雅思口语人物范文 安家之地范文

以下为Part2和相关Part3问题,请大家认真备紫色表示轮换题(需重点准备),黑色表示继续沿用的老题出国旅行;异地文化;广告;饭店;团体;网站;书或杂志城市;安家之地;离家之地;建筑;公园买了闲置;纪念品;童年礼物;老物件;攒钱购物;中国制造法律;改变你的事;励志的经历;一堂课外国名人;外国电影;喜剧演员;讨厌的电影工作有趣的人;学校朋友;朋友的成功;故友家人;家庭庆祝;照片帮助邻居; 分享;陪伴老人;乐于助人坏的设备建议 ;遗忘;咨询手机童年学校;童年游戏小语种有趣的动物,忙碌,运动,智者,重要的信(Describe an important letter or email you wrote)包含各类专业文献、高等教育、专业论文、幼儿教育、小学教育、应用写作文书、生活休闲娱乐、文学作品欣赏、外语学习资料、雅思口语Part2,Part3预测83等内容。
 part3雅思口语预测_其它语言学习_外语学习_教育专区 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载|举报文档 part3雅思口语预测_其它语言学习_外语学习_教育专区。1 2 3 4 5 6 7...  【雅思预测】2015年3月雅思口语Part 1、part2预测_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区。2015,雅思,口语,最新,机经,真题,考试,ielts,预测为...  雅思2014口语试题part2 和part3_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区。最全2014雅思口语...雅思口语Part2,Part3预测... 暂无评价 1页 免费喜欢此文档的还喜欢 ...  2014 年 9-12 月雅思口语预测 Part3 榜样 保持健康 1 歌星 交通堵塞 2 电视或电台节目 借东西 浪费时间 3 你尊敬的老人 请客吃饭 4 手工礼品 团队合作 5 ...  最权威的国际教育服务平台 2009 年雅思考试趋势预测:口语 part3 根据我们对雅思发展方向的精确把握,2009 年雅思口语考试的第三部分将 体现出以下三大趋势: 一、...  雅思口语3月part 2 预测_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区。1. An occasion that you made you happy ?Describe an occasion that made you happy ?What it was ?...  破解雅思口语Part 3的十大绝招(十之一)_英语考试_...Part 1 和 Part 2 转化为 Part 3 中带有强烈 ...二) 预测未来(Providing speculations) l How do ...  5. 预测未来 对于这类问题,建议考生首先应该注意时态的问题,一般会以将来时或...雅思口语Part2中最难的1... 9页 免费 雅思口语高分战略part 3 10页 3下载...  雅思口语Part 3中最易被忽视的三大细节_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区。最权威的...它们比起 Part 1 和 Part 2 更学术,抽象,还要随时准备对问题进行评价与预测...& & & & 日雅思预测 雅思哥雅思口语预测
日雅思预测 雅思哥雅思口语预测
PART2&PART3出国旅行://photo/#黑色表示5-8月老题,蓝色表示可能出现的轮换题,绿外国电影://photo/#色表示可能淘汰的老题买了闲置://photo/#城市://photo/#法律://photo/#安家之地://photo/外国名人://photo/#家人://photo/#帮助邻居://photo/#分享://photo/#坏的设备://photo/#家庭庆祝://photo/#建议://photo/#朋友的成功://photo/#手机://photo/#童年学校://photo/#小语种://photo/#纪念品://photo/#有趣的动物://photo/#饭店://photo/#故友://photo/#广告://photo/#老物件://photo/#建筑://photo/#离家之地://photo/#励志的经历://photo/#忙碌://photo/#陪伴老人://photo/#讨厌的电影://photo/#童年礼物://photo/#书或杂志://photo/#遗忘://photo/#异地文化://photo/#运动://photo/#攒钱购物://photo/#照片://photo/#智者://photo/#中国制造://photo/#重要的信(Describe an important letter or email you&&wrote)://photo/#咨询://photo/#团体://photo/#网站://photo/#工作有趣的人://photo/#改变你的事://photo/#公园://photo/#童年游戏://photo/#学校朋友://photo/#喜剧演员://photo/#一堂课://photo/#乐于助人://photo/#Describe apersonwhohasagood/importantjobDescribe a (popular) public event that you went toDescribe a trip you would like to go on with a friendDescribe a type of music that is popular in your countryDescribe a hobby you had when you were a childDescribe a place you have been to that had a lot of noiseDescribe something expensive you boughtDescribe an important occasion when you were lateDescribe something naughty you did when you were a childDescribe a quiz show on TV that you would like to take part inDescribe your plans for the future (such as you career or study plans)
雅思作文是在雅思阅读之后考的,时间为60分钟。题目有两道,第一道是看图作说明文(A类)或者书信(G类),要求150字;第二道是议论文,要求250字。雅思考试三部分 — 听力、阅读、写作 — 在同一天内完成,期间没有间歇。
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摘要:日湖北大学雅思口语机经发布啦。此机经大部分都为在湖北大学考试的考生回忆。这次机经回忆里貌似出现了一个难题:describe a course you give information to others,新思达的很多学员反应说在问道这个话题时不知道如何描述,还在准备雅思考试的考生好好准备以下这个口语话题。稍后,新思达国际英语武汉雅思
&&& 日发布啦。此机经大部分都为在湖北大学考试的考生回忆。这次机经回忆里貌似出现了一个难题:describe a course you give information to others,新思达的很多学员反应说在问道这个话题时不知道如何描述,还在准备雅思考试的考生好好准备以下这个口语话题。稍后,武汉雅思培训学校为大家带来这个口语的话题模板。
Part 1:喜欢什么wildlife,why,不喜欢所住城市的什么,以后还会不会住在这里
Part 2:一个小时候收到的gift
Part 3:你在childhood喜欢收到gifts,children喜欢收到what kind of gifts,你会送什么样的gifts to children
Part 1:major,喜不喜欢。cooking的各种话题
Part 2:the event that change you positively
Part 3:changing jobs大学生考虑找工作吗?
