德州扑克技巧格兰选手phillip hilm现在干嘛呢

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评论员:Tony &Bond18& Dunst和Celina Lin
在2007年WSOP主赛事,还有9名玩家幸存。有一局Phillip Hilm和Jerry Yang展开了争夺。Hilm在小盲位,Yang在打劫位。
Phillip Hilm:19,240,000
Tony:桌上弃牌到Yang,他公开加注了100万。这个加注比我想要加的大,差不多是大盲注的4倍。不过考虑到最终桌的深筹码,这也不是什么大的错误。尽管从传统上来说,我更偏向加注3倍的大盲注,也就是大约700,000。桌上又弃牌到Hilm,他在小盲位做了一个可怕的跟注。面对激进的玩家时,一般在小盲位不管拿什么牌,平跟都不大可能有利可图。这时我猜测的手牌范围包括A-A、K-K、K-Qs和K-Js。但是由于筹码很深,一般我更喜欢拿着大对子反加注。我会3bet任何其他我想打的牌,因此绝不会介意Hilm是不是拿着K-Qs和K-Js 3bet,而是取决于目前对Yang的亚策略。在小盲位进行松散的跟注在无限注中是筹码放血的好办法,不管是锦标赛还是现金。
Tony:Hilm过牌了。我觉得这是另一个错误。如果你看看他们的筹码量就会知道,Hilm此时正在一个绝佳的3bet全压Yang的位置。例如,Hilm可以下注130万来预测一下Yang的加注。如果Yang下到大约400万到600万,Hilm就可以全压另一个大约& 1500万。这是Yang在他的大部分范围内是很难做跟注决定的,包括A-K在内。并且,就算Yang跟注,对Hilm来说也不会太糟,除非他撞上暗三。Hilm面对Yang的手牌时,有44.2%的胜率,差不多有一半了,也就是说Yang跟注是非常困难的。然而,Hilm选择过牌,Yang下注200万。Hilm还有1800万筹码,这时过牌-加注似乎有点超额下注了,但是仍不失为适宜的打法。加注到600万则是非常糟的打法,因为Yang可能会觉得A-K是很好的牌,迫使Hilm进入50%的选择,失去许多弃牌胜率。Hilm选择过牌-跟注,这也没那么糟,因为他可能认为Yang不大可能弃掉顶对,或者他可能认为Yang会持续下注。Yang的范围很大,而且Hilm的对5在一个底池被控制的情况下也具有足够的摊牌胜率。
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作者:Jared Tendler
作者:Zachary Elwood
作者:Owen Gaines
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杨是因为打卫星赛而进入了Wsop的资格,杨夺得冠军的过程非常艰难,筹码一直大起大落。即使杨挨到final table(决赛圈),筹码也只是排在中等而已,不多。但是杨的爆发力在这时爆发了,首先杨全下(all in)时,赢了当时的chips leader(筹码领先者)英格兰选手Phillp Hilm(Phillp 拥有2千200百万筹码,而后来冠军/赌王仅只有800万,差距有1千400万之多),这也使杨的筹码翻倍反而多过Phillp。对Phillp而言这原本也没什么大不了的,即使损失了那么多的筹码,他依然还有1千400万,排在第三。重头戏来了,很快的,Phillp竟然被杨淘汰了。反使筹码领先者的phillp第一个在决赛圈被淘汰的人(决赛圈人数是9人,也就是说它的排名是9,冠军是1)。接下来,主角几乎都是杨,杨一直拥有巨大的筹码优势之下,一个一个的吞灭了其他选手,壮大了杨的资本,最后再打败了加拿大选手Tuan Lam,并获得冠军,也成为第3个亚裔冠军。
被杨击溃的英格兰选手Phillip Hilm2007年Wsop赌王/冠军 Jerry Yang
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评论员:Tony &Bond19& Dunst和Celina Lin
&&&&&&&&&& 在2007年WSOP主赛事,还有9名玩家幸存。有一局Phillip Hilm和Jerry Yang展开了争夺。Hilm在小盲位,Yang在打劫位。
&&&&&&&&& 量:Phillip Hilm:19,240,000&&&&&&&& Yang:25,010,000
&&&& & && 盲注级别:120,000/240,000
&&&&&&&&& 底注:30,000
&&&&&&&& 手牌:Hilm:8d-5d&&&&& Yang:Ad-Kc
&&&&&&& 翻牌前:桌上弃牌到Yang,他加注到1,000,000。接下来两个玩家弃牌,Hilm思考了大约一分钟,拿着8d-5d跟注。位弃牌。
&&&&&&& Tony:桌上弃牌到Yang,他公开加注了100万。这个加注比我想要加的大,差不多是大盲注的4倍。不过考虑到最终桌的深筹码,这也不是什么大的错误。尽管从传统上来说,我更偏向加注3倍的大盲注,也就是大约700,000。桌上又弃牌到Hilm,他在小盲位做了一个可怕的跟注。面对激进的玩家时,一般在小盲位不管拿什么牌,平跟都不大可能有利可图。这时我猜测的手牌范围包括A-A、K-K、K-Qs和K-Js。但是由于筹码很深,一般我更喜欢拿着大对子反加注。我会3bet任何其他我想打的牌,因此绝不会介意Hilm是不是拿着K-Qs和K-Js 3bet,而是取决于目前对Yang的亚策略。在小盲位进行松散的跟注在无限注中是筹码放血的好办法,不管是锦标赛还是现金。
&&&&&&& Celina:两位此时的筹码都很深,总体上看两人翻牌前的打法都是比较标准的。Hilm拿8d-5d对Yang做了一个松散的跟注,但是Hilm认为这手牌很有可能围困住Yang,使他在翻牌后贡献出较多的筹码。现在唯一的困境是,Yang所做的4倍的加注使底池非常大,如果Yang在翻牌圈继续下大注的话,两位筹码都会不多了。
