we can jointhe sports club的祈使句大全

将We can put the bikes here.改为祈使句_百度作业帮
将We can put the bikes here.改为祈使句_______ _______ _______ _______!
Put the bikes here!Put our bikes here!
Let's put the bikes here.
Please put the bikes here.We can meet at the school gate at 8:00.(改为祈使句)_____ ______ at the school gate at 8:00._百度作业帮
We can meet at the school gate at 8:00.(改为祈使句)_____ ______ at the school gate at 8:00.
Let's meet金牌导学年英语中考真题汇编:12年完成句子及表格_学优中考网 |
【2012福建宁德】(E) 任务型阅读(每小题2分,满分10分)
Last month GEELY, a private (私营的) Chinese car company, bought the Swedish brand Volvo (瑞典品牌沃尔沃) for $1.8 billion. Li Shufu, 49, chairman of Geely, is now world famous.
Li Shufu started to show his business skills at an early age. In 1982 when he was 19, Li used 100 yuan to buy an old camera. He took pictures for tourists. In six months, he had 1,000 yuan.
With that money, he set up a photo room. Later, he began to make fridges, motorbikes and finally cars.
At that time, the government did not allow private companies to make cars. Li asked officials to give him a chance. "Please let me try," he told one official. "It is my dream."
At the same time, Li and two other engineers began to learn how to make cars. They visited many car factories. They worked day and night to design and test their own cars.
At last, Li was allowed to make cars. The first Geely car came out in 1998. This year, Geely made 329,100 cars.
As a successful businessman, Li is not serious and boring like some business people we see on TV. He plays the guitar. He's good at basketball. And his favorite hobby is writing poems. One of his poems shows his big dream in the car-making industry. I "How high can Chinese cars fly? Ten years of hard work will make us big eagles (大雕). "
Some information about Li Shufu
Company 76
, his car company, is now famous in China.
Time He was born in 77
Event After making fridges and motorbikes, he was allowed to 78
Hobby One of his hobbies is writing 79
任务二:文中的Li Shufu经过努力奋斗,梦想成真。你的梦想是什么?请你用英语表达出来。
【答案】76. Geely/GEELY
78. make cars
80. my dream is to be a scientist/teacher/pilot… My dream is to make sth
【2012湖南郴州】D) 摘录信息,阅读短文,然后完成内容摘要。(共5小题,计10分)
What do young people thing about places in town? We did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned. All the movies theatres are good, but the Screen City is the best in our town. It has the biggest screen and the most comfortable seats. However Town Cinema is the cheapest and it has the friendlies service. The most popular clothing store is Jason’s. It has the best quality clothing. It’s also the cheapest. Funky Fashion is the worst. It has really bead service. As for radio station, most people think that Jazz 107.9 FM is really great. It has the most exciting programs.
Survey Results of Places in Town
Name Comments
Screen City It has the biggest screen and the most 61. ______ seats.
62. ________________ It’s the cheapest and it has the friendliest service.
Jason’s It has the best 63. ______ clothing. It’s also the cheapest.
Funky Fashion It has really 64. _____________.
Jazz 107.9 FM It has the most 65. _________________.
【答案】61. comfortable 62. Town Cinema 63. quality 64. bad service 65. exciting programs
【2012江苏常州】The 2012 London Olympic Games are around the corner. If you have the chance to visit Britain yourself, you can see at every bus stop the Britain people from a queue. You may have read about it, but you will still feel amazed to see it with your own eyes.
It’s an ama it beings the Britain to a higher level of civilization (文明). At least that is what one German professor thins. The professor named Joseph Heinrich and his workmates say that standing in line is the “highest from of cooperation (协作的) group behavior”.
The social rules (规则) of standing in line are also interesting. For example, you need to be able to decide the correct distance to the person in front of you. Get too close and there is a danger of entering other people’s personal space. This is a serious mistake and often makes other people angry. However, when you leave too much space, the next person is likely to ask: “Are you in the queue?” This may sound polite but in fact it means: “Can’t you stand in line properly?”
In no other countries can you see the one-man queue except in Britain. If a British person arrives at a bus stop and no one else is there, he will not simply wait. Instead, he stands at the head of the queue.
Tourists are often unfamiliar with local customs (习俗), and if they do not get in line behind the British person, he pr she will tell them strictly: “This is a queue.”
Though it might seem that the British people take their queues too seriously, one thing is certain: queues can save lines. In dangerous situations, standing in line has prevented them from getting very frightened.
In the serious train accident in 1999, people who were hurt formed a queue as they escape from their trains. One writer later wrote about a polite man who let her pass with a quiet “after you”.
Queuing in Britain
Of queuing
●The British have ____35______ a higher level of civilization.
●It is the highest from of cooperative group behavior.
Social rules
of queuing ●You should stand _____36_____ too close to nor far from the person in front of you.
●Even if there is only one British person waiting for a bus, he queues too.
●If tourists do not queue, they will be strictly reminded to _____37_____ the local custom
Of queuing The British queued and kept calm even in face of _____38_____.
【答案】34. view
36. neither
38. danger
Cellphones help us easily find people anywhere at any time. However, using cellphones too often may cause cancer. It's reported that people who used a cellphone for 10 years or more were more likely to get brain cancer.
The suggestions below may help you reduce the risk (风险) of cancer:
? When using your cellphone, try lo keep it away from your body as much as possible. Don’t put it under your pillow (枕头) or on a bedside table when you go to sleep.
? When you're on the cellphone, use the speaker. In this way, you have just 00th of the contact (接触) with radiation you have when you hold it to your ear. An earphone is also a good idea.
? Try to keep your conversations short. If you need to talk longer, use an ordinary phone instead.
? Change ears when you're using your cellphone. Before putting it to your ear, wait until the person you are calling picks up the phone.
? Your phone gives out radiation when you talk or text (发短信), but not when you're listening or getting messages. Listening more and talking less can lower the risk of cancer.
? Do not use your cellphone when the signal (信号) weak or when moving at a high speed, for example in a car or train. At high speeds your phone is trying to pick up signals, and this increases the radiation it gives out.
Healthy tips on cellphone use
your cellphone away from your body, both when using it and sleeping.
☆Using the speaker or an _82__is a good way to reduce the radiation.
☆Avoid using a cellphone to make
☆Don't press the cellphone to your ear until the person you are calling
the phone.
☆Listening more and talking
can lower the risk of cancer.