Part 1:全名,工作还是学生,购物,网购,商店,音乐,乐器,早上学习还是下午(每个问题后面一个why)
Part 2:a place where u learn another culture
Part 3:一直在讨论过去和现在人们怎么了解别的文化
Part 1:工作还是学习 什么专业 为什么学这个专业
Part 2:如果很久不见一个朋友见面会怎样
Part 3:怎样维持友谊 存在十几年不联系也依然保持的友谊吗
Part 1:work or study,cook
Part 2:a subject others ask information about
Part 3:关于TV的一切,关于各种general information
Part 1:student,major,travel by train
Part 2:movie you dislike
Part 3:movie at cinema or home. Younger or elder outside
Part 1:hometown不喜欢家乡的什么方面,animal养过动物吗,喜欢的动物,动物园
Part 2:describe an old object in your family
Part 3:老建筑,博物馆,学生喜欢去老建筑还是新型
Part 1:工作学习 喜爱的事物
Part 2:安家之地
Part 3:喜欢和家人住一起还是自己一个人住 喜欢大房子还是小房子
Part 1:名字,住哪,住的地方雨多吗,下雨后的心情,还会不会住这里,守不守时
Part 2:一个你不喜欢看的电影
Part 3:周围人喜欢在家看电影还是在影院看电影,internet, 人们会不会以后很依赖网络
Part 1:study subject high school
Part 2:故友相见
Part 3:为什么会参加同学聚会 你和故友之间好相处吗?
Part 1:study cook birthday
Part 2:beautiful place would like to have home
Part 3:中国人一般住什么房子,什么样的房子适合家庭住,房子之间有什么区别,老房子的优缺点。
Part 1:学习,电脑,下雨
Part 2:地方特产
Part 3:特产在别的地方好买吗?各个地区的食物有啥不同,你觉得上海的食物哪个你最喜欢,中国通常进口啥
Part 1:work. computer .on time
Part 2:AD
Part 3:在哪里可以看到广告,广告对人的影响,人们什么情况下不愿意看到广告
Part 1:work or study 喜欢的学科和困难的学科
Part 2:reading why you read it
Part 3:老年人reading与青年人有什么不同
Part 1:rain day,居住的城市
Part 2:一个积极的改变
Part 3:中国人喜欢换工作吗?
Part 1:name, study or work, being on time, animal
Part 2:describe a course you give information to others
Part 3:information on TV的问题
Part 2:给你建议的人,建议是否有用
Part 3:对交通的一些问题?你是否通常坐car出门,为什么?
