
Le Papillon是什么意思?急~~~在线等!谢谢
Le Papillon是什么意思?急~~~在线等!谢谢
le papillon是一部法国的电影,中文名叫“蝴蝶”。挺好看的,片尾曲和吉祥三宝的那首歌很相似。说反了,应该是吉祥三宝的那首歌和蝴蝶的片尾曲很相似。推荐看看。
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号丁香客App是丁香园社区的官方应用,聚合了丁香园论坛和丁香客的精彩内容。医生可通过丁香客App浏览论坛,也可以在这个医生群集的关系网络中分享和互动,建立更广泛的学术圈子。
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【求助】Clinica Chimica Acta投稿中的图像问题~~~急急急~在线急等!
【求助】Clinica Chimica Acta投稿中的图像问题~~~急急急~在线急等!
昨天给Clinica chimica acta投稿,我提交上去的是JPEG格式,他们要求TIF或EPS格式,自动回复说是所有的Figure, pass with waring。我可以直接用PS打开后另存为TIF或EPS吗?这样对分辨率有没有什么影响?或者还是需要把每幅图在PS里重新做一遍?下面是给的Artwork Quality Results 他们的意思是不是说resolution(分辨率)太低,勉强可用?Printable width quite small 是什么意思,战友们支招吧,很急很急~~~~
回复:【求助】Clinica Chimica Acta投稿中的图像问题~~~急急急~在线急等!
从你的提供的信息来看你已经成功提交了稿件, 虽然有点警告, 但勉强还是通过了, 可以进行"Reviewing" 了(从图片中看到的).1. 以我个人的经验来看, 可以不管它了, 既然已经投稿成功, 说明你的Figure就没有太大问题, 可以不管它了(我以前的经验, 稿件也接收了, 影响不大的). 2. 如果你还没有确认最终投稿及"同意确认转换成PDF形式" ; 那你还可以重新再把Figure转成TTIF形式后, 再投稿, 但关键不要重复投相同稿件!!!!以上个人经验希望对楼主有帮助!
回复:【求助】Clinica Chimica Acta投稿中的图像问题~~~急急急~在线急等!
的确是已经成功转成PDF,但是说If your uploaded Item has a Fail link, this indicates that the Item does not meet the journal's production standards. You can click the Fail link to obtain more information about how to correct the Item. In order to replace an Item, click 'Edit Submission' on the prior page.我觉得最好还是改了吧,Printable width quite small 是分辨率不够的意思吗?
回复:【求助】Clinica Chimica Acta投稿中的图像问题~~~急急急~在线急等!
在园子里找到的,给了自己很大启发,图片也做完了,准备这就给杂志再投出去,谢谢zhongh战友,希望下面的文章也被更多的正在或准备投稿的战友有所帮助,一分耕耘一分收获,希望大家都能如愿~~~【图片保存的格式】常见的图片格式有:TIFF、JPG、PCD、PSD、PCX、EPS、GIF、BMP等,其中TIFF彩色、黑白位图,EPS矢量图为印刷前输出软件常用图形格式,图片尽量采用这三种格式。首先要明确投稿两个阶段对图片要求的不同:(1)文章被接收后杂志对图片的要求(Manuscripts Accepted for Publication):主流要求图片格式为EPS和TIFF等(Figures only in TIFF or EPS formats)。(2)第1次投稿的时候对图片的要求(即:审稿阶段)(Initial Submission of Manuscripts for Review)。在投稿的时候,杂志社将你的文章送审给审稿人的时候一般是PDF格式。如何生成PDF格式,有两种情况,一是杂志社要求作者投稿的时候就上传PDF文件格式,那么作者就要自己生成PDF文档。另一种情况是杂志编辑部帮你生成PDF,通常又有两种情况,一是上传图表和正文在一起的WORD文档。二是正文和图片分开上传,且图片要单个上传(不同的杂志要求不一样,比如个别杂志JPG可以接受)。总之这个阶段的图片要求很灵活。建议:因此个人认为大家平时最好将图片扫描保存为TIFF格式。因为两点:(1)TIFF较JPG包含的图片信息大,便于后期图片各种编辑。(2)尽管有的杂志在审稿阶段能接收JPG格式,但是即使是这样的杂志,在文章被接收后,又要你上传TIFF或EPS等格式。(3)TIFF转化为JPG容易,JPG转化为TIFF图象信息损失大。【图片保存的分辨率】杂志对不同的图的要求是不一样的。首先要清楚下列3种图概念:monochrome artwork和halftone artwork以及combination artwork(请参考:/bbs/post/view?bid=45&id=4387892&sty=1&tpg=13&age=0 )杂志对monochrome artwork分辨率要求最高,一般1200dpi(1200 DPI/PPI for monochrome),halftone artwork分辨率要求最低,一般300dpi(300 DPI/PPI for halftones),combination artwork(600 DPI/PPI for combination halftones)分辨率要求中间,一般600dpi。建议:平时一般分辨率保存为600 dpi。因为:某图片分辩率为600*600dpi/像素/英寸,那么,它现在的尺寸就可放大至一倍以上使用也没有问题。如果分辨率为300*300dpi,那么它就只能缩小或是原大,不能再将其放大。因此600 dpi是比较折中的,基本满足杂志对图片的要求,在TIFF格式的时候储存的图片大小也能接受。另外要注意采用的图片不能以显示为准,不要因为图片经过acdsee或是其它软件看到挺精美,放大后也很精美就认为可以作为印刷用,一定要经过photoshop打开,用图像大小一项来确认其真正分辩率。【图片保存的模式】(仅对彩图而言)首先我们要知道下面两种常见模式:(1)RGB模式:又称RGB色空间。它是一种色光表色模式,它广泛用于我们的生活中,如电视机、计算机显示屏、幻灯片等都是利用光来呈色。印刷出版中常需扫描图像,扫描仪在扫描时首先提取的就是原稿图像上的RGB色光信息。RGB模式是一种加色法模式,通过R、G、B的辐射量,可描述出任一颜色。计算机定义颜色时R、G、B三种成分的取值范围是0-255,0表示没有刺激量,255表示刺激量达最大值。R、G、B均为255时就合成了白光,R、G、B均为0时就形成了黑色。在显示屏上显示颜色定义时,往往采用这种模式。图像如用于电视、幻灯片、网络、多媒体,一般使用RGB模式。(2)CMYK模式:又称CMYK色空间。对从事印刷业的人员来说,CMYK是最熟悉不过了。这种模式是一种减色模式,遵循减色法混和规律。现代胶印采用的都是柯式印刷(四色套印),也就是将彩色图片分成四色:青(C)、品(M)、黄(Y)、黑(B四色网点菲林,再晒成PS版,经过胶印机四次印刷,出来后就是彩色的印刷成品。CMYK模式实质指的是再现颜色时印刷的C、M、Y、K网点大小,因此C、M、Y、K的数值范围为0%-100%。CO%MO%YO%KO%表示白色,C100%M100%Y100%K100%表示黑色。 其次我们要明确印刷用图片不同于平常计算机显示用图片,图片必须为CMYK模式,而不能采用RGB模示或是其它模式。但是,是否意味着平时图片保存的时候就将图片保存为CMYK模式了。答案是否定的。个人认为最好要保存为RGB模式。建议:平时图片保存为RGB模式。