
IRIS Traffic Analyzer简易教程 - vfdff的博客 - 编程中国
IRIS Traffic Analyzer简易教程
IRIS Traffic Analyzer简易教程(本文只适合从未用过此软件的人士!)说到Sniffer软件大家可能马上就能想起NAI的Sniffer Pro。Sniffer Pro虽然功能特性丰富,但是操作起来有些繁缛。再这里我给大家介绍一款简单实用的Sniffer软件,那就是我们今天的主角:Iris Traffic Analyzer。我将以Iris Traffic Analyzer 4.0.7为蓝本结合几个简单案例给大家简单讲讲Iris的使用
一.& IRIS特性简介  Iris师出名门---eeye,eeye是一家以网络安全见长的公司,它的扫描器以及其他安全方案在业界也算鼎鼎大名了。好了,我也不废话了,先简单但说说Iris有哪些特性和优点。简单小巧Iris的最大特点,在你安装完成之后,只需简单的点一下界面上一个按钮就可以开始Sniffing抓包了!Iris的安装文件也不到5M,安装下来才占用10多M。对比Sniffer Pro这些而言可谓苗条身材。见下图中话圆圈的地方:&易上手,没有那么繁多的功能+简单易用的界面。上手当然是易如反掌。& & 再说说Iris有那些值得称道的功能。(1)抓包嘿嘿,只要是Sniffing软件这个功能是必备的!Iris的一个非常好的方面就是把抓包和Decode,察看包的内容集成在一个界面里面。这样你就可以在一边抓包一边察看包的内容,以及包头含义等等。(2)解码支持大部分的TCP/IP协议!这样对一般的抓包分析应用就已经足够了。(3)包的编辑以及重新发送功能你可以对自己抓到的数据报文进行简单修改然后重新发送。同时,IRIS也带简单的流量统计分析功能!二.IRIS的安装Iris可以运行在Win95/98/Me/NT/2k/XP环境下。Iris的安装和普通的windows应用程序安装一样都是向导式的安装,按下一步一直到完成就可以方便的安装完成!所以对于Iris的安装我就不一一叙述了三.IRIS的主界面安装好Iris之后,我们就可以马上运行了,Iris第一次运行时需要选择在那块网络适配卡上运行Iris。Iris的主界面如下图:这个界面是可以调整的,但是建议大家如没特殊需求还是不要更改,因为这个缺省界面已经是经过优化了的。
四.简单实例在简单了解了Iris的大体全貌之后,接着我们就进入学习具体功能的部分,最好的学习方法,当然就是实际操练。所以我准备了三个简单的事例。(1)利用Iris捕获邮箱密码有时候我们经常会忘记一些事情,比如邮箱密码。如果你把密码保存在客户端软件上那么你就能够找回密码的希望!当然找回密码的方式多种多样,我在这里介绍一种笨方法介绍笨方法不是我的本意,我的本意是让大家从这个事例中学习Iris的功能!好了,废话少说,切入正题!在开工之前,我们需要简单了解了解收发E-Mail涉及的两种协议SMTP和POP3SMTP是发送邮件的协议,POP3是收发邮件的协议。在收发邮件的时候,密码和拥护名都是明文发送,所以就给了我们找回密码的机会!& & 第一步:开启抓包功能点选工具栏上类似播放健的那个按钮(Start/Stop Capture),就是 这个按钮!第二步:开启Filter功能在没有开启Filter功能之前,你可能抓获的是所有进出你网卡的流量,有过路的,有看热闹的,当然也有你要找的,为了方便我们查找目标,我们需要简单的过滤一下!Iris内置了几个预先定义好了的Filter,刚好有一个email.flt,那我们就不用费劲的自己定义了!选择菜单Filter--&àemail.flt 第三步:运行你的邮件客户端软件,收一下邮件第四步:停止抓包点工具栏上Stop Capture按钮 第五步:寻找密码因为Email收发邮件的用户名和密码都是明文传输的,所以你的密码就藏在你捕获的那些报文里面现在你只需要一个一个检视。如下图:
(2)利用Iris捕获Telnet会话密码在讲完上面那个例子之后大家肯定对Iris的抓包功能有了一定的了解,为了大家对IRIS 的解码(decode)功能有个深刻的认识刚好,在网络分析论坛看到一个抓包分析Telnet会话密码的,刚好借鉴过来作为这个简易教程的第二个实例!在开始之前简单说一下Telnet这个协议的特点。当然它也是明文的,但是它有两个麻烦的地方相比POP3这些协议,由于Telnet是个交互式协议,所以当你敲一个字符的时候有可能就被发往服务器端了,服务器端又发回相应的回显字符!再加上它没有POP3明显的PASS命令,所以如果还是采用第一个例子里面的一个报文一个报文的查看肯定是非常麻烦的。所以我们必须有某种新的方法来解决这个问题!第一步 抓包!还不会?那继续看前面那个例子。。。第二步 开启Filter功能刚好这次又有现成的!菜单Filteràtext_protocol.flt第三步 开个Telnet会话第四步 停止抓包第五步 切换到Decode解码模式切换的方法有多种第一种你可以选择工具栏里面的 第二种你可以选在左边工具栏里面的第三种 菜单 DecodeàSend Buffer To decode这样我们就进入了Iris的Decode模式!这个时候Iris会根据Capture的报文对TCP会话进行解码。这样我们就可以清晰的看到一个Telnet会话的过程!如下图:红圈处大家就可以看到我输入的密码!是:ixix 而不是[mi*x*i*x*这是因为[m是控制字符,*是回显字符!
读感:该教程写的不够深入,只介绍了如何简单(抓包以及停止抓包和选择相应的协议)使用,并未对抓包、解码内容部分进行详述、分析。Iris 和 LooknStop 中文系统两位数字的IP地址修正http://bbs.chinaunix.net/viewthread.php?tid=749848相信大家一定使用过Iris? The Network Traffic Analyzer,不大但功能挺强。不过有一个问题,在使用Filter的时候,如果想输入IP地址,发现在中文Windows下只能输入2位,譬如就无法输入127,而只能借助于The Customiser等工具。经过查看代码问题在comctl32.dll中,IRIS调用其中的一个SysIPAddress32控件。 在comctl32.dll中,有一个SysIPAddress32的控件,但是在 中文Windows下,其中IP地址不能输入3位,检查原因后发现 是Edit控件在其ClientRect太小的时候,不能输入更多的字 符,如果想输入更多的字符可以设置其Style为ES_AUTOHSCROLL。 经检查其代码为: &&|&;&&8B4D 14& && &/MOV& & ECX, [ARG.4] &&|.&&& & |AND& & BYTE PTR [ESI+8], 0 7738E19B&&|.&&804E 09 FF& & |OR& && &BYTE PTR [ESI+9], 0FF 7738E19F&&|.&&33C0& && && & |XOR& & EAX, EAX &&|.&&50& && && && &|PUSH& & EAX& && && && && && && && && & ; /lParam = 00004AA6 &&|.&&FF71 04& && &|PUSH& & DWORD PTR [ECX+4]& && && && &&&; |hInst &&|.&&FF75 0C& && &|PUSH& & [ARG.2]& && && && && && && && &; |hMenu = NULL &&|.&&FF75 08& && &|PUSH& & [ARG.1]& && && && && && && && &; |hParent = 0050B8FC 7738E1AB&&|.&&6A 64& && &&&|PUSH& & 64& && && && && && && && && && &; |Height = 64 (100.) 7738E1AD&&|.&&6A 64& && &&&|PUSH& & 64& && && && && && && && && && &; |Width = 64 (100.) 7738E1AF&&|.&&6A 0A& && &&&|PUSH& & 0A& && && && && && && && && && &; |Y = A (10.) &&|.&&50& && && && &|PUSH& & EAX& && && && && && && && && & ; |X = 4AA6 (19110.) & && &68 &&PUSH& &
&&|.&&50& && && && &|PUSH& & EAX& && && && && && && && && & ; |WindowName = 00004AA6 ??? &&|.&&68 74413A77&&|PUSH& & COMCTL32.773A4174& && && && &&&; |Class = "Edit" 7738E1BD&&|.&&50& && && && &|PUSH& & EAX& && && && && && && && && & ; |ExtStyle = WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY|WS_EX_TRANSPARENT|WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW|WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE|WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR|802 7738E1BE&&|.&&FF15 B8133477 |CALL& & [&&USER32.CreateWindowExW&;]& & ; \CreateWindowExW &&|.&&FF75 10& && &|PUSH& & [ARG.3] &&|.&&8906& && && & |MOV& & [ESI], EAX 修改的Style为后即可。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------相关信息:IRIS中IP地址不能输入3位数字的问题 (2千字)(slangmgh 8-19 12:47 阅读 69) 应该是bug,最新的4.06b4没有这个问题... (空)(dRag0nMa 8-19 14:54 阅读 25) 我的comctl32.dll的版本为5.82.2600.0(英文XP没打补丁)(空) (空)(slangmgh 8-19 15:08 阅读 22) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- koalaz said: ---&赞,每次我都是先把要用的IP放进地址簿,再拉到规则里,从来没有研究过原因,这位兄弟好强,呵呵。 