☆Don't use your cellphone when the signal is
or when moving at a high speed.
【答案】81. keep
82. earphone
84. picks up
Gregg Bleakney’s dream was to travel the Americas from top to Bottom. He got the idea after he finished a long bike ride. Gregg’s friend, brooks Allen, also liked riding a bike. The two friends talked and made a plan: they would travel from Alaska to Argentina—by bike.
To pay for the trip, Gregg and Brooks worked to save money for a long time. Once they were on the road, they often camped outdoors and ate cheaply. In many places, local people opened their doors to the two friends and gave them food.
On their way, there were deserts, rainforests and mountains. They visited modern cities and ancient ruins (遗迹) such as Machu Picchu in Peru. And they made many friends from all over the world.
In May 2007—two years, twelve countries, and over 30,500 kilometres later—Gregg finally reached Ushuaia, Argentina. (Near Guatemala, Brooks had to go back and Gregg continued without him.)
The trip taught both men a lot about traveling. What did they learn? Here is some of Gregg’s advice:
Travel light. You should carry many things with you.
Be flexible (灵活). Don’t plan everything. Then you’ll be more relaxed and pleased especially if there are problems.
Be polite. one traveler told Gregg, “Nobody wants to fight or cheat a nice man.” It’s true.
76. Gregg Bleakney’s dream was to _______________.
77. Before traveling, the two friends _____________to pay for the trip.
78. ___________ got to Ushuaia, Argentina in May 2007.
79. According to the passage, if you plan everything for a trip, __________.
80. One traveler told Gregg that nobody wanted to _______________.
76. travel the Americas from top to bottom
77. worked to save money for a long time
79. you won’t be more relaxed or pleased especially if there are problems
80. fight or cheat a nice man21世纪教育网
In America, where labor costs are so high, “do-it-yourself” is a way of life. Many people repair their own cars, build their own garages(车库), even rebuild their own houses. Soon many of them will also be writing their own books.
In Hollywood(好莱坞) there is a company that published(出版) children’s books with the help of computers. Although other book companies also publish that way, this company is not like the others. This is a wonderful book that you and your child can make. In this book your child can write (or have you write) and draw all about his/ her family, friends, and favourite things. It allows the reader to become the leading character in the stories with the help of computers. Here is how they do it. Let us suppose the child is named Jenny. She lives in New York, and has a dog named Hody. The computer uses this information to make up a story with pictures. The story is then printed up. A child who receives such a book might say, “This book is about me,” so the company calls itself the “Picture-Me-Books Publishing Company”.
Children like the picture-me-books because they like to see in print their own names and the names of their friends and their pets. But more important, in this way, readers are much more interested in reading the stories. Picture-me-books are helping a child to learn how to read.
81. In America, “do-it-yourself” is a way of life because _________________________________.
82. The “Picture-Me-Books Publishing Company” allows the reader to _____________________.
83. The “Picture-Me-Books Publishing Company” was named by _________________________.
84. Children like the picture-me-books because they’re happy to see
85. Picture-me-books are useful for helping children to _________________________________.
【答案】81. labor costs are too high
82. become the leading character in the stories with the help of computers
83.the company
84.in print their own names and the names of their friends and their pets
85.learn how to read
Here is a page from a magazine called Future. Read the following information about things that may happen in twenty years.
Cars will run on solar power (太阳能) and will be much cleaner and safer. For example, if you are too close to another car or if you are driving dangerously, your car will slow down or stop by itself.
New cities will have to be built in the sea. Some cities on water will have two levels(层). People will live on the upper level, the lower level will be used for traffic, shops and factories.
Biotechnology(生物技术) will make food better and healthier. Plants without insects or illnesses(病虫害) will be developed. The taste of fruit and vegetables will be better and food will be kept longer.
Many new ways to cure(治愈) illnesses will be found. People will use products of genetic engineering(基因产品) to cure more illnesses. However, some new illnesses will appear.
Things To happen in
Cars T to be much
New cities To be
in the sea.
Biotechnology To make food better and healthier, plants will have no insects or illnesses. The
of fruit and vegetables will be better and better.
Illnesses To be cured, some new illnesses will appear, some people have to find new
to cure new illnesses.
【答案】D) 56. twenty /20
57. cleaner and safer
Mar: Oh, Tim, I’m so glad to see you.
Tim: Hi, Mary. You seem upset.
Mary: Well, I am upset. I just don’t know what to do. Next week is the awards ceremony (仪式) for our basketball team.
Tim: Yes, I know. Congratulations. You are the best player. If you weren’t on the team, we wouldn’t have won. The ceremony should be lots of fun.
Mary: I don’t know if I should go.
Tim: What! You have to go. You’re the team captain—your teammates are expecting you to be there. What are you afraid of?
Mary: what if I have to give a speech? You know I’m really shy. I can’t talk in front of 500 people.
Tim: Relax. I can help. Let’s write a short speech together. You can practice with me and it will be okay.
Mary: Well, that world be great. But what if I have to wear a long dress? I don’t have one. people will laugh at me.
Tim: Don’t worry. You have lots of nice clothes and I’m sure you don’t need to have a long dress for the awards ceremony. You need to be more confident.
Mary: But I’m not confident. There’s going to be a dance. You know I haven’t learned to dance. What am I going to do?
Tim: Why are you so nervous? If you can play basketball, you can dance. Listen, I can teach you in a few hours. Come over to my house and we can practice in my living room.
Mary: Really? That sounds great!
Mary’s Worries
Mary has to takes part in the awards ceremony week, since she is the best player and (86)________ of the basketball team.
However, she’s got some worries. First, she is afraid of making a(87)________ in front of 500 people because she is a shy girl. Second, she is worried that she has to wear a long (88)________, for she hasn’t got one. third, she worries about the dance because she has never (89)________ before. Luckily, her friend Tim discusses with her about these and she is finally (90)________ out.
【答案】86. captain / leader/ head
87. speech / lecture
89. danced
90. helped
第五节 阅读短文,然后在下面的表格中完成内容摘要,没空不超过三个词。
Trip 1: Black Bear Count
There have been fires in this area in the past few years and the Office of National Park is not sure how many black bears are still living. So the Office has asked for volunteers to help count them. The trip will last three hours. This activity will start on May 8. You don’t have to pay.
