
马云英语演讲:相信年轻人 才能说未来是美好的
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马云英语演讲:相信年轻人 才能说未来是美好的
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&& 刘媛媛《年轻人能为世界做什么》演讲稿
&优秀英语演讲稿2(初中组)1、王子,14岁,安徽   My Oscar Dream   On the night of March 1, the 76th Annual Academy Awards was shown on television. After watching it, I had a dream, a sudden wish, that some day, I could receive an Oscar award, or a nomination, for a movie I've made. (欢迎您投稿)   While I was schooling in Australia, my friends from school and I received a n assignment one day, "To make a ten to twenty minute movie on the topic of your choice." At the time, the trend was based around the popular Matrix movie trilogy, so that became our obvious choice.   Because our schedule was very tight, and it was a first time experience, we found it all very hard work, but when we released our production at school, it was worth it. After my friends and I showed the movie, we could not get from one end of the school to the other without getting congratulated about five or six times. We, especially I, were proud. We made a school-wide sensation.   From then on, I became obsessed with how to make movies and how filming is done. I just wanted to know about everyone and everything that has something to do with movies. I would watch a movie four to five times, just to find out how one camera angle, or special effect was produced. I found everything I watched quite amazing. I sometimes admired directors and producers of these films because the techniques they use are so smart. Their cleverness inspired me to make and act in movies.   When I become little bit older, I would like to attend a movie academy in Beijing or Shanghai, then America, or England, after some training and experience, I would like to make a movie, which will most likely be an action movie, which is my favorite kind of movie to watch.. If I am lucky, I hope I would get an Oscar Award for this movie. I think that would be quite a challenge, but it’s not impossible. For now, it’s back to watching movies over and over again for me!   我的奥斯卡梦想   前几天,中央电视台播放了美国第76届奥斯卡颁奖典礼的盛况。我突然有了一个梦想:长大了以后,我也拍电影,我拍的电影也能获得奥斯卡奖。   我在澳大利亚学习的时候,英语老师给我和我的朋友布置了一个作业:拍一个十到二十分钟的自选题电影。那时候,我们最喜欢的电影是《黑客帝国2》,于是就做了跟它差不多的一个小电影。我们准备好摄像嚣材、道具,然后拍摄、演出和编辑,一共用了两个星期。   我和其他的三个同学通过读书、上网和反复观看《黑客帝国2》,弄明白了里面的人物角色和其他装备后,就分配工作,开机拍摄。我在影片里不仅担任编导,还扮演了一个反面人物——一个戴墨镜的枪手“史密斯”。   因为时间紧,我们又是第一次拍电影,万事开头难,所以觉得比较辛苦。但是,那天放完电影以后,很多人都来祝贺我们,对我们说"干的好",我们觉得那么辛苦是值得的。我们,特别是我,都很自豪.我们的电影在学校出名了。   从那时开始,我对拍电影特别感兴趣,想了解跟电影有关的所有的细节。有的时候,为了弄明白一个特技或一个拍摄角度,一部电影我要看四到五次。我发现这些东西非常奇妙,也很佩服这些电影的导演,因为他们用的这些技术非常巧妙,给了我很多启发。   我长大以后,想去北京或上海,甚至去美国或英国的电影学院学习,等知识和经验都丰富了以后,拍摄一部动作电影,那是我的最爱。如果幸运的话,我希望能够获得奥斯卡奖。虽然对我来说这是个很大的挑战,但不是不可能的。现在我还是回去看电影吧!   谢谢!   2、张瑶,13岁,河南   Where There is Life, There is Music   What is music, no one can explain.   Just imagine for a moment that you are sitting in a magnificent concert hall. The conductor waves his shiny baton with a graceful swing through the air. A beautiful melody floats slowly around you   You sit quietly with your eyes shut, your heart open. The delicate vibratos of the violins carry you to a mood of heavenly bliss. An airy solo of the flute draws you to the imagination, the notes flow like some jumping swallows dancing and singing calling for the coming of Spring.   I like music from my childhood. My father often says when I was a baby I would never go to sleep without soft, beautiful lullabies crooning around my ears . Now music is a part of my life. When I feel tired, disappointed or in low spirits, I usually turn to music. Music, nothing but only music can have so wonderful an effect on my heart, on my pond of feeling.   Music comes with us. Where there is life, there is music. Where there is music, there is hope. It lies in everyday life, in everyone’s life, in everything we see, in everything we hear-- in the rhythm of the sea, in the whisper of a gentle wind, in the melody of a bird’s singing, in the harmony of village chimes. You can hear music wherever you may go . A man who doesn’t know music will lose half the world. A nation that pays little or no attention to music will be a sad nation. A world without music would be the one for the dead and devils.   So dear friends, let’s open our arms to embrace music and enjoy it throughout our lives. Love music and love life.   Thank you.   哪里有生活,哪里就有音乐   音乐是什么,无人能解释清楚。   想象此刻你正坐在富丽堂皇的音乐大厅里,乐队指挥手中的闪闪发亮的指挥棒在空中优雅的舞动。悠扬悦耳的音调飘扬在你的周围。   静静地闭上双眼,敞开心扉。小提琴精妙的振颤会把你带入到天堂祈福的心境;大提琴微弱低沉的叹息会使你想起一位老人在风中散步,沉浸在童年时代宁静和挚爱的回忆中;长笛轻快的独奏使你从想象中猛醒;流畅的音符像一群飞舞歌唱的燕子在呼唤春天的来临。   从童年时代音乐就是我的挚爱。父亲经常说,我在襁褓中,没有温柔甜美的摇篮曲在耳边低吟,就难以入眠。现在音乐是我生活的一部分。每当我感到疲倦,失望或情绪不振时,我就求助于音乐。音乐,除了音乐,没有什么对我的身心和情感有如此奇妙的影响。   音乐与我们同在,哪里有生活,哪里就有音乐;哪里有音乐,哪里就有希望。它存在于每个人的日常生活,存在于我们耳闻目睹的一切事物之中;存在于海的波涛,清风细语,悦耳鸟鸣,和谐的乡村钟声之中;无论你身在何处,都会听到音乐。一个不了解音乐的人将失去半个世界。一个不重视音乐的民族将是一个悲哀的民族。一个没有音乐的世界将是逝者和恶人生存的世界。   亲爱的朋友,让我们伸开双臂去拥抱音乐,在人生中享受音乐的乐趣。热爱音乐,热爱生活。   谢谢大家。   3、潘芷芬,15岁,湖北   HOME AWAY FROM HOME   Sometime ago, I was touched by a short quotation. A boy playing in his garden saw an aero plane glide over and thought: How lucky those people in the aero plane are! They can go to remote wonderlands! Meanwhile, a passenger in the aero plane looked down at the house, and thought: If only I could be home down there!   Yes! It is in a dilemma that you’re deeply missing your home on the journey, but you want to explore the world outside. My experience inspired me on this issue.   When I was small, my parents sent me to a boarding school. Away from my home and my friends, I felt so homesick that I cried all the time. I was isolated and lonely. At the end, I failed to continue studying there and went back home.   T I was in secondary school and got popular among my classmates. Once, our school organized a two-week stay in the countryside. Again, I was away from home, without mum fussing around me, without yummy food, even without a hot shower. However, this time, I felt so happy. Every day was enjoyable,