wwashington add: ---&1. 在开始菜单输入 cmd 进入命令行,把系统目录(%SystemRoot%\system32)里的 comctl32.dll 拷出来,同时在工作目录下,把未修改的 comctl32.dll做一个备份,文件名叫做 comctl32.old。2. 用 UltraEdit 或 WinHex 打开工作目录的 comctl32.dll,搜索HEX字串68 改为下面这个,其中 01 变为 81 的含义是 Edit 控件的 ES_AUTOHSCROLL。68 补充说明:WinHex 的 Find Hex 功能不支持空格,字串必须是3. 如果你想修改完 dll 后文件属性(例如修改时间)不变,那么最好不要用 UltraEdit 或 WinHex,建议用 hiew(是个软件,呼呼,/soft/2784.html Hiew v7.10 完全版 可以下载到)。开始菜单输入 cmd 进入命令行,首先 chcp 437,然后 hiew32 comctl32.dll,按 F4 选 Hex,按 F7 搜索68 再按 F4 选 Decode,这时你会看到类似下面这样的信息,用箭头上下移动。.5D1C4AD2: 50& && && && && && && && && &push& && &&&eax.5D1C4AD3: & && && && &&&push& && &&&.5D1C4AD8: 50& && && && && && && && && &push& && &&&eax.5D1C4AD9: D& && && && &&&push& && &&&05D19D094&&---↑ (1).5D1C4ADE: 50& && && && && && && && && &push& && &&&eax.5D1C4ADF: FFD& && && &&&call& && && & CreateWindowExW ;USER32定位到
的 01,按 F3 进 Edit,改成 81 后按 F9 做 Update。.5D1C4AD3: & && && && &&&push& && &&&补充说明:chcp 936 用中文代码页,chcp 437 用英文代码页,防止乱码。4. 如果您本来就熟悉破解工具(例如 Ollydbg),那就可以分析得更仔细了。首先当然是运行汉化版 Ollydbg,打开 comctl32.dll,允许 LoadDll.exe。在 CPU 主要线程窗口里点鼠标右键“搜索--&二进制字符”或者按Ctrl-B。在 CPU 主要线程窗口里点鼠标右键“二进制--&编辑”或者直接按Ctrl-E。在 CPU 窗口中点鼠标右键,选择“复制到可执行文件--&所有改动”,然后在文件窗口里选“保存文件”,并且另起一个文件名叫comctl32n.dll。最后再改文件名就可以了,可以在 Explorer 里改,也可以进命令行修改。move comctl32.dll comctl32.oldmove comctl32n.dll comctl32.dll5. 现在确认一下文件是否修改正确,如果正确,那么你可以看到下列信息。 F:\0Day\SysInfo\comctl32&fc /b comctl32.old comctl32.dll正在比较文件 comctl32.old 和 COMCTL32.DLL0 816. 把文件拷贝到系统,然后重启。请注意不能直接覆盖文件,系统有保护。cd /d F:\0Day\SysInfo\comctl32move %SystemRoot%\system32\comctl32.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\comctl32.oldcopy /y comctl32.dll %SystemRoot%\system32cd /d %SystemRoot%\system32fc /b comctl32.old comctl32.dll刚开始文件是不同的,但是大约过了十秒钟,再运行 fc /b 就发现怪事了。D:\WINDOWS\system32&fc /b comctl32.old comctl32.dll正在比较文件 comctl32.old 和 COMCTL32.DLLFC: 找不到相异处所以我们推断此文件是受到系统的保护,在 Explorer 窗口“工具--&文件夹选项--&”里,反选“隐藏受保护的操作系统文件”以及“隐藏已知文件类型的扩展名”,在“隐藏文件和文件夹”里有两个子选项,一定要选中下面那个“显示所有文件和文件夹”。到 Windows 的安装目录搜索comctl32,现在你总算发现真正的幕后黑手了。D:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache。备注:我的 WinXp 装在 D 盘,C 盘只拿来做启动以及跟 Unix 交换文件,类似于 Unix/BSD/Linux 的 Boot 区。只要我们对症下药,就可以更新文件了。REM {注意:工作路径 F:\0Day\SysInfo\comctl32,请大家按实际情况改}cd /d F:\0Day\SysInfo\comctl32REM {注意:备份 %SystemRoot%\system32\dllcache\ 的 .old 用 copy }copy /y %SystemRoot%\system32\dllcache\comctl32.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\dllcache\comctl32.oldcopy /y comctl32.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\dllcachemove %SystemRoot%\system32\comctl32.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\comctl32.oldcopy /y comctl32.dll %SystemRoot%\system32cd /d %SystemRoot%\system32\dllcachefc /b comctl32.old comctl32.dllcd /d %SystemRoot%\system32fc /b comctl32.old comctl32.dll期间会弹出 Windows 文件保护的对话框,请选“取消”,系统会继续追问你是否确实保留这些不可识别的文件版本,请选“是”。如果系统继续弹出对话框,按上面的方法回答。通常一到两次左右就好了。现在验收一下替换文件的成果啦,请注意两个目录的文件都变了。如果第一次没能做出正确的效果,那么就从拷贝文件开始按流程再做一次。如果系统文件已经被菜鸟级的同胞弄乱了,那就按本文最后的办法来恢复。D:\WINDOWS\system32&cd /d %SystemRoot%\system32\dllcacheD:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache&fc /b comctl32.old comctl32.dll正在比较文件 comctl32.old 和 COMCTL32.DLL0 81D:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache&cd /d %SystemRoot%\system32D:\WINDOWS\system32&fc /b comctl32.old comctl32.dll正在比较文件 comctl32.old 和 COMCTL32.DLL0 81现在重新启动系统,然后就一切正常了。如果您认为上面的步骤烦琐,也可以先重启系统进入安全模式,然后替换上述两个目录里的文件,最后再重启系统用正常启动。个人认为电脑重启两次更加浪费时间。说明:如果要恢复原来的 WinXp 系统文件,只要把 comctl32.old 改名为comctl32.dll 再按上面的步骤做就可以了,恢复原始文件没有告警。补充:网络扫描仪 Iris 存在这个毛病,网络防火墙 LooknStop 也同样是设计失误,在中文系统下只支持两位IP地址的输入。这两个工具凭良心说功能相当优秀,只要按上面的办法改好了,两个都可以正常使用。CHCP 437 (将当前代码页和界面语言切换为英文)CHCP 936 (将当前代码页和界面语言切换为简体中文)CHCP 950 (将当前代码页和界面语言切换为繁体中文)
《Slangor - Overload - Original Mix》歌词
— 网络歌手
4.歌词上传成功后请耐心等待管理员审核。管理员有权对上传歌曲进行正常修改,对于不符合以上规范的歌词将会被删除【Overload by Slangor (Sketi Remix).128】_网络歌手-Overload by Slangor (Sketi Remix).128在线试听_歌词下载-酷我音乐
&Overload by Slangor (Sketi Remix).128
《Overload by Slangor (Sketi Remix).128》 - 网络歌手
Overload by Slangor (Sketi Remix).128
Overload by Slangor (Sketi Remix).128相关MV推荐
《Overload by Slangor (Sketi Remix).128》歌词
- 网络歌手
听Overload by Slangor (Sketi Remix).128的人也喜欢听
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350. Flashy Flashy!( Apr 28,2013)
Flashy 浮华的,花哨的Lady Gaga always wears such flashy outfits(花哨的衣服).
That is just how she rolls(风格)!
A flashy limousine just pulled over(一辆浮华的轿车靠边停了下来). I wonder if
there’s a celebrity inside(不知道里面会不会坐着明星).
Flashy 炫耀的Tone it down 低调一点 Woo hoo! This song is my jam!