Trip 2: Garland Valley
Bring your drink and lunch for this walk tin a beautiful area of the Blue Mountains. Many wild animals live in this area, including many rare(罕见的)birds. This is a great walk for bird lovers. The trip lasts four hours. It will be on May 15. The cost is not high, only 15 dollars.
Trip 3: Flashlight Adventure
Put on your warm clothes, bring a flashlight(手电筒), and come for a night walk along the Dungong Valley in the National Park. A guide will lead the tour. You will see many animals which can only be seen at night on this trip. This walk will be on May 22. You have to pay 12 dollars for the walk. This walk lasts two and a half hours.
What Cost Time Date
Black Bear Count ___(57)
3 hours May 8
Garland Valley See rare birds 15 dollars ___(59)
Flashlight Adventure See night animals 12 dollars 2.5 hours ___(60)
参考答案:57. Count black bears 58. Free
59. 4 hours 60. May 22
【2012 广东河源】A. 信息归纳(共5小题,每小题1分)
Dear Know,
I need some advice on how to make friends! I have just moved to a new cit. I am 13. I don’t know anybody here and I want to make some friends. What’s the best way? Where can I meet people?
Dear Tony,
There are lots of things you can do. First, you can ride your bike in your neighborhood and try to find some kids. When you find some, you can go up and talk to them. You should also let your parents know that you want to make friends because they can help you. Maybe you can ask your parents to take you to the library or some places where there are lots of kids. You could try joining an art class or a sports club. These are all great ways to meet people. You can try making friends at churches (教堂) too if you go to church on Sundays. Try to be active wherever you are, but just be yourself and don’t try so hard. It takes time and patience (耐心). I hope you will find a best friend soon!
Information Card
Tony’s problem: he doesn’t know how to
Know’s advice
Places to meet other kids
Neighborhood, the 82________ and churches.
Join an art class or a __83____
How to behave
Try to be 84_________, but don’t try too 85__________.
【答案】81.make friends 82. library 83. sports club 84. active 85. hard
The 30th Olympics will be held in London soon. More and more people will travel there and watch the games. And it's necessary for the tourists to know, the customs there. Here are some tips(建议) given by William Hanson, an English manner expert.
? Afternoon tea. The traditional view that the British sit down for an afternoon tea is not popular any more. Few people keep the tradition, nowadays.
? Give tips (小费) — but not in a clear way. The British would like to choose a quiet way of saying "thank you" when they get good service. In fact, many British waiters will not mind if you decide not to tip at all. .-,
? Greeting with a kiss. The British aren't like their neighbors in France. They do not greet others with a kiss Very often. Many people prefer to shake hands or pat (轻拍 ) on the back to say " hello". .
? Conversation tips. If you are not sure what you are talking about, end a sentence with the word "mate".
? Don't talk about money. According to Hanson, British people don't like to talk about money and it is rude to do so. Especially, never ask anyone how much money he or she makes a month.
66. Nowadays, few British people drink__________' __________
67. Many British waiters . __________ __________ if you don't give them tips for good service.
68. When the British greet others, they often like to __________ __________or pat on the back instead of kiss.
69. You can say "mate" to end a sentence when you __________ __________what you are talking about.
70. It is not __________to ask the British how much __________ they make.
【答案】66. afternoon, tea 67.won’t(don’t), mind(care)
68. shake, hands
69. aren’t, sure (don’t, know) 70. polite, money
You have been thinking about it all week. It kept you awake last night. Now, as you walk to the front of the class, your throat is dry and your stomach feels funny. 8._______________ However, by making a few small preparations and rehearsing (预演) carefully, you too can be a public speaking star.
8 _______________
Being excited about your topic is necessary for all the good speeches, so it’s important to choose carefully. If you enjoy your topic, your audience (观众) will,too. Even if you are given a topic, try to find something about it that is exciting or funny.
Next, do some research. Don’t just research your topic. 83. _______________
If you can, study video of a great speaker to see how they move, speak, and pause(停顿. Copying their style will help you to write a great speech.
After researching, it’s some to write your speech. During this stage, think of your audience all the time.84. _______________ It helps you relax if you know that your audience is enjoying your speech.
Finally, rehearse. You really need to rehearse a lot. Measure your speech with a watch, and practice in front of a mirror (镜子). . _______________ If you have followed all these steps, you should be ready for your audience. Good luck!
A. You are a very successful speaker
B. Rehearse some great speakers as well
C. Entertaining your audience is important
D. Start by choosing a topic that you are interested in
E. Research is very important for writing a great speech
F. Many students find it difficult to give a public speech
G. You can check your hand movement and facial expression
【2012贵州贵阳】B. 阅读短文,根据短文内容完成文后的句子。
In 1901, Karl Landsteiner, an Austrian scientist, discovered that there are four types of blood. These four blood types were named A, B, AB, and O. People have one of these four types.
Blood type O is the most common around the world. Blood type A is the second most common, and type AB is the least common. If people with A blood are given type B blood, or people with type B blood are given type A blood, they will probably die.
In 1927, a Japanese doctor, Furukawa Takeji, carried out research and came up with the idea that people with different blood types also had different personalities. He said that people with type A
are usua people with type B blood are curious, cheerful, people with type O blood are while those with type AB blood are caring, original , and careful.
Most recently, a doctor in the United States wrote a book that links blood types and what people eat. For example, his book suggests people with type O blood should eat more meat and less bread. A diet for people with type A blood includes more vegetables. His book, Eat Right for Your Type, has been a hit with people who want to lose weight. However, Dr. Peter D’Adarno believes that eating food that matches a person’s blood type can do more than help them lose weight. He thinks it will make the person healthier in other ways, too.
101. The Austrian scientist, Karl Landsteiner found that there are _________________
102. People with type B blood will be in danger if they are given __________________
103. The Japanese doctor found people with type B blood are usually ______________
104. An American doctor found there was a relationship between blood types and _______________
105. Dr. Peter D’Adarno thinks _______________ will make the people healthier in other ways, too.
101. four types of blood
102. type A blood / type AB blood
103. curious, cheerful, and outgoing
105. eating food that matches a person’s blood type
Halloween is a strange holiday. It started several centuries ago in Europe. It began as “Hallow Evening” meaning “holy night”. At that time November 1st was called “All Saints' Day” and people honoured all the saints who did not have their own special day. People believed that October 31st was the time when all the evil spirits were supposed to be active. So people would play all sorts of pranks on each other.
colons, probably because Halloween festivals and traditions took place at night. Pumpkins are a symbol of Halloween, so orange has become the other traditional Halloween- color. Making lanterns out of pumpkins is a Halloween custom
Halloween is great fun for children. They dress up as ghosts(鬼),witches(女巫), Small children go " Trick -or -Treating". They wear costumes, knock on doors, and shout, "Trick or Treat!" People almost always choose to give them candy as a treat, instead of choosing to receive a trick from the children. Adults sometimes "trick or treat" their friends, too. Usually the "treat" is a glass of wine or some small gifts.