&&&&&& 翻牌圈:Kd-Jd-5c&&&&&& Hilm过牌,Yang下注2,00,000。Hilm跟注。
&&&&&& Tony:Hilm过牌了。我觉得这是另一个错误。如果你看看他们的筹码量就会知道,Hilm此时正在一个绝佳的3bet全压Yang的位置。例如,Hilm可以下注130万来预测一下Yang的加注。如果Yang下到大约400万到600万,Hilm就可以全压另一个大约& 1500万。这是Yang在他的大部分范围内是很难做跟注决定的,包括A-K在内。并且,就算Yang跟注,对Hilm来说也不会太糟,除非他撞上暗三。Hilm面对Yang的手牌时,有44.2%的胜率,差不多有一半了,也就是说Yang跟注是非常困难的。然而,Hilm选择过牌,Yang下注200万。Hilm还有1800万筹码,这时过牌-加注似乎有点超额下注了,但是仍不失为适宜的打法。加注到600万则是非常糟的打法,因为Yang可能会觉得A-K是很好的牌,迫使Hilm进入50%的选择,失去许多弃牌胜率。Hilm选择过牌-跟注,这也没那么糟,因为他可能认为Yang不大可能弃掉顶对,或者他可能认为Yang会持续下注。Yang的范围很大,而且Hilm的对5在一个底池被控制的情况下也具有足够的摊牌胜率。
&&&&&&& Celina:翻牌后的成败比:Yang:55.76%,Hilm:44.24%。Hilm得到了理想的翻牌。此时他应该领先下注160万至180万筹码。当Yang加注时,Hilm应该3bet全压。Yang此时拿着A-K,他可能会对让自己对K-J和5-5弃牌。Hilm的手牌在这样的翻牌牌面可能有最大的价值。但是Hilm必须知道,如果他过牌-跟注,出现另一个方块的话,Yang可能会放慢行动,只打小球。如果转牌没有威胁,Hilm就会很难让Yang相信他有最好的手牌。在这局牌Hilm选择跟注,他可能感觉Yang很可能没有对子,他可以在转牌圈拿走底池。
&&&&&& 转牌圈:2h&&&&& Hilm过牌,Yang下注4,000,000。Hilm全压16,360,000。Yang想了一分钟后,跟注。
&&&&& Tony:转牌2h当然是一个无害牌。Hilm过牌,Yang下注400万,迫使Hilm全压。我认为Hilm的全压非常糟糕。除非Yang是个疯子,否则他不可能在这样的公共牌结构下注两条街,也不可能拿着不强的手牌下注这么大的规模。他一定有能跟注转牌全压的手牌。如果Hilm认为Yang只是在诈唬,他拿着他能跟注的对子,河牌要不是无害牌,要不能提升他的手牌,所以他看上去并不需要担心会被淘汰。另外,他也不需要担心Yang在河牌诈唬3bet他,因为这样的公共牌结构非常难打,也是很少见的,尤其是在WSOP最终桌这样的高压下。更可能的结果是,如果Yang拿着A-Q、A-T或Q-T或其他什么牌两次开火,他会在河牌圈随后跟注,因为他认为如果Hilm已经跟注了两条街的话,也会跟注第三条街。当Hilm全压时,Yang知道Hilm范围内唯一可能的手牌就是K-J。但是K和J这样的牌在翻牌前总是会反加注,并且暗三5也可能下注或加注翻牌圈。Yang在这样高压的环境下做了一番精心的思索后跟注。当河牌出现6c时,Hilm的自杀行动结束。Yang的打法是非常直接的,同时,Hilm在每一条街都打得很糟。
&&&&&&& Celina:转牌的成败比为:Yang:70.45%,Hilm:29.55%。Hilm再次过牌后,Yang下注400万。Yang此时的大下注应该是在向Hilm表明,他的牌力很强。Hilm可能无法令Yang弃掉他的手牌。经过深思熟虑后,Hilm仍然决定全压,本来他应该在翻牌圈这么做。Yang拿着顶对带顶踢脚牌,他应该只会输给K-J或5-5。这些手牌都是不可能的。在听牌性这么强的翻牌牌面,为什么Hilm要给Yang一个免费牌,而不是下注或加注?面对任何K、J、顺子、同花听牌和诈唬,Yang都是赢的,因此他选择跟注。Hilm在翻牌和转牌都用了最不能可信的打法,只能那些他在转牌已经击败的手牌弃牌。在实际情况下,Hilm应该选择跟注,然后在河牌过牌-弃牌,这样他还会剩余1200万筹码到下一个级别。
&&&&&& 河牌圈:6c&&&& Yang把Hilm淘汰在第9名,之后赢得了主赛事。
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作者:Jared Tendler
作者:Zachary Elwood
作者:Owen Gaines
原价:¥150德州扑克格兰选手phillip hilm现在干嘛呢_百度知道
德州扑克格兰选手phillip hilm现在干嘛呢
出门在外也不愁Where Are They Now: 2007 World Series of Poker Main Event Final Tablist, Phillip Hilm
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Ever think back on past World Series of Poker Main Event Final Tables and think, &Whatever happened to that guy?& You're not the only one. Instead of just wondering, however, we've put our resources to the test and tracked them down. In our inaugural piece, we caught up with 2007 WSOP ninth-place finisher, Phillip Hilm. More than four years ago, Hilm began the final table as the chip leader with 22.07 million but ended up as the first casualty in what some deem the biggest meltdown in Main Event history. Whether or not that is true, the fact remains that it took just 15 hands for Hilm’s aggressive approach to take him from the top of the pack to out the door.
