
我司通过DHL进口,被直接查验为旧的货物,无法出具相关证明,请问谁能帮忙弄出来? - 进口交流 -
福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
& 我司通过DHL进口,被直接查验为旧的货物,无法出具相关证明,请问谁能帮忙弄出来?
UID 906126
阅读权限 25
UID 1106284
阅读权限 25
UID 906126
阅读权限 25
回复 #2 leo0819 的帖子
UID 983015
积分 55555
帖子 26289
阅读权限 120
来自 深圳 *.* china
跟我联系 我司提供装运前检验证书给你吧
UID 1106284
阅读权限 25
回复 #3 iewaijuw 的帖子
上海有很多这样做大包的公司& &我是北京的&&其实也可以做&&不过 估计你也不会考虑我们了& &因为比较远& & 呵呵&&上海有很多的& &费用嘛&&呵呵 也是参差不齐&&你多问几家吧
UID 1090917
阅读权限 40
UID 1067014
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 40
UID 409979
积分 28607
阅读权限 80
上海口岸联系我 看看吧
当前时区 GMT+8, 现在时间是
Powered by D1scuz! && 2001-英语翻译我们从香港DHL了解到这票货物仍然处于尚未清关状态,并且需要收货人缴纳关税,如果18天内收货人还没去清关交税,货物有可能会被退回发件地或就地销毁,请通知客户尽快与DHL联系此_百度作业帮
清关税是custom tax清关是clearance或是clear custom供你参考.手工翻译,地道的表达,希望对你有帮助.祝你工作顺利O(∩_∩)O哈!Dear Amy,We have learnt form Hong Kong DHL office that this shipment has not been cleared and it need the shipper to surrender the customs tax. The shipment would be returned or destroied at the local place if the shipper has not surrendered the custom tax within 18days. Please inform cutomer this to contact with DHL ASAP.Thanks for you early reply.Best Regards,Tony
We learned from DHL in Hong Kong that this shipment is still not set off and requires the consignee to pay customs duties. If the consignee not go 18 days to pay tax clearance, the goods may be returned to sender or will be destroyed in the local place. Please notify the customer as soon as possible contact with the DHL.
We learned this from Hong Kong, DHL shipment is still in outstanding off state and requires the consignee to pay customs duties, if the consignee not go 18 days to pay tax clearance, the goods may be returned to sender or local destroyed, please notify the customer as soon as possible contact with the DHL issue.
we have acknowleded of that this cargo has not been cleared customs yet, and it needs paying off the tariff by the receiver. If still not, the cargo would be withdrawed to the original place or destroied
Please inform clients of connecting with DHL asap.
我们从香港DHL了解到这票货物仍然处于尚未清关状态,并且需要收货人缴纳关税,如果18天内收货人还没去清关交税,货物有可能会被退回发件地或就地销毁,请通知客户尽快与DHL联系此事。We learned from Hong Kong DHL that this shipment of goods is in the state of not yet having been cleared f...请告知此次货物是发空运还是国际快递,如果是使用空运的话,我们这里将会发生报关费用,如果是国际快递的如DHL 的话,就没有问题.
参考译文1:Please tell the goods are sent by air or international express, air freight, then if you are using, customs charges will occur here, if it is an international courier such as DHL, then no problem.参考译文2:Please inform the cargo is transported by air or the international express, if it is to use air transport, we trade declaration charges will occur here, if this is the international courier DHL, no problem.参考译文3:Please inform the cargo is transported by air or the international express, if it is to use air transport, we trade declaration charges will occur here, if this is the international courier DHL, no problem.参考译文4:Please inform the goods, which are the air is also a member of the international express mail delivery, if it is to use air transport, then we will be taking place here declarations of international express delivery costs, if that is so, there should be no problem if DHL .语义参照:十九世纪末,西方新思潮和新技术的浪潮波及中国,译坛再次兴盛。
In late 19th century, Western wave and the wave of new ideas and new technologies in China, translated the altar once again flourish.宝贝,想你了!我爱你,一生一世!
My dear, would like to you! I love you, a lifetime!Assistance in banking and treasury matters to sup
协助银行和财政部支持团队参与 ;simile
Orphans to blame爸爸还说你不如也去找一份暑期工来实践一下
Dad said you better go one summer job to practiceleade contranct
leade contranct你去忙吧。
Are you going to get busy!假如你真的爱莪
[object Object]full ste original cargo receipt made out
New Year's Day我认为可以收取交通拥堵费
I think we can traffic congestion chargepremisson
(名) 单元, 电池, 细胞财会专业能力
Accounting expertisesmurpy stuff
smurpy东西borrows something
Since this, we will through "elderly psychological crisis rescue public project", while, will hotline work for extended and extends, to opened free of service phone of way expanded influence, makes more elderly can known an on the, will organization expert, and volunteers, throuYes. It’s a chair. It’s a blue chair.
是。它是一张椅子。它是一个蓝色的椅子。Love me. To cherish.
地域の農業開発に依存propel yourself by tapping behind your mote .slow yourself by tapping in front of your mote
通过利用您 mote.slow 背后自己通过利用您 mote 的前面把自己推向我们应该诚实并且努力学习
We should be honest and work hard对不起,我会做到的
I'm sorry, but I will do itand then carry on upholstery according to the need
姓氏:?? ???
Whether adults or children, when they used when dictionary, dictionary always meet their needs.使某人暴露于
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一夜之间就爱我的道路,大连Difficult today
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远视Functional equivalence
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Bread some you do?it's tacky to use your flash lamp like that
它使用闪光灯的俗气date and place of expiry
广董丹白天水董龙 FOI TGS 路 10 飞 ROHG T1 聊天吉安八公精神值得学习
Eight public spirit lesson她希望能尝遍各地美食。
She hopes to tasted different cuisines.回家后,我写了家庭作业
When they got home, I wrote my homeworki actually ordered 4 lots. Would you do 20.00 to ship all items for me?