California girls.They're undeniable.Fine,fresh,fierce .We got it on
lock!Would you tone it down? 你能小点声吗? I think I’m going to wear this
green T-shirt, some colorful necklaces, and my favorite hat! What
do you think?Yeah...There’s too much color(太刺眼了). I think you
should tone it down a notch(低调点)!Whatever!I like it!
flashy 浮华的,花哨的
flashy 炫耀的
351. Said No One Ever!( May 26,2013)
Said No One Ever! 有人这样说才奇怪呢Renting an apartment in New york City
is the cheapest thing ever!For real? Said no one ever!
Psych 耍你的Baijie, I think Tom Cruise just walked past
you(身边走过)!What! hwre?Where?Psych!
That's not funny...
As if 可能么That salad was really filling(太饱了) .I am
stuffed(吃撑了)!Really?As if! It's just a bowl of leaves.Thank
God(谢天谢地)! It's finally Monday(终于到星期一了)!Seriously(真的吗)?Said no one
ever! Especially when we have a math test this afternoon.Oh,didn't
you hear?The math test is cancelled.What?! I pulled an all-nighter
sdudying for that test.Psych! Don't scare me like
that(天啊!别这样吓唬我)!Aren't you worried about this test at all?As if!
Math is my best subject!
Said No One Ever! 有人这样说才奇怪呢
psych [saik]v.耍你的pref.心理,精神
As if 可能么
Thank God!谢天谢地
352. Too Good to be True ( Jun 17,2013)
除awesome! Nice! Cool!外,美语口语中常用的一些称赞,夸奖的用法
blow someone away给某人带来惊喜,让某人震惊OMG Baijie!Your solo show(个人表演)
last night was so good!You literally blew me away!Thank you….
spot on 非常精准的,完美的 Oh! And your Marilyn Monroe impersonation was
spot on!(惟妙惟肖).I know , But thank you anyway .
legit 超赞的,超棒的 And your last Beyonce song was legit!You sounded
just like her!Well … actually … un….That WAS Beyonce…. I was just
doing a lip dub(对口型配音).
too good to be true太好了以至于不可能成为现实Ooooh! Wooow! Well…. I knew it
was too good to be true. I mean, Beyone is like, a goddess(女神)! It
was in the program book(节目表)!Didn't you read it? I sad it was a
lipdub! Ooops! Sorry!
blow someone away给某人带来惊喜,让某人震惊
spot on 非常精准的,完美的spot[spɑt]n.斑点,斑块
impersonation[ɪm&pɜrsə'neɪʃn]n. 扮演;,人格化, 模仿
legit[lɪ'dʒɪt]adj. 超赞的,超棒的,合法的;正统的;正当的
a lip dub对口型配音dub[dʌb]v.授予称号,修剪,配音
too good to be true太好了以至于不可能成为现实
goddess['gɑdɪs] n.女神
353. Thrift Shop! ( Jun 18,2013)
I'm gonna pop some tags(买点衣服).Only got $20 in my pocket.I'm
huntin' lookin' for a come up(我淘啊淘,想淘点宝). I'm diggin,I'm diggin.I'm
searching right though that luggage(我穿梭在二手店淘好货).One man's trash is
another man's come up!I wear your granddad's clothes.I look
incredible(又潮又帅) .I'm in this big' 'ol coat.From that thrift shop
down the road.
poppin' tags 购物 I'm just got my paycheck(工资)!!Time to go pop
some tags!
come up 二手旧货,淘来的宝贝Never throw anything away!Your trash could be
someone else's come up!&
thrift shop/thrift shopping 旧货店,二手店/买二手货Thrift shopping is so
popular right now!I got most of my clothess from the thrift
shop& down the street(街角)!Everything's so cheap
and unique(独特)!
poppin' tags 购物
come up 二手旧货,淘来的宝贝
thrift shop/thrift shopping 旧货店,二手店/买二手货
354. Oopsies!( Jun 19,2013)
感叹词Oops ! 哎呀!(Did something wrong做错了事) Oops! I think I locked
myself out….
Oopsies! 哎呀! !(Did something wrong做错了事,卖萌) Ow! Baijie! you
stepped on my toes!Oopsies!Sorry!
Ouch! &哎哟! (Hurt yourself) /Ouch! I got a paper
Owie! 哎哟!( Hurt yourself,撒娇)Owie! I just bit(咬) myself
ewww& 咦(something disgusting令人厌恶)
Weewwwww!!eww,eww eww…!I think I put salt in my coffee instead of
boohoo 哇, 哭的声音(Something sad) Oh no! I spilled(洒到) coffee all
over my homework!
Oops ! 哎呀!(did something wrong做错了事)
Oopsies! 哎呀! (Did something wrong 做错了事,卖萌)
Ouch!& 哎哟! (Hurt yourself)
Owie! 哎哟!( Hurt yourself,撒娇)
ewww& 咦(something disgusting令人厌恶
boohoo 哇, 哭的声音(Something sad)
355. Pull Through! ( Jun 20,2013)
Pull off 胜利完成,做到Ted from HIMYM always thunks he can pull off
these hilarious red cowboy
Pull through 渡过难关Oh no!I have so much to do this week!but I am
so stressed out(压力很大).I can't focus(集中注意力)!It's okay Baijie!I'll
help you do anything to pull through this week!You can do it!
Pull over靠边停下,通常指开车违章被警察拦下OMG!Got pulled over again??What
happened this time?I got pulled over by a cop because he said my
license plate(车牌照) is dirty!
Pull some strings 暗中操纵,牵线搭桥Hey,can you get me the iPhone 6 befor
it comes out (正式发布前给我弄一个来) ? Well,yeah I guess I can pull some
strings(私下找人) and get one for you.
pull off 胜利完成,做到
pull through 渡过难关
stressed out压力
pull over靠边停下,通常指开车违章被警察拦下
license plate汽车牌照
pull some strings 暗中操纵,牵线搭桥
comes out正式发布
356. Don't Unfriend Me!( Jun 21,2013)
#Hashtag标签,井号, #OMG,& #SoCool(
#井号,标签,最早从Twitter上流行出来的,用来检索特定主题的符号)/My friend Kristi hashtags
EVERYTHING!! Even sentences on instagram!Ugh! So annoying!
ABP(Already Been Posted)已经上传了I'm going to post last night's
pictures on Weibo now!ABP girl 10 people already liked it!
E-void 不理睬别人(通过手机或者社交网络发来的信息)Alex has been E-voiding me ever
since I said his profile picture is ugly(头像不好看).
Unfriend 撤销关注My secret crush(偷偷暗恋的男生) unfriend me yesterday.I
think I'm gonna cry!
# (hashtag)标签,井号
ABP (Already Been Posted) 已经上传了
E-void 不理睬别人
unfriend 撤销关注
357. Too Much!( Jun 24,2013)
too much 过头了I know you have a really unique style(风格独特) .But
don't you think that jewelry is just a little too much?Too much?
Not at all! This is how I roll (这就是我的风格)!!It's too much!
over the top 夸张的 Taylor Swift's performance at the 2013
Billboard Music Awards was quite over the top but I enjoyed it very
muvh!Did you hear?David hired 100 dancers to stagess(上演) a flash
mob proposal(快闪求婚) for his girlfriend!I think that's a bit over the
top!Aww I think it's romantic!Love makes people do crazy
overkill 过度的,超越正常标准了Getting dressed up(打扮得漂漂亮亮) to go to a Lady
Gaga concert is super fun!But actually dressing up as Lady Gaga to
see Lady Gaga seems like overkill !Wearin a few rings is
alright(带几个戒指很正常). But wearing rings on every finger is complete
too much 过头了
unique style风格独特
over the top 夸张的
a flash mob proposal快闪求婚
overkill 过度的
getting dressed up打扮得漂漂亮亮
358. Cracks Me Up!( Jun 25,2013)
crack somebody up 把某人逗笑Ryan is such a funny gay!He always cracks
laugh my butt off& 笑死我了 Baikie what're you
watching that's so funny?It's Zac Efron and Taylor Swift doing a
dance dare(在别人背后偷偷跳舞)!I'm laughing my butt off!!OMG! That's
I died laughing 我差点笑死I saw this T-shirt at Disneyland (迪斯尼乐园)
with a picture of& Donald Duck quacking and it
said "The original Angry Bird". I died laughing!
crack somebody up 把某人逗笑
laugh my butt off& 笑死我了
I died laughing 我差点笑死
359. Getting on my nerves!( Jun 25,2013)
Getting on my nerves 好烦人!让人抓狂! Hey, Baijie, Baijie, hey Baijie!
Go away! I’m working! Baijie, come hang out with
me(过来和我一起玩)。Baijie, Baijie, Baijie, hey, hey, hey,
Baijie..!!!OMG!You are getting on my nerves! GO AWAY!
