怎样写好国外期刊修改稿的cover letter范文

blogTitle:'2014年SCI期刊和EI期刊论文的cover letter怎么写啊?',
blogAbstract:'Cover letter是在投稿的时候写给编辑的信,里面需要简要说明一下这篇文章创新点在什么地方。由于编辑在审稿过程是有比较大的决定权的。即使审稿人有什么偏见,编辑也是有可能扳得过来的。所以要是能有机会说服编辑或者让编辑对文章产生一个好印象,甚至是有比较强的倾向性的话,那会是很大的帮助。这个重要的使命就交给coverletter了。刚写cover letter那阵,也是盯着屏幕,很久也憋不出一句话,后来是导师的帮助下做了一个固定模板,使用至今。如下所示:\r\nEditor, \r\n&journal name&\r\n',
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{if (x.role!="-1") },“我是${c[x.role]}”&&{/if}
{if x.userName==''}{/if}
{list x.l as y}
{if defined('wl')}
{list wl as x}{/list}ICIC-express letter期刊投稿经验求助 - 论文投稿 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 第一站
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ICIC-express letter期刊投稿经验求助
我做的是多智能体控制方向的,我想投ICIC-express letter期刊,听说是日本的,听好多人说是邮箱投稿,打开主页好像是系统投稿,但是投稿系统好像打不开,顿时纠结了,有哪位投过的给点帮助啊,先谢谢了:hand:
用IE浏览器可以,其他浏览器不行 : Originally posted by liwenlei at
用IE浏览器可以,其他浏览器不行 弱弱问一下,现在是邮箱投稿吧,邮箱是 吧 : Originally posted by chufufang at
弱弱问一下,现在是邮箱投稿吧,邮箱是 icicel@ijicic.org吧... 以前投的是在线系统,现在换了? 为了EI的话,先不要投这个了,有可能今年被提出EI。等2014ei目录出来再投吧。 我想知道你投了吗?&&你写了几页啊&&我的页数多 它非让我投那个IJICIC : Originally posted by happy2mama at
我想知道你投了吗?&&你写了几页啊&&我的页数多 它非让我投那个IJICIC 他也跟我这么说的,不过我就投到IJICIC了,这个是邮箱投稿的,也是EI估计 : Originally posted by chufufang at
他也跟我这么说的,不过我就投到IJICIC了,这个是邮箱投稿的,也是EI估计... 你写了几页啊?我9页&&然后就让我投IJICIC& &我 改完了 7页&&还是投ICIC-EL 了&&留下你的扣扣吧 咱俩交流下````` : Originally posted by happy2mama at
你写了几页啊?我9页&&然后就让我投IJICIC& &我 改完了 7页&&还是投ICIC-EL 了&&留下你的扣扣吧 咱俩交流下`````...
我 改完了 7页&&还是投ICIC-EL 了&&留下你的
var cpro_id = 'u1216994';
E-mail: & QQ:8835100在线投稿时的Cover Letter 应该怎么写? - 论文投稿 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 第一站
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在线投稿时的Cover Letter 应该怎么写?
这个Cover Letter是给编辑看的,不晓得有模板吗?具体格式要求?谢谢!
这个Cover Letter是给编辑看的,不晓得有模板吗?具体格式要求?谢谢!
Elsevier系统旗下杂志投稿流程(初学者必看)-以Journal of Number Theory 为例
Springer 系统旗下杂志投稿流程 (初学者必看)--以 INT J. of INF. Security 为例
若不额外上传 cover letter,
则可能是 Enter comments to journal office (or editor)
若是, 可以不写,也可以写~
写的话, 格式没有要求, 通常分为 3 部分.
A. 先作者简短自介约一两句,
B. 然后简要描述前期的研究工作,或是前人的工作概况,
C. 接着介绍本文的主要工作,与前人工作不同之处, 及主要的贡献(热点) 论坛上模板很多啊 祝福楼主啊。。。。 /view/5f6fcc791778.html 就是封投稿信。写点创新点,保证没有一稿多投的话。 网上有很多,小木虫里面也有很多人上传了模板,去下载吧 我的那篇是这么写的
Dear Editor,
We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "Effects of integrated agronomic management practices on yield and nitrogen efficiency of summer maize in North China", which we wish to be considered for publication in Field Crops Research.