Part 1:name hometown transportation
Part 2:童年礼物 我想说laptop的说成了iPhone,然后说我爸爸在iphone上打麻将。。考官说0-11岁才算childhood
Part 3:一系列问题关于小孩和礼物,男孩女孩喜欢什么不同的礼物
下一篇: 上一篇:
武汉新思达国际英语 New Star International English
地址:武汉市洪山区珞瑜路560号吴家湾大厦19楼 邮编:430070 邮箱:
技术支持:盛世互联famous and explain why you would like to meet this person Part3: If meet a person you just spoke about, what you would say to him/her? In what ways do people become famous? Why do some people stay famous for just a short time while other people stay famous for a long time? Why do some people want to be famous? Do you want to be famous on day? What advantages and disadvantages of being famous? What do you think is the biggest downside/ disadvantages of being famous? What influence do famous people have on ordinary people? Are there any possible negative influences that famous people can have on society? Why do you think many companies like to use famous people to endorse their products in advertisements? In what ways can having famous people benefit a country? How can famous people use their fame benefit other people? Can celebrities make a difference towards social problems such as the environment? When a young person think of a famous person ads an idol or hero, what effects does this have on this young person or child? Do you think a country needs internationally famous people to represent that country?2. 饭店 Describe a restaurant you like/ impress you. You should say: where this restaurant is What type of food the restaurant has Why you go to this restaurant And explain why you like this restaurant/ why this restaurant impresses you. Part3 What are some reasons why people eat out? Does it give people most status to eat in a restaurant rather than eat at the home? Do people now go to restaurant more than before? Do you prefer to eat in restaurant or at home? What’s the differences between eating at home and eating in a restaurant? Which food do you think is healthier, restaurant food or home-cooked food? How would you introduce a foreigner to the food and the food culture in/ from your country? In your opinion, what is a healthy diet? What are some examples of unhealthy food? Do you think children should learn to cook? How should or could a person tech a child to cook? When buying food, what do you think people need to pay attention to?3. 家人 Describe a family member who you spend the most time with. You should say: who the person is When you usually are together What kind of person he or she is What you usually do when you are together And explain why you spend more time with this person than with other members of your family. Part 3 In China today, what is the structure of the typical family? What do you think are some of the advantages and disadvantages of big families as opposed to small family? What are some of the pros and cons of the three generations living together? Whose responsibility do you think it should be to look after old people- the government’s responsibility or the family’s? How much do you think people should be responsible for their own parents? Do you think family relationships are important? Which do you think is the more important, family or friends? How do you think support from friends and support from parents are different? What responsibilities do young people have towards their family? In typical Chinese families, who is the dominant person, the mother or the father? In the typical family, what is the role of the man and what is the role of the woman? Ideally, what roles do you think men and women should play in a family? What’ s the difference between help from family members and help from friends?4. 帮助邻居 Describe a neighbor you ever helped. You should say: who this person is When you helped this person And explain why you helped this person. Part3 Do you think neighbors are important? Do you think it’s important to have a good relationship with one’s neighbors? Do you think people’s relationships with their neighbors today is the same as it was in the past? Would you day these are changes for the better or for the worse? Do you think people’s relationship with their neighbors are the same in the cities as those are in rural areas? Why are these virtual communities becoming more and more popular nowadays? What are the benefits of belonging to a community? Around where you live=in your neighborhood, are there any activities that groups of people can participate in? Do you think local events are very beneficial for people?5. 忙碌 Describe a time when you are very busy. You should say: when this time is What you do at this time How you arrange your time And explain how you feel during this busy time? Part 3 Do you manage your time effectively? Do you think it’s important to live in an organized life? How do you think highly efficient people manage their time? Do you think modern technology helps people to be more efficient with their time? How ? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using a timetable? If you had a timetable. What would it be like? Do you like drawing up plans? What are the advantages of making plans? Do you prefer quiet or active leisure time? How do people in China usually relax? What do you do to relax? Compare the way old people and young people spend their leisure time? Do people today have more leisure time than before?6. 野生动物 Describe an interesting wild animal from your country(you like best). You should say: Where you learned about this animal What it looks like Where it lives (or where you saw it) And explain why you like this interesting animal. Part3 Do you like zoos? Some people don’t like zoos. Can you guess why they feel this way? Do you think zoos are good or bad? Why do you think so many cities have zoos? In your opinion, what features should a good zoo have? Compare a nature reserve and a zoo, as places for wild animals to live, do you think zoos might disappear in the future? What future developments do you think we will see concerning zoos? Why do you think wild animals should be protected? In what ways does human activity result in the extinction or near extinction of some animal species? At present, many animals are already facing extinction. How do you think average citizens could protect wild animals? Why are many people interested in wild animals? Why do you think films or books for children so often have animals as the leading characters in the film or book?7. 