classroom?
[13:11.24]B:Nobody is in it.
[13:13.28]A:Where are they?
[13:15.03]B:I don't know.I couldn't find them anywhere.
[13:22.45]1)Typical Expressions
[13:26.26]Don't forget to shut the door after you.
[13:29.97]Don't forget to tell the teacher about the homework.
[13:33.60]Please don't forget we have a meeting this Friday evening.
[13:38.15]Remember to call me when you arrive.
[13:41.49]Please remember to bring the book next time.
[13:44.47]Make sure that you've informed all of them.
[13:47.63]Are you sure you have written them on the notebook?
[13:50.97]Do you still remember me?
[13:53.48]Do you still remember what the teacher said in class?
[13:57.77]The picture reminds me of my boybood.
[14:01.19]Can I remind you to book the ticket?
[14:04.06]Could I remind you of the meeting you have to attend today?
[14:08.14]I'd like to remind you the class has been put off.
[14:12.32]Don't forget about your father's birthday?
[14:15.29]Remember about the journey?
[14:17.62]Remember Uncle Wang who looked after you when I was out?
[14:21.69]I'd like remind you the rent is due.
[14:25.59]May I remind you to go to meet Mr.Smith at 3?
[14:32.17]A:What are you looking at so attentively?
[14:37.45]A;Which photos?
[14:39.67]B:The ones we took during the stay in America.
[14:44.76]B:They often remind me of the happy time.
[14:48.39]Dialogue 2
[14:50.51]A:Will you remind me of the meeting at three with Mr.Smith?
[14:57.64]A:By the way,don't forget to tell Karl to come to see me before 3
[15:02.94]B:No problem.
[15:08.32]1)Typical Expressions
[15:16.39]I beg your pardon?
[15:20.29]I'm sorry?
[15:22.40]Please say it again.
[15:24.99]Please repeat.
[15:26.92]What did you say?
[15:29.32]Sorry,but I missed that.
[15:32.09]Could you say that again?
[15:35.15]Please say it once again.
[15:37.66]I didn't get your point.
[15:40.24]I'm afraid I didn't hear that.
[15:42.75]Could you repeat what you said?
[15:46.09]Could you repeat that,please?
[15:48.50]Sorry,I didn't catch you.
[15:52.02]I'm sorry,could you repeat it,please?
[15:55.19]I'm sorry,could I ask you to repeat that,please?
[15:58.82]I'm sorry,what was that?
[16:01.51]You said where?
[16:03.44]You said when?
[16:05.11]You said how?
[16:07.44]Dialogue 1
[16:09.76]A:We're going to have to picnic this weekend.
[16:12.53]B:What?What are you going to do?
[16:15.95]A:I said we were going to have a picnic this weekend.
[16:20.24]B:Oh?That's a good idea.
[16:22.82]Dialogue 2
[16:24.39]A:Would you repeat what you said just now?I'm afraid I didn't catch you.
[16:29.69]B:Mrs.Hillary is waiting for you in the sitting-room.
[16:36.80]A:Oh,please show her in.
[16:39.78]10.Existence and Occurrence
[16:44.61]1)Typical Expressions
[16:47.85]I have a sister and a brother.
[16:51.01]Do you have any suggestions?
[16:53.41]Peter had got several days off.
[16:56.57]I have lots of questions to ask the teache
[16:59.92]There's a big sports ground on the campus.
[17:03.16]Someone I don't know has taken the money away.
[17:07.15]There was a loud noise outside the classroom.
[17:10.68]There's a woman waiting for you downstairs.
[17:14.39]There's a fly in the soup.
[17:16.43]There are fifteen students on the bus.
[17:20.14]There stood a boy in front of the house.
[17:24.03]There rose overnight a tall building.
[17:27.66]There exist a number of problems waiting to be solved.
[17:32.96]There occurred a sudden change in public attitude towards the project.
[17:38.81]There is taxi coming.
[17:42.05]There are some students talking in the class.
