i want to knowforeign men

The following is a translation of a popular 2012 post on major Chinese discussion forum
that relates one Chinese man’s thoughts, findings, and advice on Chinese women dating foreign men, including the differences between Chinese and foreign men, especially when it comes to successfully picking up girls.
Due to the length of the original post, our translation has been split into four parts. Below is Part 1:
From a laowai‘s own mouth, how to get girls for just 17 yuan, China girls, please don’t earn the reputation of being “free” in laowai circles
I just came back from abroad, and I keep hearing my Chinese male compatriots in China say our Chinese girls are relatively materialistic, practical [vs. idealistic], and gold-digging, that its impossible for men without an apartment/house to get married, that one can’t find a girlfriend if they don’t spend money, that its easy to be dumped just for failing to give gifts to one’s girlfriend every holiday etc. etc. etc.
But frankly speaking, I have no serious objections to this, because I think actually all women throughout the world are materialistic. After all, who doesn’t like rich and capable men? American women are the same, European women are the same, they all favor rich men, and it’s always easy for generous men to find girlfriends.
But what left me flabbergasted was that I also know a lot of
who are fooling around in China and they tell me China has a lot of “free girls” who don’t want any money and only want to go to bed with them, who want to marry laowai even if it means paying instead of getting money [to the foreigner], and who will take even the poor, the old, the fat, the disabled, as long as they’re laowai.
For laowai in China, the success rate for getting girls is around 50-100 times higher than those of local men, and the women that our compatriots can spend thousands or tens of thousands on but can’t get laowai can get with just a cup of coffee. Many of male compatriots are extremely angry over this, so let me share the ways laowai pick up girls and the reasons they succeed easily. You guys should also find your own shortcomings, and not just blindly complain.
In addition, I want to make it clear that I am not against my fellow female students [referring to others as “fellow students” is common in casual Chinese speech] sleeping with laowai, but your sleeping [relations] should be of value, meaning, tactful, and fruitful, for example Ms.
and the . These are all women who have made achievements from sleeping with laowai, unlike some female compatriots in China, who sleep around blindly, sleeping without meaning, sleeping while paying money for it, sleeping too eagerly, sleeping with nothing to show for it, ultimately tarnishing the image of Chinese girls, leaving in laowai circles the impression of being “free”, “cheap” and “”. China is after all a big and important country, so when female compatriots sleep with those black, white, or any color laowai, you should still be mindful of your image and the consequences.
So then, why is it that Chinese girls are more easily picked up by laowai while our own compatriots have difficulties even approaching them? The reasons are plenty, but let me talk about some of the differences between laowai men and Chinese men, and everyone can improve where they are lacking and those who aren’t lacking can keep up the good work but I hope everyone can improve their ability when it comes to picking up girls. Also, I hope girls will be more careful/conscientious and don’t give foreigners the impression that Chinese girls are stupid and brainless allowing them to sneer at us.
1. The first reason is experience. With anything, practice makes perfect, and picking up girls is the same. In the West, young people start dating and losing their virginity at around 14 years old, but for many in China it is 20 years old or even later, so first the starting point is already different. Laowai have 10 more years of experience on Chinese men, and during those 10 years, laowai have already dated multiple girls, getting to know the minds and G-spots of women like the back of their hands, having experienced cohabitation, abortion, drugs, and promiscuity, whereas Chinese people during this time are still in school studying hard, warned by the teachers and parents against premature love [dating too soon].
In other words, when laowai men reach their early twenties, their experience with picking up girls, dating, and having sex are already at what Chinese men would have in their early thirties. Chinese girls are the same too, no experience at the beginning of their 20s, whereas laowai are already seasoned veterans.
So when Chinese girls develop a relationship with or go on a date with a laowai, they are already not on the same level in the first place. Then add on that, for whatsoever reason, age-gaps abound in international relationships, which leads to even greater differences in intelligence, experience, and standards. Under these circumstances, it’s very easy to be taken advantaged of and deceived.
2. Many Chinese girls don’t understand the art of sleeping, and therefore get derogatorily dubbed “easy girls” and “free girls”.