Killin' me!疯掉了But I've been sitting here for 3 hours now! The
silence(安静) is killin' me!You don't have to stay here. Go somewhere
else!I'll call you when I finish. OK?
So annoying真讨厌Hey Baijie! Are you done working yet?OMG!!!You are
so annoying!!I'm so bored(无聊)!
Getting on my nerves!好烦人
killin' me!疯掉了
silence['saɪləns] n.v.安静
so annoying真讨厌
bored[bɔː]a.无聊, 烦人的bore/n.孔;口径
360. Take a Chill Pill !! ( Jun 27,2013)
Chill( or just chill, chill out) 冷静!Chill out Baijie!! You
almost hit me with that magazine! Grrr!!!! I am so mad(气死我啦)!Chill
out girl, what’s wrong?
Take a chill pill冷静一下Look! The new Victoria's Secret bikini came
out. It's so cute!But I don't have any money to buy it!Dude! Take a
chill pill!(亲,冷静一点) It's not a big deal!Your birthday is comeing.I
can get it for you as a birthday present!What do you think?That's
so sweet of you!But what if I can't pull it off(但是我觉得我穿了不一定好看)?What
if I look really ugly in it(要是我穿了很难看怎么办)!?
Take it down a notch! 冷静,不要冲动Baijie,you need to take it down a
notch! Tou're gonna look good!Trest me!No!!But I feel so FAT! I
can't even fit in the shorts(短裤) I bought last year.Just chill
out!If you really think you're fat.Go hit the gym(去健身房锻炼)!I hate
chill(just chill/chill out) 冷静
take a chill pill冷静一下pill[pɪl]n.药丸,药片;无法避免的讨厌事,讨厌的家伙
dude[djuːd]n. 花花公子
Take it down a notch! 冷静,不要冲动
361. Google Glass( Jun 28,2013)
Counting down the days 倒计时Today’s the day.就是今天I’ve been counting
down the days for more than two months now! Today is finally the
day to get Google Glass!Today’s the day!Hi! I'm Sunil.And I'm going
to be& Jess with her Google Glass today up in our
Chelsea Market space in New York City!.Woohoo ! Let's go!You all
ready?I'm ready!! Let's go!
Google Glass Explorer谷歌眼镜体验者Google selected 8,000 Glass
Explorers to try out Google Glass! And I’m one of them! OMG!I feel
Sick of waiting 等烦了OK I'm sick of waiting. let's go use
See what I see 看到我看到的We're in Times Square!! Now you can see
what I see! We're in Times Square!!Isn't it amazing!?Buzz and
Woody?Whaaat!?OMG!So close ! How are you?
counting down the days 倒计时
Today’s the day.就是今天
Google Glass Explorer谷歌眼镜体验者
sick of waiting 等烦了
see what I see 看到我看到的
362. Pet!( July 12,2013)
feel摸Your dress is so pretty!Thank you. It’s silk. Feel it!
stroke抚摸Do you know how to calm down(淡定) Hegrid’s The Monster
Book of Monsters(妖怪们的妖怪书)? You need to stroke the spine(书脊)!
caress爱抚mushy gushy腻歪What are you reading?Twilight(暮光). Listen
to this: Edward slowly caressed Bella’s face…Ew! I hate reading
romantic books!Then he caressed her arms…Ew! Stop it! So mushy
pet 抚摸petting zoo 爱畜动物园In the US, petting zoos are very popular
with kids(很受孩子欢迎). There are all kinds of animals to pet: They have
sheep and bunnies and &ducks,
and& llamas! Llamas are my favorite!
feel [fɪːl]n.v.摸,感觉
stroke[strəʊk]n.抚摸, 打
to calm down淡定, 冷静下来calm[kɑːm]n.v.a.平稳,风平浪静
pet[pet]V.抚摸,宠爱n.a.供玩赏的动物,宠物petting zoo 爱畜动物园
363. I am in ! ( July 22,2013)
I’m down for that. 好啊,我同意! I’m thinking Chinese hotpot for
dinner. What do you think? I’m down for that.
I’m in. 我加入!走起! Who’s up for a late-night dip in the
pool?谁晚上想跟我一起去游泳? I’m in!走起啊!
for sure=For shizzle(口语) 当然! Are we still(还去) on for the movies
tonight? Oh,for sure! (Oh For shizzle!)
Heck Yeah! &好啊! Hey !You wanna come to my
birthday party tomorrow night? Heck Yeah!
I’m down for that. 好啊,我同意!
I’m in. 我加入!走起!
for sure=For shizzle(口语) =That is good!当然!
Heck Yeah!& 好啊! heck[hek]interj.真见鬼
364. "Yippee"!感叹词(July 28,2013)
Cheering欢呼时--Yippee 太好了! I found twenty bucks in the back pocket
of my pants!!
Annoyed烦躁时--Ugh! 额!真烦!Ughhh!Why is New York so hot? If you can’t
reach(找)me, It's Because I’ve passed out from the heat(热晕过去了)!
Sympathetic表示同情时-- Awww啊好可怜I think
I have a summer cold .Aww…,You need to turn your air-conditioner
Something adorable被萌到时--Awww& 啊,好可爱Awww look
how cute but evil these minions are!啊,快看这些小黄豆多邪恶,多可爱啊!Awww! So
Relieved松了口气时--Phew& 咻!AHHHH! What? what? I
thought I steppp(狗屎) but it was only
chocolate. Phew. Scared me.
Yippee 太好了
Ugh! 额!真烦!
something adorable可爱的东西adorable[ə'dɔːrəbl]a.值得崇拜的,可敬重的;可爱的
Awww& 啊,好可怜/好可爱
Phew& 咻!
365. Werido!( July 28,2013)
奇葩,极品!--weirdo 怪人,极品My college roommate was a weirdo. She used
to eat the inside of all her Oreos (奥利奥的夹心)and give me the cookies!
Ewwww!Such a weirdo!You're such a weirdo!
so weird 古怪,诡异wacko 怪人,极品That wacko was so weird! She talked in
her sleep every night(说梦话). Onc night at 3am, She screamed
.“There’s not enough time for me to save the world! ” What the
goofball活宝,做傻事逗别人开心的人But she was the goofball of our class!I
mean,she is definitely a born comedian! I mean everybody loved
her.She's& just kinda weird(有点奇怪)!
so weird 古怪,诡异weird [wɪəd]a.怪异的n.命运,符咒,预言
wacko 怪人,极品
talked in her sleep说梦话
kinda/n. 有一点,有一些
366. Coffee and All That ( July 28,2013)
coffee face--咖啡脸,脸色很差,很不精神的样子Black screen: 7 a.m.Good
morning!How's it goin'? …good morning ….You don't look so good
.What's wrong?Oh nothing …um…, this is just my coffee face. I’ll be
better once I drink a cup of coffee.
coffee junkie - 咖啡狂人 Haha, I see. So are you a coffee junkie
then?Yep(是的). I need a black coffee every morning to wake me
coffee nap - 越喝咖啡反而越想睡觉 (Pouring coffee) Do you want some
coffee? No, thank you. Coffee naps.
morning person - 喜欢早起的人Seriously(真的么)? But how do you stay awake
without coffee?? I’m kind of a morning person! Well good for you.
No amount of coffee can make me a morning person. Haha. I’m off to
my yoga class(去上yoga课了). Enjoy your coffee.Hey,pick me up(给我买一杯) a
coffee on your way home(回家时)!
coffee face咖啡脸,很不精神的样子
coffee junkie 咖啡狂人junkie['dʒʌŋkɪ]n.有毒瘾者;废旧品商人
coffee nap 越喝咖啡反而越想睡觉nap[n&p]n.打盹儿
morning person 喜欢早起的人
seriously['sɪrɪəslɪ]adv. 严肃地,真的么
amount of许多
367. Stuff Stuff Stuff! ( July 25,2013)
stuff/v.塞进去When I get paid(发工资的时候), I just stuff the money in my
pocket and head straight for the mall(直奔购物中心)! I love shopping!
stuff your face 狂吃It's so hot outside!! I just wanna stuff my
face with ice cream and popsicles(冰棍)!
That’s the stuff! 就是这个,这个太棒了That’s the stuff! Popcicle time!