everything made me feel at home. When the trip was over, my parents told me: “You’ve grown up!”   I’ve grown up!   I understand that missing home is not only missing our physical home, but looking for our identity, for our sense of belonging, and for our spiritual home.   I’ve grown up!   I know I’ll be far away from home and go after my dreams, but home away from home will always remain in my heart.   精神家园   不久前,我被一则短文打动了。一个在后花园玩耍的小孩望着空中掠过的飞机,想:飞机上的乘客去了遥远的地方,多幸运啊!这时,飞机上的乘客俯视着地上的民居,想:真愿那是我的家!   是啊!旅途中浓浓的乡愁和去探索外面世界的冲动真是两相难全。我的经历恰好让我感悟了这个矛盾的许多。   小时候,父母将我送到一家寄宿学校。离开了温暖的家,离开了熟悉的朋友,恋家使我终日泪流不止,备感孤独。终于,我无法在那儿继续下去,只好回家。   光阴似箭,我读初中了,并且与同学相处甚欢。后来,学校组织我们到农村去生活两周。再一次,我离开了家,没有母亲的唠叨,没有可口的饭菜,甚至连洗澡的热水都没有。可是,这一次,我却快乐无比。每天都过得那么开心。大家互相团结,一切都使我有家的感觉。活动结束了。父母对我说:“你长大了!”   我长大了!   我还会为了理想而远离家。但精神家园永远留在我心中。   我长大了!   我明白了我们要思念的不仅仅是物质上的家,更是追寻我们的根,我们的精神家园。   4、孙天骏,13岁,黑龙江   How to improve our English   Hello everyone. Today, I’d like to talk about“How to improve our English”. To be honest, I’m really happy to stand here and say something about learning English, even if I’m only a beginner of English.   As everybody knows. English is an intern- ational language. What’s more China has ente- red the WTO. Therefore it’s necessary for us to learn it.But“how can I improve my English” you may ask. Well, I have some useful tips that I’d like to share with you.   Firstly, make sure that you pay enough atte- ntion to your pronunciation and intonation. Otherwise, you might make yourself a laughing stock. For example,“Can I use your bike?”you say,“Can I use your back?”“Pass me the case, please”.you say,“pass me the kiss, please” Obviously, here you mispronounced the two words “bike”and “case”.That will certainly cause misunderstanding. Besides, tones of different voice can also mean difference. For instance,“London bridge is falling down, fall- ing down, my fair Lady”,“London bridge is falling down!”you are excited, again“London bridge is falling down, falling down, my fair Lady”,“London bridge is falling down”you are so sad, right?   Secondly, practice makes perfect. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you practise speaking English. On one hand, you will learn from them, On the other hand, no one can avoid making mistakes, so don’t be shy, try to be thic- kskinned and speak up !   Finally, in order to improve our English, we need to be patient , Anyway, learning English takes time, so you must have a strong will and enough patience, Recember“Rome was not built in a day !”   That’s all .thank you for your time.   如何提高我们的英文   大家好!今天我演讲的题目是:如何提高我们的英文。说真的,我非常高兴在这里说一说关于的事情,尽管我只是英语的初学者。   大家都知道,英语是一门国际性的语言,尤其是中国已加入了WTO,对我们来说是格外必要的。但是你可能会问:“如何才能提高我们的英语呢?”那好,接下来我便给大家说一说提高英语的捷径。   首先,你应确信你已在发音技巧和语音方面下了很多功夫。否则,你将会闹出很多笑话。例如“我可以借一下你的自行车吗?”而你说成“我可以借一下你的后背吗?”“请递给我那个箱子”而由于你的错误发音,竟说成“请给我一个吻吧。”很显然,在这两个句子中你读错了“自行车”和“盒子”这两个词,而对方也就自然误解了你的意思。另外,语调的不同也可表达着不同的感情,举个例子:伦敦桥塌了!伦敦桥塌了!我的夫人!(声音高昂,表示高兴)伦敦桥塌了!伦敦桥塌了!我的夫人!(声音低沉,表示悲伤)   其次,大家都知道:熟能生巧。当你在说英语时不要怕犯错误。一方面,没有人会不犯错误的。另一方面你可以从错误中总结教训,所以千万不要害羞,脸皮厚一点地大声说出来!   最后,为了能够达到成功的顶峰,我们必须要有耐心。无论怎么说,总是要花费时间的,所以你必须要有足够的勇气和一颗“永不言败”的心。要牢牢地记住这句名言“罗马不是一天造成的!”   5、肖瑶,13岁,山西   Be Like a Pine Tree And Bear What You Can   School had been very easy for me in the beginning. I had been the usual routine---show up for school, complete assignments, take tests, get grades. And that was usually straight A’s. I thought school was that easy.   Suddenly middle school began. Sure, I was a top student for six years, why would it be any harder? I the bad mark in a pop quiz deeply humbled me.   I became very resentful and angry about my situation. I felt so depressed for feeling inferior.   One winter day we had a heavy snow. Mother took me for a long walk. “ See those elm trees,” she said. “ The branches are broken. The trees may die. But look at those pine trees! They are not hurt by the snow.” “ When they have more snow than they can hold, they lower the branches and let the snow slip away. The next morning they are as good as ever.”   “There are just two kinds of trees in the world: the stubborn and the wise. Be like a pine tree. Bear what you can, then let the load slide off. You will move forward lightly.”   Yes, “Be like a pine tree. Bear what you can! ” Shake off resentment, angry and depression. We will have a bright future.   像松树那样, 能承担多少就承担多少   求学之初,我一直得心应手。一切不外乎是每天上学,做作业,考考试,拿学分。而我的分数经常是优。我觉得求学竟是那般容易。   倏忽之间,中学学习生涯开始了。千真万确,我做了六年的优等生,难道功课还会变得更难?确实如此。在一次突袭考试中,我糟糕的成绩深深挫伤了我的傲气。   我为我的境况变得愤懑不平。我灰心、失望,因为我感觉低人一等。   冬日的一天,外边下了一场大雪。妈妈带我去散步。“瞧那榆树”,妈妈说,“树枝都折断了,这些树会死的。再瞧那松树,它们不会受到雪的伤害。它们把枝丫垂下, 使雪滑落。第二天清晨,依旧完好如初。”   “世界上只有两种树,一种顽固不化;一种机智聪明。做一棵松树吧!能承受多少就承受多少。 然后抖掉包袱,你就能轻松前行。”   是的,像松树那样, 能承担多少就承担多少,抖掉怨恨、愤懑和失望,我们将拥有一个灿烂的明天。   6、徐晶莹,15岁,广东   Discovering Beauty   Life is full of beauty. Beauty lies not only in nature but also in our heart. If we have a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted, we can find beauty everywhere around.   Let beauty be our guide to understand ourselves. People always have a strong desire for better appearance. Whatever their age, size, or shape, they hope to look more attractive. Beauty is only skin deep. But true beauty lies deep inside us. A heart for love is the most valuable. Only in our heart does beauty make our life beautiful.   Let beauty be our way to communicate with nature. At the foot of the hill, we see beauty running in the clear river smoothly. On top of the mount, we see beauty rising with the dawn from the east quietly. In the heat of summer, we see beauty dancing with the autumn leaves. In the cold of winter, we see beauty coming with the spring upon sprouts. We shout, we love you, Nature! Our voice reverberates across the mountains, while beauty reverberates in our heart!   