求[华フック] 母亲失格漫画 系列汉化漫画!!

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[华フック] 母亲失格・エリート亲子のM豚寝取られ転落人生 エピローグ母娘编 NTR is suppose to be piss people off so it's fine to get mad, especially when sometimes it doesn't make sense.@waveblinker must have not seen the prequel. I can't understand it but that young girl is probably the daughter of the mom and that other boy. She has the same hair as his mom in the prequel. So it's the NTR guy that rapes his own daughter. I agree with nekohunter, why not kill a trespasser in your house that wants to rape someone(because that girl didn't want it). Or at least run away with the girl, or call the police. sometimes these things really are way too forced. I would like a translation though, if anyone can ask some translators about it.I don't get why'd that kid was so mean to the other guy. He never does anything to him as far as I can tell and he mostly just listens to his mom.I don't get why'd he gun after the glasses boy so much or not let him join in. Why is his mom being so mean to her son even if she didn't want to sleep with him. That guy seemed fine with sharing in the previous story. I just don't get it. The mom and the girl seem to like the glasses guy so why wouldn't they sleep with him as well. It's like how do you explain a whole time of enjoying each other's company, where does that go because even here it shows that they can't be having sex the whole time and they can't actually like the other dude as someone to hang out with... that's just so unnecessary.I'd like if someone translated the last couple of pages even just here in text. seems he got thrown out and thats what i don't get. Their dicks don't seem all that different out side of unnatural stamina. This story makes me wish he'd had smothered that guy while he slept. Had the mom been in contact with the other dude all along. even if so she was still sleeping with the other kid. I doubt that dude would stick around all the time. It's annoying that they'll make a story but not talk about the detail of it. Why doesn't the guy try talking to them when they aren't having sex or something, or ask why the guy is doing.The plot to this is very similar to disqualified mother except this second half(well the ending in the second half is similar except the boy has a father). I had this feeling with that one that might apply here to a lesser the degree. Why doesn't the woman flip things around when she's clearly stronger(especially in dis mother). She could get the other mom arrested and sleep with him however she likes along with the son too. In that story it's the opposite with a glasses wimp ntring amore handsome muscular kid, but that never makes it any better, I don't think there's a way for an NTR protag to be sympathetic since they just come off as insanely evil.Also the glasses kid did try to fight back with sex, which never works out with ntr guy's evil plot power. Though I've only seen two stories where they actually try. The other being Boku no Shiranai Kanojo no Kao, but the guy in that had the random plot luck of having the smallest dick than any guy around(I still think it could have a good ending if anyone used their head).Maybe it's due to the censorship but their dicks really do seem about the same size. I can't figure out why exactly this guy is so powerful in this story, even when he's not using gimmicks and tying them up. He's as PLAIN as the glasses kid. You can't say one is manlier, or handsomer than the other.In the first story he also liked watching other people have sex with him so he's voyeuristic himself... He even fails at coming off like a jerk like the guy's in Sanbun's works. Though Sanbun's most evil work has an kid with a similar haircut, though more muscles, who also doesn't seem particular talented as to why he can NTR the more handsome kid. At least the mom in that has years to lose her bond(and still slept with him even though he was getting badly ntr'd), though it makes you wonder why those people do when they aren't sleeping around since it can't be much. Or why they never talk about it ect(. Though that was the alternate bad ending.. the good ending is still pretty bad since the mom had abandoned her son years ago for no particular reason but the guy ends up with a nice girl. Still, even in the bad ending I wished he had been able to convince the mom to go away with him or something.Well Sanbun has done at least two stories with ok endings. Like the dog one where the woman was becoming sane after a mindbreak. And he did both-ish with Sayuki no Sato. Like I said, even the good ending has a cult like town brainwashing the couple, especially malicious with the mom. Though I don't get why that kid didn't become like them in the bad ending, to at least soften, though like I keep saying, it was still one of the most messed up ones ever made. For years I thought nothing could top it, like he broke NTR completely(along with Boku no, I thought those were the most intense two NTRS for a long time).
1楼 16:02&|
对不起 就算我再怎么爱你也坚持不了读完这么一大段根本看不懂的东西
收起回复2楼 16:25&|
3楼 16:38&|
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