[17:45.87]He wasn't at the railway station when I went there.
[17:49.68]Will there be a movie tonight?
[17:52.27]Some of us were absent from the meeting this morning.
[17:56.63]His parents are away on holiday.
[17:59.87]There happened a car accident last night.
[18:03.29]A traffic accident happened downtown this afternoon.
[18:07.10]What happened here just now?
[18:09.79]A lot of great changes have taken place in our country.
[18:13.97]Where do you think this dialogue took place?
[18:17.21]Nothing has happened in your family.
[18:19.90]Dialogue 1
[18:22.59]A:What's happened here?
[18:25.18]B:Nothing,sir.Only some students passing here.
[18:29.36]A:How many?
[18:30.64]B:About thirty.
[18:32.49]Dialogue 2
[18:34.90]A:What can you see in the picture?
[18:38.24]B:There is a river in the middle,and there're some trees on both banks.
[18:43.44]A:Anything else?
[18:45.37]B:Yes.There're some people swimming in the river.And there comes a boat from the north.
[18:51.98]A:That's it.There is a big crowd on the deck,isn't there?
[18:58.20]A:Among them,there's a man in white.Can you see him?
[19:02.85]11.Possession and Ownership
[19:07.58]1)Typical Expressions
[19:10.08]I have a new car.I boght it several months ago.
[19:14.63]This is Xiao Wang's bedroom,that's mine.
[19:18.52]Whose book is this?
[19:20.74]It's mine.
[19:22.21]You will eat your sweet,and he'll eat his.
[19:26.20]My sister is a student of the English Dept,so is hers.
[19:32.05]The computer is Peter's.
[19:35.76]Why don't you use your own pencil?
[19:38.92]There's something wrong with my pen.
[19:41.80]The family is possessed of a large fortune.
[19:45.51]His sister is in possession of this firm.
[19:48.38]This plane is in the possession of my company.
[19:52.09]This plane belongs to my company.
[19:54.96]My company owns this plane.
[19:57.65]Dialogue 1
[19:59.98]A;Wow!What a car!Whose is it!
[20:04.71]B:It's my general manager's.
[20:08.23]A:How many cars does he have?
[20:11.37]B:He possesses three luxurious cars and five ordinary ones.
[20:17.17]A:Does he have a large fortune?
[20:23.28]Dialogue 2
[20:26.26]A:My parents are visiting him in the countryside.
[20:30.18]B:Where do your parents live?
[20:32.50]A:They used to live in a house belonging to my grandparents.
[20:37.10]B:Who's in possession of the house now?
[20:40.76]A:A cousin of my father is .
[20:43.65]Dialogue 3
[20:45.51]A:This is Karl's schoolbag.
[20:48.57]B:Where's yours?
[20:50.89]A:Mine is in his desk.
[20:53.53]B:How's that?
[20:55.46]B:Because I don't like mine,I'd like to use his.
[21:00.35]12.Addition and Inclusion
[21:05.00]1)Typical Expressions
[21:07.71]In addition to the tax,anything else we should pay?
[21:12.91]You'd better give me the other three besides this one.
[21:17.41]Can you show me the questions as well as the answers to them?
[21:21.66]What have you got,in addition to the working experience?
[21:26.03]As well as this one,I have written three altogether.
[21:30.99]Both you and I must go.
[21:33.91]All of us are human beings,so we all may make mistakes.
[21:38.64]Whatever he asked,I answered with patience.
[21:42.90]Whoever we report,we must ask permission from him.
[21:47.16]Whichever you choose,you'll take care of it.
[21:51.42]Whenever you go,I'll get up and see you off.
[21:55.67]Wherever you go,they'll follow you.
[21:59.44]Not only Peter,but also Dave wants to go with us.
[22:04.90]I asked them to bring everything,not only to eat,but also to use.
[22:10.69]He invited all of us,not only you,but also the whole class.
[22:16.62]Both of us have been to Shanghai.
[22:19.31]Neither of the answer is right.
