
我的touch 越狱过 ,但是现在IOS版本太低 很多应用不能下,怎么办 我想要更新iOS但是更不_百度知道
我的touch 越狱过 ,但是现在IOS版本太低 很多应用不能下,怎么办 我想要更新iOS但是更不
我的touch 越狱过 ,但是现在IOS版本太低 很多应用不能下,怎么办 我想要更新iOS但是更不了
下架了不用地图作向导 心会把方向找到 不在乎路途前方 多少崎岖 沿路多少阻挡 我的心 没有一刻与你分离 将你忘记 若可以 在那一条遥远海平线上发现你模样 我扬起帆一路远航 驾驭风直到尽头oh- 让汹涌的海面也安静温柔 花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光 那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl花黑暗里开放 海面一轮月光 那神秘的地方 My Beautiful Black Pearl 是现实抑或虚幻 我感觉不可思议 是否一直身在梦境里环游 你宛若在 传说的所在 神话之中 在时光里追寻你的影踪 我不曾相信这世界存在所谓永恒为了你 日夜思念的你当我触及你那一瞬 She's My Black Pearl oh 悬浮天空的太阳 无限湛蓝的海洋 oh- 向着她那美丽耀眼的光芒 在浓密的雾障 在澎湃的海浪 投映模糊形状 My Beautiful Black Pearl在深邃的沉默 在这哀伤的歌 隐约还在回荡 My Beautiful Black Pearl ——我是萌萌哒哒的白贤宝宝的圈饭小尾巴 
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或查看: 1354|回复: 16|
在线时间20 小时经验39 威望0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限20UID1952117积分39帖子精华0分享0
EH初级, 积分 39, 距离下一级还需 311 积分
本帖最后由 busuo 于
11:32 编辑
11:12 上传
(251.14 KB, 下载次数: 5)
11:23 上传
下载次数: 5
(121.96 KB, 下载次数: 11)
11:23 上传
下载次数: 11
在线时间20 小时经验39 威望0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限20UID1952117积分39帖子精华0分享0
EH初级, 积分 39, 距离下一级还需 311 积分
在线时间20 小时经验39 威望0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限20UID1952117积分39帖子精华0分享0
EH初级, 积分 39, 距离下一级还需 311 积分
在线时间5126 小时经验11452 威望8 最后登录注册时间阅读权限100UID331110积分12852帖子精华3分享0
本帖最后由 liucqa 于
11:42 编辑
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim myAddin As AddIn
If install.OptionButton1 = True Then
&&Set myAddin = AddIns.Add(Filename:=&C:\powerutil.xla&, _
& && &&&CopyFile:=True)
& && &&&With myAddin
& && && && &.Installed = True
& && && && &MsgBox &The & & .Title & & add-in is now Installed&, vbInformation
& && && &End With
& &install.Hide
If install.OptionButton2 = True Then
'Removes an addin application
Set myAddin = AddIns(&Power Utilities&)
& &With myAddin
& && &.Installed = False
& && &MsgBox &The & & .Title & & add-in is now Uninstalled&, vbInformation
& &End With
& &install.Hide
If install.OptionButton3 = True Then
& &install.Hide
& &Exit Sub
Sub InstallAddin()
'Installs an addin application
Dim aAddin As AddIn
Set AddIn = AddIns(Filename:=&c:\dir\powerutil1.7.xls&)
With AddIn
& & .Installed = True
& & MsgBox &The & & .Title & & add-in is now Installed&, vbInformation
Sub RemoveAddin()
'Removes an addin application
Dim aAddin As AddIn
With AddIn(&XL Addin: Powerutils&)
& & .Installed = False
& & MsgBox &The & & .Title & & add-in is now Uninstalled&, vbInformation
Sub checkaddins()
With Worksheets(&sheet1&)
& & .Rows(1).Font.Bold = True
& & .Range(&a1:d1&).Value = _
& && &&&Array(&Name&, &Full Name&, &Title&, &Installed&)
& & For i = 1 To AddIns.Count
& && &&&.Cells(i + 1, 1) = AddIns(i).Name
& && &&&.Cells(i + 1, 2) = AddIns(i).FullName
& && &&&.Cells(i + 1, 3) = AddIns(i).Title
& && &&&.Cells(i + 1, 4) = AddIns(i).Installed
& & .Range(&a1&).CurrentRegion.Columns.AutoFit
各种开发需求请联系 QQ:
VBA一对一培训、C# 开发课时计费软件、网页采集
在线时间5126 小时经验11452 威望8 最后登录注册时间阅读权限100UID331110积分12852帖子精华3分享0
Option Explicit
Dim TopicCount As Integer
Dim CurrentTopic As Integer
Dim HelpSheet As Worksheet
Const HelpSheetName As String = &HelpSheet&
Const HelpFormCaption As String = &Help&
Private Sub Frame1_Click()
