跪求,电影《华府核弹》英文是:Chain ofbe command of

跪求一首歌词的翻译,Il Mondo - Jimmy Fontana,貌似不是英文,来自一部电影《时空恋旅人》跪求汉化!!_百度知道
跪求一首歌词的翻译,Il Mondo - Jimmy Fontana,貌似不是英文,来自一部电影《时空恋旅人》跪求汉化!!
No, stanotte amoreNon ho pi? pensato ha teHo aperto gli occhiPer guardare intorno a meE intorno ha meGirava il mondo come sempreGira, il mondo giraNello spazio senza fineCon gli amori appena natiCon gli amori gi? finitiCon la gioia e col doloreDella gente come meUn mondoSoltanto adesso, io ti guardoNel tuo silenzio io mi perdoE sono niente accanto a teIl mondoNon si ? fermato mai un momentoLa notte insegue sempre il giornoEd il giorno verr?Gira, il mondo giraNello spazio senza fineCon gli amori appena natiCon gli amori gi? finiti
这首歌是意大利语的,是意大利歌手Jimmy Fontana的成名作。同时这首歌还有西班牙语版本,加泰罗尼亚语版本,甚至还有一个英文版本的。下面的歌词是我自己翻译的。世界哦不,亲爱的,今夜,我并没有想你。我只是睁大双眼,望着我的四周。而这四周的世界,一如往常,自顾自的旋转。旋转,世界旋转。在太空中无休止的旋转。伴随着那初生的爱情,伴随着那消逝的爱情,伴随着那些像我一样的人的,喜悦和忧伤。哦,世界。我现在只是望着你,迷失在你的沉默里。在你的身旁,我低到尘埃里。世界,从未停息片刻,白日过后总是跟着黑夜。而黑夜消逝,白日又必将到来。世界,从未停息片刻,白日过后总是跟着黑夜。而黑夜消逝,白日又必将到来。
他们不像你期待的那样长大,真的很令人失望啊!  It's so disappointing when they don't grow up the way you want it to.  我还是觉得他太显摆了。  I still think he is kind of a show off.  肯定是的啊!他是动物嘛!  You got to give it to ...
1. Alex the Lion:Well, I say we just ask these bozos where the people are. Julian:[from the ground underneath Alex] Excuse me. We bozos have the people of course! Melman the Giraffe:Hey, the...跪求电影《莫扎特传》英文影评_百度作业帮
给你一个内容,不如给你提供一个方法,你可以这样找到以下内容:第一步:在中输入关键字:“电影 莫扎特传 英文名”,可以找到英文名是Amadeus,第二步:在中输入关键字:"Amadeus review",就应有尽有了.提示:影评是:movie(或film) review,但在知道是电影的情况下,就直接说是:Amadeus review以下有一篇供参考:I can only come up with one word to describe this picture:Beautiful.This is the most beautiful motion picture I have ever had the pleasure to see.This is what most films today are lacking:beautifully detailed sets and costumes,a fantastic script,and top notch performances backed by the direction of Academy Award winner Milos Forman (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest),all set to the tune of the compositions of one of the greatest composers ever:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.And this is also,for me,the greatest portrayal of any historical figure I've seen on film.While the story might not be 100% fact,it gives many details about the legendary composers short life.It dwells on his relationship with his father,his money troubles,and his ultimate burial among commoners.But it also adds a twist to history that provides a fantastic tale of envy and murder.All of this is made better by the people in front and behind the camera.The costumes and sets beautifully portray the era,and as a bonus,are given just a little extra flare to make them even more magnificent to the eyes.In one dazzeling scene,Mozart shines in his white suit and orange tinted wig while the performers on stage sing in beautiful dresses and tunics,against a backdrop of blue and yellow lights.The attention to detail,and addition to detail is marvelous.The actors turn in 5 star performances as well.Tom Hulce is fantastic as the cackling,foul-mouthed,musical genius Mozart.F.Murray Abraham,in the role that won him an Oscar,portrays Mozart's jealous friend Antonio Salieri.And Elizabeth Berridge plays Mozart's loving wife Constanze amazingly.All of this helps to make the story one of the greatest tales ever adapted to the silver screen.We are narrated by Antonio Salieri,who sits in a mental institution after trying to kill himself.He is visited by a priest to whom he confides the story about his relationship with the musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.Salieri meets Mozart while he is still young.Salieri has always been inspired by Mozart,and when he gets the chance to meet him,he searches the concert hall for Mozart,looking for some outward sign of genius that will lead him to Mozart.When he finally finds Mozart,he discovers the musical prodigy to be nothing more than a foul-mouthed perverted young man,chasing a girl about the concert hall trying to get her to marry him.As the story progresses and Mozart and Salieri's relationship in the emperor's court deepens,Salieri's envy of Mozart's talent grows until Salieri begins planning to end Mozart's career,by any means necessary.Amadeus swept the Academy Awards in 1985 and it deserved everyone it got.Everything about this movie is fantastic,there's no questioning it.For outstanding attention to detail and a wonderfully rounded out film,I give Milos Forman's Amadeus a 5 out of 5 on my rating meter.I highly recommend it.跪求电影《玫瑰之日》下载种子或链接,英文名the day of roses!!!求大神出现!!!_百度知道
跪求电影《玫瑰之日》下载种子或链接,英文名the day of roses!!!求大神出现!!!
央视很久以前放过,片子绝对好看,就是找不到资源,求大神出现!!!! 种子发
澳大利亚的电影  根据澳大利亚曾经轰动一时的戈兰威尔火车灾难事件改编,以失事调查和整个救援过程作为主线。  该片获得了三项电视电影大奖和一项提名。  
《玫瑰之日》(澳大利亚)  Day of the Roses  1998年出品PS:听都没听过,就别掺和。。。
时长Movin' Up
Carlos Jean & Aqeel
Carlos Jean & DJ Nano feat. Ferrara
Hungry Games
Electric Nana & Carlos Jean
I'll Never Let You Go
Carlos Jean & Aqeel
Electric Nana & Carlos Jean
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Carlos Jean & David Van Bylen
Electric Nana
Electric Nana
Electric Nana & Carlos Jean
I'm Not Driven
Carlos Jean
Carlos Jean
Carlos Jean
Carlos Jean
The Jewelry
Carlos Jean


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