Let beauty be our bridge between man and nature. In the harmony, beauty is a garden for ever in bloom and a flock of angels for ever in flight.   Beauty is something to see, to breathe, to feel and to complete. Beauty is life when life unveils her holy face.   发现美   生活中处处有美丽。美,在我们心中,也在大自然中。如果我们拥有一颗燃烧的心,和一个充满喜悦的灵魂,我们周围到处都有美。   让美成为我们了解自我的向导。人们总是渴望自己容貌可人。无论年龄大小,无论身高体型,人们总是追求世上,以便看上却更富有魅力。然而,我们不能以貌取人。真正的美不是肤浅的,而是深藏在我们心中。友情和友爱我们生活中最珍贵的,是真正的美,是永恒的美。   让美成为我们与自然沟通的途径。在山谷,我们看见美在清澈的溪流中轻轻流淌。在山巅,我们看见美与辰光一同从东方升起。在炎炎的夏日,我们看见美与秋叶共舞,在严寒的冬日,我们看见美与春天同至,雀跃于嫩绿中。我们大声呼喊,我们爱你,大自然!我们的呼唤在山峦回荡,美在我们心间回响。   让美在人类和自然之间架起一座桥梁。人类只有回归自然,才能找到永恒之美。在天人合一中,永恒之美是一座永远盛开的花园,是一群在天空展翅飞翔的天使。   美之于我,是生命的律动!当生命摘去遮盖在她圣洁面容的面纱时,美就是生命。   7、海珊,12岁,内蒙古   A dream   I remember when I my mother often described the beauty of the grasslands through this poem: “tian cang cang, ye mang mang,feng chui cao di xian niu yang”. it means in English “Clear skies, sweeping plains, the grass bowing before the wind, revealing grazing horses and sheep.” I could recite this even before entering primary school.   16years ago, my mother visited one of the grassland of Inner Mongolia. She said that no words could describe it’s stunning natural charm. With her description firmly printed on my mind I began to long for a tour to the grassland.   Sadly, this marvelous image that I had in my mind changed completely when my mum and I visited the grassland a year ago. As soon as we got there, I couldn’t believe my eyes. What was in front of me was just a piece of land with loosely grown grass. In the far distance I saw only a couple of horses feeding lazily. I asked my mother: “Where is the lush, tall grass?” As puzzled as me, she said nothing. I was shocked to see the differences between the grassland in my dream and what was in front of me.   On the way home, I thought a lot and tried to find answers.   Now I am old enough to bring awareness to other people and share my dream for the grasslands. Overgrazing and extensive farming have ruined the grassland and so taken away the charm of our homeland. But I am confident that one day the grasslands will recover and its true wealth and beauty will be realized as long as everybody gives his contribution to restore our homeland.   我的梦想   从我记事时起,我妈妈就常向我提起草原的景象。“天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低现牛羊。”的诗句,在我上小学前就已经耳熟能详了。陪伴我去草原以前,妈妈也只去过一次草原,那是在1988年夏天,妈妈陪南方来的朋友们一起去呼和浩特市北郊的昭和草原观光。妈妈说:草原真美呀,蓝蓝的天空下,茂密的草场,足有一人高,放眼望去,一望无际,风吹过,绿浪翻滚,像大海的波涛,真是一片绿色的海洋。妈妈的描述,使我从六岁起就对草原充满向往。   直到去年的国庆假期,妈妈第一次带我去了草原以后,我脑海中草原的印象却完全变了……   当旅游车停在了一片只有几厘米高,更像是一个大草坪一样的操场时,导游说:草原到了。我满怀喜悦的心情被下车时看到的景象迷惑了。问妈妈:这就是草原呀?!怎么不见风吹草低现牛羊啊!妈妈也显得很吃惊。如此低矮的草;更没有洁白的羊群,吃草的马儿也显得无精打采。   在回家的路上,我想了许多……是啊,过度的放牧和开垦破坏了草原的美丽,正是人类自己毁坏了我们的家园。   这次带着遗憾的草原之行,深深地触动了我。站在这里,我想说,我有个愿望:朋友们,让我们每个人都尽一份力量,让我可爱的家乡-美丽的草原再次重现吧。   8、刘圣斯,13岁,江西   Turn Exercise into Fun   Doing exercise…   Having fun…   When having to make a choice most people think they have to choose between the two. Far too often people go for the latter and naturally choose fun. For instance many people would prefer watching television, or more commonly known as TV to exercising, we all know that it’s true, right? The problem is, if you don’t exercise you will become weak and ultimately out of shape and it is no fun to be out of shape, right? So the question is, why not turn exercise into fun?   As an example, if TV is your favorite thing to do, why not connect your TV set to an electric generator that is charged by a stationary bike, you know, the kind of bike you peddle, that doesn’t go anywhere. So think about it, the more you watch TV, the fitter you’ll be.   Now if you are the kind of person who thinks listening to music is fun and you spend many hours alone tap tap tapping your fingers and your toes to the beat, why not take it one step further and get up on your feet and dance, dance, dance.   Or maybe you’re the type of person who prefers being with your friends. There are many ways one could have fun with their pals. For instance you could just hang out and do nothing or better yet you could get into a friendly game of basketball or football there is no rule that says everyone has to be as good as Yao Ming or David Beckham, right?   However sometimes there just aren’t enough players, or you may even be alone in which case you could go for a ride on your bike, maybe, stop by the library to borrow a book, or go for a walk around the park and enjoy the sunshine and scenery. Before you know it, you’re having fun.   Let’s face it, exercise is work and when we think of work we think of thankless underpaid hardships yet it needn’t be this way, if we think of exercise as fun.   让体育锻炼成为乐趣   锻炼身体……   享受娱乐……   当面临两者之间的选择时,人们认为不得不要在这两者之间选择其一。往往许多人宁愿选择后者即顺其自然地选择娱乐。例如,许多人更愿意看电视节目也不愿参加体育锻炼,我们都知道这是事实,对吗?问题是:如果你不锻炼,你的体质会变弱甚至最终导致身体不好,体能欠佳则无法享受任何乐趣,对吗?既然如此,何不让体育锻炼成为乐趣?   如果看电视是你的最爱,何不把你的电视机与电动发电机相连,并让电动发电机的电力来自一辆固定的脚踏自行车。就是那种你怎么踩它的脚踏板,它也走不到哪里去的车。想想看,越这样看电视,身体越来越健康!   如果你认为音乐能给你带来快乐,并会花上好几小时随着音乐的节奏不停地敲敲手,跺跺脚,何不进一步升华它而随音乐翩翩起舞?   也许你是那种喜欢与朋友在一起的人。有许多方法可以让你们享快乐。例如,你们可以一起在室外逛逛甚至能进行一场友善的篮球赛或足球赛。没有哪一条规则说你们必须有姚明或大卫·贝克汗姆的球技。   然而,有时候没有足够的队员进行比赛,或者你是独自一人。即便如此,你也可以骑自行车去图书馆借书,漫步于公园里沐浴阳光和欣赏风景,在不知不觉中,你已经让体育锻炼成为了乐趣。   让我们一起面对现实,锻炼身体就像是工作,而当我们想到工作时,我们自然会想到毫无回报的辛劳,但是根本不必如此,如果你认为锻炼身体就是乐趣。   9、程一帆,14岁,北京   The Tibetan Antelope Kneeling On Its knees   Today I am going to tell you a true story about a life-altering event that happened to an old hunter from Tibet’s northern lands.   