
It’s pretty common to see application stories, where engineering software vendors try to demonstrate why their software is wonderful.
I find application stories interesting, but they don’t really tell me what I want to know: What is the right tool for the job? Or rather, what are the right tools for the job?
I started thinking this way maybe 28 years ago, when I’d see different types of manufactured goods, and ask myself if the CAD software I was using could handle that kind of design.
Even up to 10 years ago, the answer has too often been “no.” Fortunately, things have gotten better—but choosing the right tools for the job hasn’t gotten particularly easier. There are just so many options today.
In the sprit of understanding engineering software tools, I’d like to start a thought experiment: Looking at particular products, and considering what toolsets would be best for their design.
Not that I actually know what the best toolsets would be. I’m not that smart. But I do know a lot of smart people—on both the user and vendor sides of the markets—read this blog.
So, consider this a request for feedback. I’d like to hear from software vendors about their tools. And from people who have real-world design/engineering experience with a particular type of product and the relevant tools. I’ll gather what I learn, and write a follow-up article.
Inspired by an upcoming webinar, the first product type I’d like to look at is a golf club head.
Golf Lessons
This Wednesday (December 7, 11:00 AM CST ), ,
that illustrates the various steps of the complete computational fluid dynamics (CFD) process typically followed in aerodynamic analyses of realistic geometries.
They’ll be creating meshes with Pointwise, and with tools developed at the UTC SimCenter. Steady and unsteady CFD solutions will be computed on a distributed memory LINUX compute cluster with TENASI, a UTC SimCenter parallel-unstructured Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes code. Post-processing will be performed using FieldView by Intelligent Light.
For this webinar, they’re using a pretty well-known type of geometry: a golf club head (a wood.)
I assume they chose a golf club head as an example because it’s interesting, and it lets them demonstrate what their tools can do—not because their software is the only (or even best) choice for analyzing golf club head designs. (I’m thinking it’s possibly massive overkill.
But there’s nothing wrong with that, is there?)
What tools does it take to design a golf club head (specifically, a wood?)
The USGA has
that govern the design of golf clubs (and their heads.) They cover all kinds of arcane details, including everything from the geometry of grooves to the volume of heads.
The goal of club designer is to work within those constraints, maximizing range and accuracy, providing as much forgiveness for swing variations and errors as possible, while making an aesthetically desirable product. (What, you don’t think golfers care about aesthetics?)
The fact that different number woods have differing face angles would suggest that that an ideal CAD program for golf club head design might have parametric capabilities. The USGA rules provide a set of constraints that also hint at using a parametric CAD program.
Still, not all CAD systems can effectively use the USGA constraints as parameters. For example, one of the rules is that a wood head’s volume must not exceed 460 cubic centimeters. For many CAD systems, it’s simply impossible to drive geometric dimensions using volume. It gets worse: The USGA limits the moment of inertia of a club head to 5900 g-cm2. See if you can plug that constraint into most CAD systems.
Woods are aerodynamic clubs, designed to be swung fast. While a wood’s face may be flat, not much else about it is. This implies that an ideal CAD system would have the ability to handle class-A surfaces. Certainly with G2, and possibly with G3 surface continuity.
With any product that’s aerodynamic in design, it’s a given that CFD should be in the design toolset. At least, if you want to compete with the market leaders. If you really wanted to complicate the analysis, you could optimize for under-water shots, for when players need to hit their balls out of
a water hazard. (Or you could add
analysis for when they need to hit out of a sand trap.)
It’s also a given that FEA should be in the bag of tricks, to optimize strength and stiffness within the USGA geometric constraints.
Modal, vibration, and acoustic analysis might make sense too (though these might imply analyzing a full club, not just a club head.) Modal response and vibration figure into performance, but sound figures into aesthetics. Guess which is more important?
built a golf club empire based on the sound his putter made when hitting a ball: Ping.
Beyond CAD and CAE, there’s the issue of optimization. To do real justice to the problem of golf head design requires going beyond the “red is bad, green is good” school of static FEA thinking. It requires going to the , to find the set of optimal design solutions. There are a number of interesting tools available to help you get there.
Chances are that, if you’re going to do a truly rigorous design of a golf club head, you might want to model a . For that, you’ll need a . And, since you’ll eventually want to do testing with physical prototype, you’ll probably want an instrumentation/data acquisition system, to capture and use test data.
