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09:18&&作者:济南新东方 孟炎&&来源:新东方网&&字号:|
  12. Describe your favorite movie.
  My favorite movie of all time is The Pursuit of Happiness. It is a master
piece starring Will Smith, and he is one of my most favorite movie stars. The
storyline depicts the life struggle of a single dad with a young kid, the dad
worked his way out all the way from an unemployed person into a successful stock
broker. The movie is so fascinating and intriguing, I feel like I am so
connected with the characters in it whenever I watch it. Plus, every time I feel
depressed about my life and study, I will watch this movie, and it gives me
inspiration, courage and new perspective in my life.
  13. Your friend is dropping out of college, do you think it is a good
  Personally, I think it is at least not a bad thing to do. As we can tell,
lots of college students and even graduate students find it hard to land
satisfying jobs upon graduation. I think it makes more sense to me for my friend
to drop out of college. He should not wander around after dropping out, instead
he should find a part time job that he likes, so he will be exposed to the real
world, and get firsthand experience working in a particular area.
  14. Describe the qualities of the restaurant or cafe you would like to go
  There are a few qualities for the restaurant or cafe that I would like to
go to, to begin with, the price of the food or drink in these places should be
reasonable, as least you should be able to get what you pay. Secondly, the major
purpose of going to the restaurants or cafes is the have fun with friends, so it
makes more sense for me to go a place with nice decoration. It does not have to
be fancy, but the feeling of a home or something like is always favorable.
  1. Some people think that employees should be required to wear formal suits
by their bosses. Other people think that employees should be required to wear
casual clothes by their bosses. What is your opinion and why?
  I think professionals should wear formal suits instead of casual outifts.
Firstly, wearing suits and ties can showcase their professionalism. I have never
seen professionals like lawyers, salesmen, or businessmen dress in casual
outfits when they are working in a professional environment. Secondly,
requirement on dressing code is a kind of a discipline that all the employees
should observe in workplaces, when they are dressed up, they will feel a sense
of responsibility and thus spare no effort to accomplish bigger goals, based on
these reasons, I think employees should definitely be required to wear suits in
a working environment.
  2. Some people prefer to read or watch news every day, others prefer to
read or watch new regularly. Which do you prefer and why?
  I would say I prefer to read or watch news every day, and I have a few
reasons for support. Firstly, having access to news is very easy for me, just
using my finger to touch the screen of my smart, I am able to know what is
happening around the world, it does not cost me a lot time, I can do it when
waiting for the bus, or even during my lunch break. Secondly, I think it is
really essential for me to know what is happening around the globe, and it
matters a lot in this modern world to get access to breaking news, sometimes, it
does not make any sense to know the news the next day, the reason why it is
called news is that it is momentary.
  3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Young people know
the world better than their parents when their parents were their age.
  I do agree that young people know the world better than their parents when
their parents were their age. I think modern technology plays a very decisive
role in this, a few decades ago, there was no internet, and computers were not
available in every household, even telephones were not so popular. These
sophisticated technologies help a lot to spread information and knowledge in
different areas, young people today are lucky enough to employ these
technologies to learn about the world, explosive news can spread faster than
ever before, all it takes is just a touch on your smart phone and the world is
in front of you, unfortunately, our parents did not have the privilege to have
this when they were young.
  4. Some people like to stay at home and reading books or studying, while
others like to socialize and relax with friends. Which do you prefer?
  I would say I definitely will hang out with my friends, as an extremely
outgoing individual, I find it more interesting when spending time with friends
like doing karaoke, eating out in a fine restaurant, and even playing some
sports. By interacting with my friends, I get quite a few benefits, like I can
broaden my horizon and have unique perspective on things. Also, when we do stuff
together, I feel like I can connect more with them emotionally, and that helps
to sustain our friendship forever, and I think it is safe to say that at least
human beings are social animals, we need to socialize with people to be happy
and fulfilling.
  5. Some students prefer to study for only one long time during a week.
Others students prefer to study for several short times during a week. Which way
do you prefer and why?
  I prefer to study for several short times instead of studying for a long
time during a week and have the following reason for support. You know, as a
college student I am very busy with all kinds of study, we have different kinds
of assignments, like presentations, group projects, papers to write and exams.