Early in the morning, the hunter saw a group of Tibetan antelopes on grass hill near his tent. He rushed out of his tent and mounted his horse with his rifle. The antelopes all quickly ran away except one. A strong, fat one ran only a few steps and came back. It looked imploringly at him, stepped up towards him and then knelt on its knees with tears streaming down from its eyes. Feeling softhearted for a flashing moment, the hunter did not pull the trigger. But after he shut his eyes, pulled the trigger and the antelope fell onto the ground in a kneeling position with discernible tears still on its face.   The old hunter restlessly cut the Tibetan antelope open. What he had saw made him choke on his breath and the knife fell on the ground with a crash. He saw a baby antelope lying in the womb, surely dead. All of a sudden he realized why the antelope was strong and fat and why it heavily knelt before him and cried: It was imploring him to have mercy on its baby!   The old hunter buried the antelope and its unborn baby together with his hunting rifle that day…   I will never forget this story. Today I told it to more people and I’d like to point out: In the world the kneeling of loving mothers, whatever of human being or animal is sacred. Lives of all kinds are equal. Let us care about the nature, care about our life with our affection and respect to the life. Hopefully we could live harmoniously, as part of nature.   跪拜的藏羚羊   今天我要告诉大家一个发生在西藏北部的故事。这件事,促使一位老猎人改变了对生命的认识。   那天清晨,老猎人看到不远的草坡上有一群藏羚羊,立即跨上烈马,追了过去,藏羚羊四处逃窜,奇怪的是,有只肥壮的藏羚羊没跑多远,却转过身来,用乞求的眼神望着他,然后冲向他前行两步,两条前腿扑通一声跪了下来,与此同时,两行长泪从它眼里流出。老猎人心头一软,扣动扳机的手不由地松了一下,可是随即他双眼一闭,枪声响起,那只藏羚羊栽倒在地,倒地后仍然是跪卧的姿势。脸颊上的两行泪迹仍然清晰地留着。   老猎人怀着忐忑不安的心情对那只藏羚羊开膛扒皮,眼前的一切让他屏住了呼吸,手中的屠刀咣当一声掉在地上……,原来在藏羚羊的子宫里静静地卧着一只小藏羚羊,它已经成型,自然是死了。这时候老猎人才明白为什么这只藏羚羊的身体特别肥壮,也明白了它为什么给自己下跪,流泪。它是求猎人留下自己孩子的生命呀!   当天,老猎人将那只藏羚羊连同它没有出世的孩子掩埋了,同时埋掉的还有他的猎枪。   这个故事曾经让我久久不能释怀,今天我把这个故事说给更多的人听,我更要说,天下所有慈母的跪拜,包括动物在内,都是神圣的,一切的生命都是平等的,让我们所有的人怀着对生命的一种感动和敬畏,去珍爱自然,珍爱生命。愿人类能成为自然的一部分并和自然和谐共处。   10、金梦,13岁,宁夏   Never say sorry again   Good afternoon! Ladies and gentlemen!   I am very happy to have the opportunity to attend this Competition.   My topic today is “Never Say Sorry Again!”   Do you feel sorry for the animals that are killed by the millions every day?   Do we really need to kill animals?   Let us now think of the reasons for using dead animals. People often use animals for food, make-up, medicine and especially for the clothes. Fur coats are definitely a luxury. Yes, they are warm but really they are mostly a symbol of wealth. Do you know how much a mink coat cost?   A report said in an open letter published recently, a Dutch animal-rights group has asked their much-loved Queen to stop wearing fur. The Group pointed out that making clothing from fur represents cruelty to animals. “ Fur belongs to animals, not to human beings.”   Nowadays a lot of greedy people hunt and kill wild animals and birds, so as to make money by selling their hides at high prices. This kind of killing should be stopped and seriously punished. If we don’t take actions to protect the wild animals and birds, they will soon disappear from the globe. Man will one day find himself a very lonely creature on earth indeed.   Until such a day, when we finally realized that we no longer have these friends or neighbors, what are we human beings going to say? Sorry? No, it is too late to say sorry to them.   Ladies and Gentlemen, please consider what I have said to you this afternoon. Think carefully on whether we really need to use animals for our pleasure if you have come to the conclusion that we are wrong. Then we should now change our attitude so that we never say sorry again to the animal population.   Thank you!   不要再说对不起   女士们,先生们!下午好:   我非常高兴能够有机会参加这次比赛。   今天我演讲的题目是“不要再说sorry”。   你对那些每天都被数以万计被猎杀的动物而感到sorry吗?   我们真的需要猎杀动物吗?   现在我们来想一想人类为什么要猎杀动物。人们经常用动物做一些食物,药物,化妆品,特别是做衣服。皮毛大衣的确非常昂贵。是的,他们很暖和,并且它们确实是财富的象征,你知道一件貂皮大衣的价钱吗?   荷兰的一个动物权利组织在一封公开信上要求他们爱戴的女王不要穿裘皮大衣了。她的臣民认为穿裘皮大衣代表了对动物的残忍,皮毛属于动物,并不属于人类。   现在许多贪得无厌的人猎杀野生动物和飞禽,高价出售它们的皮毛来牟取暴利。这种猎杀必须得到停止并且受到严厉的制裁。如果我们还不采取行动来保护这些野生动物和飞禽,它们不久就会从地球上消失。终有一天人类会发现自己竟成了地球上一种实在孤独的生物。   直到那一天,当我们最终察觉人类再也不会有这些朋友或者邻居时,我们还将说些什么呢?Sorry?不,说sorry已经太迟了。   女士们,先生们,请认真思考一下今天下午我所对你们说的一切。请务必认真的想一想,我们是不是真的需要为了满足自己的欲望来猎杀动物?如果你们有这样错误的想法,那么现在就应该改变态度,使我们不再对动物说:“Sorry!”   谢谢!   11、顾俊瑶,13岁,上海   Changing Ourselves   Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, good morning!   Today, my topic is “Changing Ourselves”.   At first, I’d like to tell you a little story about an insurance salesman in Tokyo. Even though this man tried very hard to promote the insurance, nobody bought it. One day, he came to a small temple and began to brag about his insurance. After listening to his introduction, the monk said: “Your recommendation of insurance can’t arouse any of my interests! When you are communicating with others, you must have the charm to attract others, or you will be unpromising in the future. Young man, try to change yourself!”   The salesman thought deeply about each word. From then on, he invited all his friends to point out his weakness and kept on improving himself bit by bit for all his life. Thirty years later, he became a millionaire. And this man is the famous salesperson in the world: Yuan Yi Ping. His experience reflects one attitude: sometimes, we should change ourselves instead of changing the world.   Human beings always scan others, therefore, lots of people just see the flaws of them, then they will blame and criticize the outside factors, some people will even try to change them! Unfortunately, they ignore the importance of the inner factors.   Everybody in the world needs to examine himself critically, everybody has to learn to be tolerant and generous. You won’t think the world is splendid unless you change your attitude first.   Dear friends, we’d better remodel ourselves rather than blame each other. If we do so, we’ll find that yesterday’s sorrow is today’s gratification, yesterday’s opponent is today’s assistant, and yesterday’s failure is today’s success! Remember: if we can change ourselves, we can change the whole world!   