
name:kissing a frog can always brings you a prince
旁白(头上插枝花):long long ago,a bueatiful princess who was as bueatifull as a.......
(开始思考,突然大悟,取下头上的花)。。。。。right! flower.
she is lonely so the Queen of love promised a prince of frog for her,she told her to go out one day.....(公出场).....
the princess walks near the castle and...........
Oh,Venus,Queen of love,can you tell me where is my fate?where is my handsome prince?where is the prince of frog?
白:Suddenly,she discovered that she had walked in to a strange forest,when suddenly again, a frog appeared in front of her.
公:(惊喜)Oh Venus,thank you my Queen of love,I see it,I see the frog.let me see,(走过去)
oh my god,this frog is so.........(闻闻,然后捏住鼻子,犹豫,来回走),is it really the frog for me?
(看看周围,)aren't there any other frogs?
这时,早就在场边待命的干净青蛙,跳动起来:YES YES other frogs we are here ,see? we are here.(重复说we are here!)
旁白冲过去,敲那些“青蛙”的头,说:“sh.......sh.........shut up ,shut up.....&
脏青蛙(很不耐烦):excuse me my lady? please tell me how long you want to keep me waiting?
公主:(惊慌,,,赶紧给它洗澡。。。。。。)don't be angry lovely little frog,you need a shower first.旁白过来用花把它扫干净。
白:now the princess is going to kiss her frog.
说:thank you young lady,the Queen of love told me to give this to you after the shower,she promised me a shower here.
青蛙:She told me to give this photo to you to thank you for the shower.now you take it,just take it.
公:so you are not my frog of prince........公主接过照片,青蛙走人,公主看一下,然后晕倒。。。。。。
my dear,the man on the photo is the prince I promise you,tel NO.参考资料:/question/.html?fr=ala0
—— Nic奈奈
施:HI,ladies and gentlemen.I am the manager of the MOONGROW company.Today I am glad to introduce our company to you. Moongrow Power Supply Co., Ltd. is a National high-tech enterprise specialized in research, development, marketing and sales of renewable energy products especially for solar and wind power. As a leading specialist in inverters technology and material, MOONGROW is committed to research, development, manufacturing, and marketing of innovative and superb renewable energy products that meet and surpass international standards and customer demands worldwide. But There is a question.The products from some famous companies,such like:sungrow,sunteck and sunup,can only work in a sunny day,at night they are out of work.Our products not only work at daytime,but also can transform the moonlight into green energy.So you see our company has a great future. Welcome to join us,thank you. Let’s welcome the head of HR to tell you the details about the interview.
苗:Good morning,everyone.I’m the HR of the moongrow company. Today,we will have an interview. Our company is seeking for talented person. As the staff of technology or marketing. After several examinations, three outstanding interviewees are here. But only one of them can win the opportunity to enter our company. Now,please come in.
施:Good morning,first,introduce yourselves. Mr. Shi please.