Studying for several short time makes it possible for us to take a rest once in
a while, however, studying for a long time during a week without any break will
kill me and of course, we will be so worn out and not as productive as studying
for several short time.
  6. Some people like to participate in activities alone, others like to do
that with a team or group. Which way do you prefer and why?
  Personally, I would like to participate in activities in a group, I am an
extrovert and outgoing person, and I think it is more fun when there are people
around me. Plus, I can also learned the importance of cooperation and
responsibility when I am with a team, for example in a sport competition, me and
my teammate struggle together for a common goal, offer each other motivation
along the way, and I feel that I care something bigger than myself during the
game, and I think this is very meaningful.
  7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Watching TV is
not a way to use time.
  I think it really depends, TV programs like documentaries can be very
informative, and they target different kinds of audience. They cover lots of
topics like sports, animal world, history, and even religions. you can really
learn a lot about all kinds of stuff. It is very good to watch these shows,
however, if someone is indulged in watching meaningless TV programs like
different kind of reality shows and even some of the TV sit-coms, it might cast
a huge negative impact on their study and work. To sum up, it you are capable of
striking a balance between watching good TV shows and meaningless one, watching
TV is very good way to use time.
  8. Do you prefer to live in a place where you have access to
transportations and shops or somewhere distant but quiet areas.
  Living in a place where there is no noise is absolutely my choice. A place
like the suburb or country far away from the noise and pollution is very
favorable to me, even though it might not be convenient to live in. I hate the
hustle and bustle of the city. Particularly, I spend almost all my life living
in the city to suffer the noise and be choked by the polluted air, I want to get
away from the city. I like the solitude, clear skies, and peaceful evenings in
the suburbs or country and it is pretty romantic. Living in suburbs or country
makes it possible for me to be close to mother nature.
  9. Some people like participate an activity in a team, other like to do
that alone. Which way do you prefer and why?
  Personally, I would like to participate in activities in a group, I am an
extrovert and outgoing person, and I think it is more fun when there are people
around me. Plus, I can also learned the importance of cooperation and
responsibility when I am with a team, for example in a sport competition, me and
my teammate struggle together for a common goal, offer each other motivation
along the way, and I feel that I care something bigger than myself during the
game, and I think this is very meaningful.
  10. Some people like to start their work early, while others start doing
their work when it is getting near the due day. Which way do you prefer and
  I am the kind of person who is likely to start my work early, and I have at
two reasons for that. To begin with, as a college student, I am very busy with
all kinds of assignments like presentations, group projects, and even I have to
cram for exams and if I procrastinate a lot and put things off, I might not be
able to keep up with my study and that will suffer my GPA. Another reason is
that when I feel I have assignment due soon and not have it done, I cannot even
function as a normal person, and feel very anxious, and I hate that kind of
feeling, so that is why I like to have my work done from the start.
  11. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. High schools
should require every student to have their own laptop.
  I think high schools should not require every student to have their own
laptop, and I have two reasons for support. Firstly, high school students are
very busy with all kinds of assignments like presentations, group projects,
papers, and even they have to cram for exams. Having their laptop makes them
distracted, as they will definitely play computer games and might be addicted in
on-line shopping. Second, not everyone is rich enough to afford a laptop, some
students have to struggle to pay their tuitions and expensive textbooks, let
alone buying a laptop.
  12. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Cell phone
greatly improved people's lives.
  I do think that cell phones improved people's lives, to begin with it helps
people to contact with family member and friends when they are far away from
home, we can send instant messages or make phone calls whenever we want to, I
think cell phone has brought people closer than ever, it makes communication so
instant. Plus, with wifi access and a smart phone, we can shop on line. With
just a click of the button, the next moment you know, your order is delivered
right at your door. It is also easy to compare the prices offered by different
on-line stores and get a bargain. That is why I think cell phones improved
people's lives.
  13. Some like to make gifts themselves to friends, while others like to buy
gifts. Which way do you prefer and why?
  Personally, I would choose to make gifts myself. Usually, we give gifts to
friends and family member when it is a special occasion, like on their marriage,
birthday or their graduation day. I really want to make them feel special when
giving the present, and remember that particular member forever. By making the
gift myself, I can put my friends' names on it and write something especially to
him or her. However, buying a nice gift not only costs me a fortune, but also it
is not so meaningful, since everyone can get it from the store. That is
basically why I would like to make the gift myself.
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