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AE插件:Digital Film Tools 套装合集 (CS5-CC2014)(Win64)
TA的每日心情开心 09:44签到天数: 5 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
[size=13.895px]【插件介绍】[size=13.895px]AE插件合集 Digital Film Tools AE CS5-CC2014 Win64[size=13.895px]Digital Filmtools是一套非常独特的出自于数字胶片工具的插件包,[size=13.895px]它不但出色地模仿了流行的照相机滤光镜、专业镜头、光学试验过程、胶片的颗粒、颜色修正等效果,[size=13.895px]还模仿了自然光和摄影特效,所有的这些都可以在8或16位通道中进行加工处理。[size=13.895px]这套插件包括:烟雾、去焦、扩散、双色调、模糊、红外滤光镜、薄雾等30多种特效。、[size=13.895px]插件均为最版本,支持 Win平台&&AE CS5 – CC 2014
[size=13.895px]插件合集列表:[size=13.895px]DFT Composite Suite Pro v1.5.3&&复合插件合集[size=13.895px]DFT FilmStocks v1.5& &胶片模拟调色插件[size=13.895px]DFT PhotoCopy v1.0.2.2&&风格影印滤镜插件[size=13.895px]DFT Power Matte v2.0.1.3 智能抠像插件[size=13.895px]DFT Power Stroke v1.0.7.2 描边插件[size=13.895px]DFT Rays v1.0.2.2 放射光线插件[size=13.895px]DFT reFine v1.0.1.2 美化插件[size=13.895px]DFT Tiffen Dfx v3.0.10.4 CE&&数字光学插件[size=13.895px]DFT zMatte v3.5.1.3&&遮罩滤镜插件
[size=13.895px]Composite Suite Pro:
Composite Suite Pro features a well rounded collection of visual effects plug-ins that were previously only available in-house at a Hollywood based feature film effects facility. Tested in the rigors of everyday production, Composite Suite Pro provides all that is needed to combine multiple images by utilizing compositing tricks and techniques, color correction, blur, grain, matte manipulation, lens distortion, lighting effects and edge blending.[size=13.895px]Film Stocks:
Film Stocks is a unique filter that simulates 288 different color and black and white still photographic film stocks, motion picture films stocks and historical photographic processes.[size=13.895px]PhotoCopy:
Copy the brightness, color, tone, detail, grain and texture from one image and apply them to another. Or, pick a preset look from 94 movies, 72 paintings, 40 photographs or 30 historical processes.[size=13.895px]Power Matte:
Power Matte is an easy to use image matting tool capable of extracting almost any object in an image–even if you are dealing with fine hair detail, smoke, or reflections.[size=13.895px]Power Stroke:
Power Stroke introduces a simple, interactive stroke-based interface to quickly and intuitively perform targeted adjustments. Instead of meticulously drawing exact masks, using inaccurate matte extractions or hand painting frame to frame, regions of interest are isolated by drawing a few simple and loose After Effects open or closed masks.[size=13.895px]Rays:
Create stunning and realistic light ray effects quickly and easily. Add shafts of light streaming through clouds, rays filtering through a forest canopy, beams of light on a foggy night or rays shooting out from text.[size=13.895px]reFine:
reFine presents a new technique for performing selective sharpening, detail enhancement, edge aware smoothing, cartoon and pencil effects.[size=13.895px]Tiffen Dfx:
Simulating 2,000+ popular award-winning Tiffen glass filters, specialized lenses, optical lab processes, film grain, exacting color correction, plus natural light and photographic effects.[size=13.895px]zMatte:
Intelligent blue and green screen keying that is easy to use, yet provides the tools you need when presented with a challenging shot–including DV and HD de-artifacting, color suppression, matte manipulation, color correction, edge treatment and light wrapping.[size=13.895px]官方网站:[size=13.895px]【插件下载】[size=13.895px]游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请
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