During that time, Hilm squared off against Jerry Yang, the only other player who came prepared with an aggressive game. Needless to say, there was only room for one bully at the table, meaning either Yang or Hilm had to go. In what would be Hilm’s final hand, Yang opened for 1,000,000 holding
and was called by Hilm who was holding
in the small blind. The two were heads-up to the
flop, which hit both players. Hilm checked his pair and flush draw, Yang fired out 2 million with top pair, and Hilm called. The harmless
turn saw Hilm check once again, opening the door for Yang to bet 4 however, this time Hilm woke up with a check-raise, moving all-in for 12.4 million more. Yang made the call, and the
river sent Hilm packing in ninth place for $525,934.
Since then, Hilm has disappea in fact, he hasn’t added any cashes to his poker résumé. PokerNews recently caught up with Hilm while he was on vacation in Greece to get the lowdown on what he’s been up to, how the final table changed his life, and exactly what happened in those 15 hands that took him from the favorite to the fallen.
What have you been up to since your final table appearance in 2007?
At first I was still grinding online a lot, as I used to do. You know, my routine, and then I slowly just started playing less and less. I was focusing on making investments, real-estate investments, choosing, picking the right places to invest in, and stuff like that. It’s turned out really well.
Is it safe to assume your poker playing has declined since then? Do you still find time to play?
I choose not to play, there’s a difference.
When was the last time you played a major event?
I don’t know, maybe not the WSOP this year, last year I think. I wanted to close one of my online accounts and I found out I had some points on their Frequent Player Points, so I turned the points into a WSOP Main Event entry.
Is real-estate investment something you’ll be continuing with into the foreseeable future?
Oh, for sure. Yeah, it’s going really well. We just finished our first project and we’re going on with a second one, just commencing the second project. So it’s nice.
How do you find that kind of life versus a poker life?