Thank you!   改变我们自己   尊敬的评委、女士们、先生们:早上好!   今天,我演讲的题目是:“改变我们自己”。   首先,我很高兴与你们一同分享一个关于东京的一位保险公司推销员的小故事。尽管他十分努力地向别人推销保险,没有人能够接受,也没人买他的保险。有一天,他来到了一个小寺庙,开始夸起他的保险来。老和尚仔细地听完了他的介绍后,说:“你的介绍丝毫引不起我投保的意愿。人与人之间,像这样相对而坐的时候,一定有具备一种强烈吸引对方的魅力,如果你做不到这一点,将来就没什么前途可言了……小伙子,先努力改造自己吧!”   从寺庙里出来,年轻人一路思索着老和尚的话,若有所悟。接下来,他请了所有的朋友来指出他的缺点与薄弱处,从而改变自己。他整个一生都坚持着一点一点地提高自身。三十年之后,他成了世界著名的百万富翁。而这位推销员正是世界上最伟大的推销大师:原一平。他的例子印证了这句话,那就是:有些时候,迫切应该改变的,或许不是环境,而是我们自己。   人的眼睛长得朝向外部,总在观察、审视着别人。因此不少人总是先看到别人的缺点、短处,看到世事的不平。于是动辄指责、批评、埋怨别人和外部世界。甚至有人用了很多心思企图去改变它们,结果反倒忽视了改变自身的重要性。每个人都应该仔细地检查一下自己,每个人都应该学着去容忍、宽容别人。除非我们都从改变自己的态度做起,否则世界将永远不会变得美丽。   亲爱的朋友们,我们最好改变自己,而不是埋怨别人。如果我们这么做了,我们会发现:昨天的惆怅会转化为喜悦,昨天的对手今天可能变为助手,昨天的失败会转化为胜利。永远记住:如果我们都改变了自己,那么我们就能改变整个世界!   12、崔含章,13岁,天津   What success means to me?   Once upon a time, an old rich woman left all her property to the person who could answer her question correctly. Her question was this “what is the most important thing for a person who wants to succeed?” To my surprise, the answer was not money, not power, not even opportunity, but “ambition”.   Why is ambition so important? A person without ambition is like a near-sighted lion. All the things in the distance appear blurred. No matter how strong it is, it can’t go far.   A lion lives to rule the whole plain. A person must prove that “I am a king here”, at least you are the king of yourself.   Nowadays, the world is very competitive. Even if you get to the top of your own field, there might be still someone better than you. So we have to ask ourselves: what is the proof of success? I believe it is doing something for this world.   Remember: As a successful person, in addition to ambition, the other key you must hold is love. When you look back at history, you’ll find you were standing on the shoulders of the giants. You have enjoyed what they had left you. So we should live to work for the improvement of the world. From president to citizen, we should all take part in building a new WWW for which I have my own explanation ----it is“of the world, by the world, for the world”. Only as a member of the global village, can you feel you are really successful.   我眼中的成功   曾经有一位富婆,她将所有的财产留给了一个能答出她的问题的人。她是这样问的:对于一个想取得成功的人来说,什么是最重要的?令我惊奇的是,答案不是金钱,不是权力,甚至也不是机遇,却是野心。   为什么野心如此重要?一个没有野心的人就犹如一头目光短浅的狮子。远方的一切在它的眼里都是模糊不清的。无论它有多么强大,他都不可能步出狭隘,走向远方。   狮子为统治整个草原而生。一个人也应该证明“我是某个领域的王者”。至少,你也应该是你自己的主宰。   当今世界,竞争十分激烈。即便你达到了自己的极至,也许还有人会领先于你。这样,我们不得不自问:究竟什么才能证明你的成功?我认为,是为这个世界做些贡献。   请谨记:作为一个成功的人,除了野心以外,你还必须胸怀对世界的爱心。当你回顾历史的时候,就会发现你一直站在巨人的肩膀上。你享用了他们留给我们的一切。由此看来,为世界的进步而拼搏是我们的天职。从总统到民众,我们每个人都应当参与到创建一个新的“WWW”的过程中来,对这个“WWW”我有自己的解释——属于世界,建立于世界,为了世界。只有作为地球村真正的一员,你才能体味到真正的成功。   13、杨承霖,13岁,河北   Ordinary or Extraordinary?   I have heard a story about two workers. One day, a reporter came and asked the first worker what he was doing. He complained that he was virtually a slave, an underpaid bricklayer who spent the whole days on placing bricks on top of one another. The reporter asked the second worker the same question. However, his response was quite different. “I am a lucky dog in the world,” he said, “I am getting to be a part of the important and beautiful architecture. And I help turn the simple bricks into perfect masterpieces.”   They were both right .   The truth is that we see what we want to see in life. If you want to find fault with others, your career, or anything in general, you will certainly be able to do so. But the opposite is also true. If you look for something extraordinary in what looks ordinary, you can train yourself to see it.   The bricklayer sees buildings with bricks. The question is if you can. Can you see the extraordinary that exists in our daily life? Can you see the perfection of the universe in action? Can you see the extraordinary beauty of nature? And can you see the incredible miracle of human life?   To me, it’s only a matter of intention. There is so much for us to be grateful for, so such for us to be in awe about. Life is precious and extraordinary!   So, if you put your attention to this fact, the little, ordinary things will take on a completely new extraordinary meaning.   平凡与不平凡   我曾听过一则关于两个工人的故事。一天,有位记者来到工地,先问第一个工人在做什么。这位工人怨气十足地回答说自己只不过是一个奴隶,一个收入菲薄的砖瓦匠。可是当记者问到第二个工人同样的问题时,这位工人的回答却大不相同。“我是这个世界上最幸运的人。”他说道,“我是这巨大而美丽的建筑的一部分,我用自己的努力将简单的砖块儿变成完美的杰作。”   他们的回答都是正确的。   他们的回答之所以不同,在于他们看待生活的方式不同。我们想在生活中看到什么,我们就会看到什么。如果你想在别人身上找毛病,想在事业上找过失,想在这个世界上找缺陷,你一定能找到。相反,如果你想找到好的一面,你也一定能找到。如果想在平凡中寻找不平凡,你也一定能找到。   那位建筑工人可以从砖块儿看到大厦。我们能否?我们能从平凡的生活中看到非凡吗?我们能看到运动中的宇宙的完美吗?我们能看到大自然的美韵吗?我们又能看到人类生活当中正孕育着那超乎想象奇迹吗?   在我看来,这只不过是一种生活态度。世上既有无数令人感激的事情,也有无数令人可怕的事情。正因如此,生活才是那么的珍贵和不平凡阿!   所以,假如你能专注平凡的事情,哪怕再渺小、再平凡的事物也会富有崭新的不平凡的意义。   14、袁帅,14岁,四川   I have a dream   Good morning ladies and gentlemen:   Everyone sitting here has his own dream. Martin Luther King’s dream is to let all the Negro slaves not wallow in t Abraham Lincoln’s dream is to unite all the Americans. Today I’m proud to say that I have a dream, my dream is to be a diplomat.   If I’m a diplomat, first of all, I’ll devote myself to the Taiwan issue. The majority of Chinese people strongly oppose Taiwan’s independence, because we have been separated from our relations and friends for more than 50 years. As president Lincoln said: A house divided against itself cannot stand. So as a diplomat, I will try to get all the separate families reunited and shorten the distance between the hearts of two peoples. Nowadays, China plays an important economic and political role in the world, so I’m sure that I’ll be able to convince big countries such as America, Britain and Russia to support our One-China policy.   