The laowai who come to fool around in China can all be described with one word, “shrewd”. The girls who fool around with laowai, many can only be described with two words, “”.
Are there fools/idiots among laowai? Yes, but those fools normally would not come to China. They all stay in their home countries. The laowai in China are one and all adept with the skill of picking up girls without having to spend money. This I’ll talk about this later in this article.
First let me tell you guys what kind of people the laowai who come to China are. Let’s not say “LOSER”, but they are a group of laowai who are all quite shrewd and materialistic. Only they would come to China. It’s like asking you to leave China, to go to Africa to make money, would you be willing to go? The average person would not be willing to go. Only those people who are adventurers, shrewd people, and really want to make money will go.
What do Chinese men value when it comes to marriage? Ordinarily the first thing is outward appearance. Height, appearance, educational level—in other words, someone they can be proud of “taking out of the house” [someone who reflects well upon them to others].
But laowai–especially the laowai in China–aren’t particular about these things. They don’t care about a girl’s appearance, nor do they care about empty things like educational level or birthplace, only caring about her practicality, that she can make money, raise children, do housework. So many laowai like girls who look strong and thick, because they can work hard and endure hardship after all. Having a life with this kind of girl would be more leisurely and less worrisome. Especially when it comes to finances, while laowai abroad don’t care, laowai in China are very calculating about that.
If you don’t believe me, just pay attention to the laowai in China around you who have married Chinese girls, and see which kinds of girls they’ve married. Basically they are all girls who are capable of making money, from rich families, or at least are financially independent.
At least the ones I know are all like this. An American guy married a Shanghai girl whose f a French guy married a girl, and this girl owns three clo a German guy married a girl, and this girl’s father has a factory in Dongguan. The other laowai, if the women they married aren’t really good at making money, then she at least are very good at doing housework, adept at doing the laundry, cooking, etc., and can be treated like female servants.
Which is to say, those girls who are relatively poor can stop dreaming of marrying those China laowai, [because] the probability is fairly low.
So many girls that fancy laowai and have been tricked, bedded, and dumped still can’t figure out the reason: I love him so much, but how come he doesn’t want me?
To be frank, it is because you don’t have money, that you’re not able to be independent enough financially, so the shrewd laowai in China will only have casual fun with you.
Chinese men are
for being too direct. Many of them even ask on their first meeting, “What’s your salary? Is your danwei [work unit, workplace] doing well?”
This very easily annoys girls, and is also very impolite.
But laowai are very shrewd. No matter how many times you and him have gone out, he will not ask about your income, but he will secretly pay attention to the caliber of your clothes and other purchases, to discern if you have a relatively high income, or if your family is rich.
Laowai in their home countries are not like this. They like playful and fun girls with whom they can hang out, chat, and sleep with, not really considering the financial aspect.
But the laowai who come to China, some are losers, which is to say they have no job, no house, not even a car, or even in debt in their own countries. Of the remainder, some are money grubbers, who came to China to start businesses and make money, so they are not willing to consider girls from poor families…
3. Laowai and Chinese men spend money on different things.
Laowai can be very poor but they still have very high consumption, even surpassing how much they earn. Chinese men usually give you the impression during the first few dates that they are stingy, not as high-class as laowai are, not wearing brand name clothes and even taking the girl to dirty and filthy small restaurants.
But the actual reason is that Chinese men save their money, saving it so they can buy you a house and car in the future, to be spent on their wives. Whereas laowai don’t save money, their monthly incomes used for eating, drinking, having fun, and picking up girls. They basically live from paycheck to paycheck.
Laowai are indeed more generous. They usually will take a girl to upscale restaurants, or if not at least a Starbucks. Many Chinese girls will very easily be attracted by this, feeling that laowai are classy, have taste, thinking if they stay with the laowai, their future life will always be like this.
But the reality is, taking you to upscale restaurants happens only before getting you into bed. This is the capital they invest. Laowai will not keep treating you to meals, because they only have so much money, which they have to spend on many other different girls. Therefore, as soon as they get you, they will start saving money with you, to invite other girls to upscale restaurants.
Some laowai treat 6 or 7 different girls to meals in a week, so don’t even think about them giving you gifts or buying a house to marry you.