学校朋友 Describe a friend who you had at school. You should say: What he/ she looked like Where you first met How you become friends What you do/ did together And explain why you remember him/ her so well. Part3 Do you think friends are important? What are the qualities of a good friend? Do you prefer to have one or two close friends or have a wide circle of friends? Which do you think is better, to have a large group of friends or just a few close friends? How can one distinguish between a close friends and an acquaintance? In modern society, which do you think is more important, old friends or new friends? Is there any difference to the way you make a friend now, compared to when you were a child? How is the way people make friends today different to the way people made friends twenty years ago? Do you think it’s easier to make friends today than it used to be? Do you think it’s hard to make new friends in today’s society? Why do some people choose to make friends on the internet?8. 城市 Describe a city that you have visited/ that left an impression on you. You should say: where the city is When you went there What you liked & disliked about the city And explain why you visited this city or why this city left an impression on you. Part3 Why do so many people want to travel to the city you just mentioned? What materials did you use to get information about this city? Which do you think is the better place to live, a city or a village in the countryside? Are the educational facilities in the countryside as good as those in the cities? What kind of people like city life? Compare people who live in cities with people who live in rural areas. What are the advantages of living in a city for families with children? Are there any disadvantages? What are some of the problems associated with living in big cities?9. 励志经历 Describe a positive experience when you were a teenager. You should say: where and when you experienced it What you did Who you experienced it with and explain why this experience was positive for you10. 离家之地 Describe a place away from home where you stayed. You should say: where it was When you stayed there What you did there and explain how you felt when you left it. Part3 Do you think the tourist industry is a good to work in for young people in your country? Should there be any restrictions on the tourism industry? How often do you have friends visiting at home? Do you ever use your home to help other people? How would you react if a guest rejected your hospitality? How do you think a visitor to someone’s home should behave? If a guest is staying at your house, do you think they should adapt to your family?11. 家中老物件 Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a long time. You should say: what it is How (or when) your family first got this thing How long your family has kept it And explain why this thing is important to your family. Part3 Which do you think are better, old things or new things? As well as family photographs, what are some other things that people keep in their family for a long time? In your culture, what sorts of things do people often pass down from generation to generation? Why? Why do you think people keep these things? What are the benefits of keeping some old thing in the family? Do you think it is good to recall the past? Do many people today visit museums? Do you think governments should spend more money on museums? What’s the value of collecting old things and putting them in the museums? Why do people visit museums when they can see pictures of the same things in books? Do you think it's important to maintain traditions?12. 工作有趣的人 Describe someone you know who has an interesting job. You should say: who this person is How you know this person What job they do And explain why you think this person’s job is interesting. Part3 In what ways do you think big and small companies are different (and similar)? What types of companies prefer to hire university graduates? What do you think of the working conditions in your country at the moment? Do you think most people’s working conditions in your country today are better than in the past? Do you think long working hours can have an effect on the family lives of employees? What effects does (or can) working overtime have on the lives of employees, especially women? Do you think it is reasonable that people have different salary level? What improvements do you think schools should/ could make in order to identify the talents of students? Is it very difficult for recent university graduates in your country to find a job? How do people find or get a job in your country? What are the main qualities that employers want or require their employees to have?13. 朋友的成功 Describe a success your friend has had that you are proud of. You should say: what it was When it happened Why your friend chose this area of activity How easy or difficult it was to achieve And explain why you thought this was a success. Part 3 What are some other examples of success that other people have? How would you define that word, “success”? In your society, how is a person’s social status evaluated? Do you think “success” is the same as making a lot of money? How successful would you say you have been in your studies? Do you and your parents have the same ideas about success? In recent years, have people’s ideas about success changed in China? How do you think a person can become successful in life? There are some people who do not achieve success despite having the qualities or doing what you’ve just said. Why do you think that is? Why do many people have plans and goals for themselves? How can a person become successful at his or her job? Some people work at a job that they do not really like very much. Why do you think they do that?14. 法律 Describe a good law in your country. You should say: what the law is How you first learned about this law Who benefits from this law(or who is affected by this law) And explain why you think this is a good law. Part3 What role does law play in society? Can you give any examples of what is illegal in China? Do you think all laws are fair? Do you think most people in China abide by the law? Would you say the number of crimes committed in China has increased or, instead, has decreased in the last few years? What are some ways that people can be encouraged to obey the law? Can you give any examples of what is illegal in China? Do you think there are ever any circumstances when it’s alright to break the law or to ignore the law? Are many people in China interested in becoming a police officer? What personal qualities does a person need to be a police officer? Which job would most people prefer to be a policeman or a lawyer? How do you think the police and lawyers play different roles in connection to law? What areas would/ should international laws cover? Do you think international law is useful/ necessary? Do you think it is suitable to have the same laws for every country? 15. 