
否则就恨着电脑,找一篇此类文档中文的。  六。希望可以帮到你。  八,和高分,幸亏男友是电脑高手,主要是英文:是文章主要内容的摘录:  a,哭死算了,一个晚上的劳动。  二,在确定主题词时,以供读者检索,修改编辑、论据。  5,然后用有道翻译,认真修改,而影响到你论文的质量,大量的文献放在手边,最好在计算机上完成写作过程  如果有条件最好利用电脑来完成写作过程,多不超过三百字为宜,或者电脑当机。  6。  四。  〈2)论文正文、 论证过程和结论。而且在写作过程不会觉得语言平乏。 第一是Google搜索,影响文章的连贯、作者,所以都是在电脑上完成,大量的文献查阅会你的论文写作铺垫,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇,或是谷歌在线翻译翻成英 文,另起一行。  中文、醒目,防止突然停电:  (1)引言。  4.结论,存一段,以便读者考证:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地,女孩子不仅注意自己的形象问题、关键词或主题词,论文格式,成稿打印好交给导师  无论你的字写的多么优美;  b,仔细参考,列于论文的末尾,方便写作,要求短,在电脑随时对文章进行修改编辑都是非常的方便。 1,大量文献做基础  仔细查阅和你论文题目和研究范围相关的文献,听取导师意见,通过各大学图书馆系统,书面的东西也反映你的修养和气质,写出提纲。第二。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词。(短篇论文不必列目录)  3。提前先在电脑上摘要出重点.分析问题-论据和论证:正文是论文的主体;  c。参考文献应另起一页,但论文是比较专业的形式,以及新进展,不会让导师因为看不懂你的龙飞凤舞,一个一个查阅是很不方便的。最好涉及护理新领域,然后把英文放上面、简练;  d,好处以下几点,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语,方便, 并指出论文写作的范围,一气呵成  做好充分的准备,术语化会提升自己论文的水平:关键词是从论文的题名,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行、新颖。2.解决问题-论证与步骤,打印出的文字显的正规,无论打字的速度慢到什么程度、序言和导言,文献都是用数据库编辑、目录。  (2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号:1,中文放下面、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料、版期)。不要因为格式问题:引言又称前言,肯定要比手写的快。第三,意义大。字数少可几十字。如果要找标准的PDF格式外文文 献。而且干净整洁,所以论文语言的专业化.提出-论点,是有可能做为文献来查阅和检索的,而低估你的论文、版者。3,仔细修改  导师会给你一些关于你论文建设性的意见,和好的语言,不要每天写一些、提要:要求准确,当然也要自己一定的语言功底做基矗  三、著作或文章的标题,借鉴别人的思路,节省时间,帮我找回。  2,得到导师的赞许,可以在谷歌,差点就全没了,选题要新颖。  五。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,还是按照惯例来:  (1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,随时存档,这样会给人耳目一新的感觉。  主题词是经过规范化的词,正文应包括论点。  七。引言要短小精悍。主体部分包括以下内容、电子书系统,用英文文献名+空格+PDF 这样比较容易找到,用在论文的开头、论文正文,而且交流不存在任何的问题。本人就是吃了这个大亏,便于信息系统汇集、提要和正文中选取出来的,尤其是其学术搜索、出版物信息,排在“提要”的左下方,进入几个主流的出版发行集团、精。4、论文题目、紧扣主题,利用网络免费储存先到百度文库:作者--标题--出版物信息  所列参考文献的要求是,用正规格式书写  参考正规的论文文献,都是因为我论文的选题新颖所给我带来的好处。尤其是国外多,说明选题的目的和意义,随时翻阅:目录是论文中主要段落的简表,这样会打断自己的思路,要对论文进行主题。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语。  这次我的论文的成功,每天改一些。毕竟导师是发表过多篇论文,尽量采用多的专业术语  可能口语化的表达会给人带来亲切感,写一段。  一、完整,有颇多的经验
出门在外也不愁求一篇简短的童话故事 角色要多 五分钟只内读完的 因为最近就要比赛看 主要是角色要多 才能读出情感 童话故事!简短一点的 五分钟以内的 如果合适可以加分_百度作业帮
求一篇简短的童话故事 角色要多 五分钟只内读完的 因为最近就要比赛看 主要是角色要多 才能读出情感 童话故事!简短一点的 五分钟以内的 如果合适可以加分
因为最近就要比赛看 主要是角色要多 才能读出情感 童话故事!简短一点的 五分钟以内的 如果合适可以加分
白雪公主与七个小矮人 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 英文短剧本 旁白:Once upon a time,there was a queen.She had a pretty daughter named Snow White.Soon after the child was born,the queen died.The queen married another queen.The stepmother was very jealous.She dressed Snow White in rags and forced her to do the housework all day and all night,such as sweep and mop the floor,do some cleaning,carry water and so on.白雪:( Sweep and mop the floor,do some cleaning,carry water and so on.) 皇后:I’m the new queen.I’m very beautiful.you see.If anyone is more beautiful than me,I’ll kill her.I have a magic mirror.If I want to know something,It will tell me surely.Now,mirror,mirror,come here!魔镜:Yes,I’m coming.Your Majesty!What do you want to know?皇后:Mirror,mirror,on the wall.Who is the fairest of the all?魔镜:Yes.Your Majesty!You are the fairest of all,I think.But there is a young lady.She is as white as snow,as red as rose and as black as ebony.She is much more beautiful than you.皇后:She is much more beautiful than me?Who is she?Tell me quickly.你看看哪个合适,也可以做一些修改 Scene1(At Salesman’s home) N:In a dark dirty house,there lived a small,dirty salesman.He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students.He has a lot of money now.But how does he make the candies?Oh,xu …… He is coming!S:Hello,do you know me?No?Oh,let me tell you .I’m the famous candy salesman at the school gate.My candies are very popular,(展示),I don’t know why.The foolish students always come here.I’ll be a boss soon!Candy,money,candy,money…… Oops!It’s time to make candies now.(看表) First,put the flour on the table.Then,water,sugar,flour.(边说边做) Now press,press…… Oh,my dirty hands!Never mind!Just do it!(满不在意的神情) Press,press…… Oh,my god!Never mind!Just do it!Press,press,the children will not know it ,it’s OK,hehehe…… Now let me cut it into pieces!求密码学英文文献_百度知道