That’s the stuff! That's &so good!
stuff/n.东西Women always have so much stuff in their
purses(包)!wallet(钱包), cell phone, keys, makeup(化妆品), compact
mirror(化妆镜), lotion(润肤霜), sunblock(防晒霜), sun glasses, pens,
umbrella, tissues, snack &and toys ….
and stuff (like that) 之类的Bai Jie what are you up to(做什么)?Nothing
much. Just shooting(拍) OMG Meiyu and stuff. Oh yeah?What are you
talking about? Oh, you know, like American slang and stuff like
stuff [stʌf]v.饱食,塞进去n.东西,材料
stuff your face 狂吃
That’s the stuff! 就是这个,这个太棒了
and stuff /and stuff like that 之类的
what are you up to做什么
368. NYC & LA! ( July 25,2013)
BJ: My BFF(Best Friend Forever) Melissa is visiting me in NYC! I
only get to see her once a year.
M: I'm so excited to be here with Baijie! I live in Los Angeles,
or LA, so we live on opposite coasts(东西相反的两岸).
BJ: Melissa, what do you think is the difference between NYC and
LA?M: There are so many differences!
TRANSPORTATION---BJ:NYC: Subway LA: Driving.The quickest way to
get anywhere in NYC is to take the subway! Even celebrities(明星)
take the subway!M:Not in LA! Everybody drives in LA!
FOOD---BJ:NYC:bagel(百吉饼).M:LA:Salad.BJ:NYC has the best bagels
on the planet!You want a bite, Melissa?M: Noooo!BJ:You don't like
bagels?M:Salad!!Ew,no!I'm from LA.We only eat salads!No
carbs!!BJ:This is,like,the best bagel on the planet!You don't
SPORTS---BJ:NYC Knicks.M:LA Lakers.BJ:The Knicks are in New
York!That's where Jeremy Lin got famous(成名)!Come on! The
Knicks!M:Everybody in LA loves the Lakers!They worship(崇拜)
WEATHER---BJ:NYC,four seasons(四季分明).M:LA,year-round
sunshine(全年阳光).M:It's so hot in NYC right now,but winters in NYC
are freezing(特别冷)!M:That sucks(太糟糕了)!Because LA has year-round
SUMMER---M:It's so nice outsite!WINTER---It's so nice
outsite!BJ:I'm freezing my butt off!!
BFF=Best Friend Forever一辈子的好朋友
opposite coasts东西相反的两岸
on the planet世界上
a bite[baɪt]n.咬一口
carbs= carbohydrate,foods like bread, pasta, and rice
freezing/a.特别冷, 严寒的
369. Adorkable! ( Aug 07 ,2013)
adorkable=dork+adorable呆萌呆萌的Awwww Baijie, look at this picture!
Is that your brother? No, that’s my neighbor’s teenage son. He just
got accepted into MIT. He’s a little nerdy(呆子气). Awww, he looks so
redonkulous 可笑至极的What?! I don’t think so…. He’s just like
redonkulous. -How(怎么会)? He's &always creating
random stuff(莫名其妙的东西). One time he made this machine that cuts
potatoes automatically. I mean ,like,who needs that(谁要那玩意儿啊)!?
nerdtastic 超赞技术宅 An automatic potato cutter? OMG!That is
nerdtastic! Awesome!Really? You think that’s good? Well now that
he’s going to MIT I hope he makes something better!真的吗? Come on
Baijie, admit it, you’re a little jealous (嫉妒) because he's little
smarter than you!Maybe…
呆子气nerd [nɜːd]n.讨厌的人,卑微的人
random['r&ndəm]a. 意的,胡乱的,随便的
nerdtastic=nerd+fantastic 超赞技术宅
370. Intern!( Aug 08 ,2013)
Internship 实习岗位,实习期& intern /n.v.实习生 the
position held by an intern或实习期the period of time when someone is an
Newbie 新人Take it one step at a time. 循序渐进 Woohoo!!! I'm
interning at Bank of China this summer!!!
Woohoo!!!& Congratulations! Did you write yourself
a plan? Well…. I mean… I'm just a newbie. I haven’t really given
that much thought . I guess I'll just roll with it(随机行事). Ya
knoe?Take it one step at a time. Well, I am sure you will learn a
lot from this internship! Good luck!
Run errands 跑腿& Long time no see! How is your
internship? What are you doing there? Oh well I don’t know...
Mostly I just run errands for my bosses. And I can’t really have
access to(接触) ,like the professional stuff (专业的东西).
Internship 实习岗位,实习期intern /n.v.实习(生)
take it one step at a time循序渐进,一次一步
roll with it 随机行事
run errands 跑腿errand['erənd]n.任务,差使
371. Get over yourself!( Aug 09,2013)
Exaggerate 夸张,夸大其词 OMG!I finally finished my homework! Oh come
on! Stop exaggerating, it’s not that complicated. I finished an
hour ago! I even did it while watching TV(边看电视边做)! The Voice of
China(中国好声音)is so awesome this year!!!!
Get over yourself少臭美了I know!! I’m gonna go watch it now!Go
ahead.. Also if I could be on that show, I’d totally win that
thing(我一定可以赢) . Baijie, get over yourself, it is a very
professional and serious (严肃) competition, there’s no way you can
Flatter yourself 奉承自己,自以为是 I am SOOOOO good at singing! Whenever
I sing in public, I always attract so many audiences(观众)! Here we
go again…(又来了).This is true! I’m that good!Don't flatter
exaggerate[ɪg'z&dʒəreɪt]v 夸张,夸大其词
get over yourself少臭美了
flatter yourself 奉承自己,自以为是
372. He Was Like!( Aug 12 ,2013)
I was like/He was like/She was like/They were like 我(他/她/他们)说,
Hey Baijie I heard you had a fight with your roomie (室友) yesterday.
What happened? So I &was just watching TV .And she
came back and she was like , “You are in my spot(位子). So I was
like, “Since when this is your spot?”. She was like, “Since
I went/He went/She went/They went我(他/她/他们)说,What? That makes no
sense(无理取闹)!I know! That’s what I told her! And she went, “Your
spot is at the kitchen table. Go shoot(拍) your shows
I was all/He was all/She was all/They were all (他/她/他们)说,Then I
started to worry so I was all , “Is everything all right?” But she
was all, “Get out of my spot and leave me alone.”&
Was she ok? Yeah. She apologized to me today. I thingk she just had
a really bad day yesterday.
I was like/He was like/She was like/They were like
roomie=roommate /n.室友
I went/He went/She went/They went我(他/她/他们)说
no sense无理取闹,无法明白
I was all/He was all/She was all/They were all (他/她/他们)说
shoot/v. 拍摄,射击,注射
373. Long Distance Relationship( Aug 13 ,2013)
long distance relationship 异地恋We're long distance (=we're in a
long distance relationship)
Lovesick 相思病You seem kinda moody today. Well I really
miss(想)Ryan. We’re long distance and we have been apart for 3
MONTHS!Awe...It’s always hard(辛苦) when you are in a long-distance
relationship. So true!My lovesickness is killing me now!
tie the knot 结婚pop the question 求婚You guys have been together
for,like, 5 years! Is he ever gonna pop the question? When are you
guys gonna tie the knot!?Whoa whoa whoa!!! Relax. We love each
other and being together is enough right now.
old maid 剩女I'm just worried about you! Aren't you worried about
becoming an old maid? Are you crazy!? Ryan loves me! I'm not
worried about anything. You're the one who should be
worried(你才应该担心).Are you calling me an old maid because I'm still
long distance relationship(=long distance)异地恋
lovesick 相思病
kinda=kind of 有点
tie the knot 结婚
pop the question 求婚
old maid 剩女maid[meɪd]n.少女,女仆,未婚女子
374. ActingCute!( Aug 14 ,2013)
acting cute 卖萌Bai Jie, can you teach me how to act cute while
taking a selfie(自拍)? It’s simple. To act cute, you can. 1. Open
your eyes as wide as possible and look up innocently(无辜).2.
Cover(遮住) part of your face with hands or a cute prop(道具). 3. Tilt
your head(歪头)a little bit and wink(眨眼).
acting pouty to get what you want 撒娇My friend Alice always acts
pouty to her boyfriend to get what she wants.Honey can you buy me
some snacks?Sweetie I really really love that purse!Sweet
heart(甜心)that ring is so beautiful! Can you get it for me? Pretty
please with a cherry on top?
goose bump肉麻When girls pout like that it gives me
acting cute 卖萌
innocently/ad.无辜, 纯洁地
prop[prɒp]n.支柱; 支持者,道具
goose bump肉麻bump[bʌmp]n.肿块,撞击
375. Over The Top (Aug 15 ,2013)
Over the top 夸张A: I haven’t seen Baijie for ten days! Is she
still at school?B: Of course. She’s still in bed. See? She just
asked me to pick up lunch for her.A: That’s over the top! What is
she doing there?
Candy crusher!Hi! My name's Mr Monkey!And I'm a little worm!