Agricultural nitrogen efficiency as well as grain yield has long been thought to be essential for cereal crops production. In this study, we report an optimized agronomic practice integrated cropping system and fertilizer management. Our results succeed for the first time in achieving synchrony of high grain yield and high nitrogen (N) efficiency of summer maize (ZD958) in the winter wheat-summer maize rotation system in North China Plain. This manuscript has not been published elsewhere and the English has been professionally checked.
Thank you very much for your considering our manuscript for potential publication. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours,
var cpro_id = 'u1216994';
E-mail: & QQ:8835100[转载](转)怎样写好国外期刊修改稿的Cover&Letter
& &为了更好理解,我用我发的一篇文章作为例子来说明:
& &这里是期刊审稿人的修改意见:
Dear *****,
The review of your manuscript, Thermal Decomposition and Kinetics
Studies on 1, 4-dinitropiperazine (DNP), submitted to Journal of
Hazardous Materials has been
completed.&&The reviewers
recommend the need for minor revisions. Please revise your
manuscript according to the reviewers' comments attached, and
re-submit to me your revised version of the manuscript including an
itemized response to each reviewer's comments.
& &Please submit your revised
submission before Jul 11, 2007. I will then begin the re-review
& &Please note that revised
manuscripts will be sent for review because revising a manuscript
does not automatically mean it will be accepted for
& &For your guidance, reviewers'
comments are appended below.
On your Main Menu page is a folder entitled "Submissions Needing
Revision". You will find your submission record there.
& & Please ensure that the
article conforms to the format of the
Journal.&&In particular make sure
that all the articles in your references have titles
included.&&The Journal Guide for
Authors is available on the Journal homepage
submitting your revised manuscript, please ensure that you upload
the source files (e.g. Word). Uploading a PDF file at this stage
will create delays should your manuscript be finally accepted for
publication. If your revised submission does not include the source
files, we will contact you to request them.
Once again, thank you for your interest in Journal of Hazardous
&& & Yours
Fingas, PhD
&& &Editor
&&&Journal of
Hazardous Materials
Reviewer #1: The paper reports on the thermal decomposition and
kinetics of DNP.&&
It is a welcome addition to the literature and appectable for
publication after some revision:
(i)&&Please provide large
basis-set DFT calculations to support the assignment of the IR
bands of DNP.
(ii) Please assign ALL IR bands of Fig. 5
Reviewer #2: authors have carried out work on the thermal analysis
of the dinitropiperazine. The new information reported in the paper
is scanty. The large amount of data has been already reported by
the several researchers on the thermal analysis of
dinitropiperazine (See the reference section of the paper and also
reviewer has done the scopus search). The only new information
reported in this paper is of the T-Jump IR studies and DSC studies
under different pressures, which may adds on to the existing
scientific data base. There is not much novelty in the reported
The Table 1 and figure 1 need to be deleted from the paper since it
is already well reported in the literature.
Table 2 and figure 3 gives the same information. Authors are
requested to delete Table 2 and the same information may be
explained in the results and discussion part of the paper.
May i also kindly request authors to update the literature survey
till date on DNP in the introduction part of the paper using
Chemical abstracts on disk (CA on CD) data base.
The quality&&and clarity of the
figures in the paper need to be improved.
English need to be improved.
The paper is recommended for short communication after the minor
Reviewer #3: The paper is okay in terms of contents.However,since
it has been written by
a Chinese, the english is very poor and as such requires a lot of
corrections and editing by your team.
The authors have used ozawa and Kissenger methods to find out
energy.However,they have given data for activation energy by ozawa
only under 3.4 thermal decomposition kinetics).The data for Eo
also be included in the paper.
Also,captions of Figs 1,3 &5 are missing.
Reviewer #4: This paper is promising but could be improved by
better kinetic analysis.