乐于助人 Describe a situation or a time when you helped someone. You should say: what the situation was Who the person was How you helped them And explain how you felt after helping them. Part3 Do you like helping others? In your view, should children be taught to help others? How can we encourage children to help others? Do you think people are less willing to help others these days, compared to the past? Why? Do people in your community help one another? How do people in your community help one other? How can charitable organization help people? What are some examples of such organizations in your country? What do you think are the benefits of such unpaid volunteer workers? How do you think the volunteers themselves benefit? Should professionals be hired rather than using volunteer workers? Do you think international aid is important? Can you give any examples of international aid? Do you agree that all counties should come together to help solve some of the big problems that they have?16. 遗忘 Describe a time when you forgot something. You should say: what you lost When and where you forgot it What you were doing at the time And explain how you felt after you forgot it. Part3 Do you often forget things? Why do people forget things? What kind of things do people most often forget? Do you think memory is important? Can you suggest any types of work that require having a good memory? What sorts of things are easiest to remember? Can you suggest any methods or skills people could use to improve their memory? Do you think these inventions tend to make people lazy? Do you think electronic devices such as smart phones might one day be used to take the place of a person’s memory? 17. 广告 Describe an unforgettable advertisement (that you saw or heard or liked). You should say: where you saw or heard it? What kind of advertisement it was What the contents of the advertisement were (or, what product or service was advertised) And explain how you felt when you saw or heard this advertisement. Part3 In general, what are the pros and cons of advertising? Do you think there’s too much advertising in our daily life? Do people in your country like ads? In what ways do advertisements influence people? What are the different forms of advertising that we have in society today? Which of those do you think is the most effective means of advertising? Do you think most advertisement achieve their purpose? Why? What types of ads do people remember most? Some people say that the high cost of advertising adds to the price of products and that if advertising was banned, this would make products cheaper. Do you agree? Do you think the government should have more control over advertising? Do children pay attention to advertisement? What do you think is the impact of advertising on children? Do you think advertising a certain product can ever have negative effects? What about advertising tobacco and alcohol- do you think these products should be advertised? Do you think the brand of a product is important to people? Fro the producer, what are the advantages of having a well- known brand name?18. 咨询 Describe a subject that others want to ask information from you. You should say: what the subject is When people ask you information about the subject What you would say And explain how you feel after people ask you information about the subject.19. 中国制造 Describe a popular product (food, handcraft or car) made in your country ( that you would like to buy). You should say: what it is Where you would buy it What you would use it for And explain why it is popular/ why you would like to buy this product. Part3 Besides food and the product you mentioned in Part2, what else is made in your country? Are the same kinds of products produced in all parts of your country? Do the same food products come from all parts of your country? What widely consumed food products are mainly imported into your country? What products do people buy especially for their home? What do you think are the major differences between food production and the production of goods such as electrical appliances? Are there any particular parts of your country where many goods are produced for export? In what ways are imported products the same or different to products from your own country? What are some examples of luxury goods that some people buy? Do you think it’s really necessary to have these products for sale?20. 坏的设备 Describe a problem with equipment that you can’t solve. You should say: what the equipment is What the problem is What do you do And explain how you feel when you can’t solve the problem. Part3 What things are necessary for a life besides computer? Do people buy a new one or mend it when something is broken? Why do people buy new things? What are the reasons that something gets broken?21. 小语种 Describe another language ( in addition to English and your own language) / that you would like to learn. You should say: the name of this language& where it is spoken How you would learn it What difficulties you think you might have when learning this language and explain why you would like to learn this language. Part 3 Do many people in China study a second foreign language? Why? Why do you think some people are better than others at learning a foreign language? Do you think you assess your own language ability to learn a language? Do you think children can learn a foreign language faster than adults? Why? Who do you think is better at learning a language, boys or girls? If you were an English teacher, how would you try to make your lessons more interesting? How does studying a foreign language help people to understand the culture who speak that language? Do you think it’s important to have one main world language? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of having a global language?22. 异地文化 Describe a place you visited to learn another culture. You should say: when you went What you learned How you learned it And explain how you felt about the culture. Part3 Do you think it’s important to know about other cultures? Why? How can we benefit from learning about foreign cultures? What do you think is the best way to learn about foreign culture? Do you think that learning foreign languages can help us understand foreign culture? How? What other advantages are there from knowing foreign languages? Do you think it’s better to go overseas to study a foreign languages or to study it in your home country? Compare the culture of China to that of the West. What is your understanding of the term, “globalization”? Do you think globalization is a good thing? Do you think it’s easier to learn about foreign cultures today than it was before?23. 照片 Describe a good photo someone took for you. You should say: when the photo was took Where the photo was took Who took the photo And explain why you like this photo. Part3 Would you say photographs are important? Are you personal photos important to you? What effects can new photos have on people? What do you think is the role of photographs in newspapers? Why do you think photos are often used in newspaper, magazine and television advertising? How are photos used in adverting? Do photos play a role in recording history? Many people take photos of the places they visit. Others prefer to buy postcards showing the same scenes. Why do you think they do that? Why do some non-professional like to use the same type of cameras that professional photographers use? Do you think it’s worth the cost to buy these expensive cameras? Do you think it’s important to have family photos? Some people hire a professional photographer on some occasions. Can you suggest why they do that?24. 