106. Halloween is a holiday which started ________ of years ago in ________.
107. It was believed that the spirits of________people were active on the night ________"All Saints' Day".
108. ________ and ________ are both traditional Halloween colors.
109. People, especially________, have great fun playing "Trick or Treat" to ________Halloween.
110. According to the custom, people always treat the children with ________ instead of________a trick from them.
【答案】106. hundreds, Europe
107. dead, before 108. Black, orange / Orange, black
109. children, celebrate / enjoy
110. candy, receiving
【2012贵州铜仁】Katie Spotz is a 22-year-old girl from America. She wants to cross the Atlantic Ocean by boat. If she succeeds, she’ll be the youngest and the first American to finish the 2500-mile trip.
Spotz began sailing when she was at university, but she has never tried to sail such a long way before. It will be a great challenge for her. In recent years, she has swum all the way down the 325-mile Allegheny River and traveled by bike form Seattle to Washington.
Spotz knows that she may see some dangerous things during the trip. It will be very dangerous if she meets very bad weather in the middle of the sea. But she believes that she can deal with all the difficulties.
“I never thought I could run 26 miles,” she said. “But once I finished it, I realized that maybe I could do something even more difficult.”
Spotz wants to collect money by going on this trip. She wants to collect money for an organization called “Blue Planet run”. The organization offers free, safe drinking water to people who need it.
It’s take her about three months to finish this trip. Good luck to this brave girl and best wishes to her!
The age of Spotz (76)______ years old
The distance of the trip (77)______ miles
A dangerous thing during the trip is the (78)______ weather
The purpose of the trip to collect (79)____for an organization
The trip will take About (80)______months .
根据Katie Spotz is a 22-year-old girl from America.可知Spotz二十二岁了。
根据If she succeeds, she’ll be the youngest and the first American to finish the 2500-mile trip.可知旅行的距离是2500英里。
78. bad. 根据It will be very dangerous if she meets very bad weather in the middle of the sea.可知糟糕的天气在旅行中是危险的事情。
79.money. 根据Spotz wants to collect money by going on this trip.可知旅行的目的是收集钱。
80. 3/three.根据It’s take her about three months to finish this trip.可知旅行大约三个月。
CCTV cameras catch action
In UK, Closed Circuit Television(CCTV)cameras are everywhere. They help the police solve crimes and keep the streets safe. But that’s not all they do. They also catch people doing very stupid or smart things.
One of the videos is of a British woman Mary Bale. She clearly doesn’t like cats. In 2010 she was caught on CCTV throwing one into dustbin. The video shows Mary walking down a quiet street. All of a sudden, she notices Lola the cat jump onto a fence. Mary stops to pick up Lola and drops her into a larger dustbin. Lola was saved fifteen hours later. And Mary was arrested for causing unnecessary suffering to an animal. She was fined(罚款)?250 and was not allowed to own pets for five years.
Another video shows “Britain’s drunkest man”. He’s been at a party at London’s Savoy Hotel. And he’d obviously had a few too much glasses of beer. At about 2 a, m., he was kicked out for being too drunk. So, he decided to walk home. On the way, CCTV cameras filmed him falling down stairs and crossing the roads madly… A Savoy Hotel waiter later said, “It’s amazing he didn’t hurt himself badly.”
Sometimes, they also record smart events .Once a British band The Get Out Clause didn’t have any money to make a music video. So, they came up with an unbelievable idea. They set up their instruments (乐器)
and played a song in front of eight CCTV cameras. And then, according to the English Freedom of Information Act, they asked for a copy of all the footages(视频),which they edited. The result is that a totally new music video was made ,and it didn’t cost them a penny.
Title: CCTV cameras catch action
Passage outline Supporting details
Usages of CCTV cameras They are almost(71)
and are useful in many ways.
To help the police solve crimes A woman saw a lonely eat and(72) ▲ it into a big dustbin. She was lined $250 and was not allowed to own pets for five years.
To catch people doing stupid things A man got very drunk and was thrown out of London’s Savoy Hotel. He went back home through a lot of troubles and dangers but was not(73)
people doing smart events. A band had no money but still wanted to make a music record. They played in front of eight CCTV cameras and asked for the footage copy for(75)
▲ .They edited the footages and mode a totally new music video.
【答案】71. everywhere
74. record/film/catch
How to deal with homesickness
When you sleep somewhere else, like at a summer camp or a friend’s house, you know you’re there for a fun time. But for some kids, when they are away from home they feel sad. They start to miss their own beds, their own parents, and all the things at home. It’s called being homesick (想家的). Do you want to feel less homesick? Here’s how:
Spend more time in doing fun things. The more fun things you do, the less time you’ll have to feel homesick. So try to take part in activities an soon you might start to have a good time.
You can make a plan to call your mum or dad. For a night visit, maybe you can call once that night, and again in the morning. In the camp, you might set a regular day and time for a phone call home. You can also send e-mails or short messages to keep in touch (保持联系) with family and friends. If you’re going to be away for a while, you might even write a letter! When you get in touch with someone, make sure to tell them about the fun things you’re doing!
Sometimes, just tell someone that you’re feeling homesick. This will help you feel better. Maybe you can tell a friend that you feel homesick. And the two of you can do something fun, such as telling jokes. If you’re at camp, a camp counselor (顾问) would be a good person to talk to. He or she might have some ideas to help you feel better.
Structure of the passage
Title How to deal with homesickness
Headings Notes
When to feel homesick When you are
from home, you might feel homesick.
Try to take part in a lot of
to call your parents.
Send e-mails or short messages to your family and friends.
Write a letter if you are away for a while.
Share your fun with your family and friends.
Talk to someone Talk to your friends, and do something fun with him/her.
Talk to your counselor, and get some helpful
from him/her.
61. away/ far 62. activities/ evens/ things 63. touch 64. plan 65. ideas/opinions/suggestions/ advice
Siri on iphone 4S is like a person assistant. It lets you use your voice to do things on the iphone. You can just talk to siri as you talk to a person. Siri understands what you say, knows what you mean, and even talks back.
