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Molecular Biology of the Cell
Molecular Biology of the Cell
Molecular Biology of the Cell
基本信息?出版社:Garland Publishing Inc,US ?页码:1392 页 ?出版日期:2007年11月 ?ISBN: ?条形码:2 ?版本:5 ?装帧:平装 ?正文语种:英语 ?外文书名:细胞分子生物学 (第5版)
For nearly a quarter century "Molecular Biology of the Cell" has been the leading cell biology textbook. This tradition continues with the new Fifth Edition, which has been completely revised and updated to describe our current, rapidly advancing understanding of cell biology. To list but a few examples, a large amount of new material is pres RNAi;
the lat apoptosis (now its own separate chapter); and cell cycle control and the mechanics of M phase (now integrated into one chapter). The hallmark features of "Molecular Biology of the Cell" have been retained, such as its consistent and comprehensive art program, clear concept headings, and succinct section summaries.Additionally, in response to extensive feedback from readers, the Fifth Edition now includes several new features. It is now more portable. Chapters 1-20 are printed and Chapters 21-25, covering multicellular systems, are provided as pdf files on the free Media DVD-ROM which accompanies the book. And for the first time, "Molecular Biology of the Cell" now contains end-of-chapter questions.
These problems, written by John Wilson and Tim Hunt, emphasize a quantitative approach and the art of reasoning from experiments, and - they will help students review and extend their knowledge derived from reading the textbook.The Media DVD-ROM, which is packaged with every copy of the book, contains PowerPoint[registered] presentations with all of the figures, tables and micrographs from the text (available as JPEGs too). Also included is the Media Player, which plays over 125 movies -animations, videos, and molecular models - all with voiceover narration. A new reader-friendly feature is the integration of media codes throughout the text that link directly to relevant videos and animations. The Media DVD-ROM holds the multicellular systems chapters (21-25) of the text as well. By skillfully extracting the fundamental concepts from this enormous and ever-growing field, the authors tell the story of cell biology, and thereby create a coherent framework through which readers may approach and enjoy this subject that is so central to all of biology.
There is also a
edition of "Molecular Biology of the Cell, Fifth Edition" (ISBN 978-0-) that contains Chapters 1-25 entirely in printed format.
Throughout the book, emphasis is placed not just on what we know but also on how we know and what remains to be discovered- important for engaging and enthusing students....A quarter of a century after the first edition revolutionised cell biology textbooks, the new edition is as fresh, comprehensive and above all, as readable as ever....Like its predecessors, this is a superb textbook for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students.-British Society for Developmental Biology Newsletter, Summer 2008, Vol. 29, No. 1Professors, lecturers, and instructors will find the fifth edition of the book Molecular Biology of the Cell and its accompanying Problems Book to be an excellent choice for guiding their students through the maze of the cells molecular structures and biochemical processes....With countless colorful illustrations and a large number of photographs and tables, reading the text becomes not only an educational experience, but also a highly enjoyable one for those students who wish to discover the inner workings of the magnificent cellular machine....Educators will also find the DVD-ROM to be a rich electronic resource when compiling their lectures....No less important is the Problems Book, which contains numerous exercises and questions that are an integral part of the learning process, and that teachers, instructors, and students are sure to appreciate.The Quarterly Review of Biology, September 2008, Volume 83, Number 3
--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
(作者:enbk625748 编辑:kind887)
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What do you mean by the molecular biology? Is it like the structure of a cell or something?I'm learning Biology 1if you want a further converation, you can contact me at
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&&&& 近日,基础医学系周以K研究员课题组在《Molecular Biology of the Cell》在线发表了研究论文:&KIF5B transports BNIP-2 to regulate p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase activation and myoblast differentiation&。文章首次发现和报道了分子马达蛋白KIF5B在成肌细胞分化过程中的功能和作用机制。
&&&& 成肌细胞是未分化的肌肉前体细胞,可以分化融合形成肌管(Myotube),在肌肉生成中扮演重要角色。CDO-BNIP-2-p38MAPK通路是调控成肌细胞分化的主要信号通路之一,但其中的时空调控机制尚不清楚。该课题组通过GST-Pull down结合质谱分析,鉴定出分子马达蛋白KIF5B是BNIP-2的新相互作用蛋白。进一步利用荧光蛋白标签和实时活细胞显微摄影技术,揭示KIF5B调控了BNIP-2在成肌细胞和肌管内的转运及定位。此外,过表达KIF5B不仅促进了成肌细胞分化,还激活了p38MAPK信号通路;而敲降KIF5B则产生相反的作用。
&&&& 这一研究发现了CDO-BNIP-2-p38MAPK 通路的时空调控机制,显示细胞内的物质转运系统在成肌细胞分化中起着关键作用。该课题和新加坡国立大学刘文川教授合作,主要工作由生化专业2012级博士研究生易鹏同学完成,受到国家自然科学基金和浙江省自然科学基金等项目的资助。相关资源推荐


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