建筑 Describe an important building in your hometown You should say: where it was What it looks like What it is used for And explain why it is important. Part3 How do people in China feel about old buildings? Do old people and young people in China have the same attitudes towards buildings? Is it important to preserve old buildings? Why? What aspects of culture do old buildings reflect? How has housing in China changed?? What changes to housing do you think will occur in the future? Are people in China satisfied with their housing today? Describe the kind of housing you would like to live in the future. How do you think the climate of a place effects the way buildings are constructed/ designed?25. 出国旅行 When people go traveling, what do they spend money on? When people move to another country, what changes do you think take place in their lives, compared to their lives before they left home? What do you think about children growing up abroad? Do you think children are affected by growing up abroad? How? What are the benefits of traveling to new places? What are some of the best travel destinations in China? Which places are Chinese people most interested in visiting? Do you think the government should encourage people to make trips overseas? Why do many people (i.e. city people ) prefer to travel to places of natural beauty rather than travel to another city? How can people benefit from visiting new places? When many people visit a particular place, what effects can that have on this place?26. 喜剧演员 Describe a comedian who is popular in your country. You should say: who this person is How you know him/ her What kind of person he/ she is And explain why he/ she is popular in your country. Part3 How do some actors/ some comedians become famous? Do actors earn a lot of money? Do you think these people deserve to earn so much money? Do many young people try to imitate film stars? Why? What forms of entertainment are most popular in your country? Do you think men and women have different tastes in entertainment? What kinds of entertainment do young people like? Do you think young people can learn anything from entertainment?27. 手机 Describe your first mobile phone. You should say: when you got it How you got it What you used it for And explain how you felt when you got it? Part3 Are mobile phones very common in your country? Do all types of people use mobile phones or it is mostly a case of certain types of people using them? Do many old people use mobile phones? Do you think old people find it easy to use a cell-phone? At what age do people in your country usually get their first cell-phone? Do you think there are any downsides to using a cell-phone? What can someone do if they lose their cell-phones? Do people use their cell-phones more for speaking or more fro sending text message?28. 有趣的动物 Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal. You should say: what animal it was Where you saw it What happened when you saw it And explain why you thought it was interesting. Part3 What animals are most common where you live? Are animals important for people? Besides pets, what do animals do for people? Do people in China still use animals for work? Has the number of pet owners in China changed in the past few years? What do you think is the biggest problem when taking care of a pet? What do you think is the main benefits of pets? Do you think it is suitable to keep animal that you just spoke about ( in Part2 ) in the city? What animals do you think are suitable for living in a city? What animals are more suited to city life and what animals are more suited to country life? Do you think animals have rights? Do people today treat animals the same as they used to do, several decades ago? What are some ways that human behavior affects wild animals? Some people are vegetarians. They don’t eat any meat. What do you think of that attitude? Is the government in your country doing anything to protect wildlife?29. 网站 Describe a useful website that you have visited. You should say: when you visited it How you first found out about this website What the website is about And explain why you think it is useful. Part3 Do you often go onto the internet? How much time do you spend on the internet? What do you do on the internet? What are the most popular websites in your country (for young people)? What influence does the internet have on society? Do you think there are any downsides to using the internet? Do you think you could live without the internet? What is life like for those people who don’t internet? How would your life be different if, for some reasons, you couldn’t use the internet? Is there much difference between what people of different ages do on the internet? Do all age groups do online shopping? What do you think are the pros and cons of shopping online? 30. 童年游戏 Describe a game (not a sport) you enjoyed when you were a child. You would say: what the game was When, where and with whom you usually played it How you played it And explain why you enjoyed this game. Part3 In general, how is outside play for children different to playing inside? Do you think the indoor activities and outdoor activities develop children’s abilities the same way? What’s the most popular game in China? How have games changed in the past few decades? How are children’s games different to adults’ games? Why do many adults today not play game? Do you think modern lifestyles encourage, or discourage, adults from playing games? What benefits do people get from playing games? Do you think group activities can help give a child a sense of responsibility?31. 童年礼物 Describe a present you received when you were a child. You should say: what the present was Who gave it to you How you used this present And explain how you felt when you got this present. Part3 Do Chinese people often give gifts? On what occasions? What is the value of giving presents? Describe some of the gifts that Chinese people give each other on different occasions? What kinds of gifts are suitable for friends to give to each other? What factors do people consider when buying a gift for friends? Do children prefer receiving gifts or spending happy time with their parents? Compare the kinds of gifts that boys like with those that girls like. Compare the kinds of gifts that well-educated people like with those that less educated people like. Are expensive gifts always better than cheap gifts? Do men and women have the same attitudes towards gift giving? How are gifts that people give each other today different to gifts when you were a child? How are toys today different to toys of the past? If you were going to give a present to a child, what would you give them? What you should pay attention to? What kinds of gifts do parents give to their young children? Some parents don’t spend much time with child but, instead give the child gifts as a way to show their love. Do you think this is good enough?32. 