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'& &Executed before the form is shown
& & Dim Row As Integer
& & Set HelpSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(HelpSheetName)
& & TopicCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(HelpSheet.Range(&A:A&))
& & For Row = 1 To TopicCount
& && &&&ComboBoxTopics.AddItem HelpSheet.Cells(Row, 1)
& & Next Row
& & ComboBoxTopics.ListIndex = 0
& & CurrentTopic = 1
& & UpdateForm
Private Sub UpdateForm()
'& &Updates the help topic
& & ComboBoxTopics.ListIndex = CurrentTopic - 1
& & Me.Caption = HelpFormCaption & & (& & CurrentTopic & & of & & TopicCount & &)&
& & With LabelTopic
& && &&&.Caption = HelpSheet.Cells(CurrentTopic, 2)
& && &&&.AutoSize = False
& && &&&.Width = 275
& && &&&.AutoSize = True
& & End With
& & Frame1.ScrollTop = 1
& & Frame1.ScrollHeight = LabelTopic.Height + 5
& & If CurrentTopic = 1 Then PreviousButton.Enabled = False Else PreviousButton.Enabled = True
& & If CurrentTopic = TopicCount Then NextButton.Enabled = False Else NextButton.Enabled = True
& & On Error Resume Next
& & If NextButton.Enabled Then NextButton.SetFocus Else PreviousButton.SetFocus
Private Sub ComboBoxTopics_Click()
'& &Executed when the ComboBox is changed
& & CurrentTopic = ComboBoxTopics.ListIndex + 1
& & UpdateForm
Private Sub PreviousButton_Click()
'& &Executed when the PreviousButton is clicked
& & If CurrentTopic && 1 Then
& && &&&CurrentTopic = CurrentTopic - 1
& && &&&UpdateForm
& & End If
Private Sub NextButton_Click()
'& &Executed when the NextButton is clicked
& & If CurrentTopic && TopicCount Then
& && &&&CurrentTopic = CurrentTopic + 1
& && &&&UpdateForm
& & End If
Private Sub ExitButton_Click()
'& &Executed when the ExitButton is clicked
& & Unload Me
Private Function SheetExists(sht) As Boolean
& & Dim TempSheet As Worksheet
& & On Error Resume Next
& & Set TempSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sht)
& & If Err = 0 Then SheetExists = True Else SheetExists = False
End Function
各种开发需求请联系 QQ:
VBA一对一培训、C# 开发课时计费软件、网页采集
在线时间5126 小时经验11452 威望8 最后登录注册时间阅读权限100UID331110积分12852帖子精华3分享0
& &Dim Curr_Filename
& & Dim Curr_Path
& & Dim Back_path
& & Dim DbOk
& & Dim File_Exists As Boolean
& & Dim CTR As Integer
Private Sub Btn_AF_Both_Click()
& & Dim Curr_file1
& & Dim WKB
& & Dim Bfile
& & Dim CFile
& & okay = Check_Backup_Path
If Not okay Then
& & UserForm1.edt_BackupPath.SetFocus
& & Exit Sub
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
& & On Error Resume Next
& & Curr_file1 = ActiveWorkbook.Name
& & savestatusbar = Application.DisplayStatusBar
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
& & For Each WKB In Workbooks
& && &&&WKB.Activate
& && &&&If Right(edt_BackupPath.Text, 1) = &\& Then
& && && && &Bfile = edt_BackupPath.Text & WKB.Name
& && && && &Else
& && && && &Bfile = edt_BackupPath.Text & &\& & WKB.Name
& && &&&End If
& && &&&CFile = ActiveWorkbook.Path & &\& & ActiveWorkbook.Name
& && &&&MSSG = &NOW I AM SAVING ... & & Bfile
& && &&&Application.StatusBar = MSSG
& && &&&If chk_Replace.Value = True Then
& && && && &Application.DisplayAlerts = True
& && &&&End If
'--------------------------Saving in Backup Path