Say something like “Tell my wife I’m running late.” “Remind me to call the doctor.” “Any fast food restaurants around here?” Siri does what you say, finds the information you need, then answers you. It’s like you’re having a conversation with your assistant.
Siri not only understands what you say, but it’s also smart enough to know what you mean, So when you ask, “Any fast food restaurants around here?” Siri will reply, “I found a number of restaurants near you.” Then you can say, “Hmm. How about hamburgers?” Siri remembers that you just asked about restaurants for something to eat, so it will look for KFC restaurants in the neighborhood. And Siri is active, so it will question you until it finds what you’re looking for.
When you want to do something, just ask Siri to help you do it. Siri uses almost all the built-in apps on iphone 4S. It plays the songs you want to hear. It gives you directions and shows you around. It makes calls, plans meetings, helps you remember and wakes you up. In fact, ask Siri what it can do — it even speaks for itself.
Siri is easy to use and does so much. You’ll keep finding more and more ways to use it.
26.Siri is like
and lets you
to do things on the iphone.
27. When you
like “Tell my wife I’m running late.”, Siri will
28. Siri is
to know what you mean and it will
until you get what you want.
29. If you are lost somewhere, you can say to siri, “
”. Then Siri will
and show you around.
30. The word “apps”in the passage are possibly
on iphone 4S.
【答案】26. a person assistant, use your voice
27. say something, finds the information
28. smart enough, question you
29. where am I in? , give you directions
30. programs
I am a 14-year-old boy from a poor village in Fuyang, Anhui Province. Like many other left-behind children ( 留守儿童) in China, I live with my grandparents now. My father went to work in Shanghai several years ago. Last year, my mother went there to care for him because his health is not as good as before. They tell me to listen to my grandparents and call me about twice a month to ask about my study. I really miss my parents and I hope I can afford to go to school in Shanghai. I think every child needs parents' love and care. (Wu Peigen, Anhui Province)
Information Card
The topic of BBC World Have Your Say today 81.
The thing that the kid did on the underground 82.
The time when Mike traveled in Hong Kong 83.
Wu Peigen's age 84.
People who live with Wu Peigen now 85.
【答案】81. Life in China 82. Eating noodles 83. In January this year 84.14/Fourteen (years old ) 85. His grandparents
The computer has become an important part of people’s lives. It has its own special words. One example is the word mouse. A computer mouse is not a small gray animal. It is a small device (设备)that you move around on a table in front of a computer. It was called a mouse because it looked like a real mouse with a tail at one end.
Using a computer takes some training. People who are experts are sometimes called hackers. A hacker is usually a person who writes computer programs in a special computer language. But the word hacker is also used to describe a person who tries to steal information from a computer.
Another well-known computer word is Google. It is the name of a popular search engine (搜索引擎). People use the search engine to find information about everything on the Internet.
If you Google someone, you may find that person’s name on a blog. A blog is a personal diary online. It might contain stories, pictures or songs on it. Some people add information to their blogs every day.
Information Card
What the passage is about? Computer 65. _________
How the word “mouse” got its name? Because of its 66. __________
What “Google” is ? A computer search 67.________
How many computer words the passage talk about? 68._________
【答案】65. words
Going on holidays is the best choice for the Europeans to relax themselves, especially in the UK. However, much has changed during the past deeades(几十年).
One of the most traditional British holidays was the "seaside holiday". Families got on a train or into a car and travelled to seaside towns nearby to sunbathe on the beach, buy ice-creams and eat fish and chips and so on.
In the late 1970s, more and more British people started travelling to other countries in Europe for their summer holidays (July--August) because the weather wasn,t very good, even in summer. The "package holiday" was particularly popular with most families.
In the 1980s and 1990s, young people in the UK became wealthier, so many of them travelled to countries all over the world for their holidays.
These years, especially after the world financial crisis (金融危机), most British people can not afford to spend their holidays abroad. They again begin to choose to stay in their own homes and go on a few day trips rather than spending money on hotels. They call this sort of vacation a "staycation".
Time Kind of holiday Reason
Before the late 1970s 77. ____________ It was a tradition.
In the late 1970s Package holiday 78. ____________
79. ____________ Overseas holiday Young people bocame wealthier.
These years 80. ____________ The world financial crisis.
【答案】77. seaside holiday
78. the weather wasn’t very good
79. In the 1980s and 1990s
80. staycation
In common with countries, Britain has serious environmental problems. In 1952, more than 4,000 people died in London because of the smog. The government introduced new laws to stop smog from coal fires and factories and the situation improved a lot.
Today, London is much cleaner but there is a new problem: smog from cars. In December 1991, there was very little wind in London and pollution increased a lot. As a result, about 160 people died from pollution in just four days.
Part of the problem is the new ‘out of town’ shopping centres. In the past, people often walked to shops near their home or want by bus. Now, many people drive to the new shopping centres. As a result, the small shops have disappeared and more people have to travel to do their shopping.
Critics say that Britain needs better and cheaper public transport. Transport in Britain is very expensive. An early morning train trip from Glasgow to London (about 600km) can cost about £100, for example. A short 15-minute bus trip can cost over £1.00.
Many people are trying to reduce the use of cars in Britain. Some cities now have special bicycle paths and many people cycle to work. Some people also travel to work together in one car to reduce the pollution and the cost.
in Britain
Time Causes 47 Solutions
coal fires and factories
4,000 people died in 1952.
New laws were
Today Smog caused by
52 . About 160 people
in a few days in 1991. ★Provide better and
public transport.
★ Build special paths for bicycles.
★ Travel to work
in one car.
【答案】46. Problems
47. Results
51. introduced
54. cheaper
55. together
【2012湖北】Dear friends,
I’m Maria, and I am 13. I have a party coming up. We’re going to swim, and I don’t want to go because I think I’m fat. All my friends are going to be there, and I like swimming, but people will laugh at my weight. What should I do?
Dear Maria,
I know how you feel very much. I had the same problem when I was young. I decided at that moment to eat healthier food and get exercise. I got a bathing suit that I felt comfortable in, and losing weight made me more confident. They key point is how you feel it.
Dear Maria,
I was always the “skinny kid” at school. I was embarrassed in P.E. class by how small and thin I was, but I realized what made me special wasn’t my looks, but my personality and skills. Show your friends how well you can swim, and remember to have fun!