纪念品 Describe something special you brought home from a holiday. You should say: what it was When and where you went on this holiday What you did with it after you brought it home And explain why you thought it was special. Part3 Why do people buy souvenirs? What types of things do people buy as souvenirs? Do you think it would be a good investment for a local person living in a tourist are to open a shop to sell souvenirs? What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking a camera on a trip? Why do you think people like to show the photos of their trip to their friends and relatives? What are the differences between writing a diary about a trip and taking photos of your trip?33. 运动 Describe a type of sport you like to do. You should say: what it is When and where you play it How you play it What equipment and clothes are needed for this sport And explain what benefits you get from playing this sport. Part3 Do people like sports better now than before? What would you say is China’s most popular sport? Do athletes ever receive injuries from playing that sport? In China, are sports activities very competitive? Do you think competitive sport is beneficial for children? Why do you think some people are so enthusiastic about sport? What do you think is the value of international sports competition? Why do many people choose to do sports as their work? 34. 建议 Describe a situation when you received some useful advice. You should say: what the situation was Who gave you the advice What the advice was And explain how this advice was useful to you. Part3 In what situations do young people need a advice? Do you think advice from young people’s parents is important? What is the value of advice from older people? What advice do parents usually give to their children? Which advice do you think is more important, advice from parents or advice from friends? Do you think it’s part of teachers’ job to give advices to his or her students? Do people ever get advice from strangers? What people in society give professional advice?35. 公园 Describe a park you visited and liked/ that impressed you. You should say: the name of the garden Where it was What it looked like What people did there And explain how you felt about this garden. Part3 Are public gardens very important in China? Do you think there are enough public gardens in your hometown? What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city? Why do people who live in cities like public gardens? Do you think government should provide public gardens for people to visit? Do you think the government should spend more money on the public gardens for the cities or for the villages and small towns in the countryside? Do these gardens play the same role for old people and young people? Do you think gardens have any value for children? Which do you think is more important, public gardens or private gardens? Do they prefer to grow flowers or vegetables? If you had your own personal garden, which would you prefer to grow, vegetables or flowers? Why? What do people in China like to do in the outside parts of their home, for example on their balcony or in their backyard? 36. 讨厌的电影 Describe a film you dislike. You should say: what it was Where you watched this film Why you chose to watch this film And explain why you disliked this film. Part3 What kinds of films are most popular in your country? What kinds of films do young people like to watch? Do you think films have much influence on young people? Do you think parents should supervise what films their children watch? Do you ever learning anything from watching a film? To what extent do films influence a country’s culture? In your opinion, what is a good/ successful film? Do you think it’s necessary for film-makers to spend a lot of money in order produce a successful film? In the future, do you think that cinemas will be replaced by films downloaded off the internet? With the advancements in technology that we have now, do you think anyone can make a film? Do you think it’s possible for someone with no training to make a successful film?37. 攒钱购物 Describe something special that you saved money to buy. You should say: what it was How long it took you to save enough money to buy it Why you wanted to buy this thing And explain how you felt when you brought it. Part3 How important is money in your life? Did you save when you were a child? Some people are crazy shoppers and never save money. Why do you think they do this? How has the way people use their money changed in China in recent years? What do you think about parents controlling how their children want? How can children be taught to manager money? Do you think the advertising influences young people’s spending habits? Do young think the government should control what advertisements young people see on television? Why do many young people like to go shopping? Are there any differences between shopping in rural areas and shopping in urban areas? Do ads on TV& the radio influence what people buy? If so, how? Do advertisements persuade people to buy things? How?38. 买了闲置 Describe something you bought but don’t often use. You should say: what it is When and where you bought it What it is used for Why you bought it And explain why you don’t often use it. Part3 Do people in your country like to go shopping? Do many people buy things in the street markets? What do you think are the pros and cons of shopping in a large department store? What are the differences between buying something in a shopping mall and buying something online? For you or for most people, which is more important when you buy something, the price or the quality? Do you often use recyclable products? In your country, is recycling considered to be important? Have people’s attitudes toward recycling changed in recent years?39. 