It'e time to eat you!!
No!! Edward!!No!! Bella Don't break up!I love vampires!!
Intense (口语)=crazy(疯狂)B: Baijie??? Are you here? Baijie: I'm
here! Lunch is here? Yay!B: Baijie are you reading another
vampire(吸血鬼)novel? That's, like, the 3rd (第三本)one this week!I like
vampires…That's intense!B: Baijie are you ever gonna leave this
dorm? You've been here for 4 days straight! That's intense!!!We
don't wanna leave!We like it here!Girl, that's intense!
At all costs 不惜一切代价A: How’s Baijie? B: You are NOT gonna believe
this(说来你也不信). She want to become What do you call it?a…uh…
&Super otaku?So she wants to stay in bed at all
costs.Whoa! That's intense!
over the top 夸张
Intense (口语)=crazy(疯狂) Intense[ɪn'tens]a.非常的,紧张的,强烈的
At all costs 不惜一切代价
376. Bad Pictures! ( Aug 16 ,2013)
backlit逆光Oooo! This food looks so yummy!Hey! Take a picture of
me with it!(帮我跟这些菜拍个照吧) please! Ok. But we need to switch
first(先换下座位). Because you &are backlit.
blurry模糊的Turn on the flash!3,2,1 . It's blurry! Can we take
another one ? Maybe we can turn the flash on this time.
Your eyes are closed! OK the flash is on!3,2,1.My eyes are
closed in this picture ! Can we take another one? You need to tell
me before you take it !& You can never take a good
picture!And you can never have dinner without taking a
blurry/a.模糊的,污斑的, 污脏的
377. Cellphone Pictures! ( Aug 19 ,2013)
front-facing camera前置摄像头 I think the front-facing camera is the
best invention ever! Taking selfies is so easy now!
filter滤镜A lot of girls myst add at least one filter before
uploading(上传) their pictures.Fiters make the pictures look so much
better and they cover up(掩盖) all of the flaws(缺陷).
frame边框collage拼图 I really like using frames on my pictures.And I
love making picture collages.
Uploading too many pictures can be really annoying to your
friends but making picture collages is maybe a little less
crop剪裁rotate旋转Sometimes I need to crop or rotate my pictures
before I make a picture collage .
Vocabulary:uploading their pictures
front-facing camera前置摄像头
upload/v. 加载,上传
cover up掩盖
378. Facepalm !( Aug 20 ,2013)
Facepalm 无语,汗 Hey Baijie, did you finish your math homework? I
have some questions to ask you about it. Eeehhh?? Stop
procrastinating(不要拖延)!This homework is important! We have to turn
it(交作业) in tomorrow morning!What ???The teacher was serious about
that homework? I thought he was saying it just for fun!
SMH=Shaking My Head 摇头,表示"无语" OMG! You are ridiculous!I have to
text(短信) Ryan about this!Hey Rayn!Guess what? Beijie thinks our
homework is a joke!SMH.Hey hey stop stop!!!That's not fair(不公平)!! I
don't spread your embarrassing moments like that(把你尴尬事情到处宣传)!
There are no words…没话说This is just too ridiculous(太夸张了)!I have
to share it with someone!Oh! Ryan replied! #facepalm .Oooh! Lemme
see! Lemme see!Ryan said What?? We have math homework?
See! I'm not the only one!OMG….There are no words….You two are
facepalm 无语,汗
turn it 交作业
SMH=Shaking My Head 摇头,表示"无语"
There are no words…没话可说
Lemme see!=Let& me see
379. Amazement !( Aug 8 ,2013)
amazed(by someone or something) 对一些人或者事情感到吃惊 Whoa! You gotta
see( 来看看)this video! I am so amazed by this guy's dance moves! I
wish(想) I could dance like him.& I can't believe
it! I am so amazed by this cat! It can open doors....
shock(对好或坏事情)吃惊20,14,2….OMG!!! Did I just win the
lottery(中奖)!?One billion dollars!!ALL MINE!!!Wait wait wait .Let me
check the numbers.NOOOO!!!Beijie you look shocked. What happened?I
misread the numbers on my lottery ticket….
Blow away! 大吃一惊 I am so blown away by Miley Cyrus' new song! Her
style has totally changed!She not Hannah Montana anymore!And you
talking about "We can't stop"?That song is my jam(很喜欢)!
gotta=(have) got to/n.有,必须,非得(因特网俚语)
Blow away! 大吃一惊
380. Kind of ( Aug 27 ,2013)
a/the kind of (something)一种,一类 D-a-t-e m-y- s-c-h-o-o-l- dot
com. YEAH! This is the kind of guy.
I’ve been looking for. He's so cute! &Awww!!
Are you on another dating website? Why do you even use these
things? Because!!This is the only way. I can find the kind of guy
I'm looking for! Look at this guy he's the kind of really
successful and charming(有才又有魅力) guy I'm looking for.
Kind of 有点 Don't you think he's super cute.No…not really…he kind
of reminds(联想到) me of evil(坏蛋) Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter.
One of a kind特殊的,特别的,独一无二 What?!!No way!He doesn't look evil at
all!!He is one of a kind .Look here!It says(资料上写着) that he has a
dog named Elvis(猫王)!How adorable(可爱)!Beijie It's JUST A WEBSIT!
Anybody can make up(编造) a profile(主页) like that!ANYBODY!!You know
what?I think it's kind of fun!I can see myself spending the rest of
my life(共度余生) with this kind of guy!You know what?I think you're
kind of crazy!
a/the kind of (something)一种,一类
Kind of 有点
One of a kind特殊的,特别的,独一无二
381. Eyelid Twitches ( Aug 28 ,2013)
eyelid twitches 眼皮跳OMG! Look at that hot guy(帅哥)! He's,like,
ogling(抛媚眼) me! No &I don’t think so. I think
that's just his eyelid’s twitching. Oh... right...Do you believe
that left eyelid twitches it indicates good fortune and when your
right eyelid twitches it indicates &bad
fall asleep麻了My cheek fell asleep!My hand feel asleep!My other
hand fell asleep!
I don't like international flights because my butt always falls
asleep after sitting for hours! I've been playing Dota all night!My
hand fell asleep!
mosquito bites蚊子包The mosquito bites on my feet are killing
me!They are right under my sandal straps(凉鞋带).It's so itchy when I
eyelid twitches 眼皮跳
fall asleep麻了
mosquito bites蚊子包
382. Spoiler Alert! ( Aug 30 ,2013)
Spoiler alert 剧透Have you seen Monsters University yet? Not yet.
But I'm gonna see it tonight! Awesome! It's shch a good movie. And,
spoiler alert, you will see Sullivan... Spoiler alert!Spoiler
Don't tell me!You're gonna ruin the movie(电影没看头了)!!
Buzzkill扫兴How was the movie?It was fantastic! But my boyfriend
stood me up(放我鸽子).He said he had to work overtime(加班).Aw! What a
buzzkill! It's OK.That's just him.He is a workaholic(工作狂).
Bummer坏(令人心烦)消息 Hey Marissa!What do you have goin' on tomorrow?
I am going to throw a party and I hope you can come.Mmm…let me
check the schedule(安排)….Aww! Bummer! I have to work that
Saturday!What!? That IS a bummer! Come on! Tomorrow is Saturday! I
know! I'm so sorry! Such a bummer(好烦)!
spoiler alert 剧透spoiler['spɔɪlə(r)]n.抢夺者,损坏者
stood me up放我鸽子
383. Homesick !( Sep 30 ,2013)
homesick 思乡病 It’s the first day of school and I’m already
good old days 过去的美好时光I miss the good old days! I miss all the
authentic local foods. I miss my family and friends. I miss walking
my dog and picking up after him遛狗捡狗屎!
nostalgic怀旧的 Baijie don't be so nostalgic! Come hang out(出来)
with us if you have some fun(开心) then that will definitely cure
your homesickness(就不想家了).
homesick/a.n. 思乡病
good old days 过去的美好时光
walking my dog遛狗
picking up拾起
hang out出来
384. US China Trains! ( Sep 1 ,2013)
Economy seat经济座, business seat商务座, first class seat头等座 The
trains in the US are just like the planes. There are economy,
business, and first class seats.
sleeper car 卧铺车厢 Usually you would reserve a sleeper car if you
take a midnight train(夜车).Leavin's on the midnight train to
seat硬座/Bunk (bed)卧铺In China,you can choose to buy a seat or a
upper bunk上铺/middle bunk中铺/lower bunk下铺 I heard that the lower
bunk is more comfortable than the middle and upper bunks because it
is the only bunk where you can sit up straight.But the middle and
upper bunks are safer and cleaner.
economy/ business/ first class seat经济/商务/头等座(US)
sleeper car 卧铺车厢
midnight train夜车
seat硬座/bunk (bed)卧铺(China) bunk[bʌŋk]n.架式床铺,铺位
upper bunk /middle bunk /lower bunk上/中/下铺
385. Online BOGO Sale! ( Oct 2 ,2013)
Free shipping 包邮 Free returns 包退I wanted to buy a guitar online.