因为:(1)尽管目前有95%以上的杂志在Manuscripts Accepted for Publication阶段要求作者提供CMYK模式,但是我们必须看到越来越多的杂志改变以往的要求,要求作者提供RGB模式(可能是一种趋势)。例如Journal of Biological Chemistry杂志在其最新的投稿须知中明确了不在接收CMYK模式,只接收RGB模式(The JBC is now in an RGB (Red, Green, Blue) workflow for color figures. Prior to June 1, 2005, authors were required to submit figures in CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK) color mode, as this is the native color mode for the printing process and thus optimizes color for press. As of June 1 2005, all color figures should be submitted in RGB format. Images supplied by authors in RGB color will retain the brilliant reds, greens, and blues for online publication, but may experience a color shift in printed form. To learn more, please see
主要原因是因为现在很多杂志都有在线杂志,由于RGB图比CMYK图显示更好,色彩更漂亮,适合网络上用(online publication)。而且由RGB转变为CMYK模式容易(适合印刷),但是由CMYK模式转变为RGB模式,图象的表现力下降。(2)平时总有机会参加学术交流,因此要制作幻灯片,选择RGB比CMYK更能体现图片包含的信息。【图片保存的大小】首先要明白通栏和半栏的概念。一般杂志为A4纸大小左右,通栏为15厘米宽,半栏为7.5厘米宽(不同杂志可能稍有不同)。因此在保存图片的时候自己就要判断该图片是准备为通栏还是半栏发表。当然我们大部分图片是半栏(实际上杂志社也鼓励为半栏)发表,因此图片大小就在宽度设定的时候设置为7.5厘米。如果你保存的分辨率越高,图片大小还可以更小。例如图片为半栏,分辨率为600dpi,那么宽度就可以设为4厘米。因为某图片分辩率为600dpi,它现在的尺寸就可放大至一倍以上使用也没有问题。【小结】图片保存的时候最好按照高标准,宽尺度的要求进行(当然也不是越大越好。越高越好)。因为图片从大往小改容易,从小往大改难。例如TIFF变为JPG容易,JPG变为TIFF难;600dpi变为300dpi容易,300dpi变为600dpi难;RGB变为CMYK容易,CMYK变为RGB难。这里的难和易是对图片质量来说的,而不是指操作上。当然如果你认为必要就可以高低两种模式都报存,但是绝对不能仅仅保存低模式,比如图片为JPG,CMYK,300dpi(因为这样灵活性差,不适合杂志的普遍要求)。
希望老师们指教,买这个cpu之前在网上查的说sis648fx支持所有的p4啊!在线等答案啊,于是在淘宝买了p4 2,想升级下cpu,死了以后就没了。不知道是兼容的问题还是什么!;1M&#47.6G的!,就是用没几分钟就死机cpu温度在40左右;800换上了能顺利启动,观察了几次发现要死机的时候好象是cpu风扇附近发出“嘶嘶”的声音,cpu是赛扬2,小弟分不多,风扇2500+转!电脑是联想家悦的,30分贡献了.8E&#47,声音不大但能听到,芯片组sis648fx
我的建议.8E的;2、检查散热风扇你的sis648fx是支持P4 2,看是否风扇有问题:1,防止主板对CPU的不兼容、先更新主板BIOS。sis648才仅支持533。实在不行换个风扇
4.6. He was the first one to obtain the examination first of Chinese people. All of these are fully bar shows the Chinese government and people to protect the global environment sincerity and determination,错误不少可能1. China&#39. Western development for expanding domestic demand and promote sustained national economic growth in line with the promotion of coordinated development of different regions are of great significance.10. China will also support high-tech development is conducive to the capital markets. That racial discrimination in this regard the book has aroused a sensation, the CPC Central Committee made a major decision.9 We should on the basis of equality and friendship on a wide range in the field of cooperation and the establishment of a new partnership between Asia and Europe to exchange our proposal. Midwest large-scale development for the new century.5.8 Development is the last word is the key to solve the problems confronting us.7.3;s accession to the WTO will provide China and other Asian and world economic development of all countries and regions to inject new vitality.自己检查下吧.2. Some have a long history of symbolic festival features food is an essential companion
1.Being a member of WTO of China will instil new vitality for China,Asian and all the world's economy development.
2.Some special foods having a long history and symbolic meanings are a indispensible partner for festivals.
3.Once published,this book revolving to racial discrimination
produced a sensation.
4.The mid and west's development is a great decision of Commulist Party of China's Central Committee facing the new century.
5.China is going to help capital market which is good for high and new technology's development.