&&'& && &On Error GoTo ERR_Bacpath
& && &&&ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Bfile
& && &&&MSSG = &NOW I AM SAVING ...& & CFile
& && &&&Application.StatusBar = MSSG
'--------------------------Saving in the Current Path Now
&&'& &&&On Error GoTo Err_Currpath
& && &&&ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=CFile
& &Next WKB
& & Application.StatusBar = False
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = savestatusbar
& & Call Save_Bac_Path(edt_BackupPath.Text, chk_Backup.Value)
'& & GoTo Exit_Route'
'& & MsgBox &The Backup path mentioned is invalid. & & Bfile
'& & GoTo Exit_Route
'& & MsgBox &The Current path mentioned is invalid. & & CFile
& & Application.StatusBar = False
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = savestatusbar
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
& & Workbooks(Curr_file1).Activate
& & End Sub
Private Sub Btn_AF_cPath_Click()
& & Dim CFile
& & Dim Curr_file1
& & Curr_file1 = ActiveWorkbook.Name
& & okay = Check_Backup_Path
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
& & If Not okay Then
& && &&&UserForm1.edt_BackupPath.SetFocus
& && &&&Exit Sub
& & End If
& & If chk_Replace.Value = True Then
& && &&&Application.DisplayAlerts = True
& & End If
& & savestatusbar = Application.DisplayStatusBar
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
& && &&&For Each WKB In Workbooks
& && && && &WKB.Activate
& && && && &CFile = ActiveWorkbook.Path & &\& & ActiveWorkbook.Name
& & '& && &&&On Error GoTo Err_Currpath
& && && && &MSSG = &NOW I AM SAVING ... & & CFile
& && && && &Application.StatusBar = MSSG
& && && && &ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=CFile
& && &&&Next WKB
& &Call Save_Bac_Path(edt_BackupPath.Text, chk_Backup.Value)
'& &GoTo Exit_Route
'& &MsgBox &The Current path mentioned is invalid. & & CFile
& && &Workbooks(Curr_Filename).Activate
& & Application.StatusBar = False
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = savestatusbar
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
& & Workbooks(Curr_file1).Activate
Sub Exit_sub()
& & Dlgbox.Hide
& & Exit Sub
Private Sub Btn_CF_both_Click()
& & Dim Bacfile
& & Dim CurFile
& & On Error Resume Next
& & okay = Check_Backup_Path
& & If Not okay Then
& && &&&UserForm1.edt_BackupPath.SetFocus
& && &&&Exit Sub
& & End If
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
& & savestatusbar = Application.DisplayStatusBar
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
& & If Right(edt_BackupPath.Text, 1) = &\& Then
& && &&&Bacfile = edt_BackupPath.Text & Curr_Filename
& && &&&Else
& && &&&Bacfile = edt_BackupPath.Text & &\& & Curr_Filename
& & End If
& & CurFile = ActiveWorkbook.Path & &\& & ActiveWorkbook.Name
& & If chk_Replace.Value = True Then
& && &&&Application.DisplayAlerts = True
& & End If
& & Back_path = edt_BackupPath.Text
& & MSSG = &NOW I AM SAVING ... & & Bacfile
& & Application.StatusBar = MSSG
'---------------------Saving in the backup path first
'& & On Error GoTo ERR_Bacpath
& & ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Bacfile
'--------------------- Saving in Current Path.
