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Download Ubuntu Desktop
Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
The Long Term Support (LTS) version of the Ubuntu operating system for desktop PCs and laptops, Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS comes with five years of security and maintenance updates, guaranteed.
Recommended for most users.
Choose your flavour
64-bit & recommended
32-bit & for machines with less than 2GB RAM
Ubuntu 15.04
The latest version of the Ubuntu operating system for desktop PCs and laptops, Ubuntu 15.04 comes with nine months of security and maintenance updates.
Choose your flavour
64-bit & recommended
32-bit & for machines with less than 2GB RAM
Easy ways to switch to Ubuntu
If you&re already running Ubuntu, you can upgrade in a few clicks from .
If you&re using Windows 8 or any computer with a 64-bit processor, we recommend the 64-bit download.
Most Macs with Intel processors will work with either 64-bit or Mac images. If the 64-bit image doesn't work, try the Mac image.
Get the version you need
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is available for purchase on DVD, from the online Ubuntu Store.
Ubuntu is available via torrent and with more languages. You can also select from a list of older versions.
Ubuntu Kylin is a redesigned version of Ubuntu, created in China with the needs of Chinese users in mind
Try before you install
There&s no need to replace your operating system to try Ubuntu.
Helping hands
If you get stuck, help is always at hand.
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导言:在微软Build 2013大会中,微软正式推出了,新版操作系统号称拥有多达800项更新,其中包括“开始”按钮重新回到了桌面。
6月28日 槽点:(微信号:iLoveDoNews)
日微软发布了新款操作系统Windows 8,新版系统中重大的改变就是取消了任务栏中的开始按钮,这对于习惯于老版XP和Windows 7系统的用户来说是个极大的挑战。多数网民都是随着Windows系统成长起来的,早已经习惯菜单中的“开始”按钮。所以,,尽管在用户界面和操作功能上都有了革命性的创新和改进,但并未获得良好的用户口碑。
在去年Windows 8刚刚推出之初,百度一下可以搜索到大量关于找回“开始”按钮的方法提问,因此网上还诞生了一些专门的攻略和技巧大全。一款产品的使用操作需要去网上搜索方法,从用户体验的角度看,Windows 8是失败的。
奢侈品牌爱马仕包包最知名的系列有两个,凯莉和铂金系列。“凯莉”包以摩纳哥凯莉王妃命名,而铂金系列则要从一个故事说起,这个故事有两个版本,iDoNews 小牛更爱听这一个。
1984年,爱马仕总裁让·路易·杜马在乘坐从巴黎飞往伦敦的班机上遇到了女星Jane Birkin,那时爱马仕的凯莉包已经是身份和财富的象征。飞机上Birkin包里的东西散落一地,总裁问她为什么不用凯莉包,Birkin回答说凯莉包装不下孩子的奶粉和尿片。之后,基于这个巧合,比凯莉包更大尺寸的Birkin包包就应运而生,并以Jane Birkin的名字命名为“铂金”包。如今,铂金系列已经风靡全球,众多女性以能够拥有一款而感到荣耀。
以用户为中心,这是一切好的用户体验的开始。微软在Windows 8的折戟、腾讯在QQ4.0上的挫败,是最好的例证。
&#8212; iDoNews @ 10:47 am
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