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2012新人教版七年级英语上册Unit 1听力录音MP3打包下载
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2012新人教版七年级英语上册Unit 1听力录音MP3打包下载
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2012新人教版七年级上册英语unit2 This is my sister录音1b听力
2012新人教版七年级上册英语unit2 This is my sister录音1b听力
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译林牛津版英语七年级上册Unit 1 This is me!课文MP3朗读录音
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初中译林牛津版七年级英语上册.Unit 1 This is me!.Unit 2 Let's play sports!.Unit 3 Welcome to our school!.Unit 4 My day.Project 1 My friend.Unit 5 Let's celebrate!.Unit 6 Food and lifestyle.Unit 7 Shopping.Unit 8 Fashion.Project 2 Different lifestyles
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Unit 1& &This is me!
Oh,I love this e-dog.
I'm Eddie.What's your name?My name's Hobo.
Are you my master?Yes,I am.
Good,This is my instruction book.Read it now.
Reading&&A&&Welcome to Beijing Sunshine Secondary School
It is the first day at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.
Meet six of the new students.
They are Millie,Simon,Sandy,Kitty,Amy and Daniel.
Hi,I'm Wang Mei,My English name is Millie.
I'm 12 years old.I live in a flat in Beijing.
I have one cousin,Andy,He's 13 years old.He's in Grade 8.
He's very clever at Maths.He's in the school basketball team.
I'm in the Reading Club.I love reading.I have a dog.
His name's Eddie.I love him very much.
Hello,everyone!My name is Luo Sang.You can call me Simon.
My parents come from Shanghai.
I was born there but we live in Beijing now.I like Beijing very much.
I play football at school.I have one cousin.Her name's Annie.
Hi,I'm Sandy,My Chinese name is Li Shanshan.I'm quite tall and slim.
I have black hair in a ponytail.I like listening to music.
Loot at the three profiles of my classmates!
This is Kitty.Her Chinese name is Zhang Ke.She is&&years old.
She is small.She loves dancing.She works hard.
This is Amy,Her Chinese name is Zhao Aijia.She is not very tall.
She has short hair.She loves swimming.She is funny.
This is Daniel.His Chinese name is Chen Dan.He wears glasses.
He enjoys playing computer games.He is polite and helpful.
Integrated skills
Simon's favourite football player
Speak up:making new friends
Work in pairs.You want to find out more about your partner.
Replace underlined words with your own information.
Hi,my name's Daniel.What's your name?
I'm Sandy.I live n Spring Road.Where do you live?
I live on Summer Road,I'm a member of the Computer Club,
I love playing computer games.Oh really?
I'm a member of the Music Club.I like listening to music.
Main task& & Writing&&about yourself
each new students at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School
03.76has to write a profile of himself/herself for the class noticeboard.
Below are Millie's and Daniel's profiles.
y name is Millie.I am 12 years old.
My birthday is on 3rd October and I was born in Beijing.
I live on Garden Road.I have a cousin.
His name is Andy and he is in Grade 8.
I am 1.35 metres tall.My eyes are dark brown and my hair is black.
I love listening o music.I have lots of CDs.
I listen to them at the weekend.I like reading and writing.
I am a member of the Reading Club.
At home,I enjoy talking on the phone with my friends.
I have lots of friends here at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School!
Hello!I am Daniel.I am&&years old.My birthday is on 7th October.
I was born in Nanjing.I live with my family in Beijing.
I am not very tall.I have black hair and I wear glasses.
I rellay enjoy school.I like all my lessons.I am not very good at sports.
I love playing computer games and looking for things on the Internet.
I want to be a computer programmer when I grow up.
这个与江苏的课本不太一样啊,比如第四句Good,This is my instruction book.Read it now.课本里是Good。Now read this book.
这个与江苏的课本不太一样啊,比如第四句Good,This is my instruction book.Read it now.课本里是Good。Now ...
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