& & MSSG = &NOW I AM SAVING ...& & CurFile
& & Application.StatusBar = MSSG
'& & On Error GoTo Err_Currpath
& & ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=CurFile
& & Application.StatusBar = False
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = savestatusbar
& & Call Save_Bac_Path(edt_BackupPath.Text, chk_Backup.Value)
'& & GoTo Exit_Route
'& & MsgBox &The Backup path mentioned is invalid. & & Bacfile
'& & GoTo Exit_Route
'& & MsgBox &The Current path mentioned is invalid. & & CurFile
& && &Workbooks(Curr_Filename).Activate
& && &Application.StatusBar = False
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = savestatusbar
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Private Sub Btn_CF_Cpath_Click()
& & Dim CurFile
& & On Error Resume Next
& &okay = Check_Backup_Path
& & If Not okay Then
& && &&&UserForm1.edt_BackupPath.SetFocus
& && &&&Exit Sub
& & End If
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
& & CurFile = ActiveWorkbook.Path & &\& & ActiveWorkbook.Name
& & savestatusbar = Application.DisplayStatusBar
& & If chk_Replace.Value = True Then
& && &&&Application.DisplayAlerts = True
& & End If
& & MSSG = &NOW I AM SAVING ... & & CurFile
& & Application.StatusBar = MSSG
'----------------------------Saving in Current Path
'& &On Error GoTo Err_Currpath
& & ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=CurFile
& & Application.StatusBar = False
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = savestatusbar
& & Call Save_Bac_Path(edt_BackupPath.Text, chk_Backup.Value)
'& & GoTo Exit_Route
'& & MsgBox &The Current path mentioned is invalid. & & CurFile
& & Application.StatusBar = False
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = savestatusbar
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
Private Sub CheckBox7_Click()
Private Sub CheckBox8_Click()
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
&&' Me.Deactivate
& & Unload UserForm1
& & Exit Sub
Private Sub CommandButton12_Click()
Dim FileStr
On Error GoTo NoFile
FileStr = ThisWorkbook.Path & &\Backup.doc&
On Error GoTo Noword
Application.ActivateMicrosoftApp xlMicrosoftWord
SendKeys &%fo&
SendKeys FileStr
SendKeys &~&
MsgBox & Please check whether the file Backup.doc is there in the same directory as the Excel Addin&
MsgBox &Do you have MS Word installed? If you don't then read the file Backup.wri to get help&
Private Sub CommandButton13_Click()
各种开发需求请联系 QQ:
VBA一对一培训、C# 开发课时计费软件、网页采集
在线时间5126 小时经验11452 威望8 最后登录注册时间阅读权限100UID331110积分12852帖子精华3分享0
Private Sub CommandButton14_Click()
Private Sub CommandButton15_Click()
Dim Msg As String
'If CheckBox6.Value = True Then Exit Sub
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftHeader = &&
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader = &&
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightHeader = &&
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = &&
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterFooter = &&
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightFooter = &&
Msg = &&&&Arial,Regular&&&& & Txt_fontsize.Value
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
If ActiveWorkbook.Path = && Then
& & Msg = &Not Saved&
& & Msg = Msg + ActiveWorkbook.Path + &\ &
If CheckBox7.Value = True Then
& & Msg = Msg + ActiveWorkbook.Name
If CheckBox2.Value = True Then
& & Msg = Msg + &&&& + ActiveSheet.Name
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then
& & Msg = Msg + & & + &&D&
If CheckBox4.Value = True Then
& & Msg = Msg + & & + &&T&
If CheckBox5.Value = True Then
& & Msg = Msg + & Page No. & + &&p&
If CheckBox8.Value = True Then
& & Msg = Msg + & of&&& + &&n&
If OptionButton1 = True And OptionButton3 = True Then
& & ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftHeader = Msg
If OptionButton1 = True And OptionButton4 = True Then
& & ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader = Msg
If OptionButton1 = True And OptionButton5 = True Then
& & ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightHeader = Msg
If OptionButton2 = True And OptionButton3 = True Then
& & ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = Msg
If OptionButton2 = True And OptionButton4 = True Then
& & ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterLeftFooter = Msg