Dear Maria,
I’m really sorry you feel so uncomfortable about your weight. Maybe you should tell your mom how you feel about your body, and then go shopping with her for a bathing suit that will look good on you. Good luck!
●Don’t be afraid to ask others for support. You can talk to your friends, family or other people. When you talk to them, they might be able to provide some advice that you can’t get from yourself.
66. Maria thinks people will laugh at her because she is ___________________________.
67. A “skinny kid” means a child is too _________________________.
68. _______________ used to have the same trouble as Maria
69. Salina thought that _____________________________ made her different from others.
70. If Maria takes Mona’s advice, she will buy a ___________________ that looks good on her.
【答案】66. fat / heavy
67. small / thin / small and thin
69. personality / personalities
70. bathing suit
【2012湖南永州】阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,填写表格,将第66—70小題的信息补充完整.每 空不超过3个单词.并在答題卡上将答案填写在对应題号的横线上.
A different way of teaching is widely used in our English study. Before class, we make study plans first. Then we look up the new words, listen to the recording and read the text. When we meet problems, we can’t solve by ourselves. We always write them down in our notebooks.
In class, we sit in groups to discuss the problems freely. The teacher always offers help when we need. After discussion, it’s time for us to give a report to the class. We also make conversations in pairs and practice a lot. It’s really good for our listening and speaking.
After class, we have less homework now so we can go to the library to read English books, magazines and newspapers. We can also surf the internet for useful information.
In a word, we enjoy the new way of studying. We can make more progress in our study.
Information Card
Main idea A different wav of learning is 66
used in our English studv.
Changes Before class We make study 67
class We sit in groups to 69
the problem freely.
After class We have 70
homework so we can go to the library.
Conclusion (结论) In a word, we can make more progress in the new way.
【答案】66. widely 67. plans 68. In 69. discuss 70. less
Some people believe that your nationality can influence your personality. This is why you might hear someone saying “she is a typical (典型的)Australian” or “He is so French”. It seems that people from a certain country share certain similar characteristics.
French people are often seen as romantic and outgoing people with a great love for life, food and wine. They are good at singing and dancing.
Chinese are friendly people who are hard-working. They are polite because they are careful about “saving face” when dealing with other people.
Australians are merry people who spend a lot of time outdoors. They enjoy a slower life. They laugh a lot but sometimes people think they are loud and rude.
Germans are often described as being serious and careful. They are hard workers and pay a lot of attention to details. However, sometimes people say Germans have no sense of humour.
All these national types can be true for some people, but very wrong for others. For example, you might meet a German
Personalities and Nationalities
Opinion People from a certain country (51) ________ similar characteristics.
Example French ●Romantic and (52) _______.
●Love life, food and wine.
●Good singers and (53) ________.
(54) _______ ●Friendly, hard-working and polite.
●Afraid of “(55)________ face” before others.
Australians ●Like to stay (56) ________, enjoy a slower life.
●(57) ________ a lot.
●Merry, sometimes loud and rude.
Germans ●Pay attention to (58) ________.
●Serious and careful, not (59)_______.
Conclusion Nationalities may (60) ________ personalities, but not for all!
【答案】share, outing, dancers, Chinese, saving, outdoors, Laugh, details, humorous, influence
Travelling around the city by coach is a cheap way of trip. It also takes less time. Sitting in a park or visiting land-marks with friends is a great pleasure. Camping
Camping is one of the most popular trip activities for young people. In the wild, there are no comfortable beds. But being with each other without any worries is the most important thing.
Cycling tour
Cycling tour may be the cheapest way, but it is a more demanding(费力的) way of travel. Make sure everyone is fit enough to make the trip before travelling. Group travel with an agency(旅行社)
This is the best way to organize a trip for a large group of people. You don’t have to worry about mapping out routes, finding hotels and restaurants or buying tickets. According to , people go to Xiamen, Hainan and Guilin. But such trips cost more money.
56. Travelling around the city by coach does not need much money or
57. Young people don’t
that there are no comfortable beds when they are in the wild for camping.
58. Cycling tour may be
than travelling by train or bus, but needs more energy.
59. Travelling with an agency has some
, for example, we don’t have to buy tickets or book rooms by ourselves.
60. If you don’t want to spend much money and you are fit enough, you can choose to
a bike for a trip.
【答案】56. time
57. mind/care
The stressful school life and unhealthy lifestyles cause some problems to students. Here are some key mistakes and some tips.
■Sitting too long
So much homework and many computer games make students sit for several hours without standing or walking around. Because of long time sitting, some students have got diabetes(糖尿病) and heart disease(疾病).
Get up and out of your chair for about five minutes every hour.
Walk over to a person instead of sending e-mails or text messages.
■Eating irregularly
Some students develop unhealthy eating habits. Fast food becomes more often. Heavy studying and stress prevent students from eating meals regularly.
Eat breakfast with eggs at the start of every day.
Buy healthy snacks like nuts and fruits, and eat them between meals.
Have three meals a day at the right time.
■Having lots of energy drinks
An energy drink or an extra cup of coffee might seem like the only way to get through a late-night study time. High levels of caffeine(咖啡因) can also cause high blood pressure.
The safest way to get more energy is to eat regular meals, sleep well, exercise and drink lots of water.
Title:A guide to student _61_
Key mistakes Tips
Sitting too long Some students _62_ from diabetes and heart disease. Get up and out of your chair often.
Walk over to a person instead.
Eating irregularly Heavy studying and stress prevent students from eating meals regularly. Eat breakfast with eggs every_63_.
Buy and eat healthy snacks.
Have three meals a day.
Sleeping less Not enough sleep breaks the smooth cycle of our biological clock. Sleep for 7to 8 hours every night.
Have a rest for about _64_ an hour at noon.
Having lots of energy drinks With the _65_ of the energy drinks and coffee, some students can get through a late-night study time. ●Eat regular meals, sleep well, exercise and drink lots of water.
【答案】61.health/life 62. suffer
63. morning
65. help lifestyle(s)/lives
I began to remember what I did at the age of five. My sister was more than one year older than I. She was very pretty and she could speak sweet words to make the members in my family happy. So they all liked her. And my little brother was the only boy in my family, so they loved him even more. As for me, I often caused troubles to my parents to my parents, so the result could be imagined. Every time, my mother would take me to her room and give me a hard lesson.