Laowai in China treat all women as short-term, diversified investments. They’re not going to invest everything on you alone.
4. Laowai and Chinese guys differ in terms of online dating skills.
Many Chinese men are very
and direct, especially on the Internet. Some Chinese men see a girl dressed relatively sexy and directly ask, “Young lady, how about a one-night stand? I’m 18 centimeters long.” And the result of which is being cursed and spat on.
When it comes to hitting on girls, laowai emphasize art and skill, when actually their goal is simply to get you in bed, but they will do their best to give you a comfortable and natural impression, making sex seem like a natural progression.
When a Chinese man gets horny, he’ll say vulgar low-class things, for example: You are so sexy. Can you be my lover?
When a laowai gets horny, he’ll say lofty high-class things, even according to different situations, even though his goal is the same, such as:
The friendly approach, which is also the most often seen. A laowai will write an email saying: Hello, you look like an easygoing and cute girl. I am a French man, who just came to China. I really like China’s culture. Can we be friends? Or language exchange. You teach me Chinese, and I will teach you French.
The flattery approach. A laowai will write an email saying: Hello, the most beautiful girl in China. When I first saw you, my breath was taken away, I couldn’t believe my eyes, I was floored by your beauty. You’re simply a sexy goddess, a fairy who combines both spirit and beauty. For you, I’d be willing to do anything, I’d even kiss your feet.
These two approaches are the most often seen, and they’re also the approaches most irresistible to Chinese girls. I saw with my own eyes a laowai friend writing messages to girls on a social network, using these approaches. With girls that looked more conservative, he’d use the friendly approaching. With girls that looked more sexy and liberal, he’d use the flattery approach, fooling countless women.
Many girls upon seeing these kind of messages will immediately have a favorable impression towards the laowai, thinking the laowai is very romantic, elegant, and totally different from those vulgar Chinese guys. So they meet, have sex, and then are dumped.
More often than not, even after those girls are dumped, they still don’t understand the truth behind being dumped, thinking: Is there something about me that isn’t good enough? What did I do wrong?
The truth is, it is not you who did anything wrong, nor are you not good enough, but that it was a ruse from the very beginning. Doesn’t matter if it was the friendly type, the romantic type, the chivalrous type, or the gentleman type, most laowai make friends on social networks for the sole purpose of sex, for one-night stands, to use these girls to satisfy their physiological needs.
If you thought the laowai was enamored with you, wanted to make you his girlfriend, wanted to marry you, then you’re simply a .
5. Laowai in China are generally not willing to get married. One very important reason is simply because Chinese girls are poor, and going out means spending their [the laowai‘s] money. However, if you are from a rich family, laowai will see you differently.
The richer a laowai is, the less willing he is to get married. What kind of laowai in China are most willing to get married? Generally they are English teachers. These laowai are very poor, where they feel even rent is a heavy burden, so they hope to find a girl to split the financial burden, to pay rent together, to lessen the stress in their lives.
What I suggest is that the Chinese girls who genuinely like laowai should marry abroad [or marry to go abroad].
One of my friends said it well: Ever since China opened up, beggars have disappeared from the streets in the West.
Especially with the current economic crisis in the West, unemployed laowai who are unable to find jobs all want to come to China to make a living, and the large influx is worth our increased vigilance.
Don’t be fooled by foreign beggars, who also go around saying Chinese people are , that Chinese girls are cheap or free.
I suggest that Chinese girls be more realistic, materialistic, and smart when dating laowai.
Also, learn from those shrewd laowai. Don’t continue being a , without an end in sight.
Why do I understand
laowai attitudes, habits, and behavior patterns so well? Very simple, I have a lot of foreign friends. Among them there are also some honest and dependable people, “as rare as the hair of a phoenix and the horns of a kylin” [Chinese idiom], but the majority of the laowai in China are ultimately unreliable.
In , the original poster provides examples and conversations he’s had with his foreign friends.
features what the original poster believes are myths Chinese women have about foreign men. Part 4 translates a collection of netizen comments reacting to the overall post.
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Powered byHere is the final part of our translation of a popular post from Tianya, a major Chinese online discussion forum.