And you thought golf clubs were simple.
Well, golf clubs look simple, at least. But they require real engineering, based on . That implies that they require serious engineering software tools. I don’t think you can get away with using SketchUp and AutoCAD LT. (As nice as they are for some things.)
The toolset for designing commercially competitive wood heads (which are not usually made out of wood anymore) includes CAD/CAID, meshing, FEA, CFD, post-processing, optimization, math, instrumentation, and probably a half-dozen things I’ve forgotten. I’m not counting manufacturing tools, because, at least for wood heads, most are produced by foundaries using .
While I could tell you, off the top of my head, what toolsets I think might work well for this design problem, I’m far more interested in hearing what toolsets you think would work best. If you have some thoughts, either leave a comment, or write me a note at .
at 3:01 am
Autodesk, which has been running a teaser ad campaign promising that on 11//29/2011 “everything changes,” has announced their entry into the PLM game: .
As part of their rollout, they’ve published a paper titled “” Volume 1. Catchy title – I’m curious if they’ve bought the domain name?
Of its 10 pages, the first 2 and the last 4 are marketing content. The middle 4 pages are a summary of some research from Gartner analyst Marc Halpern.
That’s the interesting part.
Halpern points out some things that big PLM vendors might not be thrilled about having said out loud. Here are some of his research findings:
“A growing number of Gartner clients are frustrated by the high cost of purchasing, deploying and upgrading PLM software. ”
“PLM software vendors do a better job providing technical support for their software than providing more general business- related advice and services. ”
“A Gartner survey suggests manufacturers pay substantially more when they contract PLM software vendors for business consulting beyond the technical details of implementations. ”
“Several of Gartner’s manufacturing clients have commented that software vendors often recommend the purchase of more PLM software as a routine part of service engagements. ”
“Transitions to PLM platforms such as Dassault Enovia v.6, Oracle Fusion, PTC’s Creo [I think that's a typo, and he meant Windchill], SAP’s ECC 6 and Siemens Teamcenter Unified are stimulating more needs for services that these software vendors want to profit from. ”
In short, the big PLM vendors are charging a ton for services, and customers are still disappointed.
Halpern’s recommendations based on these findings center around the idea that manufacturers should not use PLM vendors service organizations for anything but the technical details of deploying their software. He suggests manufacturers either do business process re-engineering in house (which Gartner, in the past, has said most companies
to do), or engage professional service organizations (which presumably won’t try to load them up with extra software.)
I’m guessing that Halpern isn’t getting any Christmas cards from SAP, Oracle, Siemens, Dassault, or PTC.
The Autodesk Approach
I’m guessing that Autodesk wouldn’t have paid Gartner for the right to use their research if it didn’t play into their PLM strategy with 360 Nexus.
I’ve not seen 360 Nexus. The best I can say is that I’ve read articles about it, including , and .
My impression is that, with 360 Nexus, Autodesk probably has a really interesting SaaS cloud-based BPM system bolted to a PDM.
But, even if I give it the benefit of the doubt for its technical chops (and, remember, it’s not shipping yet), I can’t see it changing “everything” (as promised by Autodesk’s teaser ad campaign.)
First, because PLM is traditionally enterprise software. Trying to compete in the PLM space is like trying to compete in the ERP space. It’s not going to be easy — the big vendors are nearly impossible to displace (think: competitive lock-out.)
And, second, because Autodesk isn’t the only company that’s thinking out of the PLM box.
There are others.
at 2:23 am
Last week Dassault Systèmes announced their new CATIA Natural Sketch program.
Looking at the YouTube video they posted, the program looks exceptionally cool.
I sent an email to DS a few days ago, asking about the program, and got an answer back today from Derek Lane, the DS press-relations person.
I’d asked (among other things) if CATIA Natural Sketch will be sold as a stand-alone application, or only as a part of a larger V6 (or V5) installation.
The answer is that it’s not a standalone product, and is not available without a CATIA installation. Specifically, it’s available as part of the CATIA Industrial Design commercial product, CATIA Industrial Design PLM Express, the V6 PLM Discover Pack education product, as well as the CATIA Imagine & Shape add-on product.
This does make sense, since its value-add, according to Derek, is “its ability to generate sketches, and immediately make them part of [or the basis for] a CATIA model.”