Second, I’ll fight terrorism. I want to bring everlasting peace back to the human race. Terrorists are so rampant now that thousands of civilians have been killed and wounded in explosions and attacks—mothers ha wives have lost their husbands. Terrorism imposes misery on all human beings. Everyone, no matter who he is or where he lives, is naturally anti-terrorism. So as a diplomat, I have a responsibility to ally China with all the countries fighting terrorism to free the civilians from the spiritual shackles.   If I’m a diplomat, I’ll take president Lincoln as my example—“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right!” In a word I’ll dedicate all my knowledge and wisdom to sail China towards a beautiful and promising future!   Thank you!   我有一个梦   女士们先生们大家好:   我相信在座的每一个人都有他自己的梦想。马丁﹒路德﹒金的梦想是不让黑人在绝望中沉沦;亚伯拉罕﹒林肯的梦想是团结起所有的美国人。今天,我很自豪地说,我有一个梦!我的梦想是做一名外交官。   如果我是一名外交官,首先,我将致力于台湾问题。绝大多数的中国人都强烈反对台湾独立,因为我们在过去的五十多年里不得不和亲戚朋友骨肉分离。正如林肯总统说的那样:分裂之家不能持久。所以,作为一名外交官,我将努力让分离的家庭重新团聚,让海峡两岸人民的心贴得更近。现在,中国无论经济上,还是政治上,都在国际社会中扮演着非常重要的角色,所以我坚信我将有能力说服像美国、英国、俄罗斯这样的大国支持我国的“一个中国”原则。   其次,我将打击恐怖主义。我希望给人们带来永久的和平。恐怖分子现在十分猖獗,成千上万的平民在他们制造的爆炸与袭击中丧生----母亲失去了她的孩子;妻子失去了她的丈夫。恐怖主义将痛苦强加在全人类身上!每个人,无论他是谁,他住在哪里,都毫无疑问地反对恐怖主义!作为一名外交官,我有责任联合起其他所有反对恐怖主义的国家,将人们从精神上的桎梏中解放出来!   如果我是一名外交官,我将以林肯总统作为榜样----“对任何人不怀恶意,对一切人心存宽厚,在正确的事物上坚定不移。”总而言之,我将为让中国驶向一个光明而美好的未来献出我所有的知识与智慧!   谢谢!   15、张昱,15岁,新疆   My purpose of being here   Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, distinguished leaders and judges. It’s really my great pleasure to be here.   Just now, off the stage, I was wondering if I could present well here, but now in the spotlight, I am not that nervous, and all I want to show you is my personality and confidence.   I’m always puzzled by a question that is: Is it true that Xinjiang students don’t have ability to have a big talent in learning English. I happened to hear that many people think Xinjiang is a poor area with lots of low educated people there. They don’t believe Xinjiang students can do as well as the students in big cities like Beijing or Shanghai. Even worse, someone ever asked me if I rode camel to go to school and had English classes. I was extremely angry and I didn’t know how they could ask such questions. Later I realized that they look down on the education and economy of Xinjiang. So my purpose of being here is to change this kind of view. In my opinion, wherever you study, the most important point is yourself. Things are decided by your position. I mean I’m not going to win a prize for myself, but to win much honor for my hometown. I’ll let you know how is Xinjiang student’s ability, and show you, everyone here and the audiences all over this nation, Xinjiang students do have ability to be the champion. It’s certain that I’d love to win me a big prize, because I love myself, but more important I love my hometown.   Thank you.   我参加决赛的目的   女士们、先生们,尊敬的领导和评委们,下午好。很高兴能来这里参加比赛。   刚才,在台下,我正担心我是否能够在这里表现出色,但是现在,在聚光灯下,我并未那样紧张,而我所想展现给你们的,是我的风采和自信。   我一直被一个问题所捆饶:是否新疆学生真的不具有的天赋。我偶然听到:许多人认为新疆是一个有着许多低教育水平的人的贫瘠的地域。他们不相信新疆学生可以做的和大城市如北京或上海的学生一样出色。更糟糕的是,曾经有人问我你是否骑骆驼上学,是否上英语课。当时我非常气愤且不知道他们怎么会问出这样的问题。后来,我意识到他们看不起新疆的教育和经济水平。所以我参加决赛的目的正是改变他们的这一看法。在我观点,不管你在哪学习,最重要的因素是你本身。事情是由你的态度而决定。我想说我不是来为我自己获得奖励,而是为我的家乡赢得荣誉。我将让你们知道新疆学生的能力,我将展现给你们,在座的各位以及全国的观众们。新疆学生的确具有获得冠军的能力!理所应当,我想要为自己赢得奖励,因为我爱自己,但更重要的是,我爱我的家乡。   谢谢。   16、沈鑫,15岁,青海   My First English Teacher   Dear friends! Do you still remember your first English teacher? You may say:” Yes.” Everyone has his teachers, in my mind, I’ll never forget her ------my first English teacher Ms. Li. Without her, I wouldn’t be standing here. She is a young and lovely lady with beautiful eyes. Her voice sounds sweet and she speaks English very well. That was the first impression she left on us when she first gave us an English lesson.   In her class, she taught us carefully and patiently. She always made opportunities for us to speak English. She gave us many beautiful pictures to talk on them, played games with us and told us many interesting stories. Little by little, I had interest in English, but English was a new subject to me, I had many difficulties in learning it well. I often felt very confused. It was Ms. Li who helped me to find ways to overcome my difficulties. She helped me to practice speaking English everyday. She always encouraged me whenever I lost heart. She helped me to have confidence in myself. She gave me what I needed, courage, confidence, good ways to learn English and opportunities to speak English in class. So I was grateful for her. Maybe I can’t meet her again. The only thing I can give her is my best wishes. I wish my dear teacher happiness, good health and good luck. And I also want to say to her: Thank you, Ms. Li. I love you!   我的第一位英语老师   亲爱的朋友们!还记得你的第一位英语老师吗?你肯定会说:“是的。”每一个人都有他的老师。在我的脑海里,我从来都没有忘记她——我的第一位英语老师李老师。如果没有她,我不可能站在这里。她是一个充满活力、活泼可爱的女老师,有一双美丽的大眼睛,她的嗓音极为甜美,口语棒极了。这是她在第一节英语课上给我们留下的印象。   在她的课上,她耐心而又认真的教我们,总是给我们提供讲英语的机会,她给我们许多漂亮的图片去描述它们,用英文做游戏,还经常用英语讲一些有趣的小故事。渐渐地,我对英语产生了兴趣,但是英语是一门新的课程,我学起来很困难,我经常感到很迷茫。那是李老师帮助我去克服困难。她帮助我每天练习说英语,她经常在我失去信心的时候鼓励我,帮助我找回信心。她给了我所需要的东西,勇气,信心,的好方法和在班里讲英语的机会。所以我十分感激她。也许我再也见不到她了,惟一能给她的只有我的深深的祝福,我祝我亲爱的老师幸福快乐,身体健康,好运连连。我想对她说:谢谢您,李老师。我爱您!   17、肖燕子,15岁,广西   I believe I can fly   I believe I can fly! Maybe you think that I am a crazy person or something. Well, actually “I believe I can fly” is the name of a song, which is my favorite English song. The reason why I like this song is the song brings me courage to make my dreams come true. Just like the song say “I believe I can fly! I believe I can touch the sky”. You know I still dream about being a witch like Harry Potter and live in the wizardly world, to use my powers to save the day, like stopping the World Trade center from falling down, or stopping the war on Iraq…I know being a witch is impossible, but to make our world a better place is definitely possible.   