My parents planted many kinds of fruit trees and vegetables in the yard. One of my duties was looking after the fruits. One day, when I was lying in the little bed, a big boy from my neighbor came into our yard. He climbed up and apple tree and began to pick the apples. I cried out. But he didn’t leave. Then my father came and caught him.
I began to go to primary school when I was eight. On the first day, our head teacher asked us who could write his or her own name. But no one answered except me, because my father taught me how to write my own name before. I went to school. Of course my teacher thought I was clever than the others, so he made me become monitor of our class.
Cleverer than the others, so he made me become monitor of our class.
71. I had a
sister and there was over one
between her and me.
72. My parents were strict with me. When I made
, I would be taught a
73. It was one of my
to look after the fruits that my parents
in the yard.
74. I went to a primary school at the
of eight and I was the pride of my
75. I was made
because I was the
student who could write my name on the first day of school.
【答案】71.ptetty/sweet/lovely/ year
72.trouble(s)/ lesson
73. planted /grew
74. teacher/parent(s) /family
Travelling is one of the most important activities and people have been interested in it for many years. Modern traffic develops fast, so travelling to different places has become much faster than before. Staying healthy while travelling can make your trip happier. But so you know how to keep healthy during a trip? The following information may be useful to you.
Before leaving
Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses.
Take some necessary medicine with you. They can be used when you get sick or have other problems.
Do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave if you plan to do lots of walking or climbing during your trip.
Prepare proper food. Before you prepare the food, the first thing you need to think about is how long you will travel with the food. If you take a long trip, you should bring food such as bread, biscuits and some fruit. They don’t go bad quickly, the nearer people can bring meat, fish , eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables.
White travelling
Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.
Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.
Tap water is not safe, so drink bottled water and always clean the cover of the bottle.
Keep food in good condition. If you take hot food, you should try to keep it hot. For example, you can put it in heavy towels. if you need to keep cold food cold, you can put cold food in a box with ice. When you arrive, put cold food in the fridge. Remember: If you travel with food, keep hot food hot and cold food cold.
How to keep (71) ______ during a trip
Before leaving ● Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and (72) ______.
● (73) ______ some necessary medicine with you.
● Exercise for weeks or months (74) ______ you leave.
● Prepare proper food. Take bread, biscuits and some fruit for a (75)______ trip or bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables for a nearer one.
While (76)______ ● (77) ______eat dirty food or bad fruit.
● Have enough (78) ______ to take a rest during your trip.
● Drink (79) ______ water and always clean the cover.
● Keep food in good condition. (80) ______ to keep hot food hot and cold food.
【答案】71. healthy
72. sunglasses
74. before
76. Don’t
78. bottled
Gregg Bleakney’s dream was to travel the Americas from top to Bottom. He got the idea after he finished a long bike ride. Gregg’s friend, brooks Allen, also liked riding a bike. The two friends talked and made a plan: they would travel from Alaska to Argentina—by bike.
To pay for the trip, Gregg and Brooks worked to save money for a long time. Once they were on the road, they often camped outdoors and ate cheaply. In many places, local people opened their doors to the two friends and gave them food.
On their way, there were deserts, rainforests and mountains. They visited modern cities and ancient ruins (遗迹) such as Machu Picchu in Peru. And they made many friends from all over the world.
In May 2007—two years, twelve countries, and over 30,500 kilometres later—Gregg finally reached Ushuaia, Argentina. (Near Guatemala, Brooks had to go back and Gregg continued without him.)
The trip taught both men a lot about traveling. What did they learn? Here is some of Gregg’s advice:
Travel light. You should carry many things with you.
Be flexible (灵活). Don’t plan everything. Then you’ll be more relaxed and pleased especially if there are problems.
Be polite. one traveler told Gregg, “Nobody wants to fight or cheat a nice man.” It’s true.
76. Gregg Bleakney’s dream was to _______________.
77. Before traveling, the two friends _____________to pay for the trip.
78. ___________ got to Ushuaia, Argentina in May 2007.
79. According to the passage, if you plan everything for a trip, __________.
80. One traveler told Gregg that nobody wanted to _______________.
76. travel the Americas from top to bottom
77. worked to save money for a long time
79. you won’t be more relaxed or pleased especially if there are problems
80. fight or cheat a nice man网
B. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)【2012四川成都】
Some people prefer to make friends with people who are very much like them while others prefer friends who are very different. These are advantages to both types of friendship. If a man chooses a friend similar to himself, there is no problem that they will share many common interests. They may have similar goals in life. This means that they will be able to help each other in achieving their goals. Two people who are very similar will feel comfortable with each other in and may understand each other’s feelings better. Their friendship may be deeper and last longer.
There are also many advantages of making friends with someone of opposite interests and even character. In this type of friendship, the two people complement (补充) each other. If one is weak in some ways, the other is strong. While two people with similar goals may find themselves in competition, but those who want different things can always support each other. Those who have different interests can introduce each other to new experience and so enrich (丰富) their knowledge.
A friend who is unlike me may be challenging, but a similar friend is familiar and safe.
One type of friendship
Similar to each other ● Share common interests.
● Have similar goals in life.
for their goals.
● Friendship lasts longer.
The other type of friendship
Opposite of each other ● Complement each other.
● Support each other.
in knowledge.
Author’s attitude: Preferring
【答案】6. Advantages 7. helpful to each other 8. each other (be) rich 9. Choosing friends / Two types of friendship 10. the first type of friendship
【2012湖南常德】第二节 摘录要点(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
Now, we’re getting happier and happier. But in fact, everyone worries. How do you deal with your worries? Whether your worries are big or small, you can take these three steps to deal with them:
1. Try to find out what you’re worried about.
Sometimes, you will know what you’re worried about. Other times, you might not. Try
if you can’t, you can ask for help.
2. Think of ways to make it better.
There is always something you can do to help you feel less worried. Sitting there worrying is no fun and it won’t solve your problem.
If your worry is about a fight you had with a friend, you might write down all the things you could do: write a note to him or her, invite him or her to a basketball game, say sorry to him or her, etc. Once you have a list of things you could do, you can choose the one that gets your friend back.
3. Ask for help.
When you’re worried, it can help to find someone to talk to. You can ask your parents, friends or teachers for help.
Title: How to deal with
Think of ways to make it better.