[22:22.24]None of them are in the room.
[22:24.70]I have two books,each of you can get one.
[22:29.29]Dialogue 1
[22:32.11]A:How are you all these days?
[22:34.94]B:Too bad.In addition to the cold,I've got a temperature.
[22:39.66]A:That's really too bad.
[22:41.88]B:What's more.I cough day and night.
[22:45.78]B:Really?Let me have a look.
[22:48.55]Dialogue 2
[22:50.24]A:Where are you going?
[22:52.05]B:I don't know.
[22:53.85]A:Wherever you go,they'll follow you.
[22:57.09]B:What's your idea?
[22:59.05]A:Neither of us will escape.We just stay here and wait for them.
[23:04.25]B:Don't you think both of us will be caugh
[23:07.67]A:No way out.
[23:09.91]13.Exception and Restriction
[23:14.41]1)Typical Expressions
[23:16.84]We all went but John.
[23:19.16]I can answer the questions except the fifth.
[23:22.40]Your presentation is quite good except for some small points.
[23:27.78]There are twenty foreign students not counting the overseas Chinese students.
[23:33.27]Excluding the one I bought in Shanghai,I have five wool coats.
[23:38.83]We'll go without you.
[23:40.97]We all have been invited besides those two.
[23:44.66]Only Mr.Smith could afford to buy the plane.
[23:48.34]Only a few students were present at the meeting.
[23:51.66]My parents only let me out on Friday evening.
[23:55.42]Peter was very cold because he only wore a jacket.
[23:59.55]I have only 100 dollars with me.
[24:02.50]We don't know much of him,only the place where he was born.
[24:07.44]This is the movie I saw with my friend last week.
[24:11.12]Do you know the name of the men I mentioned to you yesterday.
[24:14.98]I'll show you the picture I took in Tokyo.
[24:17.68]I'd like the one you gave me as the birthday present.
[24:21.54]He wants to eat the red apple,but I want the green one.
[24:25.93]Man can't live without air.
[24:29.17]Dave is nice guy except that he has some shortcomings.
[24:36.09]A:What do you think of this film?
[24:38.42]B:I like it very much except that the ending is too sad.
[24:42.91]A:I'm afraid I can't agree.I like the ending only.It's impressing.
[24:48.58]B:Yes,indeed.But it made me cry.I think the heroine should have a better life than that.
[24:55.94]A:You're sympathetic.
[24:57.75]Dialogue 2
[24:59.89]A:Do you know the new manager of the company?
[25:03.21]B:No,nothing but his family name.How about you?
[25:08.07]A:I only know the place where he lives.
[25:10.94]B:Maybe the secretary knows him very well.
[25:13.89]A:Neither does she.She knows his telephone number only.
[25:18.46]14.Means and Instrument
[25:22.51]1)Typical Expressions
[25:24.65]My sister is deaf.She communicates with others by means of signs.
[25:31.03]My English isn't good enough,but I read the original novels with the help of an English-Chinese dictionary.
[25:38.76]I can climb the wall with the help of a ladder.
[25:42.44]How do you go to work everyday?
[25:45.21]I go to work by bus.
[25:47.98]Turn on the power by pressing the button at the bottom.
[25:51.93]We sent the letter to them by air.
[25:54.98]How did you travel?
[25:56.68]We traveled by train,not by bus.
[25:60.00]I opened the bottle with a knife.
[26:02.50]How did you get into the house without the key?
[26:06.19]I went into through the window.
[26:08.80]How did you get the news?
[26:10.94]I heard it on the radio.
[26:13.19]What do you write with?
[26:14.52]I write with a computer instead of a pen.
[26:18.10]Dialogues 1
[26:20.16]A:How did you come here?
[26:22.12]B:By bu
[26:24.00]A:Why didn't you take the train?It saves time and is comfortable.
[26:29.05]B:Yes.But taking a train would spend more money.
[26:33.17]Dialogue 2
[26:35.50]A;What do you usually write with?