Besides being a witch I also want to be an archaeologist, an Egyptologist. I want to go to Egypt, to discover the beauty of this ancient civilization. I think about it day and night, I see myself standing beside the pyramid, and working in the desert with mummies and sarcophagus. Maybe the dream is kind of far away from me. But I believe that one day my dream will indeed come true.   Finally, I want to tell you all that I always keep saying to myself: “I believe I can fly!” And now I am standing on this stage, and I believe I can make it!   我相信我能飞   我相信我能飞!也许您认为我有些发狂。其实“我相信我能飞”是一首歌的名字。这是一首我喜爱的歌。我为何喜爱这首歌其原因是它能给我带来勇气去实现我的梦想。正如歌词中所说的“我相信我能飞!我相信我能触摸天空”,我现在仍然在梦想着我能像哈利 波特一样是一名魔法师,用我的力量去解救世界,去阻止世界贸易大楼中心倒塌,去阻止伊拉克战争……。然而,我也知道成为一名魔法师是不可能的,但使我们的世界更美好完全的可能的。   除了梦想成为一名魔法师外,我还想成为一名考古学家,埃及考古学家。我要到埃及去,去那里发现古代文明的美好东西。我日夜都在想着,我梦想我站在金字塔旁,工作于沙漠中的木乃伊和石棺。也许这些梦现在还离我非常之遥远,但我相信有一天我的梦一定会实现。   最后,我要告诉你们我总是不断地对自己说:“我相信我能飞!”。现在我正在站在讲台上,我相信我能赢!   谢谢!   18、梁丹,15岁,海南   Awesome Love   Good afternoon. Ladies and Gentlemen,   Today I will say something about my family love.   I remember when I was younger. My family lived a simple life. We weren’t wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, but we were content with what we had.   Our first vehicle was an old broken-down bicycle. It provided us with transportation on many enjoyable weekends and holidays. Mom sat on the back while Dad pedaled. I, a mere toddler at the time, rode on the bar in front of him. It didn’t matter where we were going as long as we were going there together.   Not long after that, my family moved to Hainan. Relying on my parents, courage and persistence, they started their own business. As a result, we were soon able to replace the bike with a new car. So we could travel further on our excursions. Our family’s happy laughter filled the car as we traveled to many distant locations in China. Many years have gone by since those happy days, but we’re still as close as ever.   Recently, the airplane has become our mode of transportation as we venture beyond the confines of China to see the world. We were able to experience firsthand the uniqueness of Amsterdam, the romance of Paris, and the elegance of Vienna. But yet, such fantastic sites were nothing compared to the love of our family.   Time goes by swiftly, and everything is changing all the time.Yet the love existing in my family always remains. It is the sou It,s the source of all of our ideals: confidence, courage, and faith. But it goes so m it warms our very hearts. So I will acclaim for the eternal and awesome love in my family and let it go on forever!   Thank you very much!   亲情   记得在我很小的时候,家里的日子过得朴实无华,不富裕的家境容不得半点的奢侈。但是,我们对所拥有的一切都感到满足与惬意。   一辆破旧的自行车是我们全家的第一个交通工具。但它为我们带来了许许多多快乐的周末与假期。记得妈妈总是坐在后座上,爸爸骑着车,而丁点儿大的我就呆在车子的前梁上。在我们的短程旅途中,似乎目的地并不是最重要的,而重要的是我们在一起,享受并渡过了快乐的时光。   在那不久后,我们全家搬到了海南,凭着父母的勇气与执著不懈的努力,他们在自己的事业上很快有了出色的成绩。因此,不久后父母就将原本的脚踏车换成了一辆崭新的小轿车,于是,我们就开始了长距离的旅途,在周游中国的同时,快乐的笑声总是充满着整个温馨的车厢。而那些日子虽然已经过去了很久,但是我们还是像以前那样亲密无间。   后来,在我们迈出中国游览世界的时候,飞机又成了我们的新型交通工具。我们全家一起感受阿姆斯特丹的奇异,巴黎的浪漫与维也纳的典雅。但是所有令人心动的景色都不可与旅途中我们全家浓浓的亲情相提并论。   时光如水,我们身边的一切都在无时无刻地改变着,但是亲情不变,永远不变。它是我们快乐的源泉,是我们全家理想、信心、勇气与责任的源泉。它所给予的不仅仅是这些。而更多的是心灵上的温暖与感动。所以,我要为亲情喝彩,让爱——永恒!   19、杨金,14岁,山东   Honesty   Ladies and Gentlemen: My topic is Honesty.   As a correspondent of the Qingdao Morning News, I visited Dr. James Gilman, the President of the International Committee for Marco Polo Studies in England. In this picture, this is James, and this is me and we are looking at a dragon’s tooth. This is a true story.   65 years ago, James lived in Qingdao. Then he was only 5 years old. He often visited the Aquarium and was fascinated by a creature on display there, which he thought was a dragon. He was afraid of its sharp teeth and wanted one to keep as a treasure.   In the late 1930s, when the Japanese occupied Qingdao, his family had to leave. On his last day in Qingdao, he ran to the Aquarium and pulled out one of the teeth from the dragon’s mouth.   He kept the tooth for the next 65 years, but the feeling of guilt at having stolen it was there in the background all through his life. It was always on his conscience, and the feeling intensified as he became older. Finally he decided to put right his childish error. In 2002, he visited Qingdao and returned it to the Aquarium with his sincere apologies. He received a warm welcome.   When James visited Qingdao, I accompanied him all the time and reported on his visit. I was deeply touched by his honesty. It has taught me a lot. I think to err is human. The important thing is to have the courage to admit and correct one’s error.   Honesty is a vital quality of human behaviour. So we should try to keep an honest mind in everything we say and do. I would like to say to all of my friends: Let’s be honest people of good moral character.   Thank you.   诚实   女士们,先生们:我演讲的题目是“诚实”。   作为“青岛早报”的小记者,我采访了英国马可·波罗国际研究委员会总裁詹姆斯·吉尔曼博士。请看这张照片,这位是詹姆斯,这是我,我们正在看一颗“龙牙”。这是一个真实的故事:   65年前,詹姆斯一家住在青岛,当时他只有5岁。他经常去青岛水族馆,那儿陈列的一个巨大的生物标本使他着迷。他认为那是一条“龙”,他既惧怕又喜欢它锋利的牙齿,想拥有一颗作为宝贝来珍藏。   上个世纪30年代末,当日本人开始侵占青岛的时候,他们家不得不离开青岛返回英国。在青岛的最后一天,他跑到水族馆,从“龙” 的嘴里拔出了一颗“龙牙”。   他将这颗“龙牙”珍藏了65年。但是,由于“偷”了这颗“龙牙”,负罪的感觉一直伴随着他,他的良心时时受到谴责,年老后尤为强烈。最后,他决定要改正儿时的错误。2002年,他访问了青岛,带着真诚的道歉将这颗“龙牙”交还给了青岛水族馆,他受到了热烈的欢迎。   詹姆斯访问青岛,我一直作为翻译陪同并报道他的访问。我被他的诚实精神深深地打动了,从詹姆斯身上,我学到了很多。我想,人都会犯错误,重要的是有勇气承认和改正错误。   诚实是人们行为的重要品质,所以,我们应该以诚实的态度去说和做每一件事情。我要对我的朋友们说:让我们都来做具有高尚道德品质的诚实的人。   谢谢。   20、陈沐阳,15岁,浙江   Maths in my Eyes.   Hi everyone. My topic today is Maths in my Eyes.   When I mention the word "maths” some adjectives will come to mind, boring, difficult and complicated. But I think maths is very interesting. It is used almost everywhere in our life and also related to art and music.   We all know one geometrical concept, the golden section. It’s very important in painting, sculpture and architecture, such as the Parthenon in Athens and the Venus de Milo. In nature a little pentagonal flower has its golden section. It looks beautiful.   