6.He is the first Chinese man who has won the first place in this examination.
7.All this have proved Chinese government a...
1、China joins WTO will be China and Asia and all the countries in the world all localities development of the economy pours the new vigour in.
2、That some have a long history characteristic food having symbol significance is an essential companion of festival.
3、That book about racism, has aroused as soon as coming out causing a sensation.
4、That Middle West develops greatly is that the Central Committee of the Party is geared to the needs of momentous decision made by new century.
5、China returns back with the capital market that the high and new technology beneficial to supporting develops.
6、 He is the first to get Chinese who owes have a...
1. China's accession to the WTO will provide China and other Asian and world economic development of all countries and regions to inject new vitality.
2. Some have a long history of symbolic festival features food is an essential companion.
3. That racial discrimination in this regard the book has aroused a sensation.
4. Midwest large-scale development for the new century, the CPC Central Committee made a major decision.
5. China will also support high-tech development is conducive to the capital markets.
6. He was the first one to obtain the examination first of Chinese people.
7. All of these are fully bar shows the Chinese government and...
1. China's accession to the WTO will provide China and other Asian and world economic development of all countries and regions to inject new vitality.
2. Some have a long history of symbolic festival features food is an essential companion.
3. That racial discrimination in this regard the book has aroused a sensation.
4. Midwest large-scale development for the new century, the CPC Central Committee made a major decision.
5. China will also support high-tech development is conducive to the capital markets.
6. He was the first one to obtain the examination first of Chinese people.
7. All of these are fully bar shows the Chinese government and...
1. China's accession to the WTO will provide China and other Asian and world economic development of all countries and regions to inject new vitality.
2. Some have a long history of symbolic festival features food is an essential companion.
3. That racial discrimination in this regard the book has aroused a sensation.
4. Midwest large-scale development for the new century, the CPC Central Committee made a major decision.
5. China will also support high-tech development is conducive to the capital markets.
6. He was the first one to obtain the examination first of Chinese people.
7. All of these are fully bar shows the Chinese government and peopl...
1.China's accession to the WTO will provide China and other Asian and world economic development of all countries and regions to inject new vitality.
2. Some have a long history of symbolic festival features food is an essential companion.
3. That racial discrimination in this regard the book has aroused a sensation.
4. Midwest large-scale development for the new century, the CPC Central Committee made a major decision.
5. China will also support high-tech development is conducive to the capital markets.
6. He was the first one to obtain the examination first of Chinese people.
7. All of these are fully bar shows the Chinese government and people...


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