游泳是危险的。英语谚语 励志的谚语有哪些

陈艳青 早在2002年,还不是奥运冠军的陈艳青就来到了苏大。当时的陈艳青由于一条境外假新闻错失2000年悉尼奥运会,失意之下的她选择了退役进入苏州大学读书。复出后,陈艳青勇夺2004年的雅典奥运会58公斤级举重金牌。奥运会后,陈艳青进入苏州大学商学院攻读工商管理本科,并在2007年7月本科毕业后,继续在苏州大学教育学院攻读教育心理学硕士学位。
吴静钰 2006年,吴静钰进入苏州大学就读于体育学院民族传统体育专业,2010年9月顺利结束本科阶段学业后,被学校推为免试研究生,继续在苏大体育学院攻读体育教育训练学专业的体能训练方向。&&
http://i1./topic/kaoyanyizu8572.jpg34On the Chinese Translation of English Proverbs(浅析英语谚语的中文翻译)-第2页
34On the Chinese Translation of English Proverbs(浅析英语谚语的中文翻译)-2
He that would sail without danger must never come on the main sea. (谁在航行时不冒险,他就永远不要来到大海上了)Never offer to teach fish to swim. (不要教鱼儿游泳。这条谚语比喻意义“不要在行j家面前卖弄自己”相当于汉语谚语“不要班们弄斧”)The Great Britain Island is a typical warm temperate maritime climate with the abundant rainfall, strong wind, fog and the heavily rainfall. Then they had a proverb,“It never rains but it pours.” (不雨则已,一雨倾盆)C. The Customers and HabitsThe Customs and habits are a way of people?s life in a region, including lots of things related to life in all fields. Proverbs not only affect a nation?s politics, economy, religion, literature, but also reflect the nation?s customs and habits. Proverbs and customs, habits are more closely related. The translation of English proverbs can?t be known well without understanding the English customs and habits.Any nation has their own favorite animals, so the culture on pets has district characteristics. Chinese people always look down upon dogs and use them to describe an evil person or bad things. But most of the Anglo-American countries have a good sense to dogs, they view dogs as their reliable friends. Most of them don?t have any derogatory sense except the part effected by other culture. While in Anglo-American culture, “dogs” are always the allegory to describe the people?s life, so there have been many proverbs in reference of a dog.Every dog has his own day. (每只狗都有它的好时光。)The metaphor of this proverbs is, “Everyone has a proud day”. (人人都有他得意的一天。)Love me, love my dog.(喜欢我就要喜欢我的狗。)It says,“Anyone who wants to keep the friendship with me needs to accept and stand allthe things that belong to me, including my own hobbies and opinions”. And it?s similar to the Chinese proverb “爱屋及乌”.While in China, people are used to regarding dogs as immoral man or disgusting things. So there have formed plenty of proverbs about “dog”, 狼心狗肺;狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心。
In contrast, Chinese people are very fond of cats, cats are usually regarded as sweetheart by people. In western culture, the cat was used to descr such as, Cats hide their claws. (知人知面不知心。)D. The Beliefs of ReligionReligious belief is not only a kind of ideology, but also a kind of culture. As a kind ofspiritual customs, it is very complicated and related to humanity's production, life, work and study. Confucius, the founder of the Confucian school occupies an important position in the ideological field of China, Confucianism has left precious spiritual wealth, in the Chinese proverb, “严于律己,宽于待人”,“恭敬不如从命”。 The Buddhism has been introduced to China for more than several thousand years, people believe that everything around the world could be dominated by the Buddha, so there are many proverbs containing “Buddha”and “Temple”
in Chinese language, such as“借花献佛”,“无事不登三宝殿”Chinese proverbs also reflect Taoism like “福兮祸所伏,祸兮福所倚”and so on.The Christianity is one of the three major religions in the world, the number of people who are faithful to Christianity accounts for a quarter of the world's population. The new Christianity is viewed as Britain?s national religion, although there are also many Catholic population in Britain, the well-known Christian followers - protestants accounts for the most proportion. Therefore, there are many English proverbs with Christian characteristic.For example, If man proposes evil,God disposes of it.上帝会阻止想要为恶的人(喻指谋事在人,成事在天,或尽人事,听天由命。)(1)God helps those who help themselves.上帝帮助那些帮助自己的人。(喻指自助者,天助之。)(2)Pay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and God what belongs to God.让上帝的归上帝,让恺撒的归恺撒。(喻指不在其位,不谋其政或做好自己的事。)In the western countries, God is the creator of all things, so God in English takes high position and is referred in proverb with high frequency.In the right church,but in the wrong pew. (进对了教堂,但坐错了椅子)比喻“总的来说是对的,但细节上不对”。E. Moral IdeasThe traditional moral and concept of China have paid attention to “propriety, righteousness, benevolence, honesty”, so there are some proverbs with unselfish spirit,“一人有难大家帮,一家有事百家忙”,“互帮互助,穷能变富”The British have paid more attention to personal gains and losses. Such as, he that has but only one eye must be afraid to lose it.(只有一只眼睛的人当然怕失去它,隐义为“不借钱给你,也是理所当然的”。)Lend your hors you may have him returned with his skin. (借马给人去远行,可能还你一张皮。