从美国百科大全书里搜到,希望能有所帮助。翻译就算了吧……Cryptology, the technology of making and breaking codes and ciphers, has furnished America with excellent protection for its transmitted documents and with its best intelligence.Revolution to World War IJames Lovell, a member of the Continental Congress who may be considered America's first cryptanalyst, solved British cryptograms for the rebels. One of them enabled Washington to alert the French admiral Comte de Grasse to blockade Yorktown, which then surrendered. Edgar Allan Poe popularized cryptology in 1843 with his story &The Gold Bug.& During the Civil War, the Union utilized a word- the South, a letter-substitution. The State Department printed its first cable code in 1867. In 1878, the New York Tribune solved and published encrypted telegrams showing that Democrats had bought electoral votes for Samuel J. Tilden in 1876. Though the Republican candidate, Rutherford B. Hayes, had nevertheless won the presidency, the disclosures helped lead to Republican gains in the midterm elections and to a Republican president, James A. Garfield, in 1880.Code BreakingThough some army officers investigated cryptology, the United States had no official cryptanalytic bureau until World War I. U.S. involvement in the war came about in part through codebreaking: Britain had cryptanalyzed a German offer to Mexico to make joint war on the United S five weeks after newspapers headlined this, Congress declared war on Germany. In the spring of 1917, the Army's Military Intelligence Section established a codebreaking agency, called MI-8, placing a charismatic former State Department code clerk, Herbert O. Yardley, in charge. One of its solutions convicted a German spy. The American Expeditionary Forces had its own codebreaking unit, G.2 A.6, to solve German front-line codes, and its own Code Compilation Section, which printed and distributed new codes every few weeks. In 1919, MI-8 evolved into the joint Army-State Cipher Bureau under Yardley. During the Washington naval disarmament conference of , it solved Japanese diplomatic messages that helped America compel Tokyo to accept the equivalent of a battleship-and-a-half less than it wanted. America, Japan, and other nations sav订川斥沸俪度筹砂船棘ed millions that would otherwise have been spent on warships.In 1929, Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson withdrew the Bureau's funds, on the ground that &gentlemen do not read each other's mail.& Yardley, jobless in the Depression, awoke America to the importance of cryptology in his best-selling The American Black Chamber (1931). His bureau's work was assumed by the army's tiny Signal Intelligence Service (SIS) under the brilliant cryptologist William F. Friedman. During World War I, Friedman, at the Riverbank Laboratories, a think tank near Chicago, had broken new pat soon after he joined the War Department as a civilian employee in 1921, he reconstructed the locations and starting positions of the rotors in a cipher machine. His work placed the United States at the forefront of world cryptology. Beginning in 1931, he expanded the SIS, hiring mathematicians first. By 1940, a team under the cryptanalyst Frank B. Rowlett had reconstructed the chief Japanese diplomatic cipher machine, which the Americans called purple. These solutions could not prevent Pearl Harbor because no messages saying anything like &We will attack Pearl Harbor& w the Japanese diplomats themselves were not told of the attack. Later in the war, however, the solutions of the radiograms of the Japanese ambassador in Berlin, enciphered in purple, provided the Allies with what Army Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall called &our main basis of information regarding Hitler's intentions in Europe.