If OptionButton2 = True And OptionButton5 = True Then
& & ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightLeftFooter = Msg
Private Sub CommandButton16_Click()
Private Sub CommandButton17_Click()
Dim Msg As String
Dim CurrSheet
CurrSheet = ActiveSheet.Name
For Each WSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftHeader = &&
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader = &&
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightHeader = &&
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = &&
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterFooter = &&
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightFooter = &&
Msg = &&&&Arial,Regular&&&& & Txt_fontsize.Value
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
If ActiveWorkbook.Path = && Then
& & Msg = &Not Saved&
& & Msg = Msg + ActiveWorkbook.Path + &\ &
If CheckBox7.Value = True Then
& & Msg = Msg + ActiveWorkbook.Name
If CheckBox2.Value = True Then
& & Msg = Msg + &&&& + ActiveSheet.Name
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then
& & Msg = Msg + & & + &&D&
If CheckBox4.Value = True Then
& & Msg = Msg + & & + &&T&
If CheckBox5.Value = True Then
& & Msg = Msg + & Page No. & + &&p&
If CheckBox8.Value = True Then
& & Msg = Msg + & of&&& + &&n&
If OptionButton1 = True And OptionButton3 = True Then
& & ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftHeader = Msg
If OptionButton1 = True And OptionButton4 = True Then
& & ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader = Msg
If OptionButton1 = True And OptionButton5 = True Then
& & ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightHeader = Msg
If OptionButton2 = True And OptionButton3 = True Then
& & ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = Msg
If OptionButton2 = True And OptionButton4 = True Then
& & ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterLeftFooter = Msg
If OptionButton2 = True And OptionButton5 = True Then
& & ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightLeftFooter = Msg
Next WSheet
Private Sub CommandButton18_Click()
& & Dim CurFile
& & Dim Bacfile
& & Dim CFile
& & Dim Curr_file1
& & Dim WKB
& & Dim Bfile
& & If OptionButton6.Value = True And OptionButton8.Value = True Then
& & On Error Resume Next
& &okay = Check_Backup_Path
& & If Not okay Then
& && &&&UserForm1.edt_BackupPath.SetFocus
& && &&&Exit Sub
& & End If
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
& & CurFile = ActiveWorkbook.Path & &\& & ActiveWorkbook.Name
& & savestatusbar = Application.DisplayStatusBar
& & If chk_Replace.Value = True Then
& && &&&Application.DisplayAlerts = True
& & End If
& & MSSG = &NOW I AM SAVING ... & & CurFile
& & Application.StatusBar = MSSG
'----------------------------Saving in Current Path
'& &On Error GoTo Err_Currpath
& & ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=CurFile
& & Application.StatusBar = False
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = savestatusbar
& & Call Save_Bac_Path(edt_BackupPath.Text, chk_Backup.Value)
'& & GoTo Exit_Route
'& & MsgBox &The Current path mentioned is invalid. & & CurFile
& & Application.StatusBar = False
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = savestatusbar
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
& & End If
& & If OptionButton6.Value = True And OptionButton9.Value = True Then
& & On Error Resume Next
& & okay = Check_Backup_Path
& & If Not okay Then
& && &&&UserForm1.edt_BackupPath.SetFocus
& && &&&Exit Sub
& & End If
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
& & savestatusbar = Application.DisplayStatusBar
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
& & If Right(edt_BackupPath.Text, 1) = &\& Then
& && &&&Bacfile = edt_BackupPath.Text & Curr_Filename
& && &&&Else
& && &&&Bacfile = edt_BackupPath.Text & &\& & Curr_Filename
& & End If
& & CurFile = ActiveWorkbook.Path & &\& & ActiveWorkbook.Name
& & If chk_Replace.Value = True Then
& && &&&Application.DisplayAlerts = True
& & End If
& & Back_path = edt_BackupPath.Text
& & MSSG = &NOW I AM SAVING ... & & Bacfile
& & Application.StatusBar = MSSG
'---------------------Saving in the backup path first
'& & On Error GoTo ERR_Bacpath
& & ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Bacfile
'--------------------- Saving in Current Path.