隐义为“忘恩负义、恩将仇报”)Lend your money, and lose your friend.(借出你的钱,失去你的朋友)。F. LegendsThe Bible is a great book, whose effects on the western world are so enormous that any other works cannot reach. Many legends in the Bible bring about a great impact on English countries. People widely used them to write essay for long perio thus legends have brought forth a large number of English proverbs, which have become an important part of a language that is used widely.The heart knows his own bitterness. (一颗心知道它自己的痛苦,隐义为“切肤之痛”) Every man must carry his own cross. (每个人必须背他自己的十字架,隐义为“自己的痛苦要靠自己来承受”。)Those proverbs come from“The Bible”, the cross is the one which the Jesus is approaching to death with misery, nailed him to the cross and died at length. So the word “cross” has the meaning of misery and those proverbs mean that “Everyone must be enduring the suffering in life, and bear their own burden”.5“Forbidden fruit” is also a phrase from “The Bible”, and is well-known for everyone. In the“Genesis”, the apple that Don Adam had eaten in the garden of Eve is called forbidden fruit.The implication is made in “Forbidden fruit” means that the thing one wants to get because itwas forbidden.6Forbidden fruit is always sweet. (禁果是甜的)It shows that“不让得到的东西往往就具有诱惑性”. (The thing you can?t get is always quite attractive)Ⅲ. The Translating Methods of English ProverbsThe famous philosopher Rousseau once said, “A proverb is the wisdom of men and the wit of one”. Since the content of proverbs reflect, the flash of wisdom, the crystallization of experience, the sediment of the historical culture, and the translation of proverbs all are closely related to reflecting their own characteristics and revealing their connotative meanings. A well-known American translator Linda left a famous saying,“It’s so necessary to pay attention to the response of the accepted people for all translationwhether they are poets or articles. The effect on the audiences from the objective facts, is themost fundamental factor to evaluate any translation.”.7So we should apply various methods to express the natural and connotative meanings of English proverbs. So here, I will present a brief introduction with several methods to translate the different proverbs.A. Literal TranslationSo-called literal translation refers to a skill that keeps English proverbs' metaphor, form and the national characteristics on the basis that literal translation is in accordance with the standardization of language translation, and without causing errors in association and understanding. The following English proverbs can be directly translated into Chinese proverbs,Knowledge is power. (知识就是力量) All roads lead to Rome. (条条道路通罗马)
no pains, no gains. (不劳则不获)We can find that the literal translation can mainly retain the original image and metaphor, and retain the original unique technique of expression, which bings novel and chic sense to person. Therefore, in the process of English proverbs' translation, we usually give priority to use literal translation.Blood is thicker than water. (血浓于水)He who laughs last laughs best. (谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好)Learn to walk before you run. (先学走,再学跑)Money isn't everything. (钱不是万能的)Practice makes perfect. (熟能生巧)The eye is the window of the mind. (眼睛是心灵的窗户)We can see that this way has hold the original form, analogy and the expressing methods. B. Free TranslationWhen by using the skill of literal translation to translate English proverbs is difficult or the translation makes the reader misunderstand, free translation should be generally adopted. Free translation is a kind of skill that mainly refers to the proverbs?content and figurative meaning, but it sacrifices the form, and flexibly convey the original meaning combined with the context. Such as the English proverb,“A horse stumbles that has four legs”.If we translate it into Chinese by literal translation, “有四条腿的马会失蹄”. It will bring the readers to understand it difficultly or even can produce a puzzling feeling. Therefore, for this type of proverbs translation, literal translation will be taken and we should use completely different words to convey the original meaning. For example,When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war. (两强相遇,必有一争)Nothing ventured, nothing gained. (不入虎穴,焉得虎子)Beggars can?t be choosers.(饥不择食)Butter to butter is no relish.(千篇一律的东西令人生厌)Care killed a cat.(忧虑伤身)The child is father to the man.(三岁看到老)C. Literal Translation and Free TranslationDue to the differences among different ethnic groups in the cultural tradition, language structure and expression habit, sometimes, in order to express the meaning of English proverbs more efficiently, and make up for the situations that after finishing translating, the translation text?s meaning is not very obvious, we can use literal translation and free translation, literal translation retains the original figurative images, and free translation appropriately completes the meanings, so as not to give readers wrong ideas. For instance,Every bird likes its own nest. (鸟爱自己的巢;人爱自己的家)Let sleeping dogs lie. (睡狗莫惹;麻烦莫招)Out of sight, out of mind. (眼不见,心不想;别久情疏)The coat makes the mail. (佛靠金装;人靠衣装)The first half of the above translation belongs to the literal translation, but doesn?t really reflect