What about its connection with music? Lets take a look at a straight and tight string. Pluck it, and then halve its length, then pluck it again. The sound we hear is the same note but a higher frequency. The Greek mathematician Pythagoras discovered this law and it developed into the musical scale we know today.   Another example is from the famous composer, Bach. When we listen to his music in ”Well-Tempered Clavier”, we find the notes are always getting higher .But amazingly, in the end, it comes back to the initial height. Why is it? That’s why Bach was great! It’s a very interesting maths problem. We call it a paradox.   These days we learn maths at school. The only purpose is to get a high mark. But I personally think that those with curious and creative minds will open the door to the world of maths. Just as Galileo said, “Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the universe”. Maths, in my eyes, is a fascinating subject that needs our passion and imagination. In the end I hope you love this boundless treasure and enjoy the magical world of maths!   Thank you.   我眼中的数学   大家好!我今天演讲的题目是:我眼中的数学。   一提到“数学”这个词,你们一定会联想到“枯燥”、“复杂”之类的形容词。不过在我眼里,数学是一门妙趣横生的学科。它十分广泛地被应用在我们生活的每一个角落,还与音乐、美术有着极大的联系。   我们都知道一个几何概念:黄金分割。它在绘画、雕塑、建筑艺术等方面都占有重要地位。比如雅典卫城,断臂维纳斯就运用了黄金分割。在大自然中,一朵五边形的小花也有它的黄金分割点,于是它看上去就很可爱了。   数学和音乐又有什么联系呢?让我们来看看着根紧绷的线。拨动一下,然后抓住绳子的二分之一处,再拨一下,就会听到在不同高度的同一个音。毕达哥拉斯发现了这一点。于是它逐渐发展成今天的音阶。   另一个例子是关于大作曲家巴赫的,如果我们仔细聆听他《平均律钢琴曲集》中的旋律,就会发现音高总是在慢慢上升。但出乎意料的是,在乐曲的结尾,它却回到了原来的高度。这是为什么呢?这大概就是巴赫的伟大之处了。其实,它是一个非常有趣的数学问题,我们把它叫做"数学悖论"。   如今我们在学校里学习数学,只是为了应付考试。但我个人认为,打开数学之门的,是那些有好奇心和创新精神的人们。就像伽利略所说的:数学是上帝用来记载宇宙的字母表。数学在我眼中是一门美妙的学科,它需要我们的激情与想像力。最后,我希望大家也能喜欢这宝藏,爱这神奇的数学王国。   谢谢!   21、宋丹妮,15岁,江苏   What life is about   As we all know, the most important thing in life is our attitude towards it, tons of men have tried different ways of treating life, and some succeeded, some failed, and here are some of the tips they left us.   Life isn’t about keeping score. Life isn’t about your shoes or your hair or the color of your skin. In fact it’s not about if you have lots of friends or if you are alone, and it’s not about how accepted or unaccepted you are. Life just isn’t about that.   But life is about whom you love and who you hurt. It’s about how you feel about yourself. It’s about trust, happiness and compassion. It’s about sticking up for your friends and replacing inner hate with love. Life is about avoiding jealousy, overcoming ignorance and building confidence. It’s about what you say and what you mean. It’s about seeing people for who they are and not what they have. And we should always remember to be ourselves. Other might have things that we desire but being what we really are is the only trail leading to the true colors of life. Most of all, it’s about choosing to use your life to touch someone else’s in a way that could have never been achieved otherwise.   The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings we buy more but enjoy them less. We’ve learnt how to make a living but not a life, we’ve added years to life, but not life to years. And it is time for us to choose whether to make a difference in our life.   And these choices are what life is about.   生活的真谛   众所周知,关于生活最重要的我们对待生活的态度,不同的人以不同的方式对待生活,一些人成功了,一些人失败了。这里有一些关于生活的帖士给我们大家。   生活不是为了保持高分,生活也不仅仅是你的鞋子、你的发型和你的肤色。实际上,生活也不只是你拥有多少朋友,或者你是否孤独;生活也不仅仅意味着你被别人接受与否。生活并不仅仅是这些。   但是,生活是关于你所爱的和你所伤害的那些人。生活就是你对自己的所有感觉。它是关于信任、幸福和包容。它是你对朋友的支持和如何用爱来融化内心的憎恨。生活就是远离嫉妒、克服无知和建立信心。生活是关于你的言行和思想。生活就是关注人的自身,而不是关注别人的拥有。而且我们必须记住保持我们的本色。虽然,生活的另一面令我们向往,但保持我们的本色是通往生活真谛的必由之路。总之,生活就是用你整个的生命去触摸其他人从未企及的选择。   在生活的长河中也常常令我们困惑和矛盾,我们拥有越来越高大的建筑,但我们也越来越缺乏耐心;我们购买的物质越来越多,但我们从中得到的快乐越来越少。我们学习如何活着但那却不是生活;人类的寿命越来越长,但有意义的生活并因此而延长。因此,现在正是我们选择使我们的人生变得不同凡响的时候了。   这些选择就是生活的真谛。   22、史瑶瑶,13岁,甘肃   Sandstorm   Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, Today I’m going to talk about sandstorm.   Sandstorm is a kind of bad weather witch is becoming increasingly common in Northwestern China, and it usually happens in spring and fall. Though I’m only 13, I have experienced it and suffered from it quite a lot.   I’m sure most people still remember the sandstorm that happened last month. It swept across the large area of 11 provinces and caused a great loss to our nation.   As you can see on TV, when a sandstorm comes, the wind blows strongly with dust and sand. Sometimes trees are even broken down in half, and little birds cannot find their homes. Sometimes clouds of dust blur the vision, and little kids cannot find their ways. It’s like the end of the world.   When a sandstorm occurs, our classroom is filled with dust and sand. My poor teachers! They’ve breathed in enough chalk-powder. Now, they have to take in much dust. My poor fellow classmates! They told me they were almost dying.   We love beautiful spring. We cherish bright sunshine. But sandstorms destroy all the lovely things. Yet we know it is Mother Nature’s revenge on what we have done to her. In order to see blue sky and sunny spring again, we should plant more trees and more grass to protect the environment. And it is not too late if we start right now.   Though it’s a hard job to fight against the sandstorm, it is the battle we must fight, and it is a battle we must win!   Thank you! (欢迎您投稿)   沙尘暴   女士们,先生们:   下午好!我的演讲题目是沙尘暴。   沙尘暴是我国北方地区春季日益频繁发生的一种恶劣天气。虽然我才13岁,但也经历过多次了。   我想大家对上月发生的沙尘暴记忆犹新,它席卷了11个省,给我国造成了很大的损失。   正如您从电视上看到的,沙尘暴所到之处,狂风卷着黄沙和尘土肆劣横行,有时候一些大树都被从中间吹倒了。鸟儿失去他们的家园,孩子们也找不到回家的路,就像到了世界末日。   当沙尘暴发生时,我们的教室也充满了沙尘。可怜的老师,尽管已饱受粉笔灰之苦,现在又不得不待在灰尘中。可怜的同学们,他们告诉我简直都要窒息了!   我们热爱美丽的春天,我们珍爱明媚的阳光。但是沙尘暴给这些蒙上了阴影,我们知道,沙尘暴是大自然母亲对我们破坏生态劣行的惩罚。要重新看到蔚蓝的天空和明媚的春光,我们必须绿化山川,保护环境。如果我们现在就开始,还不晚。   虽然这是一项艰巨的任务,但是我们必须勇敢地面对,因为这是一场我们必须获胜的战斗! &


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