& & MSSG = &NOW I AM SAVING ...& & CurFile
& & Application.StatusBar = MSSG
'& & On Error GoTo Err_Currpath
& & ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=CurFile
& & Application.StatusBar = False
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = savestatusbar
& & Call Save_Bac_Path(edt_BackupPath.Text, chk_Backup.Value)
'& & GoTo Exit_Route
'& & MsgBox &The Backup path mentioned is invalid. & & Bacfile
'& & GoTo Exit_Route
'& & MsgBox &The Current path mentioned is invalid. & & CurFile
& && &Workbooks(Curr_Filename).Activate
& && &Application.StatusBar = False
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = savestatusbar
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
& & End If
& & If OptionButton7.Value = True And OptionButton8.Value = True Then
& & Curr_file1 = ActiveWorkbook.Name
& & okay = Check_Backup_Path
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
& & If Not okay Then
& && &&&UserForm1.edt_BackupPath.SetFocus
& && &&&Exit Sub
& & End If
& & If chk_Replace.Value = True Then
& && &&&Application.DisplayAlerts = True
& & End If
& & savestatusbar = Application.DisplayStatusBar
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
& && &&&For Each WKB In Workbooks
& && && && &WKB.Activate
& && && && &CFile = ActiveWorkbook.Path & &\& & ActiveWorkbook.Name
& & '& && &&&On Error GoTo Err_Currpath
& && && && &MSSG = &NOW I AM SAVING ... & & CFile
& && && && &Application.StatusBar = MSSG
& && && && &ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=CFile
& && &&&Next WKB
& &Call Save_Bac_Path(edt_BackupPath.Text, chk_Backup.Value)
'& &GoTo Exit_Route
'& &MsgBox &The Current path mentioned is invalid. & & CFile
& && &Workbooks(Curr_Filename).Activate
& & Application.StatusBar = False
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = savestatusbar
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
& & Workbooks(Curr_file1).Activate
& & End If
& & If OptionButton7.Value = True And OptionButton9.Value = True Then
& & okay = Check_Backup_Path
If Not okay Then
& & UserForm1.edt_BackupPath.SetFocus
& & Exit Sub
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
& & On Error Resume Next
& & Curr_file1 = ActiveWorkbook.Name
& & savestatusbar = Application.DisplayStatusBar
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
& & For Each WKB In Workbooks
& && &&&WKB.Activate
& && &&&If Right(edt_BackupPath.Text, 1) = &\& Then
& && && && &Bfile = edt_BackupPath.Text & WKB.Name
& && && && &Else
& && && && &Bfile = edt_BackupPath.Text & &\& & WKB.Name
& && &&&End If
& && &&&CFile = ActiveWorkbook.Path & &\& & ActiveWorkbook.Name
& && &&&MSSG = &NOW I AM SAVING ... & & Bfile
& && &&&Application.StatusBar = MSSG
& && &&&If chk_Replace.Value = True Then
& && && && &Application.DisplayAlerts = True
& && &&&End If
'--------------------------Saving in Backup Path
&&'& && &On Error GoTo ERR_Bacpath
& && &&&ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Bfile
& && &&&MSSG = &NOW I AM SAVING ...& & CFile
& && &&&Application.StatusBar = MSSG
'--------------------------Saving in the Current Path Now
&&'& &&&On Error GoTo Err_Currpath
& && &&&ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=CFile
& &Next WKB
& & Application.StatusBar = False
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = savestatusbar
& & Call Save_Bac_Path(edt_BackupPath.Text, chk_Backup.Value)
'& & GoTo Exit_Route'
'& & MsgBox &The Backup path mentioned is invalid. & & Bfile
'& & GoTo Exit_Route
'& & MsgBox &The Current path mentioned is invalid. & & CFile
& & Application.StatusBar = False
& & Application.DisplayStatusBar = savestatusbar
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