There are two major differences, I’ll say. First of all, I don’t have the swings. The swings you have playing poker can be kind of unsettling. There are ups and downs in poker, every professional player knows that. You can be in a great mood when you win, you’re going to look down when you lose a lot. I don’t have that when I’m investing.
The other thing, is that there’s a great sense of satisfaction because I’m actually creating something, I’m building stuff, I’m building apartments, I’m not just playing a game. You can actually see the results of my work.
Did poker put you in the position to pursue other things in life, like investing?
Yes, definitely. I took my poker winnings and that’s what I’ve invested.
Is your decision not to play poker permanent, or do you see yourself playing from time to time?
Oh, I’ll play again. I’ll play again from time to time. I would even now if opportunity was more available, I would say. I live in Prague with my family, we have a daughter of almost two years, and we’re expecting another one here late November, so I’m busy being a father. I love the family life, I love spending time with my child, soon to be children. I’m a bit fed up with the online grind. I’d love to go to a casino every now and then and play, but in the casinos the games are running from midnight onwards. That doesn’t really fit well with family life.
So, if I’m out playing all night, I’m sleeping all day when my family’s awake, that doesn’t really work well. And they don’t have the no-smoking policy as in Vegas. In Prague, you can smoke everywhere and casinos hand out free cigarettes to all the players now. I don’t know if you can imagine half a table full of Asians chain smoking, that’s pretty scary to me.
Can you tell us about the last time you played the WSOP?
I busted pretty fast the last time I was in the Main Event, but I did some side games in the casinos in Vegas, and I loved that. It’s a great atmosphere, you know, no smoking, friendly service, everything is nice. The dealers and the staff, they know the rules, I cannot always say the same in Prague. It was really nice. I love playing the side games every now and then.
Have you been keeping up with what’s been happening in the poker world, like who has made this year’s November Nine?
I follow the news every now and then to see what’s going on. I’m really interested in high-stakes action, like the cash games. I follow the tournaments a little bit too, but the November Nine . . . if you have nine new players almost every year I would say, then I’m more interested in what happens after they win, what they achieve in the long run.
In 2007 they didn’t have the November Nine like they do today. Is that something you would have like back then, or did you prefer playing straight thru to a winner?
That depends on what you’re after. For me personally, I don’t think it made that big of a difference. I say that because I’m not really interested in pursuing a long-term poker career, at least not anymore. But being interested in a long-term poker career, it’s a great thing. You get a lot more promotional value. You get time to do a lot more interviews, and there’s a lot of attention on you when you go to that final table, and if you have a few months to prepare for that, it’s a great advantage to the players I’d say.
How did your life change immediately after the 2007 WSOP final table?
I didn’t realize really what was different immediately. I got a good amount of dollars out of it that I later on put to work in my investments, but I think life went on pretty much the same as it used to. But once it was aired in the States on ESPN and all the channels, I went on and played the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure in the Bahamas, and everyone recognized me, everyone came up to me, everyone wanted an autograph, a picture, or something like that. That was pretty crazy.
Do you keep in contact with anyone from the final table? Did you become friends with any of them?
Hevad Khan, he’s a really nice guy and we usually chat if we meet somewhere in the casino or something like that. He’s a very nice guy.
I’d be remissed if I didn’t ask. When you busted from the final table in ninth place, did you have a hard time dealing with that?
I really understand you asking a question like that, and that most people would perceive it like that, but for me it was no hard time at all. I’d already achieved what I came for, to make a good enough amount of money that I could proceed with investments. I mean, for me, the difference from half a million to one million to two million, stuff like that, I didn’t see the big difference there. I got a good amount of money and it was enough to invest. I knew once I started investing, I could turn it into whatever I wanted.
So the perception of the money wasn’t really any issue. Then there was the thing that if I was to do anything else than bust out where I busted out, then I wanted to win, just to win the whole thing. So a lot of people actually question the way I was playing and saying ‘Why didn’t you show a little bit more patience? Climb up the places a little bit, get a higher cash prize?’ I’m like, I wasn’t there to do that. I was satisfied with the money I got, and if it wasn’t that, then I wanted to just win everything, be number one.
It seemed like you and Jerry Yang, who went on to win, were the only two players at the table with that mentality.
It was bound to be one of us. There was a very decisive hand* between us, and if he’d lost that one, he could have been the first one out.
*Check out the hand, as well as Hilm's elimination hand in the clip below.
If that hand had gone your way, do you think you would have had a good shot of capturing the title?
I feel I would have won it almost 100 percent, yeah.
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