This also demonstrates something that’s important to understand about Dassault Systèmes: that it is, first and foremost, an enterprise software company.
While DS does have divisions that serve other constituencies (such as SolidWorks and Spatial), the core of the company (including the CATIA, ENOVIA, SIMULIA and DELMIA organizations) is focused on delivering big enterprise applications to big enterprise customers.
If you become a DS enterprise customer, it’s not because of the specific features of any individual DS products. Rather, it’s because you’ve bought into the big DS PLM vision.
I’m not saying that individual DS enterprise applications aren’t impressive. In many cases, they are. But, they’re parts of a bigger system — a bigger vision — that, at its core, assumes you are going to use applications from DS and it’s authorized partners. Exclusively, when possible.
If you’re not a DS enterprise customer, and you’re not ready to buy-into the big DS PLM vision, then it doesn’t make sense to spend time evaluating the specific features of individual DS enterprise applications. As much as I hate saying it, that even includes ones as potentially cool as CATIA Natural Sketch.
at 11:22 pm
Last week, on , Dmitry Ushakov published an article titled . If you’re interested in CAD productivity, I recommend reading it.
The article includes one of the most cogent explanations of direct modeling I’ve seen. It also includes a thoughtful discussion of the drawbacks of history-based parameterization—the method used by mainstream CAD programs such as Pro/E (Creo Parametric), SolidWorks, and Inventor.
One of the small gems in the article is a reference to a
in HP’s corporate journal on SolidDesigner (which became CoCreate, and more recently Creo Direct.)
There’s a small footnote in the HP article mentioning “3D/Eye of Ithaca, New York and D-cubed of Cambridge, UK.”
That caught my interest. A quick Google search, and I found a note in a 1996 issue of Ralph Grabowski’s , which quoted a reader as saying “3D-Eye wrote much of Solid Designer under contract to HP… They wrote the graphics, some of the UI, and a lot of ACIS husks to work around the limitations of the modeler.”
3D/Eye also wrote Trispectives, which was the predecessor to IronCAD. In 1997, the core development group at 3D/Eye was acquired by Autodesk.
It’s interesting to look back, and see where things came from.
Direct modeling is a big deal today — but its roots go back a long way.
at 8:25 pm
Last month, Siemens PLM
that it had entered into a partnership with , a company that uses crowdsourcing for collaborative design and development of cars.
As a part of the agreement, Local Motors has adopted Solid Edge as the design tool for its recently launched Open Electric Vehicle project. Beyond this, Siemens didn’t really give too many details.
Today, they’ve announced the rest of the story. And it’s really interesting.
As a start, let’s talk about Local Motors. There are a whole bunch of “social product innovation” companies out there now. Local Motors is also a “social product engineering” company. Its 13,000 member community not only contributes to the conceptual design of Local Motors cars, they contribute to the detail design and engineering of those cars.
One of the challenges that Local Motors has faced is that not everyone who wants to participate has access to professional level CAD software. John “Jay” Rogers, the CEO of Local Motors, talked to all the biggest CAD vendors, asking them for a CAD product that he could offer to his community at a price they could afford. All but one of those companies blew him off (or, at least didn’t take him seriously.)
The company that did take him seriously was Siemens PLM.
Siemens has developed two new products, and is making them available through Local-Motors.
The first is a browser-based version of its JT viewer.
is the most widely used lightweight 3D file format in the automotive industry. With this viewer, a community member can view, section, and measure 3D models from directly within the Local Motors website. For free.
The second is a special version of Solid Edge, called . Solid Edge has traditionally been a feature-based parametric solid modeling CAD system. Several years ago, Siemens added direct modeling to Solid Edge, in the form of Synchronous Technology. The new Solid Edge Design1 product is a Synchronous Technology only version. It has no feature-based parametric modeling tools. Which is to say, no “history-based” modeling. (You can read a bit more about Design1 at the .)
Given the likely context of use by Local Motors community members, a direct modeling CAD system is probably a better choice than a history-based CAD system. With a direct modeling system, users can edit CAD files no matter how they were created. Design1, incidentally, has the capability to read and write a wide range of formats, including Parasolid, JT, NX, ACIS, Pro/E, IGES, Inventor, SolidWorks, STEP, STL, and PLM XML.