[26:38.11]B:I write with a computer.
[26:40.98]A:Do you think it is convenient to write on the computer?
[26:45.22]B:I used to write with a pen,you know.
[26:48.45]A:I'm still using the pen.It's my old friend.
[26:57.00]1)Typical Expressions
[26:59.69]Peter is as tall as you.
[27:02.82]Tom is taller than Peter.
[27:05.25]Jack is the taller of the two boys.
[27:09.12]Tom is the tallest among the three.
[27:12.36]You're as intelligent as the others of the class.
[27:16.04]I know as much Cantonese as English.
[27:19.62]His English is much better than mine.
[27:22.67]My teacher speaks English much more fluently than my father.
[27:27.61]Class One got higher marks than Class Two.
[27:31.66]He works slower than most of his classmates.
[27:35.08]He works harder than his classmates.
[27:37.96]Light travels faster than sound.
[27:41.19]He's more of a sportsman than his brother.
[27:44.77]Xiao Chen's house is as beautiful as his sister's.
[27:49.35]Three and three makes six.
[27:52.58]A quarter is equal to fifteen minutes.
[27:56.27]A century is 100 years.
[27:59.32]Do you think a kilometer is the same as 1000 meters?
[28:04.37]Three early mornings will make a day.
[28:07.68]You did less work today,so you just got less than yesterday?
[28:12.88]There's fewer people in the class than last time.
[28:17.11]Dialogue 1
[28:19.88]A:Do you know the twins?
[28:22.02]B:Yes,I met them on the campus this morning.But I found the younger one is taller than the older one.
[28:28.79]A:You're right.And she is more intelligent.
[28:32.45]B:Really?Interesting enough.
[28:36.21]A:But the older one is prettier than the younger one.
[28:39.79]B:Yes,I noticed that.
[28:42.06]Dialogue 2
[28:44.54]A:What do you think of your new house?
[28:47.42]B:It's just newer than my old house.
[28:50.39]A:Don't you think it's bigger?
[28:52.95]B:No,I think they're same.
[28:56.22]A:How about the garden?
[28:57.89]B:It's quite small.I found it's a little smaller than the old one.
[29:03.06]A:That's impossible.And the kitchen?
[29:05.83]B:Oh,it's only biy enough for me to put my feet in.Anyway,in gets more sunshine.
[29:12.49]A:That's all righ
[29:14.37]16.Contrast and Concession
[29:19.65]1)Typical Expressions
[29:22.63]Although I like him,he doesn't like me.
[29:26.60]He went to work,although he still had a temperature.
[29:30.67]My classmates visited the farm,although it was raining hard.
[29:35.74]Although I told him thousands of times,he forgot it again.
[29:40.70]Whatever you told him,he said"no".
[29:43.79]Whenever you come,you're welcome.
[29:46.45]Wherever you go,remember to make telephone calls back.
[29:51.31]I wanted to stay,however,my parents insisted on leaving.
[29:56.48]No matter what you do,do it as well as possible.
[30:01.45]No matter where you go,I'll follow you.
[30:04.42]No matter to whom you speak,you must speak slowly and clearly.
[30:09.88]No matter how we persuaded,they wouldn't listen to us.
[30:14.45]I'm active,while my sister is quite quiet.
[30:18.53]He said yes,but he did something different.
[30:22.40]You like sports,while your brother would rather read.
[30:26.58]Betty was lively and talktive,while her sister was quiet and reserved.
[30:32.56]While I listened to you,I didn't catch what you meant.
[30:36.53]The family moved into the new house despite of the wet paint.
[30:40.89]In spite of the thunderstorm,they went to look for the lost baby.
[30:45.75]I always enjoy the music even if there is a loud nois
[30:51.31]Dialogue 1
[30:53.19]A:Where's Helen's book?
[30:55.36]B:She forgot again,although I told her a thousand times.
[31:00.74]A:Ask her to come to see me.
