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英文翻译miami heat:&&&& seething ...:&&&& line
例句与用法1." it was the miami heat ' s first championship这是热火队的第一个nba总冠军。 2.And o ' neal ' s part - time job as a police officer in miami beach布什还赞扬了热火队球员所做的社会工作。 3.Watch a rerun of the rockets ' dismantling of the miami heat in miami nearly two weeks ago去看看两周前火箭队在迈阿密热火队的主场肢解对手的比赛录像吧。 4.For the second straight day , the lakers struggled to put away a struggling team在今天的背靠背比赛前,他们击败了难缠的热火队,他们在最后一节击败了热火。 5.The lakers had just completed saturday ' s practice at a recreation center , preparing to face the new - look heat in a nationally televised game湖人周六刚结束训练,准备在全球直播的比赛中面对改头换面的热火队。 6." it is such a joy to welcome the miami heat to the white house , " bush told a packed crowd in the east room布什总统在白宫的东大厅接见了热火队全体球员,他说: “能在白宫欢迎热火队的到来,真是件令人高兴的事。 7.The heat ' s season is over , and the bulls are advancing in the playoffs for the first time since 1998 to face a familiar foe热火队的赛季结束了,而公牛队在季后赛中的表演是它们自1998年之后面对老对手最出色的一次。 8.After downplaying the issue all season , expect miami heat coach pat riley to finally address point guard this summer整个赛季热火都没有重视组织后卫这个位置的问题,主教练莱利声明希望热火队可以在这个夏天引进组织后卫。 9.President george w . bush highly praised the miami heat ' s championship season at a white house ceremony tuesday but said he had mixed emotions本周二,布什总统在白宫接见了nba上赛季总冠军迈阿密热火队,并对球队给予了高度赞扬。 10.Bush dribbled the ball expecting it to bounce back up but it died on the carpet , eliciting a roar of laughter from the heat players其间,布什总统还在地板上玩起了运球,但由于球落在地毯上,没能弹起来。这把热火队的球员们逗得哈哈大笑。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&
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英文翻译百科解释miami heat:&&&& pass:&&&& cater ...:&&&&secret:&&&& seething ...
例句与用法1.Last season , the nets lost to the miami heat in the second round上赛季,篮网在第二轮比赛中被迈阿密热火淘汰了。 2.Watch a rerun of the rockets ' dismantling of the miami heat in miami nearly two weeks ago去看看两周前火箭队在迈阿密热火队的主场肢解对手的比赛录像吧。 3.President george w . bush highly praised the miami heat ' s championship season at a white house ceremony tuesday but said he had mixed emotions本周二,布什总统在白宫接见了nba上赛季总冠军迈阿密热火队,并对球队给予了高度赞扬。 4.Key biscayne , fla . - the barnstormers have arrived at the soft portion of their nine - game trip , starting with today ' s game against the last - place miami heat佛罗里达州,比斯坎湾。今天对阵东部排名最后的迈阿密热火队,湖人将开始他们九场比赛的“旅行” 。 5.37 points , and the washington wizards rediscovered defense in the second half to gain control of a close game and beat the miami heat 89 - 82史塔克豪斯全场独得卅七分,华盛顿巫师队在下半场加强防守,掌控原本比数接近的比赛,终场该队以八十九比八十二击败迈阿密热火队。 6.The grizzlies are one of the worst teams in the league with a lowly 10 - 23 record , but have won two of their last three games including a victory sunday night against miami灰熊队是西部战绩最糟糕的队伍之一,他们的战绩是10 - 23 ,但他们最近3场中赢了2场,包括周日晚间对迈阿密热火的一个胜利。 7.Jerry stackhouse scored 37 points , and the washington wizards rediscovered defense in the second half to gain control of a close game and beat the miami heat 89 - 82史塔克豪斯全场独得卅七分,华盛顿巫师队在下半场加强防守,掌控原本比数接近的比赛,终场该队以八十九比八十二击败迈阿密热火队。 8.He hasn ' t made any plan official , and given how valuable he was when o ' neal was in foul trouble or injured this season , miami may try to coax the fan favorite into another return他(至今)还没有定出任何正式的计划,鉴于本赛季在奥尼尔遭受犯规和伤痛困扰时他是多么有价值,迈阿密热火会使他的复出成为球迷最喜欢的事。 9.Miami heat ' s shaquille o ' neal presents a basketball to u . s . president george w . bush during a ceremony honoring the 2006 nba champions in the east room at the white house in washington february 27 , 2007本周二,布什总统在白宫接见了nba上赛季总冠军迈阿密热火队,并对球队给予了高度赞扬。但布什说,他对热火队可谓是爱恨交加。 10.He had known before anyone else in the arena that it was over , that his miami heat had come back yet again and won the 2006 nba championship , that on this june night in dallas he had , at 24 , risen above his preordained peers to clutch the only prize that matters是的,他早就知道了,他比其人任何一个在场者都要清楚:比赛已经结束,胜利属于他们,胜利属于再次崛起并赢得2006年总冠军的迈阿密热火队,在这个初夏之夜,在达拉斯,在他24岁这一年,韦德站在和他患难与共的战友的肩膀上,牢牢的抓住了那个对他们而言意味着全部的金灿灿的奖杯。
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6月14日 马刺vs热火 全场录像 央视国语
6月14日 马刺vs热火 全场录像 新浪国语
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