我其实命令4地段。 你会20.00至船舶所有项目对我?电脑销售管理
Computer sales managementwhat kind of wine are their famous
其著名的是酒的什么样really want to rest for a while
Look kind of cheap
在11岁在l B. 克拉克中学,我们中,交出了她在上星期期刊。
shanghai Tianchen Microelectronics Co. , Ltd.
Pre-school and flattery, Seemingly tireless, Taoli fragrance, its music, and bless you also integrate into . a happy holiday!
He put a purse to school principals
Kinfe phonetic symbols
正在翻译,请等待...[华南]各位帮我看看DHL的信息 - 国际快递 - 物流论坛 -
福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
& [华南]各位帮我看看DHL的信息
UID 1875141
阅读权限 25
Departed Facility in HONG KONG - HONG KONG
Sign up for shipment notifications&&Friday, May 31, 2013 at 19:39
Origin Service Area:&&HONG KONG - KOWLOON - HONG KONG
Destination Service Area:&&MELVILLE, NY - HOLBROOK - USA& &
Friday, May 31, 2013&&Location Time& &
7 Departed Facility in HONG KONG - HONG KONG HONG KONG - HONG KONG&&19:39& &
6 Processed at HONG KONG - HONG KONG HONG KONG - HONG KONG&&18:25& &
5 Customs status updated CINCINNATI HUB, OH - USA&&01:41& &
4 Arrived at Sort Facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG HONG KONG - HONG KONG&&05:49& &
3 Departed Facility in HONG KONG - HONG KONG HONG KONG - HONG KONG&&04:40& &
2 Processed at HONG KONG - HONG KONG HONG KONG - HONG KONG&&03:50& &
Thursday, May 30, 2013&&Location Time& &
1 Shipment picked up HONG KONG - HONG KONG&&02:23
UID 1769891
积分 36777
福步币 -118 块
阅读权限 120
大陆DHL 欧洲国家25.5+U 当天提取 时效好! UPS蓝单6-7区 2.15折不限产品。
☏:&&企业QQ: &&工作QQ: 荣创通张先生
UID 2124934
阅读权限 80
宁波国际快递。日本专线小货65/15.DHL全球文件超便宜。目前有美国 欧洲 澳洲东南亚欧洲大货特价,电话:&&qq&&&&可接内置配套电池(香港一级代理)一直坚持着做个良心货代。
UID 1608084
积分 49746
福步币 1955 块
阅读权限 150
货还没离开香港的时候,DHL 就有发送电子数据到美国海关进行预清关。
尼日利亚拉各斯 包税双清1天到,你值得拥有
Jack Gu & && && &&&QQ:&&
MSN:gu_& &E-mail:
UID 2166995
福步币 4 块
阅读权限 80
楼主 单号是多少、?
国际出口:手机 平板 电池 仿牌等货物 DHL/UPS/TNT/FEDEX 自己账号,自己打单,当天提取,时效保障!上门收件!
台湾专线: 全境直营 今发明至 双清包税门到门服务&&液体 粉末 食品等货物 陈生: QQ:
UID 1563200
阅读权限 80
老牌诚信深圳美加国际快递 ADS Express Corp. since 1998. 自有货柜车专业香港进出口/国际空运/DHL/UPS/FedEx/TNT/EMS/全球取件
从业15年 QQ:,网站:
手机 电话:8
UID 1871139
积分 10122
阅读权限 80
HKDHL可走不带电池电子烟, UPS TNT电子烟(含烟油) 强势收货中 代理账号出货,FedEx收墨盒,代做MSDS!
UID 1971735
阅读权限 80
来自 广东韶关
本司DHL&&重新开通电池渠道&&另承接仿牌电子产品配套电池 化妆品电机马达&&等敏感货物&&TNT&&可接受液体粉末 fedex 可承接电子烟纯烟油价格优惠&&时效稳定 欢迎咨询&&QQ&&TEL &&张先生
当前时区 GMT+8, 现在时间是
Powered by D1scuz! && 2001-英语翻译请帮忙翻译成英文,给越南海关的 我司日,通过DHL出口的一批货物(单号 恳请海关同意,以此给贵海关带来不便,深表歉意._百度作业帮
英语翻译请帮忙翻译成英文,给越南海关的 我司日,通过DHL出口的一批货物(单号 恳请海关同意,以此给贵海关带来不便,深表歉意.
英语翻译请帮忙翻译成英文,给越南海关的 我司日,通过DHL出口的一批货物(单号 恳请海关同意,以此给贵海关带来不便,深表歉意.
On July 25,2014,our Company has dispatched a shipment via DHL (invoice # The value declared has been inadvertently written as $8.5,while it should read $8.93.Accordingly,we are submitting a revised invoice to provide for the correction of this clerical error.We only act as agent for this shipment,which is originated from 日本***株式会社.As such,we have added "on behalf of 日本***株式会社" for the purpose of clarifying our position.We apologize for any inconvenience caused and hope the foregoing be accepted by the Vietnam Customs Office.Your kind assistance is highly appreciated.一楼的答案完全与本题无关,用者自误.
goods refund explanationwe,JIAXING DAYU Sewing equipment MANF co.,ltd.imported one batch of goods,(delivery number is:781-00309,Qty :1 piece/10kgs.)dated on SEP 7th,2011.goods name:mo...


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