石:Good morning,everyone. I’m very happy to be here.I’d like to introduce myself.My name is Shi Rongliang. I’ll graduate from XX University in July next year. And,my major is Power Electronics and Powers Drives,which is one of the most famous majors in our university. In my way of thinking,education is an important aspect of my life.And I get first class scholarship and national scholarships every year. I appreciate that our professors put great emphasize on the academic teaching of the electric theory foundation during o
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&&& 话剧是什么,话剧是一门综合性,主持、表演、评论在话剧中是必不可少的。可大家了解英语话剧吗?对于这个问题,我一开始并不清楚,只能猜想到英语话剧中一定有外国人。
&&& 9月22日,我作为太原晚报的阳光天使小记者观看了英语话剧《嫦娥奔月》。来了,来了,英语话剧的主角来了。先出场的是&后羿&,虽然他是外教扮演的,但他穿上古装,还真有中国古人的风范。小记者们一阵欢呼,抢着向他介绍自己的名字。与&后羿&手挽手的当然是&嫦娥&了,她是一位年轻、漂亮的女老师,只见她头戴花冠,穿着漂亮衣裳,转了一个优雅的小圈,又摆了一个优美的姿势。我们见状,纷纷议论起来:&嫦娥姐姐的裙子真漂亮呀!&&她的花冠是怎么戴上去的呀!&总而言之,都觉得&嫦娥姐姐&的服饰太美了!接下来,随着一首古怪而搞笑的小曲,拉开了英语话剧的序幕&&银幕上出现了十个,&后羿&急忙&拉弓射箭&,射下了九个太阳。接着,一个弯着腰、作着揖的青年&逄蒙&向&后羿&走来,还恭恭敬敬地要拜&后羿&为师。&后羿&见这个青年毕恭毕敬,便答应了他,却不知&逄蒙&心怀鬼胎。在&后羿&出门之后,&逄蒙&逼迫&嫦娥&交出王母娘娘给后羿的仙丹,可&嫦娥&不答应,她趁&逄蒙&不注意时独自吞下仙丹,飘上了夜空,永远住在了冷清的月宫中&&
&&& 这次的活动给我留下了深刻印象,使我流连忘返,让我觉得英语既有趣又生动。您现在的位置:&&>>&&>>&&>>&正文
小学英语课本剧观后感    海安县实验小学五(6)班吕浩凡爸爸    今天受实验小学五年级年级部的盛情邀请,我观看了五年级同学精彩的英语课本剧表演。    课本剧的引入把从课内引向了生活世界、学生的实际生活,为学习创造了更多的机会。各班级学生自行组成小小组,选择了自己喜欢的内容,生动地将课本语言知识以“儿童剧、童话剧、分幕剧”的形式表演出来。“小动物们”精灵顽皮的表情,夸张生动的言语,让观众们都忍俊不禁;各班道具精美,情节生动,更是掌声四起;学生自编自演、自导、自演的“杰作”也一一上演,他们富有创意地将一个学习要点的相关句型组合,分幕表演,环节紧凑,幽默风趣,观者开心,演者得益。此时,孩子全方位全过程的自主参与、共同分享,他们纷纷觉得这样的“课”真有趣,不仅轻松地学到了书本上的知识,而且还学到了课本上没有的本领。大大提升了学生学习的综合能力。通过拓展教学空间,让英语学习走进学生生活、走入社会,充分彰显英语学科本身的社会性、实践性、生活性的特点,使英语学习获得生机与活力,这种生机与活力来源于学生的真实感受和认识、富有个性的情感体验和思维方式。    小学英语课堂中进行“课本剧进课堂”的尝试,具有积极的理论和实践的研究价值,通过英语学科课程与课本剧的综合化,融汇贯通,实现了教材内容综合化、教学过程活动化。从小教材走向大教材,从单一性走向多样性。使教材置于一个更广阔的背景之中,调动学生主体参与的积极性,自主学习、自我体验、从单一的态势下走出来,走向开放的、多姿多彩的教学形态。    也许,孩子们的表演不是最好的,但是这些都是最珍贵的。孩子们上台之前,做了许多次的练习与准备,从读到背,到语气语调练习,表情动作的把握,一步一步走来,并不容易。也许,舞台上的他们语言还不够精到,也许舞台上的他们表演还很稚拙,但是我开始从内心为他们感动,愿意为每个孩子的成长送上祝福。真的,不必害怕,谁都有不简单的第一次,谁都有需要自己去克服的不容易,大胆走出去,勇敢站上去,终有一天,生活的舞台上,你们是最棒的那一个,你们能做最棒的自己。    感谢实验坚持情感体验的情景性和开放性结合的原则,为学生打好坚实基础的同时,不断激发学生的英语学习兴趣。    愿孩子们因为良好的英语启蒙教育而爱学英语、乐学英语、学好英语! 《》出自:链接地址:/xinde/HTML/xinde_14_188293.html
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