请问Danielle Bradbery唱的2014索契冬奥会花样滑冰主题曲《My Day》3分11秒出现的

布莱贝莉唱索契冬奥会主题曲 因《美国好声音》走红
来源:凤凰娱乐综合日 14:20
丹妮尔-布莱贝莉(资料图)  据台湾媒体报道,俄罗斯首度主办的索契冬季奥运将于北京时间今天午夜举行开幕仪式,俄罗斯砸下100万美元(约3千万元台币)筹画节目,但对表演节目讳莫如深。  某新闻网站透露,在《美国好声音》(The Voice)竞赛节目脱颖而出的17岁女歌手丹妮尔布莱贝莉(Danielle Bradbery),将应邀演唱冬奥主题歌曲《My Day》。俄罗斯提琴家巴什梅特(Yuri Bashmet)、 指挥家格吉耶夫(Valery Gergiec)和钢琴家马祖耶夫(Denis Matsuev)也可能出现在表演名单中。  至于众所瞩目的点圣火人选,有媒体指有可能是俄罗斯总统普丁的绯闻女友、曾获奥运金牌的韵律体操选手卡巴耶娃(Alina Kabayeva),但克里姆林宫已驳斥此说。
12./ 10 分
19./ 10 分
21./ 10 分
25./ 10 分
13./ 10 分
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All Rights Reserved免费歌曲试听:
Danielle Bradbery My Day.lrc歌词(下载lrc歌词,请用左键点击上面的“下载LRC文件”紫红色图片)感谢 我爱歌词组 潇风寒月 编辑歌词[ti:My Day][ar:Danielle Bradbery][al:][by:潇风寒月]匹配时间为: 04 分 01 秒 的歌曲[00:00.00]My Day - Danielle Bradbery [00:07.73][00:08.34]◎ 歌词编辑:潇风寒月◎[00:18.33][00:19.25]Like a lotus flower growing in the dirt [00:28.21]Aint nobody ever noticed what its worth [00:37.21]Til the sun shines and the rain falls and [00:41.85]In no time it all is beautiful[00:46.20]This is my day, this is my day[00:55.20]Ohhhh, won't let it slip away[01:04.15]Oh, waiting for these changes to say, [01:13.00]this is my day[01:20.77][01:22.10]There's a voice inside that's trying to be heard, hmmm [01:31.10]And it's echoing across the universe [01:40.10]If you listen it'll lead you to that place you've always been running to [01:48.99]This is my day, this is my day[01:57.96]Ohhhh, won't let it slip away[02:06.96]Oh, I'm waiting for these changes to say,[02:16.05]this is my day[02:18.21]I always saw it coming[02:22.53]A little light behind the clouds [02:27.09]This is the start of something [02:29.92]My heart believes it now[02:35.05][02:35.96]This is my day, this is my day [02:45.07]Oh, won't let it slip away [02:53.56]Oh, this is my day, this is my day[03:02.97]Oh, won't let it slip away [03:11.99]Oh, I'm waiting for these changes to say [03:21.04]This is my day, ohhh my day,[03:33.82][03:39.00]Like a lotus flower growing in the dirt[03:46.70][03:51.19]我爱歌词网
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