in the second half, adding free translation is a proper supplement to the proverbs?s meaning, we can express the true meaning of the proverbs using literal translation and free translation together.D. Rhetoric TranslationSometimes, appropriately adding some figures of speech in Chinese sentences will make the whole sentences even the whole article become vivid and lively, so the reader?s interests in reading is attracted in no time. Likewise, there are a lot of figures of speech that are used in English proverbs, which make the English proverbs concise, vivid and profound, the figures of speech have strong artistic appeal to readers, which makes people get a at the same time, people can get a good sense in enjoying language art.Smile: There is no place like home. (金窝银窝,不如咱的狗窝)Metaphor: Deeds are fruits, words are leaves. (行动是果,言语是叶)Personification: Walls have ears.(隔墙有耳)Exaggeration: The pen is sharper than the sword. (笔能杀人)So those rhetoric translations express the deep profound meanings with simple and refined language.E. Equivalent TranslationEquivalent translation is also called borrow translation, which refers to that a kind of language's translation can borrow another language proverb?s translation. There are many包含各类专业文献、外语学习资料、各类资格考试、行业资料、幼儿教育、小学教育、高等教育、中学教育、34On the Chinese Translation of English Proverbs(浅析英语谚语的中文翻译)等内容。 
 Translation 论英汉成语的翻译_英语学习_外语学习_...of idioms between English and Chinese and the ...proverbs, sayings, allusions, epigrams, slangs, colloquiali...  论英汉商标翻译On Translation of English and Chinese Trademarks From the ...On the Chinese Translation of English Proverbs论英语谚语的汉译 15). On ...  翻译 On the Translation of Chinese Trade Mark into English 中文商标的英译 ...Translation of English Proverbs 论英语谚语的理解与翻译 翻译 The Influence of...  On the translation of English Movie titles_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。On the Translation of Movie Titles 浅析英文电影片名的翻译 Author: XU Xiaoning Supervi...  商标翻译的原则和方法 The Study on Features of ...English-Chinese Translati 论连词再英汉翻译中的显性...Translation of English Proverbs 论英语谚语的理解与...  翻译 On the Translation of Chinese Trade Mark into English 中文商标的英译 ...Translation of English Proverbs 论英语谚语的理解与翻译 翻译 The Influence of...  On the Translation of Chinese Trade Mark into ...English-Chinese Translati 论连词再英汉翻译中的显性...Translation of English Proverbs 论英语谚语的理解与...  论英语谚语翻译技巧 专 业: 英 语 考生姓名: 王丽敏...On Translation Technique of English Proverbs BY ...the differences between English and Chinese proverbs...  on English-Chinese Translation 论英汉影视翻译中不同文化意象的处理 On the ...of English and Chinese Names and Its Translation Methods 浅谈英语谚语翻译 ...【】【】【】【】【】
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  A man who has friends must show himself friendly.
  A friend is a second self。
  No road is long with good company。
  Faith will move mountain。
  It is better to be alone than in bad company。
  Fine feathers make fine birds。
  Judge not according to the appearance。
  It is not the coat that makes the gentleman。
  I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too。
  Without confidence there is no friendship。
  A friend in need is a friend indeed。
  A good friend is my nearest relation。
  Without a friend, the world is a wilderness。
  The best mirror is a friend&s eye。
  Success has many friends。
  Poverty tries friends。
  Better without gold than without friends。
  It is easy to swim if another holds up your head。
  A friend to all is a friend to none。
  All are not friends that speak us fair。
  A man is known by his friends。
  Better an open enemy than a false friend。
  Books and friends should be few but good。
  Friendless is the dead。
  Friendship cannot stand always on one side。
  Friends must part。
  Any help is better than no help。
  A trouble shared is a trouble halved。
  A friend is easier lost than found。
  Every man has his faults。
  True friendship lasts forever。
  The only way to have a friend is to be one。
  Many hands make light work。
  When a friend asks, there is no &tomorrow&。
  Even the best of friends must part。
  A man&s house is his castle。


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