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Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 Review
Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 - Pair
Editor rating:
9/10 on Jan 19, 2015
User's rating:
Balanced blend of stability and cushioning
Updated Segmented Crash Pad from heel-to-toe for smoother transition
Midsole updated with BioMoGo DNA delivers improved cushioning
Versatile shoe for of fast runs or higher mileage
Fit is half size small
Heel drop maybe high for some
The updated Adrenaline GTS 15 continues its tradition of being Brooks’ “Go-To-Shoe” (aka “GTS”) providing excellent stability complimented by updated cushioning from heel-to-toe for those runners who are seeking a shoe that delivers a smooth transition and solid running experience. The shoe runs a half size small, however, there is plenty of room in the toe box and some runners may need to go up in size depending on fit.
Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 General Info
For those runners looking for a stylish, versatile shoe that offers the complete package of superior stability, updated cushioning while allowing for a smooth, quick transition, the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 is your shoe.
There have been some major updates with this latest version of the Adrenaline GTS which build on the solid history of .
A few of the key updates to the Adrenaline GTS 15 are targeted to increase cushioning, enhance stability and improve the overall control of the shoe during a runner’s stride.
Some of the key changes include the new BioMoGo DNA material used in the midsole, an updated full-length segmented crash pad has been included from heel-to-toe to allow for a soft transition and a new Progressive Diagonal Rollbar has been designed to assist in the overall responsiveness of the shoe during a run.
The Adrenaline GTS 15 continues to be a solid, overall shoe providing a secure, comfortable fit while delivering the stability, cushioning and control most runners seek.
A main detail to keep in mind is that the shoe runs about a half size smaller than previous versions. I noticed this size difference from the moment I put them on to go out for the first run.
The shoe was comfortable and I had plenty of room in the toe box for my feet and running style. However, for others, this difference may create a snug fit so going up in size should be considered.
I am hopeful this will be changed in the next version but overall this did not affect the performance or quality of the Adrenaline GTS 15, just something runners need to keep in mind.
Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 Sole Info
The sole unit of the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 is where you will find a majority of the updates found in this version. All the updates were designed to provide for a more comfortable and stable ride throughout a runner’s stride and allow for a smooth transition.
The midsole has been updated to a new BioMoGo DNA material which delivers just enough additional cushioning underfoot for a soft, comfortable ride.
This new midsole material works well with the Adrenaline GTS 15 which is the latest shoe to benefit from this new technology that has debuted in many Brooks’ shoes in the last year.
The shoe now has a full-length segmented crash pad that is designed to increase the overall responsiveness and smooth transition throughout the runner’s stride.
The design of this new crash pad on the sole was not only comfortable but the flexibility it provided increased the control I experienced.
Brooks also introduced a new Progressive Diagonal Rollbar throughout the shoe that delivered more control and stability. This rollbar additionally assists those runners who tend to pronate during their foot strike.
The Adrenaline GTS 15 felt like a stability shoe from the moment I first put it on, however, it still had plenty of responsiveness and control.
With the updated design of the sole and the reactive, natural feel underfoot, this shoe is one that can handle the demands of the pavement and can be taken on light trails.
The Adrenaline GTS 15 comes in with the same 12 mm offset as the previous model, is comparable to others in its stability category and this heel-to-toe drop did not affect the performance.
Some runners may feel that 12 however, the offset is a very individual preference in my opinion.
All these changes to the midsole increased the cushioning just enough to be noticeable and enhanced the all-important control or stability that runners desire.
The end result is the sole provides a balance between the stability and cushioning, while providing an adaptable and responsive heel-to-toe transition.
Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 Upper Info
The Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 upper has a very simple, yet effective design. This version is updated with a new no-sew overlay mesh that allows the shoe be breathable while providing a snug fit.
The synthetic overlays used throughout the upper wrap the foot to provide a solid and comfortable feel which is combined with the liner underneath to wick moisture away.
The Adrenaline GTS 15 includes a midsole saddle that can be customized to each individual runner providing for a reliable fit.
The shoe runs a half size small, however in my experience there is ample room in the toe box, so I did not have to go up in size.
The fit of shoe from my first run was comfortable as my heel was locked securely in place while and the rest of my foot firmly held in the upper.
In my experience, the trend has been for many shoes to add features that do not add benefits to the runner or are bulky. The Adrenaline GTS 15 upper’s simple design contains many ideal features runners are looking for.
The breathable and lightweight synthetic mesh overlay along with the uncomplicated saddle design gives the runner a customized individual running experience. The upper in this version, in my running experience, delivered a snug, secure fit.
Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 Conclusions
The Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 remains a “must have” for runners who are looking for a solid stability shoe that continues on its long tradition of being a secure daily trainer capable of handling the demands of fast runs or long, high mileage outings.
With updates to a full-length segmented crash pad, the new BioMoGo DNA in the midsole and the addition of a Progressive Diagonal Rollbar, the latest version of Adrenaline GTS provides a smooth, comfortable ride. The upper has a lightweight, simple design allowing runners to have a customized running experience.
The Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 is a shoe that will be added to my daily rotation due to the its combination of stability and cushioning while still giving me the control I need on various types of terrain.
I have trained on pavement as well as taken it off-road on light trails and it has performed well. For runners looking for a durable stability shoe which provides plenty of cushioning, the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 should be included in their lineup.
We thank the nice people at Brooks for sending us a pair of Adrenaline GTS 15 to test. This did not influence the outcome of the review, written after running more than 50 miles in them.
price comparison - Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15
Travis Trampe is a financial professional who calls the mountains of Colorado his home. He is passionate about running, whether it be on the roads or trails.
Travis enjoys the adventure of traveling and exploring the outdoors with friends and is fueled by discovering where the next trail will lead.
I’ve been waiting for you to post a review of this shoe, and I’m glad it’s good!
Would you say the GTS 15 is more like the GTS 13, in terms of support? As the 14 was apparently not as supportive as the 13. I’ve ran through 4 pairs of GTS 13’s, so I’m hoping the GTS 15 is a obvious choice for my marathon training.
Keep up the good work!
Shoes Info:
Adrenaline GTS 15
Review Date:
January 19, 2015
11 oz. (312 gr.)
Previous Model:
Who is it for:
The Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 is a shoe for runners seeking reliable stability with an adequate amount of cushioning to provide for a gentle transition throughout the entire stride.
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Brooks Adrenaline GTS 13 评测
日 18:20:48
& & 作为四大跑鞋品牌之一,美国的BROOKS给我们的感觉一直较为低调,但内敛的性格却丝毫不影响其强大的科技研发实力,全新推出的ADRENALINE GTS 13就是汇集BROOKS众多成熟科技的结晶之作。
& &&基于运动爱好者对跑鞋前掌更为苛刻的性能需求,BROOKS在GTS13身上采取了众多措施以提升前掌的灵活性,全新设计的欧米茄外底的全方位弯曲凹槽(OMEGA FLEX GROOVES),与嵌在前掌内侧大底的FLEXTRA可拉伸小孔技术完美实现了更加灵活的跑步感受,极大减少动能损耗,使你双脚在跑动前行的过程可以更加顺畅而省力,有效提升了步态效率,为取得更佳的运动成绩做了保证。
& &&当然最令BROOKS引以为豪的减震科技DNA也应用到了GTS13的中底结构中,前后分体式设计提供的减震效果极为明显,DNA可根据双脚落地时所承受的不同压力变化来自动调整中底的软硬,在加快速度的快跑过程中,GTS13的中底会自动调整为更适合的高反弹性,这时双脚会感觉到DNA提供的足够支撑性与弹性及能量回馈效果,它可以随时随地满足不同跑步者的需求。BROOKS所独有的PDRB稳定科技,一直在GTS系列身上发挥其神奇的保护作用,多重密度的PDRB科技是按照生物力学而设计研发的,以渐进式的控制效果来实现对易内翻人群的步态矫正,从内到外,从硬到软,以更加平滑的过渡方式完美的实现了内侧的支撑,有效避免了运动伤害。对比上一代,GTS13的DRB ACCEL足中支撑结构也做了更新升级,在轻量化的同时向外侧有效延伸更加突出了足弓的支撑效果。较为简洁干净的鞋面线条设计更加适合日常跑步训练,为了更加贴合双脚,实现更佳的包裹效果,GTS13加入了弹性包裹技术,在鞋身侧面重新设计三条弹性鞋带系统,可以为跑步者提供更加个性化的锁定效果。
& &&秋季气候宜人,正是跑步健身的好时机,穿上GTS13写意慢跑,感受DNA神奇科技给你带来的不同感受,同时提醒大家,这款GTS13对于那些内翻足的跑者来说最为适用。
造型精巧的DRB ACCEL支撑片为足弓提供了可靠的扭转保护
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日 18:36:37
& & 全新的BROOKS Adrenaline GTS 13!让我们看一看,这次全新的GTS与历代有什么不一样吧! & &&鞋面简洁的经典设计:设计结合了GTS10和GTS11,鞋面前部分有点像GTS10,鞋面后部分类似GTS11,重新设计的鞋后跟处是GTS...
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