Because Design1 is based on the same Synchronous Technology as the full version of Solid Edge, it has a capability that few (if any) other direct modeling CAD systems have: model reparameterization. In short, a user can add driving dimensions to a dumb CAD model, and when saved (in native Solid Edge format), those dimensions are persistent.
The only thing (other than history) that I can find that’s not in Design1 is support for class-A surfaces. That would be a useful thing for people who want to design car bodies, but given the end-user price that Local Motors negotiated for Design1, it’s not surprising that Siemens didn’t include it.
That price, incidentally, is $19.95 per month, with no long-term contract.
For the immediate future, Siemens is offering Design1 only through Local Motors. To get it, you’ll need to go to the Local Motors website, and join the community. For the next couple of months, the software is being offered only to a limited number of users. After the beginning of the year, it will be opened up to anyone who wants it.
The bigger picture.
While I think the Local Motors deal is interesting, what I find more interesting is the potential Design1 might have in Siemens’ (and its competitors’) major accounts, as a low-cost interstitial CAD tool for use by engineers and others who are not full-time CAD users, or who simply don’t need history-based CAD. I could imagine some companies (particularly large automotive companies) signing up for literally thousands of copies.
It could make things pretty interesting in the CAD business.
Solid Edge Design1 native files are not compatible with commercial Edge licenses, and it includes no rendering, or adjustable component design.
Thanks to Josh Mings and Al Dean for pointing these out. (I don’t think these limitations are significant problems for most use cases of Design1.)
I checked with Mark Burhop, from Siemens.
Here’s what he said: ”Design1 can use any Solid Edge files. However, Solid Edge cannot read Design1 [native] files without conversion. Having said that, Local Motors will convert all Design1 files to regular Solid Edge files when uploaded to their server. So, within the context of Local Motors it is fully open.”
at 9:50 am
(Product Development Management Association) describes itself as “the premier advocate and comprehensive resource for the profession of product development and innovation.” The organization has been around quite a long time. Last week, I was fortunate enough to attend their 35th annual conference.
My goal in attending was to try and get a grasp of what the PDMA is about. To that end, I spent most of the first day in the New Product Development Professional (NPDP) certification preparation session. This session skimmed through a massive amount of information, derived from the PDMA’s “Body of Knowledge.”
What I discovered is that anyone who manages to get certified as a New Product Development Professional will have to demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the entire product development process—from the fuzzy front-end of ideation, through to product delivery. The only part of the process that doesn’t seem to be covered in detail is that bit in the middle that has to do with engineering.
Admittedly, in the session I attended, the presenters did mention a few terms such as “CAD” and “CAE” – but only in passing.
It took me a while to figure out, but the PDMA seems to focus on the parts of the product development process that are common to a large number of industries. Product engineering is not one of those common parts. While the organization does sponsor some events which discuss Product Lifecycle Management (such as one in Southern California, coming up on ), the subject isn’t core to the PDMA’s mission.
Here’s my take: If you are an experienced product designer/engineer, studying to get the PDMA’s NPDP certification will force you to learn the full gamut of product development, including strategy, teams and organizational structure, processes, tools and metrics, market research, and portfolio management. It will “connect the dots,” helping you to understand better why new product projects fail (or succeed.)
at 7:15 am
Here’s a simple test for you: Use your CAD system to model a raw chicken egg.
It sounds pretty simple, but it can be maddeningly difficult, depending on how accurate you want your model to be.
As a start, the outside of the shell is a single class-A surface. Though eggs in general seem quite symmetrical, in specific, they aren’t. They have some variance. Pull one out of your refrigerator and measure it, and you’ll see. (I’m assuming that all good engineers keep fresh eggs in their refrigerator, and have calipers handy to measure them.)
If you’re going to model a real-world egg, you’ll need to account for its asymmetry. You may not find two diametrically opposite points of symmetry to use as a sweep axis–which may make using a parametric modeler a bit difficult.
But let’s say you pay attention, and use a parametric, direct, or surface modeler to model the egg shell accurately as a single NURBS surface. You’re still not done.
You need to model the inside of the egg. The whites and yolk are fluid structures, and you need to deal with their interfaces (which, I’m guessing, are non-manifolds), as well as their viscosity and surface tensions.
Suppose, though, I let you off the hook, and say you don’t need to model anything on the egg that you can’t see from the outside.
That doesn’t really let you off the hook.