1.&&Kissinger's method is OK as a
first approximation, but Friedman's method is the best
isoconversional method.&&Even
Ozawa has abandoned his method in favor of Friedman's.
2.&&The method of comparing a
large number of kinetic models against data at a single heating
rate (page 5) is invalid, discredited, and should not be
published.&&This issue has been
discussed in several papers by Vyzovkin and in a international
kinetic study published by Brown et al, Thermochemica Acta 355,
125-143, 2000, and following
papers.&&Consequently, there is
no real evidence presented that the equation is
first-order.&&In fact, from my
studies of energetic materials, including RDX and HMX, I would have
thought that nucleation-growth kinetics would be most
appropriate.&&However, I would
have to do a more rigorous kinetic analysis of the data to know for
3.&&The best way to judge a
kinetic model is how it compares with data at multiple heating
rates (using a single set of
parameters).&&Such a comparison
is not present in this paper, so it is difficult to judge the
validity of the kinetic parameters.
4.&&The author's discussion of
HMX kinetics is good in some respects but out of date in
others.&&More recent papers by
multiple institutions place the activation energy for HMX closer to
150 kJ/mol.&&A commonly cited
paper on this is by Wight and Vyazovkin, Ann Rev Phys Chem 48, 119,
1997.&&A more recent but harder
paper to get is by Burnham and Weese in the proceedings of the 2005
ICT conference.&&Henson has
published a correlation in the detonation symposium showing that
explosion times scale with an activation energy of about 150
kJ/mol.&&Active workers in
energetic materials should have access to these materials.
My manuscript, *********************(论文题目), was revised according
to the reviewers' comments, and the itemized response to each
reviewer’s comments is attached. Many thanks for your suggestion. I
am so sorry to bring you so much trouble because of our careless.
Correspondence and phone calls about this paper should be directed
to ****(作者) at the following address,phone and e-mail:
Address: *********
Tel.: ********
E-mail: **********
Thanks very much again for your attention to our paper.Once again,
thank you for your help to our paper processing.
&& & Yours
For your guidance, itemized response to each reviewer’s comments is
appended below.
& Dear reviewer #1:
(i) Suhithi M. Peiris, Richard, etc. (J. Phys. Chem. A, 104 (39),
already reported large basis-set DFT calculations to support the
assignment of the IR bands of DNP.
(ii) We assigned all IR bands of Fig.5 (now change to fig.8).
(iii) Because of the IR study had been reported, the IR spectra
(fig.1) was deleted form the paper. Anyway, thank you for your
arduous work and instructive advice.
& Dear reviewer #2:
(i) G. V. Sitonina, etc. (Russian Chemical Bulletin, Vol.28,
284-288) A study has been made of the kinetics of thermal
decomposition of dinitropiperazine, in melts and in solution. As
you said, the only new information reported in this paper is of the
T-Jump IR studies and DSC studies under different pressures, which
may adds on to the existing scientific data base. Nevertheless, the
kinetics study in our paper is a supplement which is with
multi-heating rate method.
(ii) The Table 1 and figure 1 was deleted from the paper and the
correlative references were put forward.
(iii) Table 2 was deleted and the same information was explained in
the results and discussion part of the paper.
(iv) We had update the literature survey till date on DNP in the
introduction part of the paper and enriched the introduction of the
(v) The figures were drawn again and the quality and clarity of
them were improved.
(vi) English expression was improved a little and it’s my great
honor to ask your help on the language aspect.
& Dear reviewer #3:
(i) As a Chinese, our English is very poor and a few of corrections
and editing had done by our team.
(ii) Now we only used Ozawa method to find out activation energy
and you can check it in our paper again. According to reviewer #4,
Kissinger method is invalid, discredited, and should not be
(iii) Figures and captions of them are changed.
