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>> 浏览文章麻辣街坊第19-20集剧情介绍
麻辣街坊第19集剧情介绍  吉祥假装怀孕的事很快就被美丽发现了,并且拿了证据去向李大龙告密,李大龙气急败坏的跑到刘秀凤家对质,在弄清楚事情真相之后,刘李两家又打闹开来,刘姥姥一气之下,竟然被气晕而且住了院。  在医院安顿好了姥姥,李大龙和刘秀凤除了失望和生气,还明确表态不同意儿女的恋爱关系,于是吉祥和李呈只能又坐在公园的小长椅上开始发愁。  屋漏偏逢连夜雨,吉祥家中的假怀孕风波还没消停,工作又出了麻烦,吉祥工作的公司大海卫浴每年都要请一位明星拍宣传广告,需要有一个人具体负责协调,今年这个重任就落在了吉祥身上,谁知该明星开出的条件过高,吉祥无法答应,但是摄影棚的时间又不能更改,吉祥情急之下只能自己充当模特进行拍照,拍完之后吉祥立刻跑回家中找表舅刘栋,希望刘栋能帮自己把照片美化一下,谁知表舅处理完照片觉得十分满意,并且发布到网上,这给吉祥带来了意想不到的影响。  刘栋刚刚发布完照片,接到了护士许多的电话,原来李子晴因为很长时间没有白英明的消息,在酒吧借酒消愁竟然喝多了,刘栋及时赶到并且把子晴送回宿舍,不料被李子晴灌了酒,并且二人同床共枕过了一夜,第二天酒醒后,刘栋兴奋不已,感觉重新找到了做男人的感觉,但是这让李子晴困惑起来。麻辣街坊第20集剧情介绍  吉祥因为卫浴宣传的照片被表舅刘栋发布到网上,在网络上一下子火了起来,魏大海还高兴的给她发了一大笔广告费,这让吉祥又惊又喜。但是吉祥的卫浴照也被李呈发现了,李呈醋意大发,觉得自己的自尊心受到了伤害,与吉祥在街头大吵一架,两人不欢而散。  吉祥气呼呼的回到家中,谁也不理,把自己关在房间里掉眼泪,秀凤以为李呈欺负了吉祥,不分青红皂白就到李大龙家找李呈算账,恰巧碰见李呈也刚到家,可是问来问去也没弄明白,两家人不欢而散,于是李呈和吉祥陷入了感情危机。  吉祥和李呈的感情虽然暂时处于冷战阶段,但是李大龙却认为自己的婚姻迎来了第二春,还刻意约了妹妹李子晴,讲述自己与黄玉芬的相亲过程是如何的精彩,可是李子晴却隐约的感觉哥哥的状态不正常,担心哥哥上当受骗。可是李大龙根本听不进去劝告,李大龙看妹妹并无反对的意思,就决定第二天要向黄玉芬求婚。  第二天,李大龙表白顺利成功,他认为自己找到了一个能让刘秀凤无法抬头仰视的伴侣,于是又打算去挤兑刘秀凤,让刘秀凤带着她自己的相亲老伴一起出来溜溜,刘秀凤无奈只能厚着脸皮约了陆团长,但是陆团长却喜出望外,没想到在饭店见面之后,没等黄玉芬赶到,在李大龙的挤兑下,几个人就已经吵闹开来,最终不欢而散。
麻辣街坊第19-20集英文剧情Spicy neighborhood episode 19 is introduced
The auspicious pretended to be pregnant soon be found beauty, and took the evidence to l dalong snitches, l dalong ran liu home to confront a livid after find out the truth, Liu Li two play again, granny liu, was heartbroken, and the court.
Settle the grandma in the hospital, l dalong and liu in addition to disappointment and anger, also made it clear dont agree with children to love relationship, so lucky and li are only small sitting on a park bench began to worry again.
Roof leak that night when the rain, auspicious home didnt die false pregnant incidents, work out of the trouble again, auspicious work of sea sanitary ware company every year, please take advertising, a star needs to have a person to be responsible for coordination, the burden falls on the lucky this year, but the star terms is exorbitant, auspicious cant promise, but the studio time and cannot be changed, auspicious photograph under the feeling be nasty can oneself serves as a model, immediately after finishing the auspicious find cousin ran home huhu, hope to help you beautify the photo huhu, who know cousin processed pictures feel very satisfied, and posted on the Internet, this has brought good luck unexpected effects.
Huhu has just released the photo, received a telephone, a nurse many original Li Ziqing because long time no news of lyratum thunb Ming, drinking in the bar was drunk, huhu arrived on time and take a clear back to the dormitory, only to be Li Ziqing drank wine, and two men with all night, wine woke up the next day, huhu excited, feeling to find the feeling of being a man, but it makes Li Ziqing confusion.
Spicy neighborhood 20th episode is introduced
Propitious for publicity photos that defend bath is cousin huhu posted on the Internet, all of a sudden fire up on the Internet, wei sea also glad to send her a lot of advertising, the auspicious pleasantly surprised. But the auspicious according to wei yu is also li are discovered, lee was jealousy daihatsu, felt his pride was hurt, and auspicious a big fight in the street, two people in discord.
Auspicious looking back to the home, who also ignore, shut yourself in your room away tears, show chicken thought lee was bullied auspicious, indiscriminate to l dalong see lee is outside, happened to meet li has just arrived home, but ask to ask to go to also do not understand, two families in discord, so lee and auspicious in the emotional crisis.
Auspicious and li are the feelings of the temporarily while in the stage of the cold war, but l dalong ushered in the spring of the second think their own marriage, also about the sister Li Ziqing painstakingly, telling himself with yu-fen huang dating process is how wonderful, but vaguely feel brother Li Ziqing status is not normal, worry brother cheated. But l dalong basic dont listen to advice, l dalong watch sister, there is no opposition, had decided to propose to yu-fen huang the next day.
Do the next day, l dalong successful, he thinks he has found a can let liu cant look mate, and he is going to run liu, let liu out walk together with her own dear to his wife, liu had the cheek only about the army colonel, but lu head pleasantly surprised, didnt expect to meet at the hotel, no, yu-fen huang arrived in l dalong, run by a few people have been noisy, eventually end.麻辣街坊15-高清观看-腾讯视频
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