[31:03.30]B:Whatever I said,she replied with yes,but she did in the different way.
[31:09.18]Dialogue 2
[31:11.14]A:How's the kid?
[31:13.52]B:He's fine,although there's a little temperature.
[31:17.70]A:Keep him in the house,no matter what he says.
[31:23.34]17.Cause and Result
[31:27.31]1)Typical Expressions
[31:29.48]Since the weather was bad,we didn't start until 10 o'clock this morning.
[31:34.94]Because the weather is bad,the sports meet will be put off.
[31:39.80]Because you didn't tell me,I failed to attend the meeting.
[31:44.37]Because of his father,we could go into the building.
[31:48.55]As you've agreed,we bought five more.
[31:52.41]We must start early,for we have a long way to go.
[31:56.99]It was raining hard,so we had to stop working.
[32:01.06]I've nevtherefore I didn't know anything about it.
[32:06.94]The mid-term exams have finished,in which case we can plan for an outgoing.
[32:12.50]Having no money,I'll stop my plan to travel to China.
[32:17.18]I have to stop the plan for I haven't enough money.
[32:21.36]Dialogue 1
[32:23.03]A:Why are you late for the meeting?
[32:25.59]B:We didn't start until 10 o'clock because of the rain.And since we're late for 2 hours,the meeting had begun when we arrived.
[32:35.07]Dialogue 2
[32:37.14]A:I left the school earlier today,because I wasn't very well.
[32:41.81]B:What's wrong with you?
[32:43.59]A:I felt dizzy and had a headache.
[32:46.15]B:Did you go to see a doctor?
[32:48.63]A:Yes,I had gone to see the doctor right after I came back.
[32:53.41]B:What did he say?
[32:55.79]A:He said I was lack of nutrition.
[32:58.95]B:So,you shouldn't go on diet,you must eat more.
[33:03.02]A:I think I will.
[33:05.90]18.Condition and Supposition
[33:10.76]1)Typical Expressions
[33:13.63]If I have money,I'll go and see the world.
[33:17.70]If you're free this evening,let's have dinner at the new restaurant.
[33:22.56]If you ask me,I'll say "no".
[33:25.83]We can bring you some fresh fruits if you want.
[33:28.99]He said he would go to the party if the hostess invited him.
[33:32.96]If you're late for the class,you'll be fined.
[33:36.54]If you park your car here,it'll be taken away by the police.
[33:42.21]Why didn't you go to work,since you need money?
[33:46.07]Suppose we have a large fortune,what would you do?
[33:50.75]Suppose they are at the railway station,what can I do now?
[33:55.53]You can go with me only if you've finished your homework.
[33:59.50]If only I could remember his name!
[34:02.87]If only I knew my new headmaster!
[34:06.13]If only he had insisted!
[34:08.62]If only I had met her!
[34:11.28]If only we have lots of money!
[34:14.15]If only dad was at home!
[34:16.82]I will go only if you go with me.
[34:19.80]I'll keep my promise only if you keep yours.
[34:23.77]Dialogue 1
[34:26.04]A:Will you go to the cinema with me tonight?
[34:28.91]B:Only if I finish my housework.
[34:32.28]A:If we go to the cinema,you can do your housework later.
[34:36.96]B:No,it's impossible.If only I had a dishwasher and washing machine!
[34:42.63]A:You will.
[34:44.30]Dialogue 2
[34:46.26]A:If we arrive at Guangzhou Station,please awake me.
[34:50.44]B:No problem.But what if I oversleep?
[34:53.91]A:If you also oversleep,we'll go to the next station.
[34:57.99]B:That's terrible!
[34:59.95]A:So,you'd better not sleep.
[35:05.98]1)Typical Expressions
[35:08.75]Susan called to see her friend.
[35:11.91]I'm saving up to buy a new house.
[35:16.17]He got up early in order to catch the early bus.
[35:20.53]In order to catch up with my classmates,I work day and night.
[35:25.50]He came to tell you the meeting had been put off.