(iv) At last, thank you for your arduous work and instructive
& Dear reviewer #4:
i. This paper was improved by a better kinetic analysis. The
kinetic parameters were established by Ozawa's isoconversional
method because there is no Friedman's calculation program in our
ii. As you just said, the method of comparing a large number of
kinetic models against data at a single heating rate is
invalid.&&After the kinetic study
by isoconversional method with data at multiple heating rates, we
found that nucleation-growth kinetics is more appropriate. You are
seasoned in these aspects and it’s my great honor to ask your
advice on these sorts of aspects.
iii. In order to judge a kinetic model, we did a comparison a
single heating rate method with multi-heating method, and at last
the kinetic parameters were judged.
iv. Y the discussion of HMX kinetics is really out of
date.&&The activation energy for
HMX is closer to 150 kJ/mol. We had done the improvements in our
v. From your comments, it’s obvious that you are an expert in
thermo analysis, and there is lots of shortage in our study which
need your instruction. At last, I want to thank you sincerely for
your suggestions and I feel so sorry that so much of your precious
time was wasted on our paper revision.
Letter. 这样一来,老外看出了你的一丝不苟,即使还有一些需要修正的小错误,他们也就不在乎了,自己帮你修正了.
&& 详细内容
ISTP/EI/SCI论文如何准备投稿信(cover letter)?
时间:日 19:23
投稿信(cover letter)是论文投稿时,作者用于为编辑准备的letter,主要用处有三点:1、客套话,出于工作的礼貌。2、向编辑介绍你文章的主要内容,两三句话为好。3、某些文章中不好说的事,在信中说最好。比如,你的实验经过多长时间,才取得结果,比如,是哪个名人建议你投给这个期刊的,你也可以说。反正,一个字,“套”,不过,一定要套得真实可信,获得对方的好感与信任,万万不可失得其反。投稿信(cover letter)中应包括的内容投稿信有助于稿件被送到合适的编辑(对于多编辑的期刊而言)或可能的评审人手中. 没有投稿信的稿件可能会给编辑造成一些困惑: 如: 这篇稿件是投给哪种刊物的? 何种栏目? 是新稿还是修改稿? 如果是修改稿的话, 是哪位编辑负责的? 如果这篇稿件有多位作者的话, 哪一位是通讯作者? 其联系地址是哪一个? 等等. 为节省编辑的时间, 投稿信要尽量写得简短明了、重点突出, 最好不要超过一页. 其中包括的内容大致有: (1) 所投稿件的栏目类型; 有些期刊在作者须知中还鼓励或建议作者在投稿信中提供合适的审稿人或提出需回避的审稿人.(2) 如果稿件是系列论文中的一篇, 或者与以前发表的文章有密切关系, 投稿信中要提及这方面的内容(包括刊名、文章题名、发表时间等), 必要时, 还需附上发表过的论文, 以免编辑或审稿人发生误解. (3) 不可遗漏期刊所要求的有关说明或声明, 如果需要事先与编辑说明有关文稿学术意义或其他细节问题(如有关图表的制作软件等), 也须在投稿信中交代清楚. 对于高度综合性的刊物(如Nature, Science)或本领域的顶尖期刊, 在投稿信中最好简要说明一下稿件的广泛兴趣性或重要性, 以及为什么要给该刊投稿. (4) 通讯作者和详细的联系地址尤其重要, 通讯作者还应将其电话号码、E-mail地址和传真号码列在投稿信或稿件的题名页(首页)中. 如何推荐审稿人?应尽量推荐对稿件主题比较熟悉的小同行作为审稿人, 以下群体的同行通常可以作为审稿人推荐:(1) 稿件中参考文献的作者;(2) 拟投稿期刊的编委;(3) 重要的研究群体或个人: 如: 就职于期刊主办单位的科研人员, 经常在拟投稿期刊发表论文的作者, 在本领域具较高知名度的学者, 等等.投稿信: 实例简析Department of Publication, NSFC83 Shuangqing Road, Haidian DistrictBeijing 100083, P R ChinaJuly 18, 2001&Professor T. Braun, Editor-in-Chief of ScientometericsInstitute of Inorganic and Analytical ChemistryE?tv?s Loránd UniversityH-1443 Budapest-70, P.O. Box 123 Hungary
当前平均分:-0.04 (160次打分)
当前平均分:0.12 (147次打分)


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