Parts 1 to 3 translated one Chinese netizen’s views on foreign men, Chinese men, and Chinese women. Part 1 was mostly about the . Part 2 was a number of . Part 3 detailed several .
This fourth and final part is a selection of netizen comments on that Tianya post, responding to the original poster and everything said…
Comments on :
Fucking , would it kill you to speak properly? What is this 拆那 chai na [“China”, which the original poster repeatedly used instead of 中国 zhong guo in much of his post]? You’re either a bandit/traitor or a garbage devil [Japanese].
Actually, it still goes back to the girls themselves needing to be independent and have self-respect. Chinese people don’t respect Chinese people, and instead fawn over laowai. This comes from a lack of self-confidence in our hearts, the feeling that laowai are better than ourselves. The first thing to do is to equalize our positions [see each other as equals].
Well written, . Actually this post can be regarded as a universal handbook for picking up girls.
Nobody thinks laowai look like the ?
to my boyfriend, pointed at the Monkey King and said, “This is you…” :)
said is very pertinent. I am a woman, but I also very much agree with your point of view.
Today’s values really have changed. Some women are like buses [promiscuous], yet they continuously show off. If you have needs, don’t you know how to use sex toys to satisfy yourself?
I was going to yell at the , because my boyfriend is also a laowai, but as I read on, I couldn’t help placing myself in the position. What LZ says is really pertinent. I hope I won’t get a tragic ending, I’m a good girl…
I really can’t figure this out. If you’re going to find a foreigner to sleep with, at least find a young and strong one, but instead you find an old and fat man…
There’s no shortage of foreign trash in China, and there’s also a lot of native trash as well, so I hope girls will simply remove the scales from their eyes, as it is better to have nothing than to have something that is garbage.
我在旅程 (the original poster):
There are also many promiscuous girls in foreign countries, but foreign men are more lenient towards the women in their own countries. They have a sort of indescribable racial superiority complex. They like to disparage Chinese girls. Even for the same things, when Chinese girls do them, they think it is low, cheap, dirty, for money and green cards. But when it is their own country’s girls who do them, laowai say it is them being independent, free, open-minded.
The kind of haughty arrogance and sense of racial superiority in the bones of white people is extremely horrible/frightening. They treat Chinese people as inferior people, so they don’t appreciate help from Chinese men, nor do they feel remorse or shame when playing Chinese girls.
A lot of white trash are law-abiding and well-behaved “good people” in their home countries, but become walking
after coming to China. The fundamental reason lies in them feeling they are the upper class in China, with the right and the privilege to do whatever they want, and they have every reason to sleep with Chinese girls everywhere.
In their eyes, Chinese girls are lower than them, and can be trampled and played at will.
Our countrymen like to blame Chinese girls for being sluts, so foreigners all say Chinese girls are EASY, looking down on Chinese girls, but this is just a very small reason. Actually, the deep-rooted reason lies in white people’s racial superiority complex. Whether Chinese girls are sluts or not, whether they climb the stick [have sex with white men] or not, many white people look down on them anyway.
The girls who don’t sleep with white men, the white men say they are too conservative, boring, and don’t know how to enjoy life. They don’t like those girls.
The girls who do sleep with them, they say behind their backs that they are sluts, easy to get, ignorant, and shallow.
The girls who sleep with them for free, they say they are cheap, free, too promiscuous, and are not worth being loved and treated seriously.
The girls who want things and money (Chinese men giving their girlfriends jewelry and credit cards is very common), they then say those girls are prostitutes and bitches, selling their sexual organs.
White people often like to say bad things about Chinese people, especially when it comes to belittling Chinese men in front of Chinese girls, and then belittling Chinese girls in front of foreign men.
<span title="作为中国男人 &/p&
&p&1.不会特别反对中国女人找老外当老公(心理还是不爽的,雄性动物本能)但反对随随便便倒贴找老外的类似LZ说的。">As a Chinese man:
1. I&#8217;m not particularly opposed to Chinese women taking laowai as husbands (still uncomfortable in my heart, male animal instinct) but I am against those like the
said who actually spend their own money in order to date laowai [treating or paying for the man on a date].