And I got one as soon as I saw that the online shop offers free
shipping. So did you get your guitar? Yes.But much smaller than
what I expected and there are only four strings(弦)!Free shipping
isn't everything(光包邮费可不行)! Check if they have free returns.
BOGO=Buy One Get One买一送一OMG!I'm gonna report(举报) online
store!This is so annoying!!
What happened? Check this out,I got these shoes in a BOGO
sale.But that was a bait(引诱) and switch(圈套)! I bought one pair of
shoes but they only sent me one pair of shoes and told me that I
bought one shoe and got the other one free!So stupid!!That's
Live paycheck to paycheck月光族的生活 I really need to save money to
buy a car.But you know I am living paycheck topaycheck right now!
Well you'd be OK if you quit your crazy online shopping habit….
10:00!! Let's see what is on sale today?See? That's the
free shipping 包邮
free returns 包退
BOGO=Buy One Get One买一送一
switch[swɪtʃ]n.圈套,开关, 转换
live paycheck to paycheck月光族的生活paycheck/n.付薪水的支票,薪水
386. Scare Me to Death!! ( Oct 3 ,2013)
Scare me to death 吓死我了 My flight flew in turbulence for half an
hour. It scared me to death. I thought the plane was gonna
scare me out of my mind 吓傻了I hate those prank(恶作剧) videos where
the screaming ghost shows up out of nowhere.Those just scare me out
of my mind!
scare the crap out of me 吓出翔了Check out(看看) this little kitten!!A
lizard(蜥蜴) scared the crap out of it! It's so funny!
freak me out吓坏了I had such a bad dream last night.I was a student
again and I was late to class of the first day!It freaked me
scare me to death 吓死我了scare[skeə]n.惊恐;
恐慌screaming['skrɪːmɪŋ]a.叫喊的; 使人惊叹
crash[kr&ʃ]n.相撞; 坠毁,电脑死机,无票闯入
scare me out of my mind 吓傻了mind[maɪnd]n.头脑;精神;智力v.注意
prank[pr&ŋk]n.胡闹;恶作剧v. 打扮
scare the crap out of me 吓得晕头转向
freak me out吓坏了
387. Cash! ( Oct 4 ,2013)
Cash only 只收现金 Hi! What can I get ya? Can I get a medium soy
latte(加豆奶的拿铁). Here you go! (hand credit card),&
Oh sorry ! We only take cash.
cash on me 带现金I have cash on me. I don't have cash on me.Oh!
OK!Let me see if I have cash on me.Oh no! I don't have any cash on
me right now!
Do you have cash?你有现金吗?bucks美元Do you have cash?Yeah! Probably
!Let me look.Yep! $20 right here!I'll pay you back when we get
home.Can I borrow some cash?I'll pay you back when we get home.No
problem! Here you go(给你).Thanks!You're welcome!
Cash only 只收现金
cash on me 带现金Do you have cash? I (don't) have cash on me.
buck[bʌk]n.一美元,雄鹿;公羊; bucks美元
388. Shut the Front Door!!( Oct 21 ,2013)
Doormat 门垫,通常指受气包,被人欺负的人 Hi Baijie, how is your new job? Is
everything alright?& Hmm, well, I like the job,
and I know I’m new, but I can’t stand (受不了)that I’m being treated
as a doormat by some of my colleagues! They ask me to do so many
crazy things(对我想干嘛就干嘛) !Wow, what did they ask you to do?
Baijie,could you please copy this paper for me?Baijie,could you
please go to the front dest and see if we get any mail or a package
or something especially mine.Baijie,would you pass this to
mary.She's sitting in that corner.
Shut the front door!=shut the 'beep" up天啊,不要说了!(表示惊讶)That sounds
so annoying!
Get your foot in the door指刚刚进入某公司,从底层做起Chill out,Baijie.You just
got your foot in the door.This is an entry-lever job for you.You'll
be fine in the future.I hope so.
doormat 门垫,通常指受气包,被人欺负的人
colleagues[ 'kɒliːg]n.同事;同僚
shut the front door!=shut the 'beep" up天啊,不要说了!(表示惊讶)
Get your foot in the door.指刚刚进入某公司,从底层做起
389. Beauty!( Oct 22,2013)
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 情人眼里出西施Hey! I met a really
really cute guy at the library. You wanna see a picture? Yeah!
Sure! Let's see!Let's see! him... Uh... yeah... Baijie..., I'm sure
he is a really nice guy.What ? You don't think he is cute?I think
he's a total cutie patootie!Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,I
Beauty is only skin deep外表美是肤浅的You know,beauty is only skin
deep.He is one of the funniest(有趣) people.I've evew met(见过的).He
makes(逗) me laugh all the time!I love that!
It's what's on the inside that counts内在美才是最重要的I totally
agree.It's what's on the inside that counts!I'm happy as long as he
makes you happy.(只要他让你开心就好)&
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
beauty is only skin deep外表美是肤浅的
patootie= a sweetheart/ n.心上人
390. Pumpkin-flavored!( Oct 24 ,2013)
Pumpkin-flavored 南瓜口味的
Overload 超载的,信息量超大的Baijie! Starbucks has Pumpkin Spice
latte's(南瓜香辣拿铁)! It's officially(正式开始) fall!!OMG! Everything is
pumpkin-flavored right now. Everybody's on pumpkin-overload!!
Pumpkin donuts南瓜甜甜圈Pumpkin coffee南瓜咖啡Pumpkin pie南瓜派Pumpkin
muffins南瓜小松饼Pumpkin froyo南瓜冰冻酸奶Pumpkin scones南瓜拷饼
sick of something厌倦某事over it受够了某样东西I am soooo sick of
pumpkin-flavored stuff!!I think if I have one more pumpkin-flavored
thing I might throw up! Ew me too!winter-time(冬季) peppermint
pumpkin-flavored 南瓜口味的
overload 超载的,信息量超大的
Pumpkin Spice latte's南瓜香辣拿铁
sick of something厌倦某事
over it受够了某样东西
throw up呕吐
391. Keep You Posted ( Oct 24 ,2013)
I'll keep you posted. 我会和你保持联系的 Baijie, do you have any time
this weekend? Sorry … I’ll be out of town(外地). Okay. How about our
project?& Don’t worry. I’ll keep you
I'll let you know我会通知/告诉你的By the way,where are you going this
weekend?Vegas BABY!Wow! So when do you get back?That's a good
question.Err …I'll let you know.Ok.
Stay tuned敬请期待Alright.Enjoy your weeked!When will we have time
to work on the project?I'll keep you posted when I get back from my
Vegas weeked.Stay tuned!Ok …
I'll keep you posted. 我会和你保持联系的
out of town外地
I'll let you know我会通知/告诉你的
Stay tuned敬请期待
392. Intern!( Sep 8 ,2013)
392. Hang in there! ( Oct 26 ,2013)
hang in there挺住 , 过得凑合(回答how are you) Hey Baijie, how are you?
Hanging in there.(凑合能过吧,撑着呢)/ My neighbor upstairs must be a
dinosaur(恐龙)! I mean how is it possible to stomp so
Hang in there挺住,加油!(单独用) Hang in ther.Have you talked to him
hang tough挺住,坚持自己的意见I did(我找他了).But he said he has carpet all
over the floor and I was making it up!(说我无中生有)What?Hang tough!Why
on earth would anyone make this up(谁会编这种瞎话呢)?
be the bigger person大人有大量 I didn't know how to prove it.So I
just went back and hit the ceiling with a broomstick(用扫帚桶天花板).Shut
up! Shut up!Oh no!You need to be the bigger person,OK?Maybe you can
record the noise and then play it back to him.
hang in there挺住 , 过得凑合(回答how are you)
Hang in there!挺住,加油(单独用)
hang tough挺住,坚持自己的意见
making it up!(说我无中生有
be the bigger person大人有大量
393. Improvise! ( Oct 29 ,2013)
improvise 即兴发挥 I’ve been preparing for this presentation(演讲) for
a whole month. Have you uploaded my PowerPoint to the computer
here? I’m &presenting in three minutes. Um… bad
news. The projector is broken. You’ll need to improvise.(pic:
shocked face)
wing it 即兴发挥Relax, it happens all the time and people just wing
it.Are you kidding me?This is a very important presentation and my
PowerPoint has a lot of data in it! I can't just wing it like
Fake it till you make it糊弄到大家相信为止Nobody know you've ever gicen a
presentation without& a&
PowerPoint just fake it till you make it(糊弄他们不会发现的)!
improvise[ 'ɪmprəvaɪz]v. 即兴发挥
presentation[&prɪːzən'teɪʃn]n. 绍, 赠送,演讲
wing it 即兴发挥
fake it till you make it糊弄到大家相信为止fake[feɪk]n.冒牌货,仿造品,骗子v. 伪造
394. Roar! ( Oct 30 ,2013)
Katty Perry新歌"Roar"/ I used to bite my tongue and hold my
Bite your tongue ,忍着不说话If you are smart you should know when to
bite your tongue.