Reason: Worrying is no fun and it won’t solve problems
【答案】61. worries
62. Now, we’re getting happier and happier. But in fact, everyone worries.
63. Try to find out what you’re worried about.
64. If your worry is about a fight you had with a friend, you might write down all the things you could do.
65. Ask for help.
本文档由会员 8009201 于
11:36:58 上传频道:学科:年级:九年级地区:全国类型:新课标版本:中考复习只看标题相关资料【2014 山东东营】七、阅读表达 (共5小题,计10分) 阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。Things are going great in Cannes(戛纳), France. I have an exciting experience here. I have only been here at the film festival for two days, but have a(2014湖北武汉)假如你是李明。本周五早上你班同学将去格林农场参加实践活动。请你用英语草拟一则通知。内容要点如下:1. 摘蔬菜,给植物浇水;2. 7点校门口集合。乘车前往;3. 体验农场生活,活动约2小时;4. 相互关照,注意安全;5. 补充一至两点有关事项。注意:1. 词数: 60-80;2. 不要逐条翻译.内容要连贯;3. 通知的开头和结尾已给出,不计【2014四川南允】第三节综合填空根据短文内容,选择所给词的适当形式完成短文,并将答案写在答题卡相应的编号后的横线上。he foot usual quick say
Liu Wei is an
young man. He lost both arms in a terrible accident at the age of 10, but he still held (2014天津)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。
Do you know that each child in school catches six to ten colds every year? Though there is no cure for colds, there are some suggestions for you to avoid getting a c(2014年市(每小题1分,共10分)【2014广东广州】66. When I was younger, my h___________ was collecting stamps, but now I like painting.【2014广东广州】67. Don’t f___________ to turn off the lights when you leave the class
【2014 云南】A
Some people think that chicken soup is good for a cold. Others believe that it is unhealthy not to eat meat. The question is, are they right?
Here are some facts.
For centuries,【2014 浙江绍兴】七、书面表达(本题有1小题,共计20分)76. 最近,你随机调查了你校50名同学的课外英语学习现状(结果见右面图表)。请你就此用英语写一篇短文,在英语课上进行汇报,并谈谈你的看法和建议。注意:1. 文章必须包括图表中四项内容,可适当增加细节;
2. 看法和建议至少两条;
3. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数,你只需接着写;
4.【2014 浙江绍兴】五、词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。knife
active56. Wendy camp up, sat ______ me and asked some questions.57. Fast food ______ isn’t alw(2014天津)五、补全对话(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的)A: Hi, Tom! You look very happy today.B: Oh, yes. Guess what? My best friend Ben is coming.A: Oh, really? ____66____B: Tomo(2014 四川南充) 第二节完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
One day, I heard an American boy say to a Chinese girl student," You speak very good English.” But the girl answ(2014陕西)(B)根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。A:Hi, Linda. You look sad. 81. ______________________ ?B: Well, I love music, but my mother doesn't allow me to listen to it.A: 82. ________________(2014 四川宜宾)21.In the word “down”, the underlined part is pronounced as________.A./au/
(浙江杭州)16. The phonetic transcription of the word “paint” is
(2014四川南允)28.—Do you mind it I sit here?—_________ . It’s for my friend Cindy. A. Not at all. B. No, I don’t mind. C. Better not. D. That’s all right. 28. C (2014天津)35.—The programme is very p【2014 浙江绍兴】24. I really like the photo of my family ______ my sister took in the city park last year.A. which
D. whom24. A。 【2014山东东营】34. When some Chine(2014四川南允)26. —I want to know______ the machine.—It’s easy. Let me show you. A. What I can use
B. How I can use C. What can I use it
D. How can I use it 26. D
【2014 浙江绍兴】23. — I can’t dec【2014四川遂宁】22. —
did you achieve your dream? —By working hard, of course.A. When
C. How 22.C 【2014湖北襄阳】33. --______does year father allow you to s【2014云南】33. —_________ sweet song it is.— Yeah. It’s My Heart will go on sung by Celine Dion.A. How B. How a C. What a D. What33. C 【2014山东东营】32. --
fantastic documentary it is!
a sports meeting in our school next week. A. will have
B. is going to have C. are going to be
D. is going to be
29. D (2014四川南允)30.—He hasn’t seen that interesting 【2014云南】34. We _________ use mobile phone when the plane take off.A. may not B. shouldn’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t34. D 【2014湖北襄阳】36. --Excuse me. Can you tell me what time it is now?--Sorry, I _【2014江西】37. Many students ______ chances to show themselves in class because the class size is too big.A. don't giveB. aren't given
C. haven't given
D. won't give37. B。 (2014陕西)24.(2014四川南允)34. Carmen likes musicians who ________ different kinds of music.A. plays
C. is playing
D. was playingB
(2014四川南允)35. I don’t know if Tom ________ here tomorro(2014四川南允)31.—How much is your coat?—Oh, it _______ me 100 yuan.A. cost
(2014四川南允)27. The radio is too loud. Please
.A. turn it down
B. turn it【2014湖北襄阳】38. You can’t improve your spoken English ______ you practice it everyday from now on.A. as soon as
D. since38.B
(2014·湖北武汉)27. Jim’s (2014四川南允)21.—What’s that in English?—It’s________ eraser.A. a
D. x 22. B 【2014山东东营】16. “If you stop dropping litter, I’ll kiss
pig.” the head teacher promised the stud(2014四川南允)23.—When were you born?—I was born
a cold winter morning in 1994. A. in
B. at C. on
23. C 【2014四川遂宁】28.
free education, more and more poor children can go back t(2014四川南允)24. Today is the boy’s________ birthday. He is 12 years old. A. twelve
B. twelfth
C. twelfth
D. the twelfth
24. C (2014天津)26. ______ month of the year is May.A. Two
B.(2014天津)25. We don’t want to speak badly or ______ in front of the class.A. clearly
B. carefully
C. carelessly
D. properly25. C (2014贵州黔西南2014山东东营】27. On March 8th, Flight MH 3(2014四川南允)25.—I think English is as ______
as maths. —I agree with you. A. more interesting
B. most interesting C. the most interesting
D. interesting
25. D 【2014湖北襄阳】28. With the develo(2014四川南允)22.Look at the girl in the red skirt._________ is my new classmate. A. She
22. A (2014陕西)23.Don't worry. We’re old enough to look after_________.A. myself
【2014湖北襄阳】 26. --What are you going to do when you grow up?--My ______ is to become an astronaut.A. bobby
D. advice26.B
【2014云南】27. My favorite ____ is summer.


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