2. I&#8217;m strongly against the phenomenon of [Chinese women] degrading and attacking Chinese men upon finding a laowai [boyfriend/husband]&#8230;
3. I&#8217;m against generalizing a portion of people who are one way onto the whole of Chinese women. The vast majority of Chinese women are good and decent. Some people&#8217;s comments seem to be obvious attempts to provoke a shouting match between men and women.
4. I&#8217;m against those saying Chinese men are all better than the laowai who come to China, because China also has a lot of lousy men, who are unfaithful and promiscuous.
5. I object to the statement that the rate of extramarital affairs among Chinese men is higher than that among foreign men. This is purely slander and bullshit. I also disagree that laowai men are all more civilized and gentlemen-like than Chinese men. At the very least, I don&#8217;t see where the foreign instructors and students I know are more civilized than the male teachers and male students at my school. &#8220;Though foreign men often engage in premarital sex, they are conservative after getting married. Chinese men mess around before marriage, and have extramarital affairs after marriage.&#8221; The people who make these kind of replies all have shit in their heads.
6. Men should firmly fight back when it comes to statements that Chinese women are cheap, easy girls and the like, taking the initiative to defend our country&#8217;s women&#8217;s dignity and reputation. We can&#8217;t let a few women of this kind cause all Chinese women to be shot [to be wronged]. If you don&#8217;t defend the women of your own country, who else are you going to defend?
7. I&#8217;m especially against some Chinese men parroting [foreign men] in saying how Chinese women are cheap, easy girls. Men like this simply aren&#8217;t human.
8. I&#8217;m super strongly against the saying that Chinese people don&#8217;t have beliefs [convictions/principles]. People who say such things are in my eyes simply garbage. And they talk about beliefs! For example, the
reply above: &#8220;But I tell you sincerely, the caliber of Chinese men as a whole is inferior to the laowai of developed countries. Chinese people don&#8217;t have beliefs, are too materialistic, too practical, too lacking in integrity, and even more importantly, Chinese people are too stupid. They lose themselves as soon as they see temptation. Chinese men who have a perfectly good family and a good career, the moment they are tempted by a young woman outside, I won&#8217;t say 100%, but I 95% of them will lose themselves, &#8216;throwing away a watermelon for a sesame seed&#8217;.&#8221; I don&#8217;t know how he arrived at this conclusion. When I see replies like this, I subconsciously say so
9. I&#8217;m against calling promiscuity feminism.
10. I hope all our countrymen can respect themselves, love themselves, discipline themselves, and reflect on themselves.
<span title="我讨厌中国男人的不自信&br /&
愿意和白种过一辈子生几个小杂种的女人还是少数的&br /&
中国人的青涩比外国人的老练可爱得多,虽然有时候他们的语言和行为是让人觉得很尴尬很失礼没错,可是也从侧面证明了泡妞不太多,够干净">I hate Chinese men&#8217;s lack of self-confidence.
The women willing to spend their entire lives with a white person and make mixed children are still few/the minority.
Chinese people&#8217;s innocence is much more adorable than the experience of foreigners. Though it&#8217;s true that sometimes their language and behavior is awkward or lacking in manners, seen from another angle it proves that they haven&#8217;t dated many girls [don&#8217;t go around chasing girls very much], and are clean enough [decent/respectable].
I&#8217;m currently attending an English training school, and by my judgment, what the author [original poster] says is completely accurate. One time I went shopping with a classmate. A black laowai man kept staring at my light-skinned, rich, and beautiful classmate (this beauty is already married) while he had his girlfriend by his side. That female companion came up to my classmate to declare sovereignty [over her man], but for some reason that black man came up and said to my classmate that he doesn&#8217;t the female companion beside him. That woman was so mad she ended up chasing and hitting that laowai on the street. Also, there was this foreigner who moonlights as a foreign instructor who announced in class that if his Chinese wife did not listen to him, he would dump her, which made us very uncomfortable.
&#8216;s post reminded me of a classmate at college. The girl was from the countryside, very very poor. In the end, she got with our foreign instructor. God! That foreign instructor was already over 50 years old, and he even had a little housekeeper who sleeps with him all year round in his apartment.