Hold your breath 屏住呼吸Can you hold your breath for 3 minutes?
Scared to rock the boat and make a mess害怕打破现状,陷入混乱
Rock the boat 打破现状,捣乱Ryan told her a huge secret .He loves to
rock the boat(爱捣乱).
So I sat quietly, agreed politely所以只好静坐,默许I guess that I forgot
I had a choice或许忘记了我还有选择I let you push me past the breaking
Breaking point极限I'm so mad at you! (我非常生你的气)My rage is reaching
the breaking point!!
I stood for nothing(我没有如何立场) .So I fell for
Fall for somrthing相信谋事Don't fall for his words! He is a big
bite my tongue咬紧舌头,忍着不说话
hold your breath 屏住呼吸
rock the boat 打破现状,捣乱
sat quietly静坐
breaking point极限
I stood for nothing我没有如何立场
I fell for everything所以我任人摆布
Fall for somrthing相信谋事
395. Messy! ( Oct 31 ,2013)
chaotic 混乱的 Bai Jie, why did you quit(辞去) your last (上一份)job?
I’m OCD(强迫症) ,so …I just couldn't the chaotic schedule. I needed to
have lunch at different time every single day and it was driving me
crazy! Ah!
disorganized 混乱的,不拘小节的Wow, I didn’t know you are so organized.
I’m pretty disorganized.
messy 杂乱的 Bei Jie's desk is so messy OMG! But a new study
shows(研究显示) that messy-deskers are 50% more creative(创造力). Steven
Jobs(乔布斯) has a messy desk. (pic: messy 4) Mark Zuckerburg(扎克伯) has
a messy desk too. (pic: messy 8)
unkempt 蓬乱的(头发和衣着) &Well, I enjoy having kinda
unkempt hair when I don’t have to go out . I just can’t bear a
chaotic schedule.
chaotic[keɪ'ɒtɪk]a. 混乱的
OCD=Obsessive Compulsive Disorder& 强迫症
messy[ 'mesɪ]a.杂乱的
kinda=kind of /ad. 有一点, 有几分
396. NYC Halloween Dog Parade! ( Oct 31 ,2013)
纽约Thompkin Square Park的万圣节狗狗化装游行 dog halloween costume
Isn't he cute??Let's go meet some puppies!What's your dog's
name?Bailey .How is Bailey dressed up today? Bailey is a pumpkin!
This is Chewey and we're a Star Wars (星际大战)family.He's our
prisoner. He's our ewok prisoner(伊渥克囚犯).And this is Darth
My name is Brendon. This is Trinity.We dressed up as M&M's
today(M豆)!That's so cute.Where's the dog?Hey! There she is!
We've been ketchup (番茄酱)and mustard(芥末酱)every year we've been
together.And then we got a dog. So naturally she had to be a little
hot dog.Let's see the hot dog!Her name's bagel. So she's a bagel
Gina's my name and her name is Summer.And she's geisha(艺妓)
girl.She's a Yorkie.She's such a pretty geisha!She's cold so we're
Wonder Woman(神奇女侠) and Batman(蜘蛛侠).Say hi!It's Wonder Woman!
How are you guys(你们) dressed up today?What's your costume?He's a
black tie puppy(黑领结小狗).He's the cutest little baby!What are your
names?I'm Jason and He's Achilles.You guys look really ,really
So tell me about your dog's.Halloween costume.She is a hula
pug(夏威夷草裙哈巴狗)!What's your dog's name?This is Zelda.What's your
name?I'm Amy.So why did you come to(参加) the dog parade today?It's
an annual thing we do every year(每年都来).She's 13 years old.
This is a tur-dog -key(火狗鸡).He name is Sissy.She's a dog stuffed
in a turkey.A &dog stuffed in a turke! Hello!
I'm the Ghostbuster(捉鬼特工).You got Stay-puff&
Marshmallow Man(永远蓬松的棉花糖人).Mini marshmallow.And I'm Lady
Liberty(自由女神)!So we're Peter Panand(彼得潘) and Tinker Bell(小叮当).I'm
Tony and this is Rosalita.
We're a lobster bake.So we have our lobster here.We have our
corn and we have our potatoes.So we're ready to go(开始烤了)!We won
second place(二等奖).You guys won second place?Congratulations!
Snow Whita(白雪公主).Such a pretty Snow White!I decided to wrap her
a towel and be E.T. and made him wear a red sweatshirt.
This is Meli,"honey" in Greek.
So kenny's dressed up as Kenny.Small fry(薯条)!He's so cute!Cutest
french fries ever!
dressed up打扮
prisoner[ 'prɪznə(r)]n.囚犯,战俘,犯人
ketchup['ketʃəp]n. (调味)番茄酱
397. 爸爸去哪儿!( Nov 1 ,2013)
Reality show 真人秀"Where Are We Going,Dad"& is my
new favorite reality show .I love it!
Quality time 家人之间的品质时间It's so interesting to see all the cute
little kids (萌娃)spending quality time with their celebrity
dads(星爸).Nowadays parents don't get to spend very much quality time
with their kids because they are always super busy.
Adorable 可爱的Kimi is so adorable!I just wanna scoop him up.Jimmy
Lin is such a handsome and caring dad too!
reality show 真人秀
quality time 家人之间的品质时间
398. NYC Street Performers ( Nov 04 ,2013)
street performers街头艺人Baijie,I really like New York City's street
performers!They're so talented(有才)! Have you seen them before?
Rock!摇滚,很棒!break dance霹雳舞Yeah! They rock(很棒)!They usually gather
around like subway stations or the park.I really like the guys who
breakdance in Union Square(联合广场)!They're cool!I'll check them out!I
love watching break-dancers!I've also seen drummers,songwriters
singing their songs and even a Chinese violin show(中国二胡)!
Donate 捐款I like to donate and put some cash in their cup every
time I see them.I really think most of them deserve it(值得) .They
street performers街头艺人
talented ['t&ləntɪd]a.有天才的,有才干的
break dance霹雳舞
399. On The Cutting Edge ( Nov 04 ,2013)
on the cutting edge 表示在某一方面处于最先进、最前沿的地位Whoa! Are you wearing
Google Glass?Yep.I am on the cutting edge of technology!How are
&So far so good 到目前为止还不错It's really convenient
to send text messages with your voice while you're walking
.Hey,glass!Text Melissa.Hey Melissa,what's going on?And it just
sent a text message. Unbelievable!But I keep ruuning into walls(撞墙)
when I read my text messages because I have to look up to see
Unplug 不插电,指停止使用电子产品 You are kinda obsessed with technology
,aren't you?Maybe you should unplug(放下手机什么的) and read a book every
once in a while(然后偶尔看看书)!Why should I(我为什么要那样做)? I can read a book
with Google glass!
on the cutting edge 表示在某一方面处于最先进、最前沿的地位
unplug 不插电,指停止使用子产品
400. Jibber-jabber ( Nov 06 ,2013)
blabbering 瞎说,胡扯,bla bla bla/Hey! How was your mystery(神秘)
date?Can you believe this?I spent all night listening to him
nonsense 废话No way!Don't tell me he blabbered about his
exes(前女友).Not only that!But he also mentioned his first love(初恋) in
1990.What a bunch of nonsens(一堆废话)!
jibber-jabber 碎碎念,扯淡Why would anyone jibber-jabber on and on
about their exes on a first date? So annoying!Poor you!Is he
calling you now?Ugh,yes.Time for more jibber-jabber!Hello?
blabbering[ 'bl&bə]v.喋喋不休, 瞎说,胡扯
nonsense[ 'nɑnsens]n. 废话
jibber-jabber 碎碎念,扯淡,诡辩


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