& & Workbooks(Curr_file1).Activate
& & End If
Private Sub CommandButton19_Click()
Dim FileStr
On Error GoTo NoFile
FileStr = ThisWorkbook.Path & &\Backup.doc&
On Error GoTo Noword
Application.ActivateMicrosoftApp xlMicrosoftWord
SendKeys &%fo&
SendKeys FileStr
SendKeys &~&
MsgBox & Please check whether the file Backup.doc is there in the same directory as the Excel Addin&
MsgBox &Do you have MS Word installed? If you don't then read the file Backup.wri to get help&
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
Dim FileStr
On Error GoTo NoFile
FileStr = ThisWorkbook.Path & &\Backup.doc&
On Error GoTo Noword
Application.ActivateMicrosoftApp xlMicrosoftWord
SendKeys &%fo&
SendKeys FileStr
SendKeys &~&
MsgBox & Please check whether the file Backup.doc is there in the same directory as the Excel Addin&
MsgBox &Do you have MS Word installed? If you don't then read the file Backup.wri to get help&
Private Sub CommandButton8_Click()
Dim FileStr
On Error GoTo NoFile
FileStr = ThisWorkbook.Path & &\Backup.doc&
On Error GoTo Noword
Application.ActivateMicrosoftApp xlMicrosoftWord
SendKeys &%fo&
SendKeys FileStr
SendKeys &~&
MsgBox & Please check whether the file Backup.doc is there in the same directory as the Excel Addin&
MsgBox &Do you have MS Word installed? If you don't then read the file Backup.wri to get help&
Private Sub Label10_Click()
Private Sub Label8_Click()
Private Sub MultiPage1_Change()
Curr_Filename = ActiveWorkbook.Name
& & Edt_FilePath.Text = ActiveWorkbook.Path
& & Curr_Path = ActiveWorkbook.Path
& & edt_FileName.Text = ActiveWorkbook.Name
& & If Edt_FilePath.Text = && Then
& && &&&Edt_FilePath.Text = Application.Path
& & End If
Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()
Private Sub OptionButton8_Click()
Private Sub Spn_fontsize_Change()
Private Sub Spn_fontsize_SpinDown()
If Txt_fontsize.Value &= 8 Then Exit Sub
Txt_fontsize = Txt_fontsize.Value - 1
Private Sub Spn_fontsize_SpinUp()
If Txt_fontsize.Value &= 20 Then Exit Sub
Txt_fontsize = Txt_fontsize.Value + 1
Private Sub Txt_fontsize_Change()
Public Sub UserForm_Activate()
& & Dim Head_foot
& & Head_foot = &Left Header = & & ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftHeader & && & Left Footer = & & ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter
&&'&&edt_FileName.Enabled = False
&&'&&Edt_FilePath.Enabled = False
& & CTR = 1
'When the Form is loading check if Chk_Bakup is true
' if true then read BackFile to get the Backup path
'else put backpathas the aplication path
& & chk_Backup = xlOn
& & Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Read the Backup Directory from saved file
& && &&&On Error Resume Next
& && &&&Open Application.Path & &\backpath.txt& For Input As #1
& && &&&Line Input #1, Bpath
& && &&&St_Len = Len(Bpath)
& && &&&Close #1
& && &&&Bpath = Mid(Bpath, 2, St_Len - 2)
& && &&&Back_path = Bpath
& && &&&Call Check_BacFile
& & If Back_path = && Then
& && &&&edt_BackupPath.Text = Application.Path
& && &&&Else: edt_BackupPath.Text = Back_path
& & End If
& & Curr_Filename = ActiveWorkbook.Name
& & Edt_FilePath.Text = ActiveWorkbook.Path
& & Curr_Path = ActiveWorkbook.Path
& & edt_FileName.Text = ActiveWorkbook.Name
& & If Edt_FilePath.Text = && Then
& && &&&Edt_FilePath.Text = Application.Path
& & End If
& & OptionButton6.Value = True
& & OptionButton8.Value = True
& & CommandButton18.SetFocus
& & Application.DisplayAlerts = False
& & Txt_fontsize.Text = Spn_fontsize.Value
Private Sub UserForm_Deactivate()
MsgBox &I'm going&
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
edt_FileName.Text = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
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