There’s an old test to determine whether an egg is raw, or hard-boiled. You spin it on a hard surface. If it spins easily and quickly, it’s hard-boiled. If it spins with more difficulty, and slows down quickly (because the liquid yolk and whites are damping its motion), it’s raw. (.)
You may be able to model the outside surface of an egg shell, but it’s a lot harder to model the egg as a self-contained system.
There is a point to this exercise. It’s to get you thinking about abstraction. All CAD models are abstractions of the real world objects they model. The real issue with abstractions is their appropriateness for purpose.
NURBS-based b-rep surface models are appropriate abstractions for many purposes. But not for all purposes. Consider some examples: FEA, CFD, CNC, and RP. All of these require different abstractions. If you look outside the realm of purely geometric representations, there are many more useful abstractions.
Today’s CAD, CAM, CAE, and PLM systems have a difficult time managing multiple abstractions. I suspect this has a lot to do with their underlying object models. I believe it’s something that will change over time. But I don’t believe it’s something that can be easily patched onto old programs.
at 1:29 pm
A couple of days ago, I saw a conversation thread on Twitter about geometric modeling kernels. It wasn’t much of a thread—just a few comments back and forth to the effect that modeling kernels are like car engines, and that if you can’t tell the difference without looking under the hood, it doesn’t matter which one you have.
CAD users don’t think too much about what kernel their software uses. I suppose most of them can’t tell anyway. But that doesn’t mean kernels don’t matter.
There are all kinds of potential problems that can crop up with modeling kernels. A while back, I published a couple of articles about interoperability problems (which are inherently related to kernels), one from an , and one from the perspective of a .
About a month ago, I wrote a series of articles on , pointing out that no modern CAD systems can really do this. A couple of days ago, I made an
that a picture I showed (of a sphere) was really a cube that had its edges blended (e.g., start with a 2” cube, and fillet all the edges at 1”.) I learned that trick 15 years ago with SolidWorks. Several readers wrote or commented that they were unable to do it with their modern CAD systems.
The most common sign of a kernel-based problem happens when a CAD user tries to create a geometric feature, and the result is a failure.
Think about that for a moment.
You’re working on a CAD system, trying to create a feature, and the system does something unexpected.
That’s a big red flag saying the modeling kernel can’t handle what you’re asking it to do.
As an aside, I think it’s mighty interesting that one of the signs of an expert CAD user is their ability to work around limitations in the kernels of their CAD programs that would otherwise create modeling failures.
So, yes, geometric modeling kernels matter. Even to CAD users who don’t realize it.
Yet, there is no best alternative when it comes to geometric modeling kernels. ACIS, Parasolid, CGM, Granite and the proprietary kernels out there each have their own kinks. None is so much better than its competitors that I want to jump up and down and say “everybody look at this!”
The spark that set off the Twitter thread that inspired this article was an announcement, from Siemens PLM, of a webinar, to be held on November 8. Here’s the description from the Siemens website:
At the core of your mechanical CAD software is the modeling kernel, an often overlooked tool. The kernel is key to your ability to compute 3D shapes and models and output 2D drawings from 3D geometry. In this webcast, learn the basics about kernels and what impacts a change in this core code can have on your company’s existing and future design data. Dan Staples, development director for Solid Edge at Siemens PLM Software, is joined by medical device designer Billy Oliver from Helena Laboratories to explore the issues facing hundreds of thousands designers and millions of CAD files.
The math inside your feature tree
Real-world lessons learned in changing kernels
Modeling loss, data protection, and reuse risks
Impact on hundreds of thousands designers and millions of CAD files
Case study: Helena Laboratories ensures data protection
You can register for the webinar .
While I expect the webinar will be, by its nature, slanted towards Siemens PLM and its Parasolid kernel, I suspect that quite a lot of what will be discussed will be interesting to people who have no intention of changing their CAD tools. I’m planning on listening in.
I doubt that most CAD users will ever spend much energy thinking about their CAD programs’ modeling kernels. But CAD users should spend some energy thinking about broader issues, such as usability and interoperability, which are affected by modeling kernels.
at 5:54 pm
A curious thing that I’ve noticed about social product development initiatives is that they tend to leave out designers and engineers (except the ones on the payroll.)
I can understand this when design and engineering is at the heart of a company’s sustainable competitive advantage–but in many social product development projects, it isn’t the case.