Sometimes I saw many good girls walking with laowai men old enough to be their dads.
This [post] must be . What
is very apropos. Here in Shenzhen the way such girls are called is &#8220;paper girls&#8221;. They really are jokes in laowai&#8216;s mouths.
<span title="看了这么多 我来说两句&/p&
&p&我认识的老外挺多的, 我在国外上过学,其实大部分老外特征和楼主说的很像">Having read this much, I&#8217;m going to put in my two cents.
I know quite a lot of laowai, as I&#8217;ve studied abroad, and actually the characteristics of most laowai are just like what the
The year I was studying abroad, Chinese girls were not very popular. The one Chinese girl I knew who was looking [for a foreign boyfriend] ultimately only found a fat guy, who didn&#8217;t even have much education. Actually in foreign countries, the laowai with bachelor&#8217;s degrees or higher are relatively arrogant. They will be very picky, and usually won&#8217;t proactively approach Asian girls, unless those girls can help them with schoolwork.
The laowai in China I think have become spoiled, each and every one of them saying Chinese girls are cheap. It&#8217;s not like we begged you to come here, so why not go home? I encountered a Swedish laowai, who was involved in a language exchange arrangement. At first it was the girl [who expressed interest], but he started getting very physical, and because he didn&#8217;t get his way in the end, he started saying how Chinese girls are this and that easy or whatever, making it so that I really wanted to yell at him. But thinking from another perspective, both parties are responsible for this. Why did it turn out this way? Why did she allow the laowai to be so unscrupulous? Chinese girls are too naive. Also, the laowai who come to China really are those who couldn&#8217;t survive/make it in their own countries, thinking it&#8217;s heaven here.
Let me give you an example. I have an American friend. He came to China for the sole purpose of studying. Recently he&#8217;s going back to the United States, because he discovered that it&#8217;s hard to find a job here too. He said it was hard for him to find a job in Los Angeles, and he thought that it would be very easy in China.
On the other hand, don&#8217;t always say laowai are stupid, they are all very shrewd and canny. When they are using you, they will be especially nice to you, but when they aren&#8217;t using you, they pretend not to know you. I know a laowai, and he said to me that it&#8217;s really hard to trust someone here. He only trusts himself. See, this is the difference. Everyone thinks it&#8217;s so trendy to be friends with laowai, but actually that foreigner just wants to use you. Don&#8217;t even bring up Chinese girls wanting to marry laowai.
Most of the laowai I know are particularly fond of Korean and Japanese girls, thinking they are traditional. I think they are nuts. Just because Chinese girls tend to be assertive, Korean girls are all very traditional? Actually, the notion of freedom isn&#8217;t that big in Western countries, everyone wants to find someone who will be submissive to them. But a majority of laowai think Korean and Japanese girls are submissive because they can fool around outside the house. They don&#8217;t want Chinese girls, [because] they&#8217;d have to worry [about being caught]. But, do you want to be a puppet? You think marrying a laowai like this is glamorous. It&#8217;s actually just like that.
My thinking may not necessarily be correct, but I always feel girls in the end will become emotionally invested, so how can there be girls who just play around [without any strings attached]? Men indeed can separate sex from love very clearly, but that&#8217;s not absolute either.
Finally I want to say, let me talk a bit about the differences between American laowai and British laowai. Most of the laowai I know are from these two countries. British people are more reserved. You think they are cold, but once you become friends, you are definitely good friends. As for Americans, you initially think he is a good friend but eventually you will discover that they&#8217;ll maintain a distance from you.
<span title="总之中国经济越来越好,我们没必要觉得老外怎样。中国人应该有自尊自爱骄傲起来。取长补短这样才好&/p&
&p&祝好运">Anyway as China&#8217;s economy gets better and better, we don&#8217;t need to be too judgmental about laowai. Chinese people should have self-respect, self-love, and be proud. Learning from others&#8217; strengths to improve ourselves is the way to go.
Good luck.