童年学校 Describe a school you have attended in your childhood. You should say: where it was What the classroom were like What the teachers were like And explain how you felt about this school. Part3 What kinds of people become or work as school teachers? Who do you think is easier to tech, primary students or high school students? Which do you think is better, studying in big classes or studying in small classes? What do you think are the benefits of studying in a large school? For children these days, do you think it’s easier to make friends in a small school or a large school? Do you think it’s easier for kids to make friends when they are in primary school or in high school? In addition to teaching academic subjects, what role do you think schools should play? Do you think schools have a responsibility to teach social skills to children? What are qualities of a good teacher? How do you think the education system in China could be improved? In China, are there any differences between schools in the cities and rural areas? Besides school, what other places can people learn something from? Do you think there’s too much pressure on school students nowadays to do well at school? Why? Why not?40. 喜欢的花 Describe a kind of flower that you like. You should say: what flower it is. What it looks like Where this flower usually grows Where you have seen this flower And explain why you like it.41. 安家之地 Describe a beautiful place where you want to have a home or describe a home/ house that you want to live in. You should say: where this place is How you know about this place What type of home it would be Who you would like to live with And explain why you would choose to live there. Part3 How is modern home design in your country different f to that in the past? How do you think this will change in the future? In your country, what type of home do most people live in? How are modern homes different to older homes? What do you imagine people’s houses will be like in the future? Why do people sometimes move to live in a different home? Why do some people want to continue living in the same home for a long time? Do you think moving to a new home can ever create problems for people? What are the differences between living in a city and living in the countryside? Do people in your country prefer to live in a city or in rural environments? What problems do you think such large cities would bring? Can you suggest any ways to restrict the growth of cities?42. 故友 Describe an occasion you met a friend who you haven’t see for a long time. You should say: who the person was When you met the person How you keep in contact/ touch And explain how you feel about the person/ or why your friendship has lasted a long time. Part3 Do you think having friends is important? Are there any benefits from having long-term friendship? How can people maintain the friendship they have for a long time? How do people in your country meet/ make new friends? Where do people make new friends? Do you think it’s easy to make new friends in modern society? What are some differences between a new friend and an old friend? What do you think is the most important factor when making new friends? Do you think it’s important for friends to have common interests? Do you think it’s possible for people to make friends with others who are much older or younger than themselves? Do you think modern technology today influences how people make friends? Do you think using the internet is a good way to make new friends? What’s the difference between making friends o the internet and making friends by face to face contact? What do you think of chatting with strangers on the internet?43. 智者 Describe an intelligent person you know. You should say: who this person is When and where you first met him/ her What kind of person he/ she is And explain why you think this person is intelligent. Part3 Do you think it’s important for people to be intelligent? Is it the only thing that is important? Do you think nowadays people need to be more intelligent than people in the past? Do you think computers have intelligence? What do you think is the difference between the intelligence of a computer and that of a human? Do you think computers might one day be more intelligent than humans? Do you think there are more highly intelligent children nowadays, compared to the past? Why? Do you think it’s best for these highly intelligent children to go to normal school or do you think they should go to special schools? Do you think very intelligent people and not so intelligent people are born that way and their intelligence can not be changed during their childhood? Do you think intelligent people are happy? Do you think games can help children become more intelligent? Why? What did you do for play when you were a child? Do you think play can help children develop their intelligence? How?44. 家庭庆祝 Describe a family celebration (such as wedding) that you attended. You should say: when & where this celebration was held What you did in this celebration Who was there And explain why this celebration was held Part3 Are wedding considered very important in your country? Where are weddings held? Who officiates=carried out wedding in your country? Do you think it’s important to marry someone who has the same level of education as you do? Can you suggest why more and more people are getting married today at a later age than they used to?45. 重要的信 Describe an important letter that you received. You should say: who wrote it What the letter was about How you feel about the letter And explain why it was important. Part3 Do you often write letters to your family and relatives? When do people usually write letters by hand? What can we learn from looking at handwritten letters that are hundreds of years old? What is the value of reading letter that famous people in history have written? Is the handwriting of children today as good as it was many years ago? Are letters important when doing business? Why? What skills are needed to write good business letters? Compare the strengths and weakness of letters with those of phone calls when doing business. What are the differences between business letters and personal letters?46. 一堂课 Describe a course you have learned at school, university or evening class. You should say: what the course was What you did at school, university or evening class Who taught the course And explain what you learned from the course. Part3 What are the most popular university courses in your country? What are the least popular courses? What do you suggest a country could do if there was a shortage of people trained in a certain professional or skill? What are some of the different ways by which people gain knowledge? How can a person get access to information if they don’t have a computer? What do people in your country think of teachers? Why do some people not want to become a teacher? What course can adults study at these places? Who pays for this adult education?47.赠礼 Describe a gift you gave to someone. You should say: what the gift was Who you gave it to Why you chose that gift And explain how the other person reacted to this gift. Part3 What do people need to pay attention to when selecting a gift for someone? Do you think it is ture that some people


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