I’m going to use
as an example. I’ve watched a few development projects on Quirky, and felt largely unmotivated to contribute. Not because I don’t have anything to contribute, but rather because Quirky wasn’t soliciting contributions where my contributions would particularly stand out. Choosing product names or colors may be important, but my opinions on these sort of things are no more valuable than anyone else’s. Answering these sort of polling questions holds about as much interest for me as participating in the customer service poll advertised on Home Depot receipts.
Now, if Quirky (or any other social site) were to ask questions where I have some domain expertise, the story would be different. Ask me about trade-offs between stepper and servo motors, and not only would I have an educated opinion, but I’d also be willing to contribute it. I might even be willing to help with motor sizing and drive design. (Once upon a time, I used to design motion/logic systems for a living.)
Of course, Quirky attracts a lot of contributors. I suspect it’s not because those contributors feel compelled to share their domain expertise, but rather because Quirky has gamified the process of contributing. It seems rather akin to voting for your favorite performer on American Idol.
An example of a social help site that takes good advantage of domain expertise is , which provides social answers to programming questions. Through a combination of techniques, including moderation, voting, reputation building, and pure coolness, Stackoverflow manages to attract heavy hitters to answer serious programming questions.
Stackoverflow has been so successful that its creators have expanded the concept to a variety of other sites, covering everything from mathematics to garden gnomes. Well, maybe not garden gnomes. But my point is, that, with the right combination of pixie dust, it’s possible to attract serious contributors who have deep expertise.
Two other sites that do seem to attract real expertise are e and . They do this by offering serious challenges, coupled with appropriate compensation.
In the case of Innocentive, the challenges are often “non-trivial.” Not quite as hard as “fix global warming,” but in the same general neighborhood. Challenges tend to be in areas that just happen to have corresponding Nobel (or other international) prizes. And the rewards offered seem to be inline with the value of the challenge—ranging up to $1 million dollars.
GrabCAD doesn’t offer such high rewards, but it does offer challenges that seem more up the alley of design engineers. One recent challenge was to design a triple-clamp for an electric racing superbike, with the winner to receive an iPad2. In a matter of weeks, site members had submitted over 150 designs—not just pretty pictures, but high-quality solid models. I can’t say that the design of a triple-clamp is a particularly challenging engineering problem, as these things go, but I looked at some of the photos of the submitted designs, and was impressed. This was pro-level work. The challenge sponsor got way more than their money’s worth.
Something I’ve noticed about CAD designers and engineers is that they consider some things fun, and some things not so fun. Solving design problems is fun–which is probably why GrabCAD can get so much participation from its community members. To engage designers and engineers in a social product development enterprise, you have to focus on fun things, and make the not so fun things as transparent as possible.
at 6:20 pm
Remember the old folktale about stone soup? Here’s how Wikipedia relates it:
Some travellers come to a village, carrying nothing more than an empty cooking pot. Upon their arrival, the villagers are unwilling to share any of their food stores with the hungry travellers. So the travellers go to the neck of the stream and fill the pot with water, drop a large stone in it, and place it over a fire. One of the villagers becomes curious and asks what they are doing. The travellers answer that they are making “stone soup”, which tastes wonderful, although it still needs a little bit of garnish to improve the flavor, which they are missing. The villager does not mind parting with just a little bit of carrot to help them out, so it gets added to the soup. Another villager walks by, inquiring about the pot, and the travellers again mention their stone soup which has not reached its full potential yet. The villager hands them a little bit of seasoning to help them out. More and more villagers walk by, each adding another ingredient. Finally, a delicious and nourishing pot of soup is enjoyed by all.
Does the story remind you of anything? How about social product development?
There are quite a number of companies doing their own version of stone soup these days. Off the top of my head, I can think of , , , , , , and . I’ve probably missed a dozen or two other truly high profile projects, and hundreds of smaller projects.
Each of these projects has lessons to teach. But none of them cover the entire range of the —from the fuzzy front end to commercialization. They each start with a lot of cabbage in the soup. (Sorry about the strained metaphor there.)
Something I’ve been mulling over recently is this: What is the best way to make stone soup? That is, if you wanted to build a best-in-class hyper-social product development business—incorporating the best ideas in co-creation and open innovation—what people, processes and resources would you want to have?
at 12:55 pm


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