My female friends and I are like this: Invite us to go eat, we&#8217;ll go eat. Invite us to go play, we&#8217;ll go play. Being friends is fine, but if you want to sleep with us, don&#8217;t even think about it. Eating a meal with you and going out to play is all OK, as long as you&#8217;re paying. Your goal is something we both clearly know, but just pretend to be ignorant of. Don&#8217;t say we are immoral or whatever, those guys aren&#8217;t saints either. If you play, we&#8217;ll play, that&#8217;s it.
<span title="/v_show/id_XMzg1NDQ2NDg4.html&/p&
This is an episode about &#8220;Chinese girls&#8221; from a video series about China made by a South American man who has lived in China for six or seven years.
The whole episode is talking about how easy Chinese girls are. This person mentions that Chinese girls don&#8217;t go for blacks or Indians and the like, because they don&#8217;t have money or passports&#8230;
Fucking just watching it pisses me off&#8230; selling their dignity attaching themselves to foreign trash is their own business, something that outsiders originally have no business interfering with, but now the reputation of Chinese girls as a whole is being ruined by these mouse shits [from the Chinese expression that &#8220;a speck of mouse shit will spoil a whole pot of porridge&#8221;].
The girls I&#8217;m cursing here are those who, for money and passports, become easy and free, not those who respect themselves, love themselves, and date laowai out of true love&#8230; although I still remind the sisters dating laowai out of true love: Keeping your wits and being careful with everything is always good. Although there are good ones among the laowai in China, the percentage is not high, so removing the scales from your eyes and be careful to avoid being deceived.
Why do so many Chinese people like to fuel stereotypes like this? As long as somebody else is a bit different from you, you immediately treat them as freaks/monsters. When I read this garbage, I can only see arrogant brain-damaged racism.
Yes, from the first day we foreigners arrive in China, you people try to demonize us.
Are you trying to say&#8230; &#8220;I&#8217;m a good guy, I never do this kind of thing, and I&#8217;m not speaking on behalf of our Chinese girls&#8230; Believe me, baby. I will save you from that &#8220;little white face&#8221;, and protect you until the end. Come, kiss your daddy.&#8221;
&#8220;I have a lot of foreign friends. Among them there are also some honest and dependable people, “as rare as the hair of a phoenix and the horns of a kylin” [Chinese idiom]&#8221;
Is this a joke? , drop dead.
Let me explain: &#8220;Why do I understand laowai attitudes, habits, and behavior patterns so well? Very simple, I have many many foreign devil friends, black friends, little Japanese friends, Korean friends, and other trash friends, and my best friend is a foreign devil! They all came out of a monster egg, without mothers!! Patriotic comrades&#8230;I don&#8217;t care if you believe it or not, it&#8217;s true&#8221; &#8212;
I can only say: &#8220;The frog living at the bottom of the well, sees only the sky at the mouth of the well, yet tells the turtle that the well is the best place to live.'&#8221;
Mental retardation truly knows no borders. The
is saying that there are a lot of garbage laowai in China, explaining their characteristics to remind everyone not to be fooled. He didn&#8217;t dismiss/put down all laowai. Since you do not consider yourself to be this kind of garbage, and have not done the things they do, why take it personally? Retard, evaluation complete!
I&#8217;ve discovered a phenomenon: Laowai cannot see the behavior and actions of all the garbage laowai in China. The moment someone says something about them, they start claiming it is racial discrimination, saying Chinese people are xenophobic/anti-foreigners.
If you were all like , coming to China to make a contribution, the Chinese people would only thank you and revere you. Your compatriots do horrible things one after another, and yet you still have the face to quibble.
Chinese people are absolutely not against foreigners. Actually ten years ago, Chinese people were not only polite and friendly with foreigners, but also full of admiration, thinking [foreigners] are rather noble. But now the laowai who come to China are of lower and lower caliber/character, harassing girls everywhere, already having become public nuisances.
The examples given by the
are all of people around him, who are relatively typical, and the truth is just like that. Objective, impartial, and fair. well and vividly written. Good post.
The laowai the
talks about are divided into the laowai in China and the laowai in foreign countries.
In my eyes, the girls who date laowai are divided into those who are sensible and reasonable and those who are not.
Do sensible and reasonable girls need you to tell them what to do? The girls who aren&#8217;t, even if you tell them what to do, would they listen?
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