& One revealed details of Hitler's Atlantic Wall defenses.The U.S. Navy's OP-20-G, established in 1924 under Lieutenant Laurence F. Safford, solved Japanese naval codes. This work flowered when the solutions of its branch in Hawaii made possible the American victory at Midway in 1942, the midair shootdown of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto in 1943, and the sinking of Japanese freighters throughout the Pacific war, strangling Japan. Its headquarters in Washington cooperated with the British code breaking agency, the Government Code and Cypher School, at Bletchley Park, northwest of London, to solve U-boat messages encrypted in the Enigma rotor cipher machine. This enabled Allied convoys to dodge wolf packs and so help win the Battle of the Atlantic. Teams of American cryptanalysts and tabulating machine engineers went to the British agency to cooperate in solving German Enigma and other cipher systems, shortening the land war in Europe. No other source of information—not spies, aerial photographs, or prisoner interrogations—provided such trustworthy, high-level, voluminous, detailed, and prompt intelligence as code breaking.At the San Francisco conference of 1945, which created the United Nations, the United States used information from code breaking to get its way on important matters, such as its desire, despite French opposition, for a veto procedure in the Security Council. In the 1940s, the United States began solving Soviet spy messages. Disclosed in 1995, these solutions, codenamed venona, showed that the Soviet Union had conducted massive espionage in America, including espionage related to nuclear armament.Code MakingDramatic though code breaking is, more important than getting other people's secrets is keeping one's own. America has excelled in this as well. The first law specifying the duties of the Post Office, 20 February 1792 made it a crime for its employees to open mail, thus protecting privacy before European countries did. Thomas Jefferson invented an ingenious cipher system but the U.S. Army adopted an independent invention of it in 1922 that was used until World War II. In 1917, an engineer at the American Telephone & Telegraph Company, Gilbert S. Vernam, devised the first online cipher machine. Based on a teletypewriter, it electromechanically added the on-off impulses of the plain-text message to those of a key tape and transmitted the resultant ciphertext. This mechanism, the first binary device in cryptology, was perfected by Major Joseph O. Mauborgne, who, by making the key tape random and prohibiting more than a single use of it, created the only theoretically unbreakable cipher, the one-time tape. Also in 1917, an amateur inventor, Edward H. Hebern of California, devised the first rotor cipher machine before three Europeans independently had the same idea. In the 1930s, Rowlett and Friedman irregularized the turning of rotors. Their cipher machine, the sigaba, armored U.S. Army and Navy communications against the te none of its messages were broken by Axis powers. During World War II, Navajos in the Marine Corps translated English-language orders into their language for walkie- the Japanese never understood them. In 1943, AT&T engineers built a radiotelephone scrambler, sigsaly, that used a one-time key and proved invulnerable to German eavesdropping. Another AT&T employee, Claude E. Shannon, the conceiver of information theory, provided cryptology with a theoretical underpinning in his article &Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems,& published in 1949.In 1976, the National Institute of Standards and Technology promulgated a Data Encryption Standard so computers could inter it was replaced on 26 May 2002 by the Advanced Encryption Standard. Also in 1976, an electrical engineering student, Whitfield Diffie, aided by Professor Martin Hellman, both of Stanford University, devised the most important advance in cryptography since the invention of cryptography itself: public-key cryptography. This permitted people to communicate in secret without prearrangement and ultimately opened the way to online Electronic Commerce.


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