[35:29.26]The birds cry for food.
[35:32.03]Why didn't you ask me for help?
[35:34.59]I called you just wanting to tell you there'll be a movie tonight.
[35:39.16]He is learning spoken English so that he can work with foreigners.
[35:44.02]We have to leave in order not to miss the late train.
[35:48.59]My mother stopped working in order to look after my sister and I.
[35:52.95]The teachers came out of the office to see what happened outside.
[35:57.63]Keep quiet.Let me have a rest.
[36:00.71]We shall set out early so we have enough time to dress up.
[36:05.78]The students work hard so that they could go into the universties.
[36:10.56]His friends went to the new world to seek fortune.
[36:14.82]Turn off the radio.I want to sleep.
[36:18.40]Turn on the power,so we can use the hot water.
[36:22.26]The chairman spoke at the top of his voice in order for everybody in the hall to hear well.
[36:28.92]Will you speak louder so that everyone can hear you?
[36:32.89]Why don't you stand out,so that all of us can see you?
[36:37.07]Dialogue 1
[36:38.95]A:Where are you going?
[36:41.23]B:I'm going out to see what's happening outside.
[36:45.30]A:Wait a minute,so we can finish it.
[36:48.38]B:Oh,let it be.We have enough time to do it tomorrow.
[36:53.45]Dialogue 2
[36:55.23]A:Will you pull the curtain apart,letting the sun in?
[36:59.09]B:Sorry,I'm doing some experiments.
[37:03.35]A:What sort of experiments are you doing in the dark room?
[37:06.72]B:A secret.I'll let you know after I finish.
[37:11.19]Dialogue 3
[37:13.36]A:Who is speaking?
[37:16.13]B:The teacher in the next room,he speaks at the top of his voice in order that everybody can hear him.
[37:23.39]A:Yes,everybody can.The problem is that I don't want to hear.
[37:28.95]B:So,I'll go and ask him to lower his voice,OK?
[37:33.63]A:Thanks a lot.
[37:35.09]B:You're welcome.
[37:37.86]20.Summary and Generalization
[37:42.72]1)Typical Expressions
[37:45.28]Generally speaking,we're in favor of the new plan.
[37:49.85]Generally speaking,the living standard in that country has been greatly improved.
[37:55.13]In general,we've finished the work.
[37:58.21]He summarized the speech with a joke.
[38:01.48]As a rule,big houses are always draughty.
[38:05.34]As a rule,pop music is usually noisy,but is warmly welcomed by young people.
[38:12.32]As a rule,the girls in our class are working harder than the boys.
[38:17.70]As a rule,mothers have the final say at homes.
[38:22.77]As a rule,boys grow slower than girls at the earlier stage,but later they grow faster than girls.
[38:31.13]In most cases,we leave school at 5 o'clock.
[38:35.59]In most cases,I won't talk at the meetings.
[38:39.56]In a few cases,I went to have a cup of coffee after the class.
[38:44.34]In a few cases,I had about 100 Yuan with me.
[38:48.60]In a few cases,the teacher would come into the classroom without telling us.
[38:53.88]In most cases,our monitor collects the exercise books,in a few cases his friend does instead of him.
[39:02.16]Generally speaking,most of us can overcome the shortcomings.
[39:07.33]Generally speaking,our people can fight against the flood without help.
[39:14.67]A:Do you have any difficulties?
[39:17.65]B:Generally speaking,we can deal with everything with effort.
[39:21.91]A:You had a hard time.
[39:24.47]B:Yes.In a few cases,we had no money to buy the necessary instruments.
[39:30.84]A:Tell us if you need help.
[39:33.40]Dialogue 2
[39:35.28]A:As a rule,the boys are less diligent than girls.
[39:39.85]B:I agree.It's the same in my class.
[39:43.51]A:How do you deal with it?
[39:45.89]B:No way,I just encourage boys to work hard by asking them more questions in class.
[39:52.76]A:Good idea!


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