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You don't have to live your life the way others expect.
Chris Guillebeau
/ The Art of Non-Conformity
I write books including
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in Portland, OR. Our sister event is
I visited every country in the world (193/193) through
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Last week I mentioned . But here’s something new—a big bonus to earn at least 80,000 Marriott Points.
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Around the Web and the WorldWhat does &The type or namespace name x could not be found& mean? - Unity Answers
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What does "The type or namespace name x could not be found" mean?
hi im am making an hack and slash game from the
tutorial and im facing an error that said : The type or namespace name `Skill' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference? plz help me and explain to me whats wrong so i can improve my skill :)
using UnityE
using System.C
//added to acces the enum class
public class BaseCharacter : MonoBehaviour {
private string _
private int _
private uint _freeE
private Attribute[] _primaryA
private Vital[] _
private Skill[] _
public void Awake () {
_name = string.E
_level = 0;
_freeExp = 0;
_primaryAttribut = new Attribute[Enum.GetValues(typeof(AttributeName)).Length];
_vital = new Vital [Enum.GetValues(typeof(VitalName)).Length];
_skill = new Skill [Enum.GetValues(typeof(VitalName)).Length];
public string Name {
get{ return _}
set{name =}
public int Levvel {
get{return _}
set{_level =}
public uint FreeExp{
get{return _freeE}
set{_freeExp =}
public void AddExp (uint exp){
_freeExp +=
//take the avg of all the players skill and assign that as the player level
public void CalculateLevel(){
private void SetupPrimaryAttribute() {
for(int cnt = 0; cnt & _primaryAttribute.L cnt++){
_primaryAttribute[cnt] = new Attribute();
private void SetupVitals(){
for(int cnt = 0; cnt & _vital.L cnt++){
_vital[cnt] = new Vital();
private void SetupSkills(){
for(int cnt = 0; cnt & _skill.L cnt++){
_skill[cnt] = new Skill();
public Attribute GetPrimaryAttribute(int index){
return _primaryAttribute[index];
public Vital GetVital(int index){
return _vital[index];
public Skill GetSkill(int index){
return _skill[index];
private void SetupVitalMofifiers(){
GetVital((int)VitalName.Health).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Constitution), .5f));
//energy mana
GetVital((int)VitalName.Energy).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Constitution), 1));
GetVital((int)VitalName.Mana).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Willpower), 1));
private void SetupSkillModifiers(){
//melee Offence
GetSkill((int)SkillName,Melee_Offence).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Might),33f));
GetSkill((int)SkillName,Melee_Offence).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Nimbleness),33f));
//melee Defence
GetSkill((int)SkillName,Melee_Defence).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Speed),33f));
GetSkill((int)SkillName,Melee_Defence).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Constitution),33f));
//magic Offence
GetSkill((int)SkillName,Magic_Offence).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Concentration),33f));
GetSkill((int)SkillName,Magic_Offence).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.WillPower),33f));
//Magic Defence
GetSkill((int)SkillName,Magic_Defence).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Concentration),33f));
GetSkill((int)SkillName,Magic_Defence).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Willpower),33f));
//Ranged Offence
GetSkill((int)SkillName,Ranged_Offence).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Concentration),33f));
GetSkill((int)SkillName,Ranged_Offence).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Speed),33f));
//Ranged Defence
GetSkill((int)SkillName,Ranged_Defence).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Speed),33f));
GetSkill((int)SkillName,Ranged_Defence).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Nimbleness),33f));
public void StatUpdate(){
for(int cnt = 0; cnt & _vital.L cnt++)
for(int cnt = 0; cnt & _skill.L cnt++)
Best Answer
It seems you're missing the Skill.cs source file which should contain the Skill class. If you are positive it exists, maybe it is located in another name space which you have to include to your using statements.
The error means that it understands you're trying to access a type (the Skill class) but it can't be found in the project, so it doesn't know what to do with it.
I ran into this when I had a forms app and a dll app in a solution. The forms app was using framework 3.5 and the dll app was using framework 4.5. After I set them both to the same framework the issue disappeared.
Ran into this problem as well. In my case, I was trying to use